Boquete - The Pros and Cons of retiring here. #8 of our Boquete series.

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[Laughter] Hello everybody welcome back to laptop seniors today it's our final segment on bokete this is number eight in our video series on bokete specifically if you're new to the channel and you were searching on YouTube and you just came across this because you know you want to know about the pluses and minuses the good things and the bad things about poete we have seven other videos in this series that will go into way more depth of some of the things that we're talking about here and you'll see a lot more uh because this video is basically us just going through the good stuff and the bad stuff okay so just a bit of an overview of our entire impression of bouquete yeah so let's start with the good stuff and then we'll go into the not so good stuff and there's not a whole lot of that actually which is why B is such a huge retirement Haven but the number one thing I would say pretty much that everybody goes there for what would you say that is definitely the weather y absolutely has a a very temperate climate one of the few places in the world where the temperature really only varies about 10° F morning tonight day after day after day all year round it really does not change very much now you do have the dry season and wet season uh which locally we just call it the wet season and the windy season so you can learn a little bit more about the climate but also the microclimates all over Panama you basically can decide on the climate you'd like to live in and choose which area even just around bouquete itself which area there is going to have the climate that you'd like yeah basically um I think it's for every every 10-minute Drive South toward D which looks like the word David but you know in Spanish it's David you drop like three degrees so you know if it's 85 in vete you drive you know 10 miles you know down south it's going to be all 82 and then it's going to be okay it's backward so on and so forth no it gets warmer towards de you're right you're right sorry you know we can edit that but I'm G to leave it in because it's because it's funny all right so number two this is the second big thing and it's pretty much all of Panama but it's for sure bti and it's safe it's safety you don't really have to worry about crime definitely don't have to worry about you know somebody robbing you you know at gunpoint or any of that type of stuff you know there's a little petty crime here here and there but for the most part it's kind of non-existent it's a really safe area as is Panama actually it's a very safe country I definitely agree with that I never in any of the cities or Countryside never felt unsafe in Panama anywhere so I mean I've always got this big guy with me I'm sure you scare everybody away nobody usually bothers me for another thing is lower prices in b across Pama it's lower prices than the us or Canada or Western Europe certainly there's places in Eastern Europe which would be comparable in pricing and other places you know certainly in the Far East like Thailand Malaysia and whatever so again if you're new to the channel and you're thinking about retiring somewhere Panama has pretty much everything that you'd ever want to buy there especially food and it's going to be at a lower price than if you're living in the US or Canada or most countries in Western Europe we just returned from Portugal and Panama and Portugal is is cheaper than North America for sure but it's not cheaper than Panama so you know bear that in mind and when you're talking about prices particularly in groceries you can almost set your budget for that as well I mean just like choosing your climate you can choose your budget and Shop accordingly because there are local markets there there are roadside stands there are farmers markets there are supermarkets some are geared to xats and the prices tend to be a little higher but then they may offer things that you really want to have that other more local markets may not carry so you can choose your budget for food shopping as well yeah and you can get mostly everything I mean I'm gluten-free and I'm always looking for good healthy Foods Organics everything um what a pain we I am a pain especially in a restaurant oh my God brutal anyway but I was pleasantly surprised at what I could find shopping in the markets all of the markets in B yeah a lot of the people in bokete and in Panama in general they're really friendly and they're very helpful and if you're trying to speak super broken Spanish they'll be smiling and hanging in like come on come on spit it out come on they're really really good and because of that it's easy to make friends you know if you can speak a little bit you you know you're going to have a you know a decent time with locals and then there's the expats of which you are going to find in bokete lots of expats likeminded people and that's a big one which you'll find expats all over the world they will be thinking like you because if you're thinking about leaving North America or Europe or whatever and you want to travel and you want to go somewhere else you're going to pick up and go they've already done it that's why they're there and they are of the very much the same mindset and it's really easy to you know hit a rapport with them and uh