Border to Border on the Pacific Crest

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starting in the Sandy Sonoran Desert the Pacific Crest Overland route stretches for almost two and a half thousand miles passing through the hottest and driest parts of the US before climbing alongside the cool Sierra Nevada mountains an incredible Cascade Mountains along the way it passes dozens of unique sites both historical and geological including ghost towns abandoned mines bizarre rock formations impressive volcanoes and lava tubes before ending close to the Canadian border we were there to take it on in my new tundra which I just bought three weeks earlier I had taken out on the trails the day after buying it and had quickly learned that it wasn't cut out for a long distance trip the stock tires had very little tread the long wheelbase and load clearance made obstacles a challenge and I wanted more storage some modifications were in order and I had very little time to do it I left my truck with heretic Studio CBI and print suit to be scanned it was so new that nothing had been developed for it a few weeks later I picked it up with a fresh roof rack for storage and bed bars for my I camper Rooftop tent heretic put on the tundra specific lights they developed and went South to Phoenix Arizona for the lift wheels and tires it wasn't finished but it was more than good enough for its first big trip we are back out in the desert and behind me they actually got the Mexican border just over the road there I've got Nick and Jessica in the F-150 Tremor I've got my Tundra which is just freshly modified Andreas is in there with me he just helped me air down and we're getting ready to basically head north through the desert here along the Pacific Crest Overland Trail the route starts along the Sandy banks of the Coachella Canal which was bumpy and slow going due to the whoops but Andreas and I were both excited to be back out he's done several other trips with me but this was the first time in California for both of us there are a bunch of famous sites to see including Joshua Tree the Mojave Road and the Throne of Pentacles [Music] it was also the first big trip in the new truck and I was looking forward to seeing how it did while I was packing up the Drone I'm pretty sure I heard Andreas say that he also wanted to test it out use the Drone and you said you're going to jump it yep nope nobody said that about eight miles in the road drops away from the canal and the smoother soft sand of the open desert allowed us to speed up and have some fun [Music] [Music] it was getting late so we're gonna start thinking about trying to find a place to Camp I think we're about to get onto pavement for a little bit and then it goes back off into the sand so we might end up camping in the sand so far today the tundra has been fantastic it does really well in the sand hasn't got bogged down at all and with the exception of some of the whoops the lift and the tires have been great there have been a couple of times I bought them out if we hit a whoop really hard I think the front ones are bottomed out and that's on the 35s so I can't imagine what it would have been like on 37s which is what I originally wanted to put on here off Highway 78 is the Osborne overlook this incredible Viewpoint allows you to look out over the expanse of Dune field and as a mixing spot for off-road drivers and photographers who all come out here for the sunset [Music] I found ourselves a nice little place to Camp just as the sun's setting we've got Wilderness Area just ahead of me and then it's BLM here and then caught railroad tracks right there apparently it's not the most peaceful spot because trains go past all night but uh it's beautiful got mountains off in the distance and the weather here is fantastic it's like 75 degrees right now no wind I'm happy [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] as we ate dinner around the propane fire pit we noticed a couple of glowing dots in the dark just outside of camp you bring bear spray history that's right we're probably over their house dude she's like um you parked on my Den this ended up being not such a bad spot after all we had maybe like four or five trains go by in total three or four of them were overnight and they were loud they woke us up but it wasn't so bad since it was just three or four times so now we're getting packed up and then we're going to continue heading north hopefully making up Joshua tree tonight foreign [Music] from Camp it was North again along the well-maintained but very dusty road that ran parallel to the north Dune field [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] feel sorry for Jessica she's driving behind me and it's so dusty there's no way she can see a thing [Music] eventually we reached paved roads at the Salton Sea I'll let you lead since you know where you're going Nick took the lead to show us some of the neat attractions in the area the first stop was Salvation Mountain just outside of Slab City it's created by Mr Leonard Knight was born in 1931 accepted Jesus at 36. and he didn't mess around [Laughter] the 50-foot tall mountain is constructed out of mud and straw bricks waste car parts and tires and an enormous amount of paint after night passed in 2014 volunteers took over maintaining the mountain and protecting it from the harsh desert we continued around the Salton Sea to Bombay Beach which is famous for its rather unusual artworks [Music] foreign [Music] the area was originally a thriving tourist destination of environmental issues with the Salton Sea led to its decline in the 70s today it attracts people to see its odd art features such as the Bombay Beach drive-in movie theater thank you foreign but the sun is just beating down it makes me wish I had some kind of awning right now I've got like the um it's the CBI crossbars on here which is not ideal for my setup if you're going to have those you either need to have the long bed with the long tent or the short tent with a short bed and obviously I've gone with a different combination here uh good thing is that CBI will obviously at some point be coming out with their bed rack the full height one so I'm going to switch that out onto here and then the tin will overhang but the point of saying all of this is I think I need an awning and I really want to get one of those 270 degree awnings because they look they look cool and easy to set up tons of shade great for eating lunch when you're somewhere like this we briefly drove along the Coachella Canal again before cutting Northeast through a series of small Canyons of the mecca Hills [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] most of the Canyons were wide enough for easy driving but there was one very tight spot that definitely made me realize I was in full-size truck now with the help of the cameras I made it through just oh that was tight [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign we've reached the end of the Sandy Rocky Trail right here you've got the highway behind me and we're gonna get on that and I think we basically take that up to Joshua Tree or just south of Joshua Tree where I have a campsite Mark I don't actually remember marking this campsite so I have no idea if it's a good one or not but that's where we're gonna head because at least we know we can get there before dark so should be there around five I think a lot of people camped out here what I'm hoping is all of the RVs and everything are right here right at the edge next to the paved Road and then as we go further in we escape them [Music] we finally found ourselves a spot to camp right here on some BLM land just south of Joshua Tree which starts like 100 feet over there it's not a bad spot the best spot there's a lot of RV out there on the end they've got the best spot because they've got great views up and down the valley mountains in the distance there was another spot that we found earlier on up that way closer to the National Park entrance and it's down a little side road but people had set up camp right in the middle of that side road blocking everyone else from getting through there and then this little camper set up like completely in the middle so we couldn't go there but this place will do it's not as nice so if you come out here there is there are better spots so we're gonna set up we're gonna cook dinner and uh actually gonna help Andreas because he can you check your pockets see if you don't have it if he didn't grab yours because he looks like mine he's lost his cell phone yeah not a good place to lose it though no somewhere out here it might be in my pocket that's what I mean let me look yeah that's yours [Applause] no don't put this on tape it's on camera no where is it call it again so I just call this phone and I know where it is I don't know you're trying it might be exactly where I told him where it is all right Rob do I have to call it again it was funny for a little bit oh okay amazing and what's it connected to no idea what's it connected to nothing the charger that it was plugged into the whole time [Music] the Pacific Crest route goes straight through Joshua Tree but we wanted to spend a little more time exploring the park before we went to bed we looked over the map and picked out a route for the next day [Music] I forgot to show this off yesterday going through that Canyon there's a really narrow section I did scrape the mirrors on there just