Borderlands 2 | Crafting Mod Challenge Run | Day #1

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today we're going to be checking out the crafting mod uh it's called spare parts and it's a mod made by Larry Island and this is a really cool mod so basically I can like find an item and then take the parts off of it and slap them on like another item you can download the mod down in the description if you want to try it out for yourself so I am going to be running the uh sanity saver mod too with the spare pots mod I've heard that people are having items get deleted without the sanity saver so I want to make sure my items are all going to be saved new name what do you got oh as in like m craft Maya craft I see what you're doing there all right we'll do it Maya craft beautiful got it border crap dude let's go we can craft grenades too Class mods relics no bar turn that off beautiful so the way the crafting works is only for the item of the same type so I can't craft you know a assault rifle with a SMG that's not going to work uh I need to you know do a sniper with a sniper pistol with a pistol and also they have to match Rarities or be even higher Rarity so I can't rip off like a white Rarity item and slap it on a legendary you can take parts off a legendary but you can slap them on a lower Rarity yeah so let me show you the way I have my mod set up in case you guys want to match what I did python part Notifier you have to have that on so I disabled all that stuff for like you know telling me the parts on the gun cuz I know my parts you know I don't need to like visually see it but you do need that for the mod it like you know uses part of that mod uh sanity saver to make sure my items don't get deleted and then yeah so we're doing Rarity lock which means uh only salvaging parts from items of the same Rarity are higher so so it's it's more fair that way um and then we're not doing strict uniques where you have to like rip off parts for the same items so if I want to you know get a matching grp Herald I could rip another heral grip off another heral and slap it on this heral to make the new heral uh no we're just like matching the same r instead and then sandity check Safeguard insane I want to craft you know like crazy things that should not be together like fire on Jacobs or um hey blad off barel on Jacobs you can't really do that for pistols right not for this game we're going to be crafting some pretty awesome stuff first we need to find items to craft so last episode I did ask who's your favorite character in Borderlands 2 and why and our chosen comments going to be from I hope I say this right holes uh Creek will always be my favorite the challenge he can give you but also enjoyment of killing everything with ease all combined on top of his dialogue is just a cherry on top yeah many people share the same opinion cre is a lot of fun and one of the more interesting characters for his personality and also his build uh anyways thank you all for the comment and let's get back to the video and then yeah we're going to go off to um fight for sanctuary and try to get a few items so let's do it okay let's buy this sniper right here I can't afford it oh no I need that uh let me sell this off let's do a craft so we have fire element on this malaan which is huge so we're going to take our Jacob sniper and overlap it on the fire malan we're going to press C and that's going to tell me what I can do with this this is the parts that we have on our current uh Jacob sniper and this is what we can rip off the malaman sniper so I want to rip off the fire element and then I kind of want to do doll site I like doll site better and then yeah we can ins it and see and so you can see here we have a fire Jacob sniper now if I press C to craft right now it's going to delete the Mal on fire sniper and craft the new item we were just like working on there so now we have a fire Jacob sniper uhuh with better Parts too so yeah it's a little bit confusing it's a lot of like text I'm going to try to you know word you through it as I craft yo okay Jacob scrip there we go H I can't afford it hold on yeah I want to get that matching grip on this thing with the matching grip got it there we go okay let's craft it so in order to craft two you have to take off the items and then yeah I'm going to take off the Jacob's grip now we have a perfect rule see except for doll stock we could get that too but I'm not going to worry about it all right craft and there we go we got it oh it's so beautiful back to the main story oh no dude we're even more overpowered than normal cuz we're matching fire element on flash this is cool one shot okay that's busted actually broken ooh no for try it's fine you know what let's just craft like a nice uh pistol for the start level up dude yo we got a torque barrel all right let's go so we'll take the Jacob's grip and then craft beautiful we have an even better roll now look at that hey there we go oh the parts are awful but you know what I can make a new uh version of it so t or grip we got level two at least yeah we're going to keep that for later crabs we're still at the beginning of the game yo level up dude all right we got a Shield okay so we got one penglin part and then blad off and Tor uh can I go ahead and get a little bit tankier cool so we can make a triple penglin shield with all these uh we're going to rip off the penguin battery beautiful so now it's a little bit tankier as you can see and then now we're going to go ahead and do that again penglin body cool and there we go we just made a triple penglin Shield yo level up dude sky rocket oh got him oh I got myself too oh wait a minute hold on hold on we got to get a bonus package we need this okay hold on we're going to farm this level up man Max size sure