and pick up friends of all the places we traveled around in Panama um one of the easiest places to make friends and get into an expa Community there was in bouquete we immediately were able to find was it on a website no um You probably social media yeah or somebody told us about it we we were running into probably the person at the Airbnb mentioned it he did yeah yes the we were staying in an Airbnb person hosting our Airbnb did tell us about one of the expat get togethers which was I think the first night we were there which was great because we connected with a group of people then it was a happy and then we heard about the next get together then we heard about the Monday night prime rib special and it just goes on and on but we definitely found that the xpaths were very welcoming it's like they were they were very happy to have fresh blood in the mix yeah yeah and uh and we we did a bunch of things with those people uh you know like really quickly like within a couple days we're boom boom boom every two or three days we're you know hanging out with the same people I mean that's rare mean if you're home you're never going to be able to do that but again it's easier when you're on the road oddly enough you'd think it would be harder but it's not um there's lots of outdoor activities that are specific to B hiking in the mountains and going to see the waterfalls and you know the coffee plantations and a whole bunch of other things so you're not ever really going to be hardpressed to figure out what to do something you know if you're an outdoors person and also if you're not an outdoors person there's you a lot of again a lot of expats a lot of people around that you know you can do stuff with for activities right because the geography is gorgeous and it lends itself to hiking walking um doing your tours like obviously the coffee plantation tours which are which are abundant uh just being in nature out there is absolutely gorgeous and um you may already know but the river runs right through or along side of bouquete and offers so much beautiful scenery but the other thing is uh I also heard that there were art Workshop groups getting together so it's not just for the outdoorsy type people there's all kinds of people getting together to to enjoy their own Hobbies it is a bit of an art colony there too um it reminds me a little bit of Woodstock actually has this little bit of that same sort of feel which is you know Ultra cool right and of course the jazz festival goes on there so there's the music and there were a lot of places that we went for you know lunches dinners whatever that we playing live music so we really enjoyed that there if you're retired a big thing is eating out because you spent your entire life cooking for the family cooking for the kids cooking for other people you know trying to you know make meals every single night to save money so you can retire and when you get there the big thing if you can afford it is to eat out more so you don't have to clean up and you know and all of that sort of stuff and you don't have to cook and you can just go out and enjoy life bokete is perfect for that it sure is because there is a huge number of restaurants somebody I think said there were 70 restaurants now in buete I didn't verify that number but that's an awful lot of restaurants it feels like it it really does yeah how many times actually were you busy cooking meals for the family I'm just curious about well some I cook some okay just a question yes thank you moving on so one of the other good things is for tipping tipping is only 10% okay and that's like a hard and fast rule I mean certainly you can go over it but you know as you'll see on one of our other videos in this series it actually sort of messes up the economy for locals they tip 10 you should tip 10 and 10 is an easy number and it's a you know it's a good number if you're going to tip it isn't like you know when we're back in Canada it's like you know people yell at you if you don't do 20% I'm sort of getting but not totally K you get the look yeah you for sure you get the look like oh my God only 20% how dare you get out don't ever come back you Heathen you know really it's like you know dude anyway but some people in Panama basically just say rounding up they don't even say 10% that rounding up is normal but like for us we think you know 10% is at the least we can do yeah the rounding up seems to be a misnomer it appears to be 10 you might round up close to 10 but 10 is it one of the things that you know I want to point out here and this is sort of a 50/50 it's the good part and the bad part the restaurants that you see a lot of times people will be talking with YouTube videos I've just I've seen it a ton of times before we ever came here is that oh the restaurants are really cheap oh my God look at this you can go out for dinner and you know the two of you'll be you know with you know with a glass of wine it'll be 12 bucks 13 bucks 14 bucks again you can do that but that is not the norm they're the the brunt of restaurants are not that they are definitely more expensive they're closer to North American rates but I would say they're you know as a frame of reference maybe it's like a typical restaurant in Florida but maybe knock that down by 20% you know so maybe in Florida might be $45 there it's like maybe 36 maybe it's not the 12 