Boonie Bears Season 9 ๐Ÿป Time Trouble 6 ๐ŸŒฒBear and friends 2024๐Ÿ“NEW SEASON! ๐ŸŽฌBest collection ๐ŸŽจ

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[Music] Forest protection plan ramble come on come on you can catch us slow down [Music] Brier come on hey guys so you know I didn't eat breakfast before going out I'm so tired I think I'll just sit here for a while hey Bramble how would you like a sweet juicy apple apple oh yeah give me an Apple give me the Apple give me the Apple quick give [Music] me it must have snapped from the weight uh [Music] um look there goes another [Music] one the poor train the snow is too heavy it gets caught in the needles then the branches [Music] break huh I have an [Music] idea bear hug not enough huh hey wait you're just wasting your energy well then what should we do huh I guess my plan did work huh takes too much time so much snow yeah good idea but there's so many trays yeah well we got to think of something logger Vic the nerve Bramble let's go wait for [Music] me man it's cold out here loer loger Vic you better not be cutting down trees what if I am o look at that it's super fooled you all right okay I'm done here anyway so tricky oh man that's too good come back here Vick this is not the [Music] end calm down we need to focus on saving trees yeah okay I'm done here [Applause] [Music] anyway I've got a [Music] beauty [Music] remember the plan bro we got [Music] l w looking good with these new tire chains fitted I won't have to worry about getting stuck out in the snow ever again H I wonder how they'd look if I painted them let's find out hm yeah now to pick the color let me see this one should do the trick what the come on bald man say what no get back here [Music] stop oh what are you doing get away what is this what are you even doing in here got to [Music] get come Catch Me If You [Music] [Laughter] Can hello I don't know what game you're playing at but I don't like it oh hello Victor what are you doing get away I'm going to get you you st man get back here see he's too slow too slow yay we win what so it's War run huh now where are those bears at hey VC we're over here wait you stay [Music] there where did they go this time I'm right [Music] here you think you're funny behind you hey come on play hey come over here over here you can't out R me if I drive at full [Music] speed I'm going to get you it's working oh yeah ha the snow's falling off faster and faster right Mission completed time to go there you are by you come on Big Boy slow down I'm tired just give up stop you how are they faster than me I got to be speedier fire my legs are starting to protest I'm out of gas bro bro come on pick it up do not stop now but I can't move an in wait Luger is coming let's go get the L out hold on Rebel prior to the rescue [Music] get back here almost all the snow's falling off the trees [Music] no ah there's still a tree with snow on it hey get him to drive around that [Applause] [Music] tree s there stop that the snow's still up there I'm worn out roer I'm too tired to run this time you have nowhere to [Applause] [Music] go what is this I'm out of gas hey I'm out of gas just great what do I do come on let's Beat It okay D it it it D huh get back here you sck of bears where do you think you yeah Mission a accomplished yeah protect the forest the bear brother's way yeah the forest can count on us yeah we'll never let it down [Music] I really hate those S [Applause] Bears the chestnut [Music] Chase [Music] jackpot 10 15 20 25 30 35 how am I going to get home for the holidays faan leave me alone what am I going to do about getting home ah yeah hey it's Victor here it's almost the end of the year so what so could you see your way clear to uh you know send me some money of course really but let's do the math seeing as you haven't met your qu once this entire year I'll need to be deducted my losses from your salary that means you earn nothing nothing no you want to make it up start talking work you there boss boss curse that old CH gate he's got no heart I'll show you one day he is utterly selfish it's exhausting I'll just have to fend for [Music] myself just look at these bags perhaps they contain some goodies what's going on ooh aren't those the chest nuts I collected last fall totally [Music] faan M oh boy they'd be better fried oh that's it I can sell roasted chestnuts down at the station I bet they'll fetch me a pretty little bucker to that means I can go home sooner than I thought oh yeah [Music] genius get them while they're hot get your tasty chest nuts they're toasty and delicious chestnuts roasted chestnuts so [Music] hot how much you selling them for you filthy animal sneez in there my bad my bad don't worry I'll just throw them away just a sec [Applause] oh man what's wrong with this guy be so H please sir please oh please please buy some all right let's give these a try oh these are delicious I'll take five bags oh well if they're I'll bag how are they how much are they boy this is the best my life I'm wck I'm wck my CH I order two [Music] B all sold out and they still want more oh man oh huh you [Music] oh oh what's that uh oh yeah I bet that squirrel has some more chest duts hey all today's stock is sold out come back tomorrow in Winter squirrels store the chestnuts they've collected inside empty tree trunks oh that's clever this animal guide worth every penny not this one either the day is half over and no [Applause] nuts I'm such a