right on the edge and I actually could have made it through final I need to do is fold in the mirrors because I'm used to the Forerunner size you guys are all staring at me it's making me feel really self-conscious foreign it's not too big of a deal I'm sure it's the first of many scratches I just need to be a little more careful now that I'm driving a full-size truck especially today as we head into some of the trails of Joshua Tree [Music] it was a short drive from our campsite down to the interstate we took it East to the next exit and headed into Joshua Tree we just made it up into the area of interesting rocks so we're gonna make a bunch of stops here starting at Split Rock Joshua Tree National Park is over a thousand square miles an area but you won't actually see any Joshua trees until you make it through Wilson Canyon heading into the Northwest third of the park this area also contains most of the hikes and sites including Split Rock and Skull Rock all right we have just turned off pavement and we're heading up towards the Wall Street Mill it's a short little hike up here no idea what it's like but I do like go and see old mines and Old Mills so check it out [Music] [Music] the Wall Street Mill hike is an easy two mile round trip through the Joshua trees along the way is several offshoots to explore where you can visit crumbling homesteads and find old rusted out cars [Music] the mill was built by William keys in 1930 to process goldor from his minds and other nearby mines in the Mojave Desert they operated on and off up until 1966. we are turning on to geology tour Road and it's not actually the same route as the Pacific Crest Overland route that takes you out the north of the park on Old Dale Road but I saw this on a recent uh Trail Recon video and decided I wanted to give it a go geology tour Road starts off well maintained when you reach the start of Purdue Canyon Road things get a little rougher national parks usually exaggerate the condition of their roads but we decided we'd go ahead and air down while the road definitely wasn't as well maintained it started off easy enough [Music] as we descended the canyon the trail started getting tougher there were patches of rocky road and some tight squeezes we spent the time picking the best lines we could for the big trucks especially since the tundra comes with just one tiny plastic skid plate and neither of us had Rock sliders foreign [Music] particularly tight spot I managed to scrape all four of my brand new method Wheels I know it sounds painful to scratch aftermarket wheels but it's to be expected when taking them off-road and shows that you actually use the vehicle I'm glad to have them too the bead grip is fantastic for holding the bead at lower pressures if you want a set of your own you can get 20 off using the link in the description foreign [Music] [Music] towards the end of the canyon was one final obstacle and the hardest one were done in either of our trucks it was a test of flex and traction for two vehicles not really designed for Wheeling thank you [Music] all the way [Music] [Music] as well foreign [Applause] [Music] both the stock Tremor and modified Tundra were very evenly matched the tundra has far better traction control but with the help of a little better suspension travel and the rear Locker the Tremor was able to get through too so we have just made it out of the national park and out of the canyon and that was a lot of fun that's really that's probably some of the toughest stuff I've done in the tundra now and I really enjoyed it I definitely did get rock sliders though uh especially when I do more stuff like that so now like I say we're out of the national park and I want to be really clear that the gate is just around the corner there because I recently had someone commenting on one of my videos who's Furious saying I was playing inside the national park he's going to report me to the National Park Service and to the FAA and you know all the right people except like I say I wasn't playing in the national park I do pay a lot of attention to these roads where they go whether they're inside or outside of course they all eventually go out of the national park so I wait until we're outside the National Park foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] unfortunately Nick and Jessica had to leave us they've got to go home Andreas and I are continuing on we're going to keep going north right now we're going around Joshua tree up to Joshua Tree the town to try and find a place to Camp that hopefully is sheltered because it is ridiculously windy foreign [Music] the first spot I had picked out to Camp last night ended up being out in the middle of some planes just north of Joshua tree and was really really windy so we decided to head a little further north and we're up here in the Mojave National Preserve now and we saw this little road that came out and dead ended next to some hills on the map and came out here ended up being really sheltered so it was a great little spot unfortunately you aren't allowed fly drones here either it's not a national park but it is administered by the National Park Service so no drones anywhere here that's okay got my camera got my gimbal got some GoPros we'll still get some good footage as we head north further into The Preserve and check out some of the sites on the Mojave Road [Music] thank you foreign we had been looking forward to traveling the Mojave Road it's one of those famous bucket list roads that's known amongst overlanders Nationwide rather than drive along the highway straight to it we decided to take some of the smaller unpaved side roads they were fun and interesting until we turned on to one final Side Road that connected to the Mojave Road it was dead straight for over 10 miles following an old set of power lines we have just reached the Mojave Road so go pick up and we're picking up about halfway along but this is where from here where all the cool sights are to see and I'm kind of relieved to be off that back road that follows those power lines the Mojave Road is a historic Route that has been used for Centuries by Native Americans explorers settlers and Traders to cross the Mojave Desert between distant water sources [Music] most of the road is fairly easy just requiring high clearance but the terrain makes it slow going today it takes about three days to complete the 150 mile route along the way are plenty of stops like the Mojave mailbox I wonder if there's any mail yeah take a look oh there's a book you can sign your name go for it let's go and give us a scene you may have to edit this a little bit make it sound better okay that's so cool oh this was just put in there on Sunday if you get hungry if you need a mask up here [Music] monster trucks there's a pen all right go and sign us in I've decided that rather than sticking my sticker to the outside of the mailbox I'm gonna put them in the mailbox that way if you come up here in the next few weeks or months or I don't know however long you can help yourself [Music] [Music] as you head west from the mailbox the terrain gets more and more volcanic a short drive from the Mojave Road surrounded by Cinder cones are some ancient lava tubes that you can climb down into [Music] foreign [Music] oh well but it opens up check this out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you if you end up following our tracks on patreon then don't or at least not exactly as you come across the Mojave Road there's a bit between a couple of mountains where the roads got lots of splits in it it's very Windswept and unfortunately we made the wrong choice on one of the splits ended up going off track following other people's tracks end up turning around going back to the proper Mojave Road which brings you down here to soda Lake the very windy soda Lake this is kind of a not so flat Salt Flat and if it has rained at all within the last few weeks if you come out here don't come out onto the flats because you will sink into it and get stuck we talked to a couple that we passed a couple hours ago and they said that it's actually fine today but you definitely want to stick to the road because if you step off it gets really sinky like I'm sinking into it just walking on it [Music] as you approach the end of soda Lake you come across traveler's Monument people bring rocks from all over the U.S to add to the pile and read the commemorative plaque that it hides if you want to know what the plaque says I guess you'll have to visit for yourself a short distance further you leave The Preserve and enter the Razer OHV area [Music] [Music] the Mojave Road is initially very easy to follow but because it's an open riding area there are tire tracks in every direction and it's very easy to go of course which is exactly what we did I'm just going the wrong way here you go this is the one I was on the Mojave Road apparently goes through private property there so there's like a detour that goes around it except we now backtracking going the wrong way yes so I see fresh tire tracks on this one I think this is the right Road and it's a lot more substantial so it is really easy to go the wrong direction I see that there are Cairns there's little piles that rock on this one so we'll follow this and we'll follow these tire tracks eventually we ended up back on the route because we're driven into The Preserve late the previous night I hadn't had the chance to download the offline