that's for sure although you can find those you can find those you can definitely I mean if your budget requires you to have a $10 meal or sometimes even less you can find that um you may just not have a choice of all the different restaurants and all the things they offer yeah you're going to be eating um a hamburger and hamburger and fries and also chicken and rice chicken and rice rope of Vio um and and you know things like that totally fine tasty too really good but you know just before you come you know or if you're thinking about going from some other city in uh Panama and moving out to B the restaurant well I found that the restaurant prices in bti were a little higher than other parts of Panama a little bit okay not a lot but again they weren't the brunt weren't that super super cheap that you know you always see people touting on YouTube now one thing that goes along with that so okay that was sort of the downside here comes the plus if you have the pensionado Visa the retirement Visa the hubal Visa the retirement person Visa Sen discount basically you're going to knock off 25% off your bill so all of a sudden that what was I just talking trying to do the math here again in my head so the $45 bill in Florida that became 3637 in Panama all of a sudden now drops by another 25% and now you're down to $28 range or $29 range so that is a major Plus for eating out one other thing I might add about eating out is that you really want to be driving around touring the area to see the restaurants or going on social media because most of the restaurants there do not have a website where you know in the US I think most do and so many of them are chains and of course they do so you can you can see the restaurant you can see pictures you can uh look at the menu and all those things so most of them do not um I actually find restaurants more on Google Maps actually looking for websites Google Maps Facebook Instagram that's where they typical typically are and that's really something you know if you travel all over the world you find that everywhere really um a lot of restaurants lean into that direction versus their own website let's move to housing if you go to beete you got to live some where and you know you don't want to be homeless and you definitely want to consider a longer term rental versus a shortterm vacation rentals can be quite pricey as they are in so many places now since coid all those prices went up but long-term rentals can be very affordable yeah they I I found they sort of rock you they they you know it's not on out of the realm to have just a kind of okay place for a th000 bucks a week so you're doing 4,000 a month you know for four weeks in airbnbs where um probably renting for a month somewhere if you had like a three or four month stretch or a year stretch you could be paying anywhere from 550 650 750 somewhere in that range up to maybe 1,200 bucks and be okay for the whole month versus the $4,000 because it's ,000 dollar a week so you know that was a shocker when we first went I was like wow these prices are high right but you can't get a rental like that for a month it's going to be I think at least six months right um yeah I mean you can you can hunt around but I mean certainly I think for all all airbnbs you know what happened this way in uh when we were in Portugal and pretty much everywhere if you want a week There's One Price if you want two weeks there's a little bit of a discount sometimes if you want to take the whole month all of a sudden everything drops down considerably and so then if you average it out you know year thousand becomes 750 maybe that's kind of the way it typically Works in most places the world it worked less like that in B because the price is held I think just think especially when you're in in the dry season Jan Feb March April it's when people you know it's it's it's cold in North America and people want to go somewhere warm huge influx of people coming in and it's like come on let's r Rock these people and they do that's you know and for those of you who have already made your decision that you want to live in bate or the area around it we highly recommend that you rent first many people want to go and jump into buying when they see that perfect place but what we've been told over and over and over again is that people typically move two to three times before they find their perfect place in Panama so it may be in different areas around bouquete because that's what we're talking about or it could be different areas of Panama in general yeah when we first went to bokete 12 13 years ago um we didn't like it there it was you know we we came I don't think we're in rainy season where we just H we were there a week we just happened to had a week where it was sort of raining and it doesn't rain the whole day but it was raining a little bit it was very very Misty it was almost like you you know you were in a sauna sort of feel to you know looking out so everything just felt a little wet and it was kind of cold um we and we just didn't like the city but we were also staying up the mountain a little bit where where it's sort of rainforest so it does tend to be a little Misty up there even if it's not a rainy day so yeah but the point being you know for that is that our impression was that we yeah this isn't for us when we went back again and was like hey you know