Bornholm - Danish Recipes with Herring and Rose Hips | What's cookin'

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see beaches sand dunes picturesque harbour towns bright houses the Danish island of Bornholm has always been a popular holiday destination for the whole family whilst the northern coastline of bornholm is ragged and rocky the southern shores a calm and perfect for any beach lover fishing has dominated island life for centuries and the local speciality has long been the borin homer yellow golden smoked herring yes below version is not just a fisherman but also a smoke master so where however simply had this immerse and he lost it out with his wife Christina and their two children yes / lives in a fishing village right by the sea open the villa and I'm Akiko Aloha Hildegard lentils eating time it's a mild late summers morning at the end of September perfect conditions for fishing yes Bella verson is in his element the yeah constrictor Lagoon or 50 my the yearbook volando on Pavano no and the disk fishing by itself is no longer a sustainable livelihood on bond home over the summer yes / smokes fish for the holidaymakers so some stars fell what here is at Empire screaming leaf in the body go ahead and think about a an order for I'm kissing somebody the little fishing village is discern Markin is on the southern side of the island and is where the family has its smokehouse yes pers father Jack is getting ready to open the shop the entire special they have something to song for B it's a Rendon in oxido Robin evens da Gua Mother's Day it was Jack who twenty years ago made the decision to buy the smokehouse without ever having smoked a fish but he turned out to be a talented salesmen have a burning Assad who the hell has he Lou got a feeling off Fionna bean yeah hope you dick today too you dirty hello how you know Peggy yeah alright little haddock artists a mistake is here wait goodbye lock yeah thought of them maybe I was it oh they say yes Paul Watson and say Oh blue they got this job ESCA a move she go under ha ha ha at the Hydra she may be okay reminds ya in a little hiding place Jack's wife kisses stores her old fish recipes some of which are over a hundred years old there what the family's success is founded upon with her daughter-in-law Cristina prepares fresh salad every morning this morning they're adding ketchup sugar vinegar and chopped onions to the smoked herring release me faulty and Ombuds me buddy here but assist is the Heraclea then stores you see I mean no pollo again we could give Alcott America weeks a loss amongst its ambiguous rang yo do me Alex imma cut her old and treasured recipes are the cornerstones of a inspiration in the kitchen kiss a snag I got them didn't call my head in awesome mail the masa for middle involve kids are into my show only idea so vaguely handsome yes but no longer uses nets but hooks on a mobile device that can be moved around the boat unique the trained mechanic has some rather unorthodox techniques as far as the other fishermen are concerned so just below that 100 there Ninomiya sisyphus command company in Orlando that it is conservative a little Roman says I mean I think the symposium as a classical animals are the police coming up whilst the autopilot steers towards home yes / is dealing with today's modest catch bornholm lies in the middle of the baltic sea and enjoys a mild almost Mediterranean climate summer lasts until deep into autumn the beach is only a few steps from the smokehouse Christina and her daughter are gathering rosehips in the dunes the fruits of the wild rose bushes el mapa still not disappear take form to Microsoft loser so did I can allow this year I thought truth medikit securing mouch hello mr. Cogley claw more Oscar find Kevin order kill Christina was born on the island and grew up in the small village right by the sea yeah burn the petit mal her new answer mom shall save her from gangs component for mix thought that's what the offer to do something filling servos are the boss inhale if you have we have fun of you have been at Hindi bow him in peak season from May to September yes / can spend up to 19 hours a day in the smokehouse the income has to last over the whole year chocolate frosting I'm a Skylark stuff that word is Mario this will initially Pindell fillion of a ruler or Dawa beanie it's got my finger on there my name is Jose Jimenez he I follow the magnetometer and I can see elapsed put in well here dill pepper or paprika yes / has made sure he's checked the weather forecast men women colleano Mitch Joseph the real mr. Malla cult or vine mayor or killed it Leon so the static following mr. vasila a female soul councilman so they will follow a line milsim till they are publicly they bail second how is no see every before the Yellowjackets time for the oven to be turned on just a little at first so the fish loses its moisture it said that smoking herrings originated in