maps on onx off-road if I had I would have had a nice blue line to follow Onyx is a mapping app for your phone and web browser that's fantastic for finding Trails there are hundreds of thousands of miles of curated Trails across the US with details on difficulty and time taken as well as pictures and points of interest if you've got GPX tracks like the Pacific Crest route they're easy to upload or you can create your own on the Onyx website if you want to learn more use the link in the description and use the code Revere for 20 off [Music] foreign things about going over Landing is you always need to be prepared to recover yourself especially if you're going somewhere like this with soft sand and the best way to do that is to go with someone else like we were earlier unfortunately we're alone so I have got myself some recovery equipment that way we're not stranded if we get bogged down in the sand and I actually got myself a couple of pretty cheap recovery boards traction boards from and they came in a few weeks back here they are and you know you might think they're a little compact which they are but it's great because it makes them easy to store and they're very lightweight I actually think next time we hit a patch of soft sand we should test them out see how they do all right so we buried the rear tires just a little bit here and two-wheel drive it's time to test these out like I said these things are great much better than Max tracks because they're really compact the light look how easily they stack together you know they take up no room at all so let's test them out let's see how they do go put one under this tire like that we'll go around the other side follow me around stick the other one under this tire [Music] just like that and hopefully we'll get out now there we're out see Flawless highly recommended of course one of the downsides is when you're in Sands like this it could be a little harder to fine traction board so that's why you go with the bright orange ones so they show up you get them easily [Music] as we joined the beautiful Afton Canyon Andreas climbed out of my window to get a cool shot for his Instagram reels while he was doing it I might have accidentally driven through a puddle [Music] foreign I'm gonna get you back with this one though Rob just wait huh look what you did right you got everything going in here or because you had to lean out the window that video better be gold at the end of the Mojave Road are two final water Crossings and they are known for being deep thankfully the couple would passed earlier in the day had told us to stick to the side closest to the bridge this is where the water line came up to on this side it's a pretty deep water crossing that's like thigh high on me pretty deep after the final water crossing we reached the interstate where we needed to Head West to Barstow a quick stop to eat and I got rid of Andreas before heading out to find a place to camp foreign [Music] last night I dropped Andreas off in Barstow which is just south of here he got a hotel for the night because he's got a bunch of work he has to do he's got Zoom meetings he has to attend and he didn't really want to do that sitting in the tent so he's in the hotel I came up here just north of Barstow in some BLM land found myself a little sheltered spot and I figured I'd use the morning I'm gonna pick him up about two o'clock I figured I'd use the morning to get some videos done I've got to do a walk around to the tundra I want to do an overview of this Rooftop tent uh lift kit review a video on the Lights I've got on the tundra roof rack like a bunch of stuff I've got to get done and so far it really hasn't stopped either raining or snowing or sleeting right now it's sleet and when I got up early it was just a very wet snow so it's kind of unpleasant and I haven't been able to get any of that stuff done so instead I'm just transferring video files across to my hard drive and editing pictures for Instagram on the bright side I did get plenty of sleep I was able to sleep in until nine when my alarm went off where Andreas because he works in Eastern time he had to wake up at 5am and that's why I chose not to stay in the hotel with him after picking up Andreas we headed out to see the Calico Ghost Town hello got two adults yeah in 1881 four Prospectors came across the mountains overlooking the area and noticed their distinctive patterns which resembled a Calico coloring in their exploration they came across a large silver vein within just a few years they were California's largest silver producer accounting for 85 percent of all of California silver where does a successful mine there's money and the town quickly grew to over 3 500 people with three hotels five General Stores three restaurants and a school by 1896 the boom was over the value of silver was down to the point where the mine was no longer economically viable a year later the school and businesses shut down and by 1907 it was completely abandoned in 1951 Calico was bought and restored as a tourist attraction it has a very commercial Vibe and I prefer the ghost towns found in the wild but obviously the tourism has helped maintain what you see today the sun is back out the wind has dropped it's still pretty chilly but I'm just barely comfortable in my t-shirt and we're back out in the desert and actually pretty desolate desert there's not a lot around us so we're airing down ready to follow some tracks that a friend of mine called Sean sent me that basically crossed the desert here to Toronto Pinnacles unfortunately we're close to Edwards Air Force Base and in probably one of the biggest restricted airspace chunks in the US so no drone flying here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you any bears no bears they're probably out oh that's it okay yeah [Music] foreign [Music] ourselves a pretty cool campsite up here with views over the valley set up just as the sun's about to set so I got my time lapse going of course and I guess I need to make Andres put the tent up and start cooking dinner for me all right after that I want you to start cooking dinner me yes I'll bring you on these trips to do the work by myself well you know the cooking the cooking is for you I do the eating I do the cooking that is true I wouldn't say I really do the cooking especially not with that chicken Alfredo thing yeah that's going on I do the heating up there you go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] we had spent the entire morning traveling through the dusty California back roads before coming out onto pavement for a short stretch and finally heading north to something we'd been talking about for days foreign [Music] well here we are the Throne of Pentacles [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] spot definitely worth the trip here if you're in the area and imagine coming here at sunsets the best time during golden hour get the best pictures 100 000 years ago the area surrounding the Trona Pinnacles would have been deep under a series of Inland Seas ancient Springs fed hot calcium rich water into the carbonated Lake water which slowly combined to form huge calcium carbonate spiers today there are over 500 of them some as tall as 140 feet and they make a beautiful place to stop and take pictures for video or camp for the night we wouldn't be camping there however we had another famous location in mind are we just aired back and we're back on a highway we've got about 80 miles to go until we get to Alabama Hills we do just barely cut through the corner of Death Valley National Park but we won't be hanging around I know some of you are going to think that I'm mad for skipping Death Valley but it's because we're gonna be coming back out here later this year and I want to save it for then when we've got a good few days to spend there and for when I have Rock sliders and a winch or some other people with us because I really want to do Death Valley properly [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ly found ourselves a place to Camp just on the North End of Alabama Hills down by movie Road you're not actually allowed to camp on or around movie road but down that area where you are allowed to Camp it's just full of RVs campers fifth wheels vans in every single spot and we drove through at four o'clock we thought we were getting there a little early apparently if you want to get the best spots and you get here even earlier than that but we continued up this area north end and we've still got great views he got the mountains there got the other mountains that way I can't remember the name of them got a time lapse going of that showing the shadow moving up the side of those and we're comfortable we're gonna start cooking and I think tonight's gonna be pretty cold it's already cold as soon as that sun went over the mountains it got cold so I think we're gonna set the heater up tonight [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign well I'll be honest the way people talk about the reward main is expecting a little bit more than just this but at least we're able to back in and get the Instagram shot you know that's the most important thing here maybe we can go inside I'm just turning the truck around I'm Gonna Shine the Light Bars down there and just see how far back it goes come on oh you don't like caves do you [Applause] it goes way back there it goes there's like a road and it goes around the corner traces