what we really liked it it was sunny and all that sort of stuff met a lot of people it was just a totally different environment that's why people move too three four times to different towns and even different areas of even the same town um because you just get a different feel so it's not wise to buy right out of the gate the other big thing if you buy because this seems to hold true across Panama is that and and I this is a guess on my part why but I got a feeling that xats tend to buy things that are a little bit more expensive or a lot more expensive than locals you know and in more numbers okay than locals would would would be buying so when they try to sell there's less people that's going to fit that you have to pretty much hit another xad um that's you know those are the odds so therefore you go oh I I need to sell our house well that might be two three four years before you get a buyer buying homes you heard that yeah you know it can be great because you're on the other side of that equation somebody wants to get rid of their place and it's been up for sale for three years you know you got bargaining power but if you're on the if you're on the selling end not so much one of the other things that uh definitely would be something to consider if you're going to be looking for rentals but for sure if you're going to be buying a house we were staying in an Airbnb and it was an upper Haro so it's up on the mountain okay and the the roads you know they're not like this the roads tend to be like this and they'll come around them you know the road will kind of come around the mountain and the the owner of the Airbnb he was great he was explaining so many different things to us that he goes he when he when he first when they first bought the house they literally in rainy season had like a river like pretty much coming down right by their home because it would it would come around the curve come down the road and that's where there would be a bit of a drop off off and it would then roll start rolling down the hill but it when it's rolling down the hill it's rolling right at their home so he had to spend a pretty fair amount of money to kind of put a big ditch thing in to catch it and also get the uh town or you know some somebody in the government to actually help you know move that road and tilt it so that water would keep running and you know down the road by his house and you know not come down right at his house so you know that was a big thing you know it's like whoa that would be freaky to me just just getting those ditches and the drainage running the right way is huge I mean we have seen well first of all ditches yeah there are some really big deep ditches in some areas especially when you're on the mountains they're like this and they're maybe this wide like you know if you if you get a car tire in there you you know you you you need to get a toast you don't want to be going off the road yeah so so definitely some big ditches and uh some areas where you could see that the water ran down where it shouldn't be and they've eroded like big huge another thing yeah that we've been told like during raining SE rainy season um at times there are portions of and we didn't see any because you know we weren't riding through there and we were also there in dry season when we came back this time that there are areas of Alto bouquete um which is when you which is south of B yeah but when when you come out of B and you go up that Windy Hill that we have on one of the videos now you're sort of up on top of you know before you go down into the valley where the B is where the town is that the water sort of um puddles up but evidently it's it's not just little puddles it's like you know it's there and it can cause problems mud where you're parking your car you're maybe walking in water this deep around your house um It's that kind of stuff before it finally recedes into the ground so that evidently is a problem in some areas I'm not sure where in Alto but um you know you you'd want definitely want to be asking that question if you're dealing with a realtor for a rental or a purchase yeah of course you're going to have to go shopping and there's lots of grocery stores U they tend to be a little bit smaller although there's a couple big ones that are right in the town of B we found that in Alto B on the main Highway way toward D not very far from when you come up out of bokete and you go you know up the hill a little bit and you get on the flat surfaces going toward the devid there's there's a really neat grocery store it's on the right hand side sort of in like a little tiny little strip mall if you will and it it was big inside it had way more variety most kind of a department store too like in the back it had all kinds of different things not just food yeah so that's grocery so you know you'll find a lot of groceries but if you don't D is only an hour's drive away and it's an easy hour drive um and you can go down there and there's Costco type stores there and everything that you could ever big malls actually I noticed just in general and there you know in Dev as you drive in a mall comes up on the right and then when sort of when you get sort of right to De there's another mall on the left but the malls are big in Panama Panama has big malls like I big big malls so you can find pretty much anything you want you're