why not oh level up hey there we go we got one nice and also level up oh wow nice you can't get long buff early game let's make an explosive Skyrocket so oh here we go explosive make sure it works yo what is that that's cursed grade six oh it makes it purple weird so craft it does explosive oh no okay I going to farm one more bonus package oo okay if I can find a better grip on that that'd be cool yo hold on fire rate prefix I can slap that on my uh my Synergy now maybe take that Jacob's grip too so fire rate accessory now Dynamic look at that that's stupid I love it and then we're going to put you on that and rip off the Jacob's scrib so now we have a very very good Synergy level up man wait dude we can make a fire Synergy wait a minute I completely forgot about that uh so let me craft over you rip off the fire element yep that's good craft dude that's so good this mod is crazy fun there we go finally man that was some bad RNG and yeah that's fine we'll take it as a placeholder for future craft dude Skyrocket on uh Captain Flint think about that we can never do that because it's fire right and now it does damage except all my weapons are fire right now aren't they got them no I need that oh man I got to go down okay hold on let me get that bro okay so no prefix on that Thunderball fist I could Farm it up you know what should we Farm it we can make the shock Hornet and then make the shock heral later with the same parts so you know what let's get a Thunderball fist why not oh I didn't even see it uh let's make the shock Hornet okay we're going to do shock element and bl off grip yo we got the Hector's Paradise oh my goodness H confirm beautiful neutral on flash no like damage penalty for doing corrosions oh oh hold on hold on oh you're pretty ooh okay so we can R Farm the sanctuary Mission and make this even better y he dropped a no give me that I almost lost it dude that was a four chunk too what a generous guy fire something something assault rifle for a mission reward and then we slap it on this tor finally dude 41 runs okay so can we make a fire Tor right now we can okay cool oh that is cursed okay crapped okay does it do it let's see oh hold on look at my gun it's shooting out the fire on it oh that's so cool oh okay so impact bullet is fire Splash is still explosive dude it's both elements that's so cool let's go do the herald Farm you know it's a little bit unfortunate I don't have an easy way to revert my uh Skyrocket back to fire oh level up oh we got one hold on hold on let's see okay not a Deepa cram level 10 that's a good roll let's go ahead and take our Herald we're going to salvage our Hornet for a part and make a shock Harold it does turn blue I wasn't sure if it was going to do that a no if I put the Hornet Barrel on I'm going to see that's weird that is so weird I don't think it's a Herald anymore cuz I like replaced the barrel so let me just see if I shoot it what happens yeah it's now a like uh Hornet okay so we don't want that we don't want that so instead we're going to keep the Herold barrel and just make a shock there it is our shock heral craft it's blue it's so blue so if it works like similar to the spitter it should be shock bullet impact and um explosive Splash let's go do the Assassin Farm all right we'll take that okay I got to see this hold on wait explosive oh it's not even doing shock apparently the herold's all explosive no matter what you can't just like overrate that okay we got to see Class mods hold on let me take the binder and the trickster I just want to see oh we can make it a higher grade so get like more percentage out of it yeah grade one versus grade three I want grade three man you kidding me okay 15% okay so we just made a better trickster okay so maybe that's how it works you just like take the better grade for uh Class mods oh in fact you know what no let's get a cat instead like cat for the uh let go our Godly let go we're going to make so I should make the better cat version so let's do that 56% okay so it's a little bit better okay you know what it's a white VAR Shield but let's do that for the moment okay let's rip off the malan part and then we're going to rip off that malan part and now we have the grounded fire Spike Shield a 170 Spike damage that's insane for early game one shot psychos probably hold on punch me yo level up man not getting any drops though that's unfortunate uh let's do emate okay so we have the shock Element blue SMG cool and then yeah let me get the judge LEL up did he drop it and drop it through the floor [Music] I have to watch it back I swear I saw something I thought oh we got it let's go or let's go we got the emperor let's go ah so we're going to rip off the fire element off the emperor oh it's purple Rarity now you know I need to keep that in mind if I use a legendary on a blue I can bring up the Rarity oh my dude that's a who would have guessed you know bers and Emperor together would have been so nasty nice reload wait what's the reload that's definitely mod so again I'm still looking for like prefixes if I can what is going on wait huh what do you mean another Emperor what do you mean another one in 20 was that back to back that was back to back right this is busted there you are finally I'll take that ooh no three in a row but we did get a skin that's funny uh that is three Emperors in a row um okay this one wasn't from you know want level up dude uh I think we're done here let's get out of here so we're going to break down the tender boogs and now we have a fire judge cool okay and now let's go get the Infinity and put it on the judge cuz this is one ammo per shot right right we'll take that oh dude second try let's go lucky lucky okay uh it is no element okay it's fine it's fine okay so we're going to break break down the infinity