throwing stuff this tunnel keeps on going it's like just a road going into the mountain it goes around the corner so this is as far as the light bars make it I brought my little flashlight and you can see just keeps on going off into the darkness there are tire tracks in here so obviously people do drive in this far I guess if you've got something that's not quite as tall as the tundra it doesn't have that big antenna sticking out the roof see where they were blasting the holes in the wall here on the rock where they drilled into blast well I think that's plenty far enough all right you wanna come in with me hell no because it goes on and on and on no dude I need someone to come with me yeah good it's just it's just a hole right it's just it's like a road going into the mountain foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign we're just north of Bishop California and back on the dirt roads I don't think we're going to bother airing down on this one because it's so well maintained it's pretty smooth going we've had to skip a few sections obviously we skipped Death Valley because we're coming back here later in the year but we did also have to skip a part that went over the mountains that you see behind me there is a trail I can't remember the name of it something canyon trail goes right up over a peak that's about 10 800 feet and then comes down the canyon there and there's seasonal closures because of the snow so it's just not an option [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you we just found ourselves a fantastic place to Camp completely by accident it's been a little bit of a short day you know we started late about noon went up to the mine and basically drove along the highway to get well just over there about 30 miles that way and as we were driving along the trail I looked left saw this little road going out to the end here and it's like we've got a camper like this is the spot you got views in every direction just snow-capped mountains in every direction and it's only about 4 30 but we figured it's worth it we'll set up we can do some work while we're here it's great internet connection great cell phone connection so we can work here we'll cook dinner and have an early night foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this looks like it might be the end of our Trail I'm not about to go digging through snow again especially well first of all alone and also without a winch we both had a feeling that this was coming because the snow is getting deeper and deeper I'm coming up here and we knew we were climbing an altitude it's actually going across the top of the snow pretty good but I still I just don't want to risk it it's not worth the risk so we'll just backtrack getting out and looking at the snow I think turning around was the right choice it is very icy so it actually supports the weight of the vehicle I was able to drive up onto it but it's just you know you hit that one slightly melted patch you're gonna sink down into it and being alone I don't want to get stuck out here looking just over here it's about a foot to foot and a half deep Here and Now obviously the trail continues climbing as well so whoever turned around before us I think they made the right choice and I think we made the right choice too we're back on the Pacific Crest Trail and uh last night we stayed out on that campsite at the end of the road with a fantastic views all the way around and we've come up here today to where we got stuck last time and you can see that things have changed lots of things have changed first of all it's the end of May there's no snow on the ground so we can make it through but uh the more observant of you may notice a couple of things have changed with the truck the truck that was once Gray is now blue on my way back West for my home in Kentucky I stopped off at Adventure Motors in Kansas City I told them I wanted the truck to stand out on video but not have a color that's available for the tundra from Factory this is what we decided on it's Avery light blue which is an almost perfect match to Blue Flame that's found on the Corolla and RAV4 while I was there we also put the adventure Motors suspension lift on the preload collar I'd had before is okay for Road use but was harsh on washboards and sagged with the weight of my gear the new setup rides perfectly and I particularly like the dovenson's mrrs it has in the rear from there it was back to CBI their full height bed rack was ready which put the tent further forward where I wanted it they had also developed skid plates Rock sliders and their full width front bumper which all gave me the protection I needed to use the truck comfortably off-road in the front bumper we put a full set of heretic studio lights but more importantly it also allowed me to fit some more serious recovery equipment I've got a winch right on the front there on the CVI bumper so if we do come across a couple of patches of snow have a little bit more confidence as long as there's some trees around to winch off and it is likely that as we continue on this trip we are going to come across some snow especially as we go further north into the mountains in Oregon and Washington but we'll have to see how it goes this time I had been joined by my wife Elizabeth who had recently started a new job that allowed her to work remotely things were looking good she was excited to be back out on a trip the weather was warm the Sun was shining and we were surrounded by the beautiful mountains foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] we passed the mono craters the first of several volcanic formations we'd be seeing on this trip these particular volcanoes have a history of explosive eruptions over 250 to 700 years with the last one around 600 years ago [Music] at the North End of the chain of volcanoes is Mono Lake the most obvious volcanic formations are the Limestone pillars but the central island was formed from an eruption about 270 years ago the lake also has no outflow which has created unique conditions that are perfect for the Mono Lake brine shrimp which attract millions of birds every year next to me is the highway and our original plan was to head up and across the mountains into Yosemite I actually had tickets booked for tomorrow morning but the roads closed so we're not able to do that I guess we'll just have to come back another year thankfully there is plenty of other stuff to do around here [Music] [Music] thank you as we followed the Pacific Crest Trail up into Bodhi Hills we came across the Bodhi Ghost Town it was probably one of the coolest and most complete ghost towns I've ever visited with a ton to see there are 110 structures and most houses were in great condition and even had furniture and decorations [Music] one reason for the condition could be the so-called Bodhi curse this said that people who steal souvenirs from the town suffer great Misfortune and the Rangers are quick to tell you about the letters they receive with items to return the writers often describe how their lives have been thrown into turmoil since the theft as with most ghost towns Bodhi boomed in 1876 with the mining of valuable oars in this case gold in the Bodhi Hills within three years the population peaked with up to 10 000 people the town had churches hotels General stores and a newspaper although it was labeled as a ghost town just a few decades later in 1915 it wasn't until 1942 when the post office and last mine shut down to the last permanent residence left from the town we were heading north climbing over 9 000 feet in elevation we'd been warned we might run into some snow [Music] thank you this is definitely deep enough and close enough to the edge that I don't want to try going around here but I noticed there's a bypass that goes all the way around it looks like you probably need four-wheel drive and high clearance which explains the sign back at the ghost town but I've got four wheel drive and high clearance so we should be able to get past this one it does put us right out on the next one but looking on the Drone that one didn't look nearly as bad so I think we're good I think we can get through the bypass was shown on the map as a four-wheel drive only Road and although it wasn't tough it did get narrow in spots thankfully we made it through with no problems and were able to skip all of the snow foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this is our campsite for tonight and it's a good one right on the edge of this beautiful Reservoir with views off to the mountains in the distance great little site a little bit windy but I think it'll be all right so we're going to set the tent up and get some dinner going [Music] the following morning I decided to test out my new geyser sponge bath system while Elizabeth worked by noon we were ready to head out [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] coming down the hill there we pulled over just to pull in the Drone and we stopped at this like beautiful little grassy area here it's like it's like a garden where someone is set up his little campsite beautifully trimmed grass but it's just out here in nature so we did Mark this one for patreon people we're not going to stay here but when I was collecting the Drone I heard a hissing coming from one of our tires unfortunately my back left tire is going flat quite quickly so I mean it's a good spot to stop and change it that's just a pain I