just GNA for it in the malls yeah and in Bou itself I I can think of one shop that I just sort of wandered into and I was stunned it didn't look that big from the outside but once I walked in it just went on and on and on and it had clothing and shoes and all different kinds of things so that's right in town yeah so even though it's a small town I guess what we're trying to get at um you'll be able to find any kind of grocery or other dry good type things however you want to you know call it either in bate or by you know heading down to D or by the old standby Amazon you know they do deliver uh into Panama and and bokete let me switch gears this a little bit um and one of the things this is if you're an American if you pay us taxes and if you're a US citizen because if you're a US citizen I'm going to do an entire tax video about this um but I'm just going to touch on this just a little bit because it comes up with living in bate if you're a US citizen you have to file a US tax no matter where you live in the world you're locked into that for your life that's the super downside of being an American um there's a lot of upsides to being an American that is a major downside there's only two countries in the entire world that does it it's the United States and I think it's arria or I forget how it's pronounced basically it's the US and a dictatorship there're the only two two countries that Force its citizens to file taxes usually you will not have to pay taxes but just going through it is a super pain and Most accountants in the US don't want to do it they don't know how to do it it's like you know credits for different country uh no no no go somewhere else and don't make the mistake of not filing just because you think you're not going to owe anything because that is a mistake yeah so you know and I'll go through that in a separate video because it's something that every American who lives outside the country should know and there's some specific things about that and I will definitely go through them because you know over time I sort of became an expert in this even though I'm not an accountant but one of the good things is there's a thing called the foreign earned exclusion foreign earned income exclusion so basically what it means is if you you know if you had a job in Panama or if you started a business and you were making money it's earned income it's not a pension it's not you know that kind of income you've earned it in some way that's the key word so kind of like income from YouTube um that's a good question you would want no really you would want to ask an accountant who's used to doing this but you get $120,000 credit to knock off your tax bill so if you made a100 grand let's just say on YouTube if that was the case if that qualifies um that for Panama for Panama that wouldn't you know that wouldn't count at all because it's income from out of the country that's Panama's rules if you have income that comes from out of the country you did not earn it in Panama it's like you didn't make anything they don't care and for the us because you're living out of the country as a US citizen the first 120 Grand of earn income doesn't count either so you know it's pretty sweet if you can sort of manage to get in between both of those that you can actually make up to 120 Grand and just right in the pocket wow comeo boom we better slow our Channel down yeah we're we're a long way from that thing just kidding oh my God yeah um um so we were talking about the ride to d a little earlier um you know if you wanted to go shopping down there just to let you know it's a pretty easy ride to get to D it's just sort of a straight sea on a really good highway but but we think it's a great idea to be using ways as you're driving not everybody has a great Navigator Like Pat does yeah you know that holds for pretty much going to any foreign country you'll find or even a foreign city you know if you've never been to Minneapolis and you typically live in De Mo Iowa when you get there you're not going to know where everything is and traffic is going to be flying all around you which you know is this person going to cut me off I don't want to look at the sign because I want to look at the person in the road it's good to have a navigator who's going through ways or Google Maps or there's another one that that we use is pek pek you don't need data because it will store the maps of wherever you're going on your phone forever and Google can do that too download a map for a certain area yeah but Google for I think it's 30 days and then it you know then it doesn't work anymore where the pek app it holds it there until you erase it or you upgrade it you know they just keep giving you you know good you know upgrades however it's not up to the minute like ways ways is ways is the good one for sure and when the speed changes which it does in Panama right out of the blue um ways is not perfect at keeping up with those spots that the speeds change but it does it does a fairly good job so you really need to be mindful of what the speed is in whatever area you're driving and it does tell you where the police are the police you'll see police on motorcycles sitting by the side of the road not so many with police cars usually they're actually trucks they're usually usually they're under the overpasses just a little head up there but when you see