Bose Quietcomfort Ultra Headphones VS Sony WH-1000XM5 | New ANC KING??

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aware immersion quiet [Music] immersion [Music] quiet [Music] all right so I don't know how well the noise cancelling performance will translate through that test but based on my personal experience I'll definitely say that the quiet Comfort Ultra have the stronger noise cancellation so these might be the noise cancelling headphones to beat for the next couple years years now before we get to ahead of ourselves let's talk pricing and all that so the quiet Comfort Ultra come in at 430 bucks and at the time of this video you can grab these Sony XM 5s for 400 bucks now that could change as we get closer to the holiday season but with the Quiet Comfort Ultra since they literally just came out I doubt we'll see any discounts anytime in the near future so as far as accessories the main one that you're going to get with both is going to be a travel case it's always nice to have one of these especially with headphones in this price range now what you'll notice is that the Bose case is definitely smaller which I do prefer and the reason it's smaller is because the quiet Comfort Ultra are able to collapse when the xm5 initially came out the fact that they don't collapse was a big topic especially for those that were coming from the xm4 so those of you that travel a lot you might enjoy the more compact case of the quiet Comfort Ultra moving things over to the actual headphones they're pretty much identical as far as weight I put both of them on a scale and they both came back at 8.7 oz so very lightweight no matter which way you go now one thing I prefer on the Sony's is just how they feel in the hand they have a very soft matte finish that feels very smooth to the touch the quiet Comfort Ultra on the other hand have a more hard plastic finish and I do want to say it's not a hard plastic finish that feels cheap by any means it's just not as soft as the Sony's as far as the button layout pretty similar approach with both of these on the Sony's you have a power button and an Ambient sound button and then the media controls are handled with the touch surface on the right ear cup on the quiet Comfort Ultra you have a power button as well as a multi-function button and then you have a touch capacitive area that controls your volume now one thing that's new on the quiet Comfort Ultra is when in detection so like I said there is a power button but they have this new sleep mode that is activated whenever you take the headphones off so of course you can use the power button to Simply turn them off otherwise if you remove the headphones from your head they go into a deep sleep to conserve battery life and then once you put them back on they wake up and they're instantly ready to go now by default they're set to power off by themselves after 24 hours but you can go into the app and change that that if you want as far as battery life the xm5 are rated for 30 hours on a single charge and the quiet Comfort Ultra are rated for 24 hours on a single charge as always those numbers are going to vary depending on your use of the headphones so things like volume level noise cancellation phone calls all those things are going to impact your actual numbers now if either of these are completely dead they are fast charging capable so the quiet Comfort Ultra can give you around 3 hours of use after just 15 minutes of charging and the xm5 can actually give you around 3 hours of use after just 3 minutes of charging however that's only with a USB power delivery adapter the other alternative is that both headphones can be used wired as well so the quiet Comfort Ultra have a 2.5 mm audio jack and the xm5 have a 3.5 mm audio jack now when it comes to comfort I will say that both headphones are extremely comfortable like I said they're very lightweight both coming in at 8.7 Oz the cushion on the headband as well as the ear cups is a little bit thicker on the quiet Comfort Ultra but the only real difference I can personally tell between the two is the clamp Force the quiet Comfort Ultra feel just a touch tighter compared to the xm5 now part of that could be that the quiet Comfort Ultra are new and I've had the xm5 since they came out so it's possible that they're just more broken in like I always say these things are highly subjective so it really depends on the size of your head as well as the size of your ears if you have a smaller head the quiet Comfort Ultra might be the better choice if you have a larger head the xm5 might be the better choice so let's go ahead and jump into sound like we saw with the Quiet Comfort Ultra earbuds the quiet Comfort Ultra headphones have Snapdragon certified I sound along with appex adaptive so as long as you have a compatible phone you can take advantage of lower latency and higher resolution audio another big ticket item is the immersive audio which is essentially spatial audio now like I said with the Quiet Comfort Ultra earbuds the immersive audio or spatial audio whatever you want to call it it isn't something that I recommend for every type of music or every artist but for certain types of music it is worth experimenting with for example I've been listening to the artist Friday quite a bit lately and his music is kind of like gospel inspired R&B in a sense uh he tends to have a lot of layers as far as harmonies and background vocals and things of that nature so with his music I actually think the immersive audio sounds pretty good otherwise a lot of songs tend to sound just kind of echoey and washed out now aside from the immersive audio I would say that these two are pretty evenly matched when when it comes to sound I think they're very comparable as far as bass as well as just treble and Clarity and of course with both you do have customizable EQ the xm5 also have high-res audio with ldac so similar to The Quiet Comfort Ultra if you have a compatible phone you can take advantage of that honestly I don't feel like there's any glaring differences where one outshines the other but I will say that the Bose does seem to have a tiny bit more control the close closer you get to max volume long story short both of these are excellent in terms of sound both options also have multi-point connection so you are able to connect to two devices at the same time so we touched on active noise cancellation in the beginning of the video and again I do feel like the quiet Comfort Ultra have a slight Advantage as far as transparency mode the biggest difference is the active sense option on the quiet comfort so what this does is eliminate any sudden loud noises to help protect your ears for example if you're outdoors and it's a really windy day the headphones will respond to that wind noise and eliminate it or if you're outside going for a walk and there's a car passing by that's blasting music the headphones are going to respond to that and eliminate it so that your ears aren't subjected to it with the xm5 you do have Sony's adaptive sound control but that's more so adjusting Things based on the noise level as a whole rather than individual sounds now let's go ahead and move over to the microphone comparison all right so first up we're checking out the Sony wh1000 xm5 outdoor microphone test as you can see so next up we'll switch things over to the Bose quiet Comfort Ultra and uh we'll see which one you guys think sounds best as you can see we do have a uh somewhat busy street right next to me so we'll see which one cancels out the road noise a little bit better as well all right so now we've switched over to the Bose quiet Comfort Ultra as you can see same outdoor microphone test so you guys let me know which one you think sounds better drop a comment down below to me I think it's pretty obvious that the xm5 have the better microphone performance so that's definitely something to consider if phone calls are high on your list of priorities so that pretty much covers it for this video as you guys can see these are two amazing option options as far as active noise cancelling headphones go and like I always say no product is perfect you can see between these two each one performs better in different areas so it really comes down to what's most important to you if you're interested in grabbing either of these make sure you check out the affiliate links down in the description and if you found this video to be helpful do me a favor give it a thumbs up also consider hitting that subscribe button and aside from that appreciate you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Views: 277,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bose quietcomfort ultra, bose quietcomfort ultra headphones, Sony WH-1000XM5, Bose Quietcomfort Ultra Review, Sony WH-1000XM5 Review, Bose Quietcomfort Ultra Microphone Test, bose quietcomfort ultra vs sony wh 1000xm5, sony wh-1000xm5 microphone test
Id: Ii-GvoQr4lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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