Bornholm to preserve the fish from here the traditions spread to other regions the terrace of the smokehouse is still popular in late summer inside preparations are underway for the annual end of season festivities the sound system is being checked and Christina is trying to find places for the hundred and fifty guests the cubic foot left suppressor is tough example vine pink salon ball come on side pinkie flea right listen for the bar near him so see us in the evolving the second funky comes back I'm going to employ tur this is a beautiful dish understand fish and salad is on offer over the whole summer tomorrow they'll also be something for the beach lovers yeah I'm looking for some bangs and we have a good evening so let's add a mess up for them IV robots affiliate at a great snack the fish is dry and ready to be smoked the closely piled all the wood spices the smoke and the flames need to remain nice and low you wanna come a white boy between the partners in the gondola so ka going on still ok goo boo too late okay get set yeah kay gear on the physically no space and it's a over huh then next the team for what's to Europe or even has given my to Ghana for the fin nori Harbor the medieval body a Fidel as a body blondie Omega star here for fun Warren Fisk medal acts as a senior deflate all axonal DPS order so they said him for startin so good start for fun traffic into the middle rosehip seeds irritate the skin so every last one needs to be removed lettuce wrap mr. katsas cone - Marzuki the rose hips will make a savory filling for muffins but yes this is giving a screen load give you her Cristina adds some apples and lemon rind to the rose hips now a little lemon juice and lots of sugar and the mixture is cooked into a marmalade yes / needs to extinguish the higher reaching flames again and again the process lasts three to four hours yes equally Aaron Samuel Whitney in Madonna humid are known for totemic IT mama ski boy where Koontz kaput Fishkin in Tiger Mia - or Napa as a people and if the Thai team also gets additional men many are aesthetic for example of aesthetic for the Sam's may owe such divinity valosky listening yeah Amedeo girl so with all the ski and a convoy this one's gone in here come on fire come on Liza that's over yeah see you see that until ok ten-year-old Mona's often helps his dad at work maybe he'll take over the smokehouse one day if you knew it a guru the sermon is ready first Helena my job so I returned here soaked easily catendra - christina has made a dough from whole wheat and almond flour the marmalade is ready - ok so I scan apple juice that's my mom Lily giggles real sisterhood of Thai yoga Amla hi it's just happened it's Michelle tuft just like them doctor just a little bit dr. Maha hurt stiff compassionately so mr. Weiss are you gone down scan so it's gonna put them young it takes about 20 minutes for the muffins to become golden also clean and all blurred endless okay I sleep for basic and so so care nice much peace thing I didn't go Eddie yeah you clean mounds is bringing his grandfather smearing this time salted not smoked he and his little sister Alma are the only children in the village and so become part of the adults routine a little quicker I'm on what ya call chest killer ah what I'm talkin busy my Linea Boyer yes / usually makes fried salt herring outside on his mobile stove when stink-eye illness if you want a Araceli or in you yeah he's a yes a many TR who will hope to the air nice artistic seasons yes yeah whoo Kate Leah to our statistics Elaine who supply don't you stand up this office I'm never well you saw him Olivia Denis Kurt no I thought her on their sales take seeds of friendly for you so will anybody Raquel did the effects are I avoid a facelift awesome haha Manas coats the herring Phil it's in rye flour the herrings have been in brine for a month and then soaked in water for 12 hours I shall ordinal Sheen's and it's got hold for Dan place nobody's off and he leaves your arms burning through in their science Eagle alone dormady below eating there are four year tile on sale on yeah the grown at the end of season party tomorrow Jack and monus will be performing together Jack plays the banjo and malice the washboard it's a 40 ml with eaglet I'm it earlier some say also cool I promise it's it us up to tell a for the conformity school and I'll have a lawn if I thought my I'm gonna do this all of that gold in a can always my best apart they do work hard to make the following job no servile okay confid granule all right and they are looking better they got a lot the traditional meal for born home holidays is ready the herring is served on rye bread with beetroot onions and homemade mustard Oh Cathy Ivan yeah yes / who's 7 month break from being a smug bastard is about to begin has a special plan for the evening spearfishing he'll get messy spin that's always been on a common message to your family no no husband so Monica I'm