the police say you hit one right this minute it's not out of the realm to see another one 10 minutes down the road and then another 10 minutes and another 10 minutes and another 10 minutes I think it's like a make work project for they want you know they they you know they want to employ the uh the people in the country so it's like you don't need a whole car you just put them on a motorcycle the person go out there and uh you know give speeding tickets if that's what comes up or check licenses there's a lot of checking of licenses um you know if you're in compliance with rental cars if you're renting a car from out of the country we did that in another video so I'm not going to go into it here but anyway suffice say there's a lot of police um also about devid you can fly into Dev instead of Panama City that's sort of a plus um where you know we flew into Panama City and that had to drive across the country because we wanted to but when you're going back and you live in bouquete you would just fly into devid and just drive drive home basically you leave your car in D at the airport and then you know fly there and then drive home way easier than trying to traes across the country from Panama City one last thing um I'm sure all of you know as we are very aware of the demonstrations that have been going on in Panama that could definitely hinder your passage getting from Panama City to bokete when that's going on or maybe even de to bouquete because you know it's hit and miss where they're going to actually occur um you know we've seen a lot of YouTube videos um seen some other videos with Jackie you know with Panama relocation tours we've seen some videos with I go Panama and other things and I the takeaway of that is for for the demonstrations that even though two people have been shot an American shot two people you know uh terrible tragedy other than that though it's it's not like a typical demonstration like went on in Portland or Seattle or Minneapolis or St Louis or Chicago where people are you know putting cars on fire and and buildings on fire and Wrecking people and there's hundreds of thousands of people out and they're wrecking things and robbing and all that stuff that is not the demonstration the demonstrations are peaceful they're friendly they have a sort of a a happy Tone If you will bit of sort of a party atmosphere seen it described that way when you know when one guy was doing it and he was on his balcony and he had a camera zooming down on him and you could see the people smiling and they just walking waving flags a demonstration in Panama again other than the two getting shot by an American not a local had nothing to do with you know local people it's not how they act basically it's their way of notifying the government getting their attention hey we're going to close these roads we're going to make it difficult for people to get around we're going to make deliveries of stuff a little harder we want to get the attention of the government that we think there's a problem that you need to fix that's kind of the way the demonstrations are they're not like people flipping out and Wrecking stuff it's just the same think the government answered that demonstration quite appropriately maybe not as quickly as they could have but going with a referendum and letting the people decide uh that's a very Democratic Society if you ask me yeah now there's there appears to be another angle of that where the original it was a mine if you're unaware there was an a mine that got given a license to a mine for copper and I guess they you know they sort of Canadian mine yeah Canadian M Canadian owned yeah they sort of strip mine in order to get at the Copper uh you know with big holes in the ground you know that kind of stuff and I guess maybe it was a little iffy as to how that contract was ever gotten in the first place they stopped all other ones you know that would be the referendum type thing um you know there would be no more but they didn't kill that one as of yet but I guess it's going up before the Panamanian Supreme Court and if they knock it down then the contract is void and that's the end of it and that's probably what will happen because I think from a financial point of view if the government broke the contract they'd have to pay the Canadian company a lot of money but if the Supreme Court killed the contract as being illegal no money would have to be paid um you know that's kind of the way laws work around the world for a lot of things it's a good way for a government who makes a mistake to get out of something without paying so my guess is that's probably the way it's going to go but I'm no lawyer just like I'm no accountant okay now comes the downsides there's only a few and they're not really big deals but you know they are there if you fly into de from or Panama City you won't have a phone and you won't have data a lot of people now are using eims I just kind of want to throw this out to you I bought an eim when we landed in Panama City it was from AO I put the the name on the screen AO and and hopefully they're watching this it didn't work and I did everything correctly because I'm pretty teex you know I mean from a tech point of view I think you'll agree I I could be one of those guys at the Apple Store friends call Pat tech support yeah yeah so so even though I'm old I can you know and I