Boosie: I've Seen Guys Like Jam Master Jay Sell Drugs When Rap Money Slowed Down (Part 27)

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two men were just found guilty of killing Jam Master J one of which was his godson and the other one was one of his best friends yes and his godson every year would take a picture next to the J Master J mural like oh I missed my homie I saw it and and the [ __ ] up part of it was it seemed like it was over a drug deal gone bad yeah and it's just sad because because from what I understand and you know I watched documentaries and I've spoken to people about this you know because J Master J was was a monster during his day Run DMC was the first like Platinum rap group or something you know what I mean yeah my Adidas walked this way I was a huge fan matter of fact the first hip-hop album like the whole album I ever bought was run dmc's first album on vinyl but over the years the money started to run out you know Jam Master Jay was never a writer on any of the songs right because he wasn't a vocalist and he may have produced a couple of the songs but most times I think they got other producers like Rick Rubin to do it yeah so the residuals from the album A lot of that money probably didn't go to him I mean he signed Onyx but you know they ended up you know maybe had a you know one big album the other albums didn't didn't do you know know huge numbers and he signed 50 Cent but he end up selling that contract I think when he got signed to a major he was and from what I understand he was paying for a lot of people like you know he was supporting a lot of family members paying People's rent and to make extra money he started selling drugs on the side and they say that Southwest T from BMF was a supplier damn yeah I a know that yeah they try to drag him into the into the case damn yeah well I mean make sense right I mean te was supplying a lot of people you know this is not a secret right T was Cas yeah damn yeah yeah Southwest te was supplying a lot of people um and some happened where I think these dudes got cut out of a deal or some [ __ ] happened and then in retaliation they went and killed him and you know we can't say that we have haven't heard this story before fetty watt is in prisoned right now for essentially doing the same thing the rap money starts to run out well this happens all the time you start selling drugs to try to maintain your lifestyle this happens all the time yeah you got to understand most people never had a job before rap a lot of people that's a good point especially back in the day a lot of people never just came on to a gif and yeah became a teenager got hot yeah you never had a job exceled than nothing else and you come from the street and you know uh I see it so many times bro rappers who didn't make it who got bags or you know I see it so much bro like that's all they really know man I mean that's all they really know I mean I see it all the time it's sad but the fact that he lost his life over that [ __ ] makes it even worse you know if he went to it' be it'd be bad yeah at least he can get out at some point yeah this is it he lost his life and uh and these dudes are going to be doing life in prison and from I understand the death penalty is actually on the table too yeah it's crazy yeah sad man rest in peace I mean this was one of the people I looked up to yeah he love R DMC too
Channel: djvlad
Views: 69,300
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Id: 4vmzmBJQ8zc
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Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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