Bootstrap Farmer DIY hoop house video#3 Bending poles and install....

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[Music] hey guys it's tracy again kansas garden guy summer pick farms we are as you can see in the background getting ready to bend the hoops so we're just going to do a short video here and i'm going to show you how we get these bent let me turn the camera around okay what we got here is we went out and bought the inch and 3 8 top rail this is basically just chain link fence top rail that you can get at any local home uh home store we happen to get ours from one here in town um as you can see we've got one piece set up there and we've got all the bottom rails in right now so we have bent everything up it's all laying over there on the ground so we're just going to show you in these last three pieces so everything um that i did i've got the kit from bootstrap farmer so if you look we have the pipe bender from bootstrap farmer all we did there is i went ahead and bolted it to a 2x6 and then we just lag bolted it into this old tree that i have in my driveway and you want it someplace sturdy either on an old barn or a building and all i've got is metal buildings so i didn't want to put it on any of those so what we decided to do was i've got this old chinese elm tree in the driveway that's been hit by lightning three or four times and it really needs to be cut down but it's kind of so tall now we're kind of scared of cutting it down by ourselves but anyway so what we did was we just put 9 16 lag bolts 8 inch lag bolts into this tree here and mounted the pipe bender to it and then this is how we're going to bend the top rail the first thing on this top rail is it all comes in 10 foot sections and since i'm doing the 20 foot wide kit i have to have three sections of top rail which is 30 feet to make my 11 foot hoop so uh what you want to do the first thing you want to do is on this top rail you've got a swag end here that actually would be a male sliding into the bottom of this post which is the female so what you want to do from the instructions on the bootstrap farmer is you want to measure from the top of that post down nine inches and make a mark robert you want to go ahead and put that one in there got my buddy robert helping me today as you can see he's putting it inside of the bender and that mark is right there so you can either put the mark here or on this side we've been using the mark right here so we're just setting the mark pretty close okay hold that robert i'm gonna put the camera up i'm gonna put this camera back on the stand it they say you can do this they say you can do this with one person but we found it's a lot easier one person can do it that's for sure but you definitely do not want these poles twisting on you while you're doing it so what we're doing is we started on that nine inch mark about every 18 inches or so we're moving down and i'm making sure this is staying straight and he's pulling down and what we're doing is we're making a perfect arc out of this and the cheater pipe that he's using right now does come with this bender all right go ahead he said you just want to make sure that i think the second person holding this pull taut makes it a lot easier on the guy pulling the bender and he's not putting a lot of force into this you can see it's it's pretty easy to bend this stuff so you don't want to over bend it all right guys and that's all it is to bending these pipes so uh we're gonna go ahead and get these pipes um screwed together and then on the next video you're gonna see us putting them onto the hoop house thanks guys hey guys it's tracy here uh kansas garden guy summer pick farms hey uh sorry i haven't put a video out in a while about this hoop house um it's been raining here for like four days in a row we literally went from 95 to 96 degree weather to 50 degree weather overnight just like that we this is the fourth day of cold weather and rain so it stopped raining this morning so i figured i'd come out here and do a little work on the hoop house as you can see uh i've got this re-tarps now and i've got the hoops put together so in the last section of the video um you'll see us bending the hoops and all we did was stuck those three pieces together and i put uh inch long coated outdoor exterior coated sheet metal screws made for putting a sheet metal roofing on a house or a barn or something like that it's got a rubber gasket on it to try to keep the water out all i did is screwed those pieces together i've got them laid over here on the grass actually i'm doing this by myself my wife is at work and i really don't have anybody to call to come help me so i've started doing these i've done the last 10 or 12 by myself and they've worked out great yes in an ideal world you would want two people to do this to help you out but you can do this with one person don't think that you cannot do jobs by yourself because you can you just have to know your limitations so i'm going to get started on this uh and then we're gonna get this finished and then you guys can take a look at what it's gonna look like when it's done uh so um [Music] um so so [Music] [Music] so we only got one more guys to do oh my gosh guys look at this look at this oh my god guys look how big this is this is amazing i am so stoked right now it's starting to get cooler here in kansas um we'll go over what's going on over here in a second look at this guys i actually made this uh five foot longer than what it's supposed to be so it's actually a 20 foot wide 13 foot tall or i guess it's 13 six tall by 65 feet wide or 65 feet long look at this guys yes the poles are a little uneven um if you look down the row here some of them are a little curved different some of them a little higher than others and that's exactly what it's supposed to look like they tell you that in the instructions when you do the bootstrap former diy kit that not all the poles are going to be meant the same what you've got to do is you've got to run a purlin which is a center set of poles all the way down from the last pole to the last pole and then you have braces that go in between that tie those together and what you do is you put somebody on a ladder up here on the end looking up over the top and then they have two people down below and they either pick up on this side to scoot it this way or the opposite side and then you have somebody in the middle tighten up the brackets as you go down the line i've got the purlins in the garage right now i do not have the purlin brackets i just ordered those two days ago i only need 17 to go this way but my idea was when i was talking to piper from bootstrap farmer um by the way if you guys ever have any questions if you call that number for bootstrap farmer um you'll either get piper or you'll get two other ladies i happen to get piper and you see her on some of the videos for bootstrap farmer videos and she's very knowledgeable she helped me out a lot on deciding on which way i was going to go here what was going to work for us in kansas they're out of texas just north of dallas so their weather is a little different than ours and so she was asking me what i wanted to get accomplished here great people to work with guys i mean phenomenal people to work with i'll put the purlins up i'll have to get a couple people to help on that but right now guys i am so freaking stoked i mean as you can see the minion is even stoked that's how stoked he is to see this happening i mean look at this guys we've got the landscaping fabric down to keep the weeds away so i can mow up against it not have the weeds in the hoop house we've got all 17 hoops up right now i am so stoked so stoked but we've got our farmer's market tomorrow so we are on the way out we are we sold out on cucumbers we have sold out on watermelons we've sold out on cantaloupe uh we've sold out on slicer tomatoes we do have a lot of cherry tomatoes and peppers and a ton of okra coming on so tomorrow is going to be one of our i think we got one or two more markets and that will be the end so we're going to try to get everything sold so i was trying to get this done so i can get this off my grass it's actually been laying in my yard and i've been trying to mow around it for the last week week and a half now so i wanted to get up i wanted to see if i could do it by myself like i said if you're not comfortable doing it by yourself please get someone to help you i i'm used to doing stuff by myself my wife gets mad at me when i when i do stuff like this by myself but you know sometimes you just your one-man show you got to do what you got to do i mean unfortunately that's just the way it is um but man this looks amazing [Music]
Channel: Kansas Garden Guy
Views: 232,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #bootstrap Farmer, #market garden, #high tunnel growing
Id: 5D1bVsu4vuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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