Bose SoundControl Over the Counter Hearing Wearable

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Bose has created the first pair of FDA approved  over the counter, hearing aid, wearables.   Welcome to my channel if you're new, my  name is Emily. I created Definite Hearing as   a way to increase awareness for the deaf and  hard of hearing. I'm hard of hearing myself.   I wear hearing aids, I've worn them since I was  four months old and I am so, so grateful for that.   Alright so Bose has the first FDA cleared over the counter  hearing aid. I hope you stick around to the end   of this video, because if you do, I'm going to  share my thoughts on these, what I wear them,   what are the upsides? What are the downsides?  I'll let you know that the end of this video,   if you haven't already please like this video and  subscribe to my channel. I look forward to making   more great content for you. Alright, so let's talk  about these Bose over the counter hearing aids,   they are called, the SoundControl wearables, these  are over the counter hearing aids which means   that to get these people don't have to go to an  audiologist, they don't have to go to your doctor,   you don't have to go to a hearing aid dispenser,  they can order them straight from Bose and   they show up to their doorstep, this is pretty  impressive considering the fact that hearing aids,   up to this point, have been widely gated it  has been required that in order to get a pair   of hearing aids that you need to go to a dispenser  or an audiologist and through these are notorious   for being very expensive. Not only that, they're  typically not covered by private insurance so it's   just a punch to the wallet so what is different  about these Bose SoundControl hearing aids? Well,   first off, you don't have someone else program  them, you order them they show up at your door   and you use the Bose app to change various  settings, such as the volume level, the tone, the   treble and the bass levels to magnify quiet sounds  to focus on what people are saying and things like   that I was really confused though because in the  press release both said that it would take up to   30 minutes for these changes to happen, I have my  ReSound hearing aids and I can make changes on the   app, instantly, so that was a little confusing,  hopefully we can get some clarification there,   in addition to the app Bose is offering support,  you can sign up for free video appointments on   their site, because there is no support or a point  of contact Bose has announced that they will be   offering free video help for anyone who  may need it. They've also said that these   wearables are water resistant, they're not  something that you can submerge in water but   if you were to get hit by some mist or some rain,  they should be water resistant most hearing aids,   all hearing aids that I've ever experienced have  really high IP or Ingress Protection rating,   they are very water resistant but they are not  completely waterproof. Bose has also said that   these wearables use the same batteries as hearing  aid batteries, zinc air batteries, I actually have   those batteries in my hearing aid, these are zinc  air batteries, they are great. I have noticed that   mine last about a week. According to Bose, they  say that their wearable should last 14 hours for   four dates, so if you do the math, give or  take, it could be about the same as mine,   but I would say that a wearable or a hearing  aid my hearing aids last about a week on these   batteries and every hearing aid is different  you know you have the rechargeable ones that   you charge every night and then you have the  battery powered ones where the batteries last   several days depending on how big that battery  is and how much power the hearing aid needs. I've   noticed that my right hearing aid that battery  dies faster than my left hearing aid batteries do   just because my right hearing aid is having to  use more power because my right ear is my worst   ear, so I definitely expect to see some  fluctuations in the Bose sound wearable,   with regards to the battery power and the  battery life, one unfortunate aspect of the   SoundControl wearables by Bose is that they  do not take calls, and you can't stream music.   That's like so sad I thought like, it's both. If  it can connect to an app. I'm shocked. They didn't   put the Bluetooth capabilities into it like they  do with their headphones or earbuds to take the   calls into streaming music like, Why would you  not do that Bose? That's like one of the biggest   selling points of my hearing aids, is if you  have Bluetooth capabilities on your hearing aids,   you know, they're awesome. You know they are.  I love mine so so so much. Alright, and last   but not least, let's talk about price Bose is  pricing these hearing wearables at about $850   each. They're releasing them in a limited  amount of states in the United States and   they will branch out from there. I have no idea  how they chose these states because they all seem   really random. So, Massachusetts, Montana, Texas,  and the Carolinas: North and South Carolina,   I don't know how they chose those but like  super random. So if you happen to be one   of those states, then you could possibly buy the  Bose SoundControl wearable as soon as May 18! Whoa,   that's cool. Anyway, that's super exciting. This  is just one of I think so many over the counter   hearing aids that I believe are going to become  available in the next five years. Now I'm not   saying it's going to take five years or more over  the counter hearing aids to come out. That's not   what I'm saying, I am saying that competitors are  going to rise and they're going to rise quickly,   I expect Google and Apple and other tech like  giants to be coming out with their own version   of the over the counter hearing aid, one thing  that could have slowed down this process is the   FDA is failure to outline what the criteria for  an over the counter hearing aids are which kind of   makes me wonder how to both get it approved but  we've got to figure that out. Anyway, there is the   spotlight on the sound control Bose wearable,  that is the first FDA approved over the counter   hearing aid, what are your thoughts on this, I  would love to hear in the comments below. Thanks   for sticking around to the end of this video I  want to share my thoughts are on this hearing,   wearable, so it is important to mention that this  is a wearable, this is not a hearing aid, I think   the biggest fault for this is, it is good for mild  losses like if you just need a little pick me up   great but the problem is, The person will be  tuning this to themselves. My biggest problem   with my hearing loss is I don't know what I don't  hear, I can't imagine trying to like, just turn on   the volume, and hoping that I'm hearing what I'm  hearing, because the problem is people just think   that with deaf and hard of hearing people, you  just need to turn the volume up. That is not true   every hearing loss is different every hearing  loss, like as unique as the person. There are   certain tones pitches frequencies that you can and  can't hear. How do you know to tune your hearing   aids to if you can't hear it. Well, I go to an  audiologist and the audiologist performs scientific   tests that show where I'm deficient and they  program my hearing aids to match and complement   that loss. So, these Bose sound wearables would  not have that you don't have any kind of like   expert help or support you just would be  calling the Bose customer support team.   I wouldn't want to trust my hearing loss with  that studies have shown that untreated hearing   losses can lead to early onset dementia, I just  as far as my hearing and cognitive health, this   is definitely not a product for me but I will say  I have moderate to severe hearing loss, so that is   different than maybe a really mild loss and these  wearables, would be a good fit for it. Another   thing I want to mention is the price point, this  is good, and and $850 For one, that's perfect   if you're going to use it all day every day and  you're going to use it to hear, that is awesome, I   love this price point, I just don't think it'll be  competitive with hearing aids because hearing aids   are so different but I am hoping that it increases  the competition and the quality of the hearing,   wearables. Another thing is, the domes. So it looks  like Bose does not have a plan to create a custom   ear mold for these wearables. So, as you notice  I'm wearing hearing aids that have ear molds,   these are silicone impressions of my ear and  they're fit to my ear domes are just little   squishy silicone things that you push in your  ear, they do not fit as well and therefore they   decrease the sound quality, entering your ear.  And so that is one potential downside of these   wearables, and last but not least, no Bluetooth,  that was a big one for me, I was like, Bose,   you totally could have added the Bluetooth but  they didn't. So I wonder if they have plans to do that.   Let's see, there are my thoughts on the  Bose SoundControl hearing wearables,   if you haven't already please leave a comment  down in the comments below, would you wear these   are they a good fit for your hearing loss.  What are your thoughts, I'd love to hear,   thanks so much for sticking around to the end of  this video, please like this video and subscribe   to my channel. I hope you have a great day and  as always, stay strong and stay amazing. Bye.
Channel: Definite Hearing
Views: 362
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: hearing loss, hearing aids, Hard of Hearing, D/deaf
Id: IY7a-mJdCwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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