BORA BORA VIP | Polinesia Francesa #3

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This is my breakfast, travelers. Welcome to Alanxelmundo, VIP Bora Bora. Day 5 Travelers, the adventure begins here in the Rangiroa airport. According to myself, it is the calmest one ever. There's few people, there's a check-in there, you don't need to go through any kind of security, you simply go straight to the plane. Everything here is tranquility. I'm flying with Air Tahiti from Rangiroa to Tahiti. You need to do connections, and from there we go to Bora Bora. Change of planes. I've dreamed of saying this for so long now, but welcome to Bora Bora! I think this is the only airport where your only option to get to town or to your hotel is in a boat. This one behind me, which is honestly the best one, is the one from my hotel, the Four Seasons. Now I truly feel VIP, in this beautiful boat to myself, 15 minutes to the hotel. Just look at the water's color, and it's even cloudy and the sun is already setting because here, at 6 pm right now in October, the sun sets. I am very excited, travelers. Very. But I have to behave more VIP. Allow me. I can't believe it, travelers. I can't. It is too beautiful. The pictures really don't do justice to this place. How's it going? Hello, welcome! Travelers, you will not believe my room, because I myself can't believe it. I'll give you a tour, because this is incredible. Just look. This is the living room. That couch can also be made into a bed. The bathroom, a tub that I also have with transparent floor, What a beauty, this place! My room. It also has a little terrace. This is the terrace. I can't believe it, travelers. Life is too generous with me. Just look at this. There is free wifi, breakfast is included, and there are also many free activities included in the hotel. But, oh well. I'm gonna do the mattress test, I'm going to sleep, and tomorrow we begin with this VIP adventure in this paradise, Bora Bora. Day 6 If you ask for it, your breakfast can arrive straight to your bungalow in this beautiful canoe. They bring your breakfast according to your order, and your dietetic restrictions. And you can also have a little ride in the canoe with them. This is a beautiful place, just look at it. Now, travelers, I truly feel VIP. Just look at this. What a delicious Polynesian breakfast. This, which I have eaten every day here at the Polynesia, the "Poisson Cru", which is raw fish with coconut milk, I've already talked about it. You have to try it if you come to the Polynesia, as well as this coconut bread, which is amazing. Bon apetit, travelers. This incredible concept of the Bungalows in the water in Bora Bora with the purpose of hospitality, was born here in Bora Bora, in fact in the hotel Bora Bora, which closed three years ago due to a financial crisis. It is a very popular concept that has also been adopted in other touristic places, and hotels such as Four Seasons have taken it to incredible levels of luxury and comfort. The Four Seasons opened up in 2008, it has over 100 rooms and the vast majority are on water. The price depends on the type of room and the season. The most famous part is with the bungalows in the water. If you type in Google "Four Seasons Bora Bora", that part is what shows up. But the other part, what is on land, is equally as impressive and beautiful. The facilities are incredible. A lot of people come to Bora Bora for their honey moon, but if you want to get married, you can also do it. This is the hotel's chapel. It is beautiful, and with a sight worth dying for. Just so you see that Bora Bora is a very popular place with honey moons and Mexicans love this place. Please meet Jesus and Vanesa from Guadalajara, Jalisco! That's my land! They're here, enjoying their honey moon. Say hi. Hello. Hey! Vanesa is feeding the fish. Mexican bread! Jesus, why Bora Bora? Because they had already talked a lot about this place, and the person who arranged the trip recommended it. What do you think so far? To be honest it is amazing. The beach is like no other. What about the hotel? It's amazing too. Have fun on your honey moon! Thanks, you too. Bye! Travelers, you don't know how incredible this is. There's a couple that just arrived on a canoe. They are married and they are renewing vows, or marrying again, in a Polynesian ceremony organized by the hotel, and they're already there, and there's a private island up there waiting for them with a very romantic dinner. Those are really VIP. I feel a little jealous. But it's beautiful, it even makes me tear up a little. "He who does not consider what he has as the biggest riches is unhappy, even if he owns the world." -Epicurus Day 7 Today, I'm doing the most popular excursion in the island with the business Lagoon Service Bora Bora. The tour lasts the whole day, and includes three dives in the water, each more exciting than the last. The water is not too deep as we can see, but there are some animals who some people might fear. The beautiful waters of the French Polynesia hide something in its depths that will scare many people. Travelers, to be honest this scared me a little because that lemon shark was very weird, he was very close to everyone. There was a point when I garantee I even smelled his breath! Which isn't possible because we were underwater, but something like that. There really was a moment that I got scared, but it was impressive. Seeing it so close, and it was fun too because we were the first boat to arrive. Now there's many people. The small sharks almost become irrelevant because we're focused on the big one. I think it must measure at least two meters. It was very impressive. Very. If you want your private island to have a picnic and lunch, you can have it. Just look. The time has come to have these amazing foods that they made for us. We have that raw fish, rice, mahi mahi fish, chicken, and banana bread all in this traditional dish. I also want you to meet someone very special, who contacted me by mail. She lives here in Bora Bora, she's Mexican, and she's been really nice to me and even included this tour, even though she's done it thousands of times. Say hi. Hi! Say hi to your family! Hi mom! Kisses! She's married to Patrick, who's French, which is why they live here. How's life here? It's very fun, I can't complain. And