Boox Note Air3 C - Note Taking Tutorial

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the no f3c there's so much power in one device hopefully this will help you get over that bit of a learning curve in your first power on the device I've said before there is a very steep learning curve with the note f3c but once you do get over it once you find your way through the more and then more menus there is great power here too so I'm going to go through some of the notetaking features in this video I get a lot of really useful comments as well and some of the things that I want to sort of dispel here in the previous video I said that there was no autosave but apparently that is an option that we can actually turn on you can save without coming out of the document just from the more menu there and you can also turn on automatically exporting to any cloud storage listed here and here you can have auto save frequency I'll turn that on to 3 minutes so as I said hopefully this is helpful because there is that learning care of I'm still finding things out when you guys in the comments add those things in as well and one nice thing as well is that you can access these in the cloud either on your books account or you can bind it to a Google Drive and you can see those you can essentially have them every single time you exit them for it to create a PDF and then save that to the cloud or one drive as well you don't get a lot of accidental presses there isn't an issue with palm rejection for instance adding pages is really straightforward well if you're at the end of the document if you press along it simply adds a page or you can go into the page view here and you can add a page and you can add a page from the more menu here after any individual page that you like you can also from this menu you can also move pages around or delete them so that's pretty straightforward so let's have a look through the tool set that you've got you can have five different pen tools and you basically got a pen this is the one I use most of the time and because this is the color version you can choose different colors this is pressure sensitive but also you have different starting line widths you have a brush which again is pressure sensitive and of course you can choose your different colors a lot a lot of people see that first stroke lag and that is not because of bad latency but that is just because by default it actually gives the whack on EMR layer a little bit of a rest the reason why that's good is because it will actually save your battery life you also have a ballpoint pen which has Less in the way of a pressure sensitivity change or Texture and you have a pencil and you have two types now of pencils you have one which has tilt support and pressure sensitivity for thickness but does not change the tone and the other one which changes both tone with pressure sensitivity and tilt for thickness as well this is the more advanced one now for drawing I just say if you start drawing you do want to turn off the smart scribe feature with strike through erase I'll talk about these in a moment as well and lastly you have a highlighter which frustrates people because it goes in front of the text rather than once you have highlighted over something rather than bring the text to the front which other devices do do next thing to talk about is the canvas size itself so the canvas size essentially these values refer to numbers of screens so this is one width and one height this is two height and one width so now you'll see I have extra screen down here so generally I live in just 1 * 1 but the biggest you can go is 2 * 2 which basically gives you just that bit more area and you can zoom in and out with pinch to zoom which works really smoothly the next is layers and layers are useful for drawing but they're also really useful should you want to like draw out a template and then be able to reuse that so let me show you what I mean by that so let's say I wanted to create myself a little template I can then write on the layer [Music] above and then what I could do is I could go erase all on the layer I think is hold down here see erase current layer and now I've got my previous layer my bottom layer still untouched but I've got a blank layer above it even further than this I could also simply go ahead and just hide this layer add a new layer and I could work on a new layer but bearing in mind I haven't actually deleted anything I had in that previous layer so that's useful templates you can access in here and you can decide whether to change just a template on one page or across the whole thing you can also add your own custom templates for examp example you can add in a whole PDF which has many different pages so this is now this is my twoe planner which has been applied as a template through underneath this whole thing so that would be useful if I were to start a new document then I'd get that template going through my entire planet and you can see once it gets to the end of that PDF it just repeats itself so now when I add new pages I will have new examples of my bi-weekly my fortnightly planner which just brings in the next day each time which I think that's really useful so that's a good tip there the lassu tool is here and once you select something then you get this second menu here which rather like books you have a more menu as well because there are just more options than you could possibly use your Basics are cut copy paste and of course you can resize or rotate also change the color can you have the pen that's quite useful you can turn that into a link and you can link out to other files other notes or even to places online so lots of options there you also have a f option so if I draw a shape and I'll hold it down it'll turn it into the shape I can now fill up any closed areas with the color of my choice so again useful maybe you need to set lay out a diagram that could