mean I tried every possible thing and it just would not work um in Panama even though you know supposed to you know the you know it was only 10 bucks wasn't the end of the world when we went to Portugal I got a different kind of sim it was Alo Sim similar names but different alos Sim and that worked fine totally good set it up at the airport good to go so you again um you you might have to deal with that it's a bit of Hit and Miss yeah otherwise you're going to be paying big rates for your us carrier like Verizon or Canadian carrier like Bell or Rogers um you know because you're now roaming you know at um I don't know 10 15 bucks a day as opposed to 10 bucks for the month you know with five gig of data the biggest downside that I saw with book was definitely the lack of walkability in many places by the road sidewalks didn't really exist in most of the roadways and even where they did sometimes you would hit like a car Park area and you'd have to go around it or there would be like holes or ditches on the side of the road or the walk that would be there would be either very slanted or quite broken you just couldn't count on it so anybody who has mobility issues could have quite a problem getting around in bouet yeah and and one of the things that I just thought it was It was kind of odd I'll throw it out there there's a lot of walking in Panama even though of you know what she's saying about you know the sidewalks and things but they tend to be walking on the road um and we we did a bunch of videos where we're out on the back roads and on roads at night you could be going along and all a sudden boom there'll be somebody there in front of you and they're hard to see so that's one thing you have to kind of worry about because again no sidewalks they're walking you know on the side of the road one of the things that was really odd wasn't so much bokete but it's just one of those weird things to see and we saw a lot of them when we were in out like in penan and chichra and other places you'll see people walking along the side of the road um guys you'll see women walking too but the guys won't have this they'll be walking with a machete in their head they're literally you know it won't be like you it won't be like a sword in the in the thing they'll be literally be walking with it you they'll just be walking along and you know this the machete you know they're big long machetes and uh I don't really know why that is but I mean we saw I if I we probably saw 10 to 12 if we saw one and it just interesting they're on their way to work in the fields well it could be or you know or you know an animal again you know they're on country roads and an animal could come out who they really did not look aggressive at all didn't take it as a threat but it was interesting yeah you know maybe it's kind of like a high five except except you do like CL you do it boom sword fight yeah and they uh and they go but anyway it's just it's it's funny when you encounter it so if you do counter encounter it don't freak out like oh my God he's going to be machete it's just you know this it is what it is one other thing is around bouquete you probably find that you would need a car yeah for sure and the the town itself you know if you live in town or even via Escondido is is right there just off the town walkable definitely walkable but if you live further up the river in vendido that's still a pretty fair walk just to get out of your community before you even go to the town and um also in the mountains um definitely you want to be fit if you're walking up and down into a home or a rental in the mountains but chances are might be just a little bit too far to be walkable so whether you're you're visiting going into rent or whether you're living there unless you're living right in the core of the town you probably want to have a car yeah and we're talking for retirees here like you do see you know even up in Haro you know when we were up pretty high there there's there's people who live there but they're young you know they're they're walking down the road no machete but they're you know they're walking up and down day and night and going to work or whatever but they tend to be younger you know they're not 65 68 70 years old 75 or you know that kind of thing you know you know traing down four miles down a you know down some pretty steep hills if you've stuck with us through this whole video thank you thumbs up to you and if you don't mind if you liked it please share that thumbs up back to us subscribe and click that Bell so you'll be notified of new videos as they drop it also makes our videos 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Channel: Laptop Seniors
Views: 20,887
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Keywords: Retiring in Panama, places to retire in Panama, where expats are living in Panama, the safest cities in panama, what's it cost to live in panama?, Where to live on a beach in Panama, Golf retirement communities in Panama, Mountain living in Panama, Boquete Panama, Panama's biggest retirement destination, Panama's best weather conditions, Boquete housing, finding a place to live in Boquete, Where to live in Boquete
Id: Gn8ZL0g4fao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 56sec (2516 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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