since she's Mexican and pretty, the shark even chased her today! He did. She got scared! I suffered a ton! Here, this is paradise on Earth, everyone should come here. You'll have fun. Well, bon apetit. I'll tell you how it went later. Here ends the tour today. It was incredible, I loved it, even after getting scared by that shark. It was very fun. For many people, this is THE tour that you have to do if you come to Bora Bora. It's the typical and obligated one, and it is very fun. The food is amazing, and this private island is astounding. Once a week, the Four Seasons offers a traditional dinner accompanied by typical Polynesian dances. It may look like a show for tourists, but the dance group and the musicians are all proffesionals. Day 8 This is Vaitape, the main town in Bora Bora. This place has some history, you know? Bora Bora, other than the paradise island we know now, also has some things to it. In the second world war, after Pearl Harbor, this place became a U.S. base because of its structure, which made it a fort, because there is only one entrance from the sea, so it made a natural fortress. They installed seven canons here in the island, six of which are still conserved, and later on in the 70's it began to get fame as a beautiful destination for tourism, and is now the main economic activity for the locals. Here in town you can buy crafts, souvenirs... There's also some pearl farms, where you can swim and get your own pearl, or buy many necklaces, the Tahitian pearls are very famous. There are also some options to eat. If you are looking to come to Bora Bora in a more economic plan, here in the main island is where you will find cheaper hotels than the big resorts. Hey, I came to visit Aide! Aide, who works here in this pearl farm because like I said a little bit ago, the Tahitian pearls are very famous. The famous and expensive black pearl. So Aide is going to give us a tour. Why is the black pearl so expensive? Well, it is very difficult to get one, but the price is not because of the color. It's more because of the time that it takes to get one. It can take five, six, seven years depending on the size. Even 11 years. 11? Yeah, I'll explain it in the tour. Oh, let's go. This is the only farm that you will find in Bora Bora. It is a display farm. You may ask yourself how a pearl is formed? Well, a natural pearl is pretty much an invasor that comes into the oyster, so in order to protect itself, the oyster covers itself, and it becomes a pearl. But the farm pearls, which are harvested yearly, they do that natural process manually. This is weird because the pearl might not come round, or of different qualities, or maybe there's just no pearl, because if the oyster chooses to vomit the nucleus, well there's no pearl. Now, the black pearl is the great mystery. The black pearl is because of the type of oyster that we have here, which is a different color. What will define the color is the flesh of the oyster. Many times, the colors we see here are the colors that will be defined in the pearl. It may have one, two, three, or all colors of the oyster. A completely black one is very hard to come across. And how much would it cost? The color will not define the cost, it's three other factors which I will describe shortly. This is what will define the cost of a pearl. They are pretty much three things. The form, the size, and the quality. Since we are doing the VIP episode, I will show you the most expensive piece in the shop. It is that necklace over there with diamonds and pearls of the highest shine quality. It costs something like $60,000. A little more than a million pesos. But there's a little of everything! You can take an earing, something more disrcrete, or a beautiful necklace. Thanks Aide, who explained it to me because I had no idea about the pearls, and it was very fun. Tell them to buy from you! Buy from me, please! When you come visit me! Let's continue. Travelers, it is not easy to say goodbye to this paradise. I know we use the word "paradise" every time we are at the beach or a pretty place, but really, the French Polynesia gathers all of that, which one thinks is paradise, all the characteristics that someone dreams about paradise, are here. It is a very beautiful and ideal place if you want to come for your honey moon. But it is not just for honey moons! The French Polynesia offers options for all kinds of travelers, and all budgets. It is not a very cheap place, because of how far it is, but if you plan accordingly, you can spend a lot less than you think. Now, Bora Bora is another thing. This site is one of the most beautiful that I have seen in my life. When I first saw a picture of Bora Bora, I could not believe that such a place could exist. I got very obsesed with it online, looking up where it was. And now that I'm here, I swear that I have to pinch myself constantly because I cannot believe it. The beauty of this place is impressive. It is far away from everything, you are pretty much on an island in the middle of nowhere, in this beautiful place, and the luxuries in this place cannot come cheap. In fact, it is one of the most expensive places that I've visited. However, is it worth it? Absolutely. I would work for years just to come back to this place, which took my breath away. Someone wrote to me in social media saying, "Alan, Bora Bora is as pretty as the pictures show, but it is a little boring. There isn't much to do." I think that the person was wrong in everything they said. Bora Bora is much prettier than it is in the pictures, there are many things to do, and even if there were no things to do, who needs more when you have this in front of your window every day? Thanks travelers for watching my videos, comment all you want, and thank you for being part of this dream.
Channel: alanxelmundo
Views: 5,915,462
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Keywords: alanxelmundo, alan, alan estrada, viajes, turismo, axm, alan del mundo, alex, alan por el mundo, bora bora, tahiti, french polynesia, polinesia, francesa, francia, lagoon, four seasons, hoteles, impresionantes, mejores hoteles, vip, lujo, viajes de lujo, nado con tiburones, perla negra, perlas
Id: r1lqRWqwg10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2016
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