Boss ME 90 - Taking Tactile Multi FX to a Whole New Level!

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[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Paul from the studio rats today is a fantastic day because boss have just released their latest version of their me range and this is the me90 now the last iteration of this was the me80 which I reviewed possibly about a year maybe a year and a half ago and this is the new updated version using the new technology which is aird [Music] [Music] thank you the old me80 was absolutely fantastic and it sounded great and the great thing about the me range is as opposed to deep diving into various menus in a multi effects got all the effects and all the controls right in front of you what I'm going to do in today's video is to set up a sound using the me90 that I would use for gigs [Music] now before we start setting up any tomes let me just explain the whole sort of format of this and what's changed between this and the me80 at the top we've got the preamp and you can think of this as your amplifier section of the unit next to the preamp section you've got your EQ FX2 now you can either use this as a dedicated EQ or you can switch in some extra effects that they've given you and you've got the choice of phaser trim boost delay or chorus next we've got the compressor and effects one you can either use this as a compressor like I would probably tend to do or you can add some different effects like we've got defreta octave humanizer and an auto while next we've got our overdrive section and because we're using bosses a ird technology we've actually got some of the effects from the higher end range things like the GT and the GX next we've got our mod section and you can think of this as like choruses vibratos flanges tremolos that sort of stuff and then we've got our delay and last of all our Reverb now the great thing about this Reverb is you don't have to go sort of deep diving into menus literally you've got three different choices where you can switch it from a run Reverb to a whole to a spring or with one turn of this control and then at the other end of the pedal we've got this expression pedal here which you can use for a variety of different tasks things like volume or even Wawa to even pitch shift effects where you can do your whammy type effects one of the things that really differentiates this between the old me80 is with the me90 you can now load in your own IRS so not only can you use bosses cab Sims which are dedicated for each of the different amp Sims you've got here but you can load in your own IR for whichever patch you want you might notice I've got a pedal by the side of this we've also got in the me9t is an effects and return what we can do with this is to switch it post or pre the preamp section so for instance if you've got an overdrive pedal you can put it before the preamp to get all your drive tones and also if you want to use it for plugging in a delay or Reverb we can have it post the preamp session so the Reverb or the delay isn't affecting what's going into the front end now what I'm going to do is just to switch it out of memory mode and let me just explain quickly what the difference is between memory and manual with memory mode you can store all the different patches onto the pedalboard so you can access them as a set so for instance if you've got a clean sound you can have your clean sound on memory number one you can go to lead sound on memory number two Etc and then by switching to manual mode that means that we can use the pedalboard like you would with individual pedals so for instance I can switch on and off you overdrive modern Reverb and delays [Applause] so as I said what I'm going to do with this is set up a sound that I would like to use for a gig now what that means is that I would like to use it in manual mode so I want to use it like I would a pedalboard so first of all what I'm going to do is to get the amp sound the way that I want it now again because we're using the a ird technology we've got all of the X amps that come with the gt1000 and the gx100 and all of those sort of processors so I'm going to switch it down to my frame of that range which is the X crunch now the great about the X crunch is that you can use it for a variety of different tones where you can clean it right up or you can sort of drive it quite hard and get some great sort of lead tones foreign [Music] now I'm going to use it as more of a clean tone or maybe sort of on the verge of breakup so I can add an overdrive pick to that when I want more of a later sound now straight out the back that sounds great but let's just bring back the treble just a little bit turn up the base a bit now I'd like to add some reverbs I'm going to switch on the Reverb by pushing this button here and we get this really stereo Reverb [Music] now if I want less of that I can bring it back and the graphics go from like a small line to a thick line now that's the amount of Reverb [Music] and then I could take it down to the room setting [Music] or the spring setting now for me personally I really like the whole setting [Music] I always think boss do such a great job of compression so let's put on a compressor by switching on pedal number one [Music] next I said some delay now this is going to come before the Reverb as with all the different effects that are built into the me19 we've got all these different choices as well that we could have one of my favorite delays is an electro harmonics memory man and that's got modulation in the delay as well so let's switch it up to the modulate setting [Music] and it just adds a nice bit of modulation to the delays it's going to bring back the effects level just a little bit just so it's not as overpowering [Music] so there's my basic sound what I'd like to do is to add some overdrive before the preamp section now as I said earlier what I can do is to use the overdrive section which is this bit here of the me90 or I can plug an overdrive pedal into the effects Loop and have it on the pre preamp section and then be able to switch in my drive sound before the preamp okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I can leave the overdrive pedal on and then control the overdrive pedal when I want it on by using the control button here but I'm going to use it at the moment by switching in and out the effect by using the pedal on the overdrive pedal what I'd also like to do is have a boost that comes in before the preamp section so I can use the overdrive section of the me90 [Music] [Applause] so then I've got three different combinations of overdrive flavors either from pushing this pedal or from pushing this pedal or combining them thank you [Music] what I'd like to be able to do now is to have some modulation that I can switch in and out of the patch and boss do such a great job in modulation what I'd like to have is a unified so I'm going to switch it down to the Univision setting here [Music] foreign [Music] foreign pedal at the end and boss have made this expression pedal larger than the old me80 unit so that's a really handy feature and we can choose between all these different pedal effects now the way that I'd normally do this obviously you have it on the floor and by pushing down with your foot accesses the pedal effects now when the pedal effects is off acts as a volume pedal [Music] so you can either use it for swells or when you need that extra bit of volume by pushing down on the pedal effects we've got all of these different options here where we can use it to control the pitch do you have valve settings [Music] for those sort of more sort of unusual wire type effects or for a while [Music] now the thing that I really love on this free setting now the thing we can do with this if I play a chord let's put the Univar in [Music] foreign [Music] we've also got a really handy tuner if I hold down the memory manual button foreign because boss have updated it and they're using the latest technology we can actually buy a Bluetooth adapter for the me19 plug it in the back and then control all the effects from your phone or from your tablet and also we can plug it into your computer and use boss tone studio so if you're the sort of guitar player that doesn't want to Deep dive into menus and deep dive into different pages and take ages to set up your guitar sounds the me90 sounds absolutely fantastic anyway I really hope you guys got something out of this if you did get something out of it don't forget to like And subscribe click on the Bell button and you'll be notified of any future video that comes out from the studio apps I'm Paul and I'll see you next time cheers [Music] thank you
Channel: The Studio Rats
Views: 28,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music producer, composer, songwriting, session player, guitar, studio, studio gear, music gear, studio musicians, production, pro tips, professional musicians, recording studio, music studio, music recording, recording techniques, how to be a music producer, guitar tones, boss effects pedals, boss me 80, boss me 90, boss me-90, boss me-80, boss me 70, boss me 50, boss me-90 review, boss me 90 review, guitar multi effects pedals
Id: jDK-Ij-sQnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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