BORED With Pentatonic Scales? Try THIS!

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what's up everyone its Mike here from the art of guitar finally getting the new equipment put together so hopefully everything goes smoothly today I just wanted to show you a quick little tip regarding those color forms that I was talking about what I want to show you today is how to take a regular minor pentatonic and using one of the color forms just kind of dress it up a little bit and started thinking modally now so if we just took a regular a minor pentatonic so I'd be here at the fifth fret so a lot of you guys are familiar with that one if we wanted to dress that up a little bit you know sometimes you feel like you get stuck in a box when you're playing this kind of stuff so you're here you could do all sorts of great stuff and sometimes you just want to add a little bit more color to these box shapes so we're gonna do is we're going to take the green form and so far I've taught the blue form on YouTube but the rest of them I ton on the website for the most part but today I'll just show you the green form really quick so we can quickly add this and dress this up a little bit so let's start here at the third fret and we're going to go three five seven so it's going to be G a B now this is kind of interesting we're gonna go to the next string and go fourth fret fifth fret seventh fret mmm next string same thing next string four six seven next drink five seven eight and then finally on the highest string we go five seven nine very strange shape in and of itself but here's the best part if you play that while thinking in your minor pentatonic because we're gonna be kind of playing over the a7 sound sort of thing if you're already in minor pentatonic and you just add a little bit of this green form to it what it does is it transforms if you think of it as starting an a even though we're starting here is our lowest note of the color form this is actually gonna be our starting point listen to this coming backwards [Music] you could swoop down to the lowest part of the forum which is G and come back up today so kind of let make this less confusing if you start here at the 5th fret and play the green form thinking of it as being the second note of the green form you end up with a mixolydian so thinking modally now is a little more fun because it adds some more some more options ok so if I just showed you a couple of ways that you could utilize the mixolydian with the minor pentatonic you probably already do some of these already just out of experimenting so let's say you're doing something like well if you superimpose the green form next to it like we just did what you end up with these notes there's a couple more options there so we add this to it [Music] mmm it's already a lot more interesting than it was so before you bet it just went typical box shape but now you're going and if you want to add more go ahead [Music] the best part is the highest part because you're used to being on the eighth fret for the minor pentatonic and a it's kind of cool to have the ninth fret next to it so you could either slide where you can bend I love doing that a great thing to add to it [Music] the last part was fun because I just crawled up this scale then I just started messing with it [Music] so you can have a lot of fun with this idea especially if you already mix it with something you know like the minor pentatonic scale it's like oh I can see both of them now once you get really good at them so just tack on that green form right next to what you're used to and now you'll see that you are playing right over the top of it it's like superimposing it like I said before and if you know the green forms here you'll know the next one's gonna be blue and then the indigo form and all that stuff but for right now let's just stick one new color in there just to have fun with it okay so once again minor pentatonic a and then just scoot back a little bit and see that superimposed green form in it [Music] give yourself some more options with that okay hopefully you have fun with that try out with some backing tracks and let me know how it goes okay all right if you want to know more about the color forms once again go ahead and hit the website the art of guitar calm and we'll see you guys soon okay
Channel: The-Art-of-Guitar
Views: 400,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, lessons, theory, beginners, advance, lesson, electric, acoustic, the art of guitar, pentatonic, improvising, mixolydian, modes, how to play, going beyond, major minor
Id: Yy9nEIfUayc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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