hate changing tires one of the things that makes it so difficult is that I like to keep my recovery gear on the roof easily accessible but the tire kit I mean I'd very rarely have to change tires so it's underneath everything so I gotta pull all this stuff out [Music] thank you however this is it there is a gash in the sidewall and uh it appears as though this almost new tire is not going to be repairable so I guess we need to see if we can find some 35 somewhere in stock somewhere around here so I can pick up another spare it's uh I don't like going without one was a good thing I washed this morning you know just in time to get all dirty and sweaty again uh but we're going to continue now we're gonna go over the mountains down to Carson City and I'll start crawling around trying to find a tire foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] because I am in desperate need of some laundry I've actually been on the road for about two and a half weeks in that time we got the vehicle wrapped the lift all the bumpers and the armor that kind of stuff done so I've been going for a while and I have got to do laundry so we're doing that tonight and we figured what better place to go to a campground than here at Lake Tahoe that way we can camp right next to the beach there we can wander down there and take a look around so here we are it's an expensive spot but uh like I say got to do it gotta do laundry foreign the next morning was spent in a nearby library working in editing rather than paid Camp another night we drove North to find another campsite to work from this morning we're waking up in Plumas national forest for about an hour north west of Reno we've got to get packed up it's going to take a little bit of time because we've got a bug tent out because we were working this morning in that and then we're going to continue heading kind of North northwest-ish along the Pacific Crest Trail thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign one of the things I've noticed about the Pacific Crest Trails it does follow a lot of paved roads and one of them was actually a paved road that goes all the way along the far side of the lake out there and I wanted to get up and get some views and I actually saw this fire tower as we were driving along the road so I opened up the Onyx app and saw that there's a trail all the way to the top here so I thought we'd come up and check out the view and uh I think it was worth it great views around here I walked up to the fire tower to check it out and I was invited in and shown around it was an Osborne firefighter so if you do happen to spot a fire what you do is you this rotates the as method so you look through this slot right here okay and this is there's a horse hair right there and so you'll just basically line this up on your fire okay and then this gives you your bearing right here okay so I would call it in and say I've got a smoke report it's on the bearing 250 from this station and then you look at where it is in relation distance wise and you get on the topographical maps and you figure out well if it's the second Peak over whatever you can look on this map right here and do that same thing and so you can pinpoint it somewhere it's going to be right on this line and so once you find the point there then you can say Okay each one of these little lines there's the station Where We Are and so each one of these lines is a mile so I could say okay it's on a bearing of whatever and it's six miles out yeah okay and then another station somewhere else will do exactly the same thing and so then they can triangulate to send the troops [Music] [Music] from the fire tower we continued North and after a short drive we noticed the burned trees from last year's Dixie fire the fire was California's largest single fire burning close to a million Acres of forest and well over a thousand structures and the blaze started things were initially going well tankers had it contained and a helicopter was able to use the nearby River to douse it with water that is until a drone showed up grounding all aircraft if you see a fire keep your drone on the ground it's possible that this enormous destruction could have been prevented if it wasn't for that one person [Music] we made it to Lassen Volcanic National Park and basically the entire way we're driving through the Bund forest from the Dixie fire and it's just incredible how much has been burned even up here over two-thirds of the park have been burned and as a result the road through the park is closed we're just hiking up a little way just to see some of the views up here and then we're gonna have to go around the whole park and try and find a place to Camp one of the issues we're having is I really don't want to camp in a burned area you know not only is it not very pretty but you also run the risk of trees falling especially with you know it's a little bit windy today so we're gonna hike around look around and then head out to camp [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] this seems like a good spot to camp up here in the mountains just next to a lake nice little Lake here usually that means it's buggy as well although so far hasn't been too bad I think there's just enough of a breeze to keep them away you walk out here it's like I guess there's a mixture between a meadow and a lake [Music] what I said about the mosquitoes was a lie they are bad but I've got this it goes over the hood so they can't get in in here in fact the only thing they can get is my hand [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] after coming out onto paved roads we passed a sign that said Subway cave thinking that it sounded cool we turned around to check it out we were not disappointed the cave is an enormous lava tube with smooth rounded walls and perfectly flat floors a lot like a Subway it's well worth a stop if you're in the area but make sure you bring a flashlight [Music] after the day on pavement we finally make it to some unpaved roads and I come across this sign so I guess we're gonna go around find another way [Music] all right we're back on the trail this is the original road with the three-ton bridge on it and obviously the tundra is I think it probably weighs three tons empty completely dry and with all the stuff I've added to it it's way over three tons I think I don't know I probably need to get it weighed but uh now that we're back on trail we're going to continue heading that way which is north [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] as we're driving up this road we keep seeing like little caves off the side of the road big holes in the ground lots of lava flows and then this one's signposted so I figured take a look unfortunately the weather is uh I guess it's preparing us for the Pacific Northwest we're very close to the Oregon border it's just been kind of raining and drizzling all day but that was cool we're heading back to the truck before we get soaked all the way through but I really enjoy seeing um and the cave was cool but I love seeing the Rocks where you can kind of see where they've been oozing uh and I think we're gonna see more of it because we're quite close to Lava Beds National Monument I think we're gonna end up camping somewhere up there back on the road we started passing patches of snow the higher we climbed the bigger the patches got until we came across an enormous section with no end in sight well we didn't make it quite as far as I thought we would before we hit impossible snow so the trail the Pacific crestro continues along that road and there's just thick wet snow that way and I'm not gonna drive through especially since the trail climbs several hundred feet more over the hill before heading over uh down into the lava flows instead we're gonna try this road uh it looks as though a lot of the tire tracks go this way and this is signposted as going towards Highway 24 and it looks as though it goes downhill on the map so we'll try this way if this doesn't work out it is a long way to backtrack so I I really hope it does deeper patches of snow but going downhill helped me get through them easily a couple of miles in I rounded a corner to find two vehicles stuck in a particularly deep drift the small Jeep had tried to make it through not wanting to turn around and backtrack and had buried itself shortly after the Ford had come across them and tried to get close enough to pull them out with a short chain the Jeep came out easily but the heavy truck and took a lot more effort is that us moving yeah we're moving as we were packing up it started to hail making things even more unpleasant I wasn't dressed for the weather I had boots and waterproof pants in the truck but it might hurry to help out I hadn't put them on reflecting back on it now I should have taken a couple of minutes to keep myself dry clothes can take a really long time to dry while you're out camping the snow was wet and slick but I made it through and waited for them on the other side it was a good thing we chose to come this way because we came across a couple of guys just completely stuck in the snow here apparently they've been here for two hours before we came down they said going back that way is the easy way to go but I had to winch them through before they could go back down so I'm gonna hang around and they're gonna follow me out uh I made it through on the way down but it's looking as though uh the little Jeep just