be a really useful thing linking is also down here in the insert function [Music] here and we get a link which we can place we click will take me forward or back and then they've now added this little icon at the top here which can take you back to wherever that link came from and so you can cycle through I think up to five links that you've gone through so for quick access forwards and backwards there this is also where they now have the audio recorder which is very useful should you wish to record parts of your lectures or meetings or anything like this and these are embedded in the notes incidentally so actually if somebody else comes onto this same notepad if they're linked onto the same books account then this will be synced through into the notes you wish to record parts of they can listen to those things as well that is useful you can also add image and things like this as well and time stamps the AI button here is generally for smart sripe you have shape Perfection which does once you stop and hold down it will turn into a perfect shape you have the lassu recognition so you can click lassu but you can also just circle something like that and it will guess that you wanted to do a lassu which I think is really quite useful and now you can see we're in that lassu menu up here and also it has strike through to delete which I think that's really really good because it just saves you having to do anything like so selecting eraser or using a eraser on top here it's a good thing then there's the text recognition and this is now converting the entire page maybe even the entire document you can have this to do this in the background so that might be worth having that selected on because as you can see it's taking a little bit of time to actually analyze that let's go to a notepad I actually have some more writing on and let's go ahead text recognition in here you can see it might take a little bit of time I haven't written this neatly enough to get perfect handwriting but it's not done badly me from straight from one to the other but both are fine so this is the color I should say sure rather than June and this is quite quick to be able to change it and then you could export that to use elsewhere just copy and paste it out or insert it as text onto your notepad now if I go ahead and turn on the automatic text recognition which is on now and I go ahead and write something it's still going so it isn't immediate but if I was to write a whole paragraph and come back to it later so it doesn't seem to be doing it as quickly as the supernote for example has got it really accurately so that's cool so hope that's been useful to have a quick run through of those kind of basic features there of the note taking app it is one thing that you know often you'll find something in that more menu that you're looking for so really have a good look around and don't be afraid to play about with things at first and also one firm recommendation is to read the manual a lot of those not taking features can work on top of PDFs as well well so get used to making notes on top of your books get used to making notes in the note taking app and get used to using your tablet some more advanced things that I actually use here on the notepad firstly I want to show you book notepads and book notepads are where if you're reading a PDF or any type of book you can have a side by side notepad I haven't got many on this because this is my second books account but actually this is something that is really quite useful to have a notepad which actually belongs to the PDF and you can access that in split view from the PDF as well so that's really very useful and that's where they live in your notepad sort of folder section here as well the next one is search and you can search actually all of the handwriting and text in your notebooks there so if I search for books now I'm going to set it off and it's going to take a long time cuz what it's having to do now is it's having to search through all of the handwriting which means is having to convert all of the handwriting first and I won't let it sort of carry on doing this it will take some time but you can see it is finding folders it is finding titles but it is also finding all of the handwriting you've done there as well so this is something that I've used a couple of times when I've really need needed to find that note I wasn't so careful as to sort of highlight that or make that part of the title but I really needed to find that word and it took a little while but I could let it do that in the background while I went off and did some other things and it came back to it and it actually found that note and one thing about that is once it has searched for your notepads it doesn't need to do that handwriting conversion again so the next time you do that it will be a bit quicker the next thing is exporting and you can set in your options you can set these to automatically export each one as a PDF After exiting and you have a sort of folder we have sort of PDF mirrors of your notepads and that's really useful if you want to sync that folder maybe to Google Drive because Google Drive cannot read or you can't read on other devices the books Note file type and then lastly of course there's handwriting recognition language is which is again in your options it handwriting recognition language settings and you can download a whole range up to 66 different languages and I'm sure mine would be more accurate if I have it on United Kingdom I've never once had to actually do a stylus calibration it's always been totally accurate enough because this is whack on EMR stylus technology after all I hope that was useful please let me know if there's anything else you need to know about using notes on the books note eere
Channel: Kit Betts-Masters
Views: 16,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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