damn so clip-on s carpet Ivana Venice Acadia McHale it got based on chains spearfishing requires patience it doesn't always happen as quickly as today I'm in the XML Horomia position for their home straight or illegal to legal Oakland evander going or swimming and they were to be the more decent like it the signpost that takes the holidaymakers to the smokehouse is being packed away it's the end of the season Vanessa you know tomorrow the family will be able to relax and quiet time on the island begins from October till April the locals have the island all to themselves there's the shoulder hair afternoon fisting what we call them and we're seeking them manga of Austria nekoma show day and I come home and when I became that I see a favela fanatical mode we have here for our freedom someone at the filler Hill Vosloo on someone it is the air we kick eleven and say okay good planning man I that's a Miss Christina burning balls i'm mr Boyle had the ball and I still said I'll look for Mia on salvia like sitting and material like a lower ventilated put in will the physical hiatus it landing sir let's just arrow down lap here that fell a life eating me a little tensed I walk dryer and then fly Stumbo did a semi genome acrylic issue so sabor with a cemetery for the diagonally opposite well um de mama lick it use your hind the helium-4 suddenly he never started pelvis already shortens already told us a nude ladies you know Judy told oh okay stamp some cycling skiing tanker burn yes / has turned the smoking oven on one more time but this time not for fish the creator of recipes is trying something new once again smoked salt the salt is supposed to take on a smoky note from the oven this is a trial run well I'm terrible eNOS handsomer than air so the did mama did mama themed conscious dancer shmear now he's gonna scale the salt can't be too sticky or too dry the isolation with the pollen is the air suffice for many in him in Ohio some of the most senior madhavan Aqsa big cake people they can't sing them only portman boy always fun the Toyota and Hong Kong will meet the horses some of your food fad for fighting girl who's got a curse on especially classy and fun what's whistling nor an indicator for pogrom nor non-eternal quality and italo's yeah yeah when can be given I just give a new when I apply from gear the private show smoked salt is particularly good for vegetarian dishes mixed with rose hip it's even healthy granddaughter Alma also gets to help out super Kisa mashed the rosehip after picking it and then let it dry in the oven for two days ground to a powder it's now being mixed with the smoked salt really makes it think I can listening for know that I made on the CB some in some house one so what we poured whiskey for New Year's some more money in siloam exercises see to add a new tool to tensile so what they got new schedule Allah so then Kimble falling buffering with season of improv Arab there I was I lean away as if I was a mistake say like this cream somewhere Ted it's a lime decocker gold 40 they were mean I know freezing the more guests the more work something jack and yes / know how to handle release it will lay it let's go exacting Obon exactly will Aristotle or another yeah oh it's the barn opposed it's giving you see any bar knows it's not just the end of the season for the holiday makers but also for the locals your boyfriend aloo of y'all a horse loser you cannot idea mama - Cup migaila yeah finally the roast is ready with a perfect crust do what work you can you know manga means good IV in before put in three other yes we were here diffident acquire lhasa diggy diggy simply luck today yes / is not just fishermen smoke master and entrepreneur he's also grill master jag has had an accident in the kitchen it's not certain whether or not he'll be able to play the banjo for the performance with Mona Slater on elevator one the coma in the soup a Scullion means of mabini so I get Billy up it's the last evening of the year where all hands have to be on deck working together yes it's haunted in a den day here he does so on the decent a monopoly set for tomorrow for the shared Amelia then didn't take a flim you fantastical man killing and the sister got did acutely I'm quiet over the ball Jack is determined to go and stage this last time after all following this finale his finger will have seven months to recover Griffith wanted Sarah they don't move out Oh shut up Steven a night for day
Channel: wocomoCOOK
Views: 216,887
Rating: 4.9046745 out of 5
Keywords: cuisines des terroirs, regional cuisine, scandinavian recipes, smoked fish, Out, terroirs, Salmon, zu Tisch in..., PLAY_whats, smoked salmon, danish cuisine, Eating, PLAY_EN, Eating Out in, Zu Tisch, ARTE, scandinavian dishes, cuisine, zu tisch in, des, Smoked salmon with dill, in, PLAY_EH, danish coast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2016
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