got stuck so we may be winching again but we all made it out that was uh that added to the adventure for sure and soaked through to the skin you know it's been raining heavily a little bit of hail but all three of us are through now and we're heading back down they've told me there are a couple more patches as we go but nothing bad so I just said I'd follow them that way if anything does happen the three of us are sticking together we can get them out uh but uh now we need to find somewhere to Camp like say I'm soaked through I am very tempted to just see if I can find a campground with some laundry and just put all my stuff through the dryer well this will do nicely it couldn't have come at a better time basically as soon as we left the national forest the rain stopped the sun came out and there was this Campground off to the right hand side of the road so we stopped it was twenty dollars basically get a field here but it means we can set up everything in the side I can get the inside of the vehicle soaked from where I was leaning out the window uh winching my jackets are soaked I need to get changed and they have a dryer as well just over the road so I can go put everything in there to dry and uh let's kind of reset ready for tomorrow [Music] foreign [Music] we woke up refreshed and dry the next morning ready to explore the Lava Beds so we've just left camp and we're driving on the road out to Lava Beds National Monument and I saw a thing labeled the Mammoth Cave on the map and I thought yes this is my chance to get a sweet drone shot of a cave obviously yesterday it was raining so I couldn't get back cave and later we'll be in the National Monument so we won't be able to do fly any drones there so we pulled off the side of the road here getting ready to get a sweet video of the cave and uh well this is Mammoth Cave so uh I guess it's not really worth getting the Drone out for it well it looks like it actually goes back a decent distance but uh again drone's not gonna work and I'm not going in there a short distance further we entered the National Monument which was much less disappointing there are over 800 caves and lava tubes in the area with up to 24 of them open for you to explore the caves have different lengths and difficulty ratings and we started with the only cave in the monument that has a paved path or lighting the 770 foot long Bush pot cave the second cave we visited was the Sentinel cave which at 3280 feet long is the longest easy rated cave in the monument this one is unpaved and unlit but with much larger caverns and a loop hike that is well worth visiting all of the caves in the park were formed from ancient lava flows between ten thousand and sixty five thousand years ago as lava flowed along a stream it cooled on the surface creating a protective shell inside the lava level would eventually drop hollowing out the tube as you explore you can see where it has run down the Walls leaving behind flowing rock formations well now we have to pick up the Pacific Crest Trail again and really the only place to pick it up is right next to Crater Lake so we're just gonna head straight up there and see Crater Lake today there's supposed to be about eight inches of snow there tonight so we figured today's gonna be the day to go see it I completely forgot then Argan you don't pump your own gas but it is so much cheaper here we saw it for 7 39 in California and it is 489 here so we've been uh I'm down to some fumes now trying to get back into Oregon before filling up the drive up to Crater Lake was like entering a winter wonderland with beautiful snow-covered trees and deep drifts on either side of the road as we climbed we entered the clouds by the time we reached the visitor center at the summit the visibility was terrible thankfully as we approached the Viewpoint there was a break in the clouds allowing us to see the other side of the lake at almost 2 000 feet deep Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the U.S it sits inside a volcanic caldera that was formed in a massive eruption just under 8 000 years ago it's one of those places I wanted to visit for a very long time and while I wasn't disappointed by The View I really want to go back when the sun is out [Music] we really struggled to find a place to camp tonight and that's because we passed up hundreds of great spots up in the National Forest to come down here to about 10 miles outside of Medford Oregon because I wanted to have cell phone service for tonight I want to start planning out the next leg of a trip basically the part that we're on on the Pacific Crest Trail is just too high altitude we're here too early in the year and the result is there's just too much snow for us to make it through so we're gonna head over to the coast and start heading up the coast of Oregon for the next couple of days so what that meant is we ended up coming out to some BLM land trying to find a spot to camp and unfortunately it's closed to motorized vehicles so we have just pulled up in a parking lot at the end of the road so not very glamorous but it'll do the job and it allows me to start planning another good thing about coming down here is it's in the upper 30s and dry instead of in the low 20s and snowing up in the mountains that evening I sat in the tent and created a route for us using information from the rnx app and my Benchmark Atlas and we are back off-road we're in the uh National Forest um I probably shouldn't have even bothered trying to pronounce it I should have just said we're in a national forest we're in the National Forest they go cut cut the rest of that we'll go with that um and so we're just airing down because I don't really know what this Trail is like uh on onyx it's just shown as a green road on my Atlas it's just a dotted road that shows that it is unpaved but we're airing down because it it's been a little wash body for the last couple of miles and I was at Highway pressure so I'll just make it a little more comfortable and if it ends up getting rougher later on then I'm already prepared so like I say I don't really know what this Trail is like we're just gonna head up into the mountains and hopefully it's pretty uh the goal is to get to a campsite that I know just off the coastline by the end of the day today the route ended up being a mixture of well-maintained gravel roads and slightly neglected dirt roads that Twisted its way through argan's Klamath mountains with beautiful views around every turn and along each Ridgeline foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so far this route has worked out really really well had some great roads actually pretty well maintained for the most part going through the mountaintops which is exactly what I wanted because that's where you get the views and the great drone shots we did just come to this sign it says travel not advised through May 31st today's the 30th so I think we'll be all right we'll go check it out despite a few patches of lingering snow the road itself was clear and paved all the way through I had planned to leave it to go back into the mountains but time was short and we had to get back to cell service that evening for my wife Elizabeth to work the next day as we dropped out of the mountains we ended up following the Rogue River out to the coast we made it to the Pacific we're on the beach it's really cold so let's go from the beach it was back up into the mountains to head to camp [Music] foreign [Music] more than makes up for last night's campsite just look at the views out across the Pacific I actually had this one recommended to me by Justin it looks so other people have camped up here there's a little firing just over there but I'm really looking forward to seeing the sunset and apparently tomorrow morning if the clouds roll in off the Pacific it looks really cool so I have to set up some time lapses for that too I'm also surprised at how little wind there is up here uh you know down on the beach really really windy really cold and there's just it's the slightest breath of wind up here so I think this is going a good little campsite I'm looking forward to seeing in the morning foreign [Music] foreign [Music] unfortunately the time lapse last night didn't work out according to the app I have the Milky Way would have been like right over here heading across over the ocean just as the sun rose but when I woke up at 1am to set it up it was so damp out here like there was condensation over everything I just wasn't comfortable leaving my camera out overnight in those conditions so obviously I need to pick up like a little rain jacket for you or something so I can do that in the future because I think it would have been a really cool time lapse still this is a great spot you know it's really calm there's not a breath of wind here it's just got birds singing in the trees around us and of course we're so far out of the way that no one else has come up here at all and I doubt anyone will while we're up here and there's great cell phone service too so Elizabeth's got some meetings she's attending she's got some work she needs to get done which means I can just sit up in the tent and edit some videos this morning so it'll be a late start before we head down to the Coastal Highway and head north along the coast [Music] thank you we just stopped off in Port Orford and had a fantastic lunch at a little place called The Dive and we decided we'd Walk It Off by coming out onto