and slap it on the judge now so we got to take the infinity barrel and now it's a fire Infinity although mag prefix is pointless now but whatever oh that is so cool 3 two 1 craft let's go oh that's so cool and dude the damage is actually really good on it too let's go get our let's go and then uh be even more overpowered yeah you got to keep in mind a lot of the special effects are tied to the barrel of the gun and we can only choose one barrel for the mod okay prefix nope all right our best one's going to be stoic stability so I guess we're taking that okay let's craft it guys it's time we've been waiting for this moment for a long time now let go goes on the commers all right here we go three two one boom there it is oh my goodness oh you're beautiful look at it this thing's pretty good oh no was that one bullet purple okay you're right yeah I can take the emperor oh my goodness I didn't think about that so we're ripping the rar off to make it purple pretty much the body so it's even stronger uh craft confirm cool oh what's up buddy oh um sure I'll take that let's do something wacky here let's do a grenade craft so what happens if I make a fire burst tedor yo wait hold on what does this do I'm curious craft oh it's just called lob now huh oh it doesn't shoot anything out a I broke a that's so sad too bad so it's trying to do the fire burst thing but it's not doing anything got something new let's do it bye are you up oh here we go uh fire lowest damage rule though so Fire fast ball with the bonus package a that's unfortunate so we cannot get the fastball damage on that rip oh back to back look at that okay perfect roll let's see can I make it even more than that large radius okay so is it still the fast ball or no at that point huh oh it's just deleting itself there's no explosion or nothing oh that's unfortunate okay so taking off the fastball part just makes it do nothing but what does fastball delivery even do okay so it's not worth it but they blow up instead when it hits that's cool so it's a weaker fast ball like very weak fast ball okay what about the Skyrocket even though we're deleting the Skyrocket part it's not even here anymore it seems wait would it have fastball damage it did no damage come on man a so yeah the fast ball with the Skyrocket it's like breaking it so we cannot do that but dude it looks super cool though all right so we're going to delete our bonus package to to make it a better fast ball perfect fast ball goodbye bonus package rip cool so now we have a perfect roll for the fire fast ball nice we kind of are doing the hunt aren't we like farming everything as we go along Eternal Flame let's do it rip level up absolutely busted disgusting damage right there uh perfect roll plus fire like come on now you're not going to beat that that thing would like destroy bad mall too oh oh we got it there it is okay parts are horrendous but it doesn't matter we can make a shock Jacobs now hold on hold on cool so that'll be our shock doc long Rider yeah let's craft it beautiful curse Jacobs it's cool though dude if I get the pyrophobia I can make a fire Bandit pyrophobia right okay so not the right part keep it going jeez okay we got it 92 runs there's the m one body we got it right there little spiky thing done so do not sell that that is for our ultimate Shield later on I'm going to respect now I kind of want to go for middle tree all right new build boom crit Pate mag reload oh yo that was weird he dropped too uh we got it cool level 11 wow dude quick draw our prefix on that too okay yeah yeah yeah we're we're doing this we going to make this ultimate launcher right now all right there's our ultimate uh times three swap prefix pyrophobia let's craft it boom all right let's see it does it actually work yo we literally have a baby nor blade time three malan or technically Bandit but kind of Mal one o the thing is so I lose the pyrophobia part if I do nuke them yeah I just want to see even if we don't craft with it I just want to have it for later craft oh we got her cool wasn't as much as I thought it's still really good though considering One ammo per shot is kind of insane level up dude there you are you traitor of a Nukem all right so the torque Barrel would be the nuk part so it would delete the pyrophobia effect right oh it's still going to be two ammo per shot though all right let's craft it boom and then hopefully it will do what I'm thinking it's going to do I love it let's go but dude cursed reload and two ammo per shot that's unfortunate okay what about a Spider-Man King yo this thing is busted that's it for today but before you go we have a question and that is going to be simply what do you think of the crafting mod so far honestly I'm having a lot of fun with it it's something different you would never expect to have in a Borderlands game and I'm really enjoying discovering new crafts but yeah be sure to comment down below and you might be featured in the next video have an awesome day guys and I will see you next time peace out
Channel: Joltzdude139
Views: 202,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: borderlands 2, speed, run, speedrun, glitch, legendary, orange, pearlescent, farming, farm, invincible, loot, rare, drop, skill, tutorial, strategy, easy, migets, ultimate, vault, hunter, mode, uvhm, solo, world, record, montage, secret, area, overpower, overpowered, op, raid, boss, hunt, crawmerax, treasure, badaboom, handsome, edition, patch, community, lilith, fight, sanctuary, new, rainbow, rarity, easter, egg, 2k, gearbox, level, only, challenge, k6, moxsy, ki11ersix, road, op10, bosses, peak, completion, best, siren, maya, craft, crafting, mod, spare, parts
Id: dyvZXhiTi9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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