failure at this I'm a loser it's worse than looking for an needle in a Hy [Music] stack could it be oh [Music] Chestnut oh boy they're here just not [Music] here incredible what's going on here byby come [Music] back who's that oh once I sold all of these chest nuts I'll be the richest person I know hang why would I do this so I hate him so much all of my winter food supply I can't handle that man I'll ask the B Brothers for help this is the greatest thing ever brle wake up brle I need your help bro come on what happed what's going on I'm trying to get some sleep before Bri comes back with the goodies grandle long took all of my gel stuck I heard him say he's got to sell them I've got to starve aren I what that greedy Lumberjack leave it to me Warren how much longer I told you I don't have all day just a minute be right with you been here all day Grable look there they are there I see just watch this seriously how much I order two bag hurry up thank you time to change the [Music] coal hey that smells like barbecue Grable your tshi is on fire oh boy sounded like a I don't know huh Just My Imagination ah oh yeah rle buddy he's about to sell all of my juts you got to St don't worry Warren thank you see you thank you have a wonderful [Music] day one second please is that smell what is that smell oh my gosh no no no no wait what the loser wait rle [Music] you oh brle what F he's catching up up you're too small you to say you running with this big old bag of nuts you're too slow come on faster get up to us hi brable look there's a card really are you kidding me this thing is dangerous one just deal with it bro b girls can't be [Music] chers stop those are [Music] mine rmo you never catch us Nick hey a train oh no the train [Music] C we got to let this thing stop right Iron Bear Club woo a [Music] train oh my sleet babies don't worry I'll take you safely home now and Nick that train almost squashed him that was true but loer V's left me with only a few chestnuts how am I supposed to make it throw the winter are you welcome to come back my place I got a huge stats of fruit just don't tell Brier awesome I'm absolutely starving Pirates gold [Music] dumpling it's so nice out here the perfect day for me to go out shopping get your hot steamy juicy dumplings right here I'm kind of hungry don't miss out on this kind of deal folks inside every box there's a 50% chance of winning a 25 karat solid gold dumpling that's right I said a 50% chance of winning don't hesitate come get your lucky box today before they're all sold out hey there eh 50% off am I going crazy or did you just say that that's right sir there isn't anything wrong with your ears or anything wrong with my brain check it out 99 bucks for a chance of winning a solid gold dumpling sir you you'll have to let go this looks real and here's your change you have a good day now come on let's take a luy look no it's got to be in the next one boohoo one more NOP no no no no no no no oh he better not have ripped me off the last back it better be in in here here we go one last try I want something yeah I don't believe that it's about time you've got Vick here it's your boss here how you doing there huh everything okay well you sound in a good mood you must have my wood ready not yet then I suggest you wipe off your face [Music] the ew is that a golden dumpling [Music] E I need to put you somewhere safe [Music] that jerk all he cares about is Lumber he has no clue I've got my golden where is it where' it go oh come on where are somebody took it took it I swear they're going to hey my dumplings all right that was some Feast next time don't need all of them BR I've got to get that dumpling back somehow if he atte it oh my you get back here nothing is better than sleeping with a floral belly you stop right there H spit that doubling out now but I didn't do anything all right just give it up don't make me go searching for it you hear maybe I can get him to spit it out huh come on now where are you dumpling where am I Vick's House what am I doing here hey quit it why are you doing that actually ah I was giving you a health exam D huh there's something wrong with your gut really mhm now tell me what was the last thing that you were eating uh H I don't know but they tasted good was it something shiny and Goldy looking um well maybe huh that thing you were eating was poisonous oh no please you got to save me I'm too cute to die you got to get it out of me don't fret I'll get it you will thank you thank you so much VI I owe you big time oh that's right you've got to spit out everything you ate today what are they [Music] doing come on get it out you'll feel a million times better that's everything I ate now I'm hungry again what am I to do now I can't just let him keep the golden dumpling in his St stomach maybe I should think of another plan oh that's it that's how we'll do it rle I've got an idea here you [Music] are eat them all up like a good Bear all of them that's right well banana aren't my favorite but if it's what you got have some more thanks [Music] Vick why are you being so kind to that Beast sh go away Fabian good boy picking that up for Bramble bear let go o super how's it going you feel all right do you need to use the bathroom not right now I've still got room for more how many more is he needing I need that ticket more than ever delivery for logger Vic there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks you need to stop all this begging