the beach and it's a little windy but it is a beautiful place out here [Music] foreign [Music] we continued up the 101 along the coastline stopping to see the noisy sea lions ashore Acres State Park and the Lighthouse at Newport before finally heading Inland again [Music] we are back in Central Oregon again and uh we're actually staying at a campground tonight and we're staying at this Campground because of this it is a natural hot spring here this one's actually way too hot for us to get into it's about 200 degrees so I think like the hot spring and Dante's Peak you wouldn't want to get in that but they pipe it out of here and across to a pool up by where we're camping so we're gonna go set up a tent and enjoy a nice hot soak we were back on the Pacific Crest Trail this time at a much lower 3000 feet we'd assumed that the lower elevation meant we could avoid some of the snow that we'd run into on the higher roads to the South we were wrong well we ran into what I consider to be impossible snow a lot sooner than I thought we would on the outside of the corner it's about thigh Deep by the looks of things and then on the inside little little shallower but it leans off towards the creek to the point where I'm not even going to bother attempting it especially considering this Trail climbs another 600 feet honestly I didn't think we'd be running into much snow on this I thought maybe right at the top would hit a couple of hatches obviously I was wrong so we're gonna have to reevaluate our goal for today was to make it up to Mount Hood so uh really the only way to get there now is to head back down out the east side of the mountains towards Bend and I'm going to check the maps and see if I can find some more trails that we can take foreign [Music] we backtracked and made our way East over sandhyam pass to a route that I had put together on the Fly the new route was only a few hundred feet lower in elevation than the spot we turned around at but being in the rain shadow of the Cascades meant that we didn't run into any problems [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this is Mount Hood or at least it's a few hundred feet of it before it disappears up into the rain and the clouds and so obviously the view here is a little bit disappointing I think we're here wrong time of year wrong day something like that although one of the cool things is you can visit the Overlook Hotel up here or the Timberline Lodge as I think they call it in real life but you know it's the one from The Shining foreign [Music] [Music] back at the coast we headed out onto gearheart Beach [Music] foreign [Music] at the Northern end of the beach is the wreck of the Peter Iredale on the night of September 26 1906 the ship was making its way up the coast from Mexico when is forced ashore by strong Westerly winds from a squall when she ran into the beach it was with so much force that three of the four masts broke instantly thankfully none of the crew was seriously injured and everyone was rescued today you can see a small portion of the bow and Hull structure but not much else as it's slowly rusting away we can let the cameras dry off a little bit as we head Inland and then we're gonna cross into Washington and what I'm hoping is we can get ahead of the rain a little bit I was just looking at the radar and looks as I was clear in the area I want to go because there are some viewpoints I want to check out and I want to see a little more than I did at Mount Hood it's a little better than Mount Hood I guess it is the base of Mount St Helens you can't see much of it the uh the sun has come through a little bit since I've been here I've been waiting a while but uh I think this is as good as it's gonna get and I've wanted to see Mount St Helens for the longest time and uh I still want to see Mount St Helens [Music] and the weather unfortunately is supposed to continue like this for the next couple of days so I think what we're gonna do is head into Seattle and I've been promising Elizabeth an Airbnb at some point and I planned on doing at the end of this trip but uh she's been struggling if you haven't noticed she's about seven months pregnant so she's struggling getting in and out of the tent she's tired uh doesn't like being in the car constantly she's been a trooper on this trip she has not complained but uh we'll do that that way we can do some touristy stuff for a couple of days and then we can get back out on the trail and hopefully the rain's gone so uh see in a couple of days [Music] the Airbnb gave us a chance to spend a couple of days drying off relaxing and doing laundry it was also close enough to Olympic National Park they were able to take the time to go up and visit the park itself is huge so it took an entire day just to drive around it seeing the sights the variety from the Alpine mountains beautiful lakes lush green rainforest and the rocky beaches means it's probably worth spending several days in the area while we were there Elizabeth also wanted to visit Forks if you know you know would you look at that there's no clouds No Rain we're still in Washington we're mounting Rainier National Park and uh we can actually see today that's a nice change the park is surrounded by beautiful mountains valleys rivers and waterfalls but obviously the main attraction is the 14 410 foot volcano Mount Rainier [Music] at almost twice the size of Mount St Helens it is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world due not only to the potential size of the eruption but also the large number of glaciers on the peak that could cause huge mud and Ash flows known as lahas in every direction over a hundred and fifty thousand people live on Old Lahar deposits foreign and of course as is absolutely typical for this trip the roads closed through the park so instead of going about 10 miles that way to rejoin the Pacific Crest Trail we now have to backtrack all the way west around the park probably well we can go north or we can go south around the mountains and it adds like 60 to 80 miles to our trip and several hours so by the time we get back onto the trail it's gonna be time to find camp and then we've got to find somewhere with a cell service because Elizabeth's got to work in the morning so really inconvenient and really annoying great just I think tip here the pro tip don't do this in well it's June now do this later in the year the enormous detour put us hours behind and way off course still several hours from the place I wanted to Camp that night we pulled off I-90 and found a different spot in the Mount Baker National Forest [Music] foreign we've made it back to the Pacific Crest Overland route and things are very different over this side of the mountain range uh you know before very heavily forested here it's a lot more open you can actually see the hills see the Rolling Hills around us so uh I guess it's gonna be a lot easier flying the drone over here if the rain quits it's just very gentle sprinkling at the moment but still probably a little too much to fly the Drone so let's get going and hopefully it clears up foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign as we reached paved roads again we turned West through the Cascades National Park the drive was beautiful if a little wet but we didn't stop long to see the sights we had a border to cross and we had to cross it before midnight [Music] we are in Canada specifically I'm here in beautiful British Columbia just outside of Vancouver um that's too big it's too big for the trails yep oh okay also why are you camped in my driveway I had convinced Sean from the story till now to take me and Elizabeth for a trip in the beautiful British Columbia Canada our goal was a disused fire tower at the top of a nearby Mountain I'd been my large Tundra and Sean would be driving his Bronco we knew the trails would be rough and bumpy so we aired our tires down we also knew there would probably be snow but we were not prepared for how much work it would be or how close to the edge we'd get foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thing we are finding is that the trail is a little bit tight for the tundra especially with some of these Fallen trees thankfully Sean's in the lead of course he brought chainsaw with him so he's trimming it so that we'll fit through [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] as we had climbed we had passed bigger and bigger patches of snow before reaching a large drift though we had to scout out Crossing it we found it to be really slippery I felt pretty hard yeah I see where he went down at first I was thinking like drive through here but yeah definitely slide into here the first attempt taking the safer high road didn't work out so Sean followed the riskier line along the edge of the snow drift things started out well but about halfway across the back tires started sliding towards the edge oh foreign to get through here so things didn't go exactly as planned going through the snow it started off well this was planned I don't know it doesn't look great from where I'm standing but um I've got the world's smallest shovel so I've grabbed that I'm gonna dig it out up front a little bit and try maxtrax because we think that's the best option from here let's get Shovel this is my shovel oh my goodness hey it's not the size yeah we got to work shoveling out snow in front of the tires on either side of the Bronco using the world's smallest shovel and a couple attraction boards in the end all that work gained very little and the Bronco was hanging off the edge even further so we went back to shoveling and tried again this time being very careful with the placement of the traction boards we're almost there we spent a few more minutes shoveling and made another attempt you dug in here and I think you just started to Pivot on your front tire there well it might be worth having an attraction board on either side yeah so you can get up a bit higher and then if you slide down you'll slide down into the track at least right let's try that on my attempt I was able to follow Sean's tracks making things a lot easier right up until I got past the traction boards [Music] it was back to digging but this time with Sean's Bronco and friend I had an idea things didn't quite go as planned coming up here the back end has started to slip down uh so I think what we're gonna do is Hook the winch up to the back of Sean's truck up there and that way I'm gonna use like a combination of me pulling and driving a little bit so hopefully without spinning the tires it doesn't cause me to slip down anymore plus we've got a couple of traction boards down so uh let's go ahead and pull it out foreign the winch really helped and with one last Shuffle of the traction boards I was pretty much out [Music] [Music] [Music] we had hit another patch of deep snow and this time rather than crawl away across we decided to try brute force and it hadn't worked out well Sean was stuck so much so that the winch was pulling the heavy Tundra forward instead of him backwards even with a couple of logs as wheel chocks they only managed to get him out after strapping the back of the tundra to the tree behind us a little more if I could crawl it so he aired down to just under 10 psi and tried again this time taking it slowly and carefully avoiding the ruts had just left pressure always wins in the snow then it was our turn I suggested Elizabeth tried the new crawl control on the tundra and I think that's why we didn't make it we tried running the winch to the back of the Bronco but in an attempt to stop from pulling it backwards slipped into the big holes he'd left earlier we'd need to back out with the help of the traction boards try it we can't wiggle backwards yes that moved here there you go nice all right yeah stay in it yeah whoo that's good eh good all right I'm gonna try this one more time this time we have air down to a little under 10 psi which should help with getting traction over the snow we're going to reshuffle and try and go a little further over into some fresh snow and we've got some traction boards down it'll stop us from falling into the holes that Sean dug out earlier when he tried some Brute Force to get through so hopefully this is it if we don't make it through this time I think we're just going to set up camp here on the end and there is actually a firing there but it's all covered in snow and very nice nice and slow coming onto the boards good keep going yeah slow driver [Music] yep you're good more driver [Music] foreign [Music] incredible spot to stop and Camp I think it was worth all the effort that we put into going through let us know I just can't stop looking around I want to fly my drone more I want to do like five time lapses it's incredible it is very cold but apparently the fire tower here is open so I'm hoping that we can cook dinner in here rather than out in the wind it's toasty in here it is it's just the wind chill out there you got a guest book you can look and see if there's any fires yeah I don't see any just see some nice looking rigs out there that's about it yeah and you set the stove on here yep [Music] all right foreign last night ended up being kind of windy up here and really cold I had to get up in the night it was freezing it was still a really cool place to Camp you know waking up with these views all the way around actually the sun was Rising one of the times I got up and it was really cool um if you want to come up here yourself this track to come up to Cornwall fire Towers actually on onyx off-road but now we've got to get packed up and we're gonna head back down the mountain fight our way back through those snow drifts and I think tonight's Camp is going to be a little bit lower should be a lot more sheltered [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] off the trail to the fire tower the fire lookout and so far the tundra has not been too big now it was a little bit tight going through a couple of spots I ended up scraping the wrap with some branches uh it's held up just fine but the Bronco just went straight through but now we're going to go well first of all we're going to air up a little bit because we're at like 8 to 10 psi and it's just a little bit low for the roads that we're gonna be on for the next little while but apparently the next Trail gets a little tighter so the tundra might still be too big [Music] foreign [Music] and then I lost I guess we gotta turn around this truck comes you said if we uh keep going out the road that way there's another way out to the out to the highway okay and there's also some some roads that can be explored and stuff but they've locked the gate now and don't appeal to pass through us and let's get started here last year but yeah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] the trail we had found LED over the mountain and eventually back down to the highway from there we went South back up into the mountains heading for camp just before we reached the campsite for the night things started to get more overgrown and a lot narrower foreign [Music] the lake here weather is wonderful bugs mild and someone's setting up something I'm pretty excited to see it is starlink is it starlink RV it's exactly the same thing yeah does you pay a little more yeah I mean I just enabled the roaming on it that's all I did yeah that's something we actually just ordered ours so that we can work while we're out traveling it arrived uh about a week ago but unfortunately it's a home and we're obviously out here so it's not much good to us but I'm looking forward to seeing how well it does so he just walked down the slope and set up the satellite receiver down there so it's got a clear view of the sky even though we're under the trees goes later that evening Teddy from unwinding roads and Mike from The Unexpected off-road showed up to join us at Camp they brought with them something for me to try you gotta put your Canadian hat on and put my hat on you can't have a Canadian am I allowed to put it on before I try this yeah you have to put it on before you you have the cocktail you go tell me what's in this first okay do I have wait read the instructions read the instructions you mean the ingredients yeah okay so it's it's tomato juice which is clam juice and tomato juice mixed together and then Worcestershire sauce black pepper hold on rewind a bit okay the tomato and clam clam clam juice like from like a clam that's why it's called Clamato clam and tomato right that's disgusting no you're wrong you're wrong you're insulting my culture sorry what a weird combination of things and this is normal here in Canada this is my favorite drinks the toast to Rob coming to Canada Cheers Cheers it's pretty good isn't it it's not not horrible that's what we like to hear it's not horrible it's not horrible all right let's sing the Canadian national anthem it's whatever the liquid version of edible is um without anyone noticing I quietly put it down on the tailgate and started dinner we spent the rest of the evening chatting and staying warm around the fire [Music] [Music] on our last morning we packed up said goodbye to new friends and headed back down the trail [Music] foreign [Music] well that is it for our weekend we're just airing up we've got about four and a half hours back to the U.S border we've got a cross tonight to make it to our next event but it has been a fantastic weekend thank you so much to Sean for showing us around make sure you go check out his channel subscribe for that if you're not already and if you're not subscribed to my channel I'd really appreciate a subscription about 11 12 of viewers are actually subscribed and I really want to make it to 100 000 subscribers so click that subscribe button and then to answer the question about the truck is it too big I don't think so what do you think I don't think so yeah we obviously Sean picked trails that specifically fit the truck so uh it was still a little bit tight there are Trails out there that are going to be too small for it but you just don't do those Trails there's gonna be Trails too small for the Bronco you could do Trails they're too small for an ATV that only a dirt bike would fit on but uh you know it's a great truck uh it did the job this weekend it's also very blue it is very blue well thanks for watching make sure you like the video and subscribe [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Revere Overland
Views: 955,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: revere overland, overland, overlanding, off road, offroad, offroading, off roading, 4x4, toyota tundra, new tundra, 2022 tundra, tundra overland, tundra overlanding, tundra, tundra off road, tundra offroad
Id: S5Y0WitgMjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 44sec (8564 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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