you got that you're staying in the sink I've just got to get that gold I'm going to do whatever it takes Vicky I'm thirsty all righty okay Vick's become a veritable slave right I've got orange juice and apple juice how about both drink it feeling anything yet nope ew I wonder if I gave him back the gold dumpling good boy [Music] F now this is going to help you get the golden dumpling out just relax relax that's it good boy ready oh well bathrooms are waiting h i don't have to to go to the bathroom Vic what's the matter I just watch my golden ding back it isn't fair what you talking about give me my golden D I want my D give it back I just want it give it to me my golden [Music] ding the gold dumpling W Fabian oh man I can't believe you found it for me he did congrats that's need something to celebrate oh wait wait wait so much for human Hospitality well help yourself [Laughter] Fabian Uh something's not right here [Music] it won't come off all right no that creep sold me a fake to grill or not to [Music] grill a broken fers winter time just great I can't believe it yeah Victor have you finished this month's quarter yet I'm sorry boss not exactly it's been snowing a whole bunch around here I had a feeling you'd say that so I'm sending you something to help really thank you that's so kind of you Boss I don't care what anybody says about you yeah yeah I am the best aren't I oh and by the way cost of thiser send you is coming out your wages I'm so warm and comfy I could really go for some barbecued corn right about now oh boy toasty almost almost sure is getting hot I need some fresh air oh good [Music] H Brier I'm [Applause] [Music] freezing too so let's go home you know we got to eat I smell something hey wait [Music] ramble I think the smell is coming from logger Vick's House hey [Music] wait oh yeah huh who could that be okay yeah oh hello there Mr fenin this is happy duck electricity just a courtesy remind your electricity bill is 3 months over doy all righty please don't cut the power okay huh I guess I better go pay it Fabian I'm going out you're in charge and leave my food alone you hear me [Music] scavenger oh my gosh [Music] what are you it's just Fabian you scared me e potatoes but they're not cooked but they will be hey that's mine hey Bramble wow hey it's really warm in here hey Brier come on in wait wait wait loger Vic could be home in a minute we should go huh I'll allow you to enter but you have to share those potatoes with me oh yeah okay what's in here the more the merer all right hey so War now that you're all in start cooking those SPS oh sh no problem hey you guys should we just throw them on here please hurry up I'll be taking a cat nap yay they're [Music] ready it's going to hot of [Music] here oh no [Music] this so come on guys let's get out of here D you can have those potatoes [Music] H hurry up come on man hurry up Fabian didn't I tell you not to touch my food didn't I hold on where did that potato come from huh Footprints it looks like it belongs to those two bears really the Bears were in here huh huh waat us back end did they come in here to escape the cold if that's the case I smell a trap coming on SL Brier where did brle get though I you have you well collecting food but he certainly should have been back here by now uh hey Warren let's go out and find him here [Music] it's corn again it's coming from loger Vick's House these are better when they're grilled maybe I'll just cook come over at Vick's place real quick deliciousness here I come R look these are br's footprints he's out of the Vick's House what is he thinking fter I knew you'd be coming around I'll teach you not to eat my food brother ramble I'm in here potatoes are almost done pull up a seat and get ready do list hey we got to go come [Music] on I was out there too long all righty then time for Revenge ramble come onuh [Music] havic what are you doing that looks all right let's heat things up a [Music] bit R it's to hard ler Vic right [Music] now that'll teach you don't mess with me open the door R are you all [Music] right it's ready [Music] huh he forgot one now even [Music] higher [Music] oh uh what's [Music] that where' they go where what's happening it's a fire did I forget to turn off the gas [Music] wao [Music] my house oh are the Bears okay I wonder where they are in here they got away huh hey uh hi there boss Vector you feeling warm now how's your quter going well you see it's a funny story I haven't had the time what you haven't had the time well you have plenty of time now because you're fired what hello hey [Music] boss what did I do well I see those Bears next I'm going to make a fi coat snow [Music] monster [Music] local residents have reported catching a sighting of some kind of snow monster snow monster according to experts snow monsters are RAR to seen the news has been so weird lately who can be calling at this hour of the day hello SP bear hey boss it's been snowing non-stop I can't even get out of the house you're lucky I'm alive it's so pretty excuse if you won't deliver my love for on time you won't get paid I don't care I should just quit according to the legend No Monsters come from the snowing they are all very snowy and human they deep is very very sharp and their clo can be ripping apart aluminium and they only come in wi [Laughter] oh boy I am so scary he be the braving one yet yet yet Brave how about absolute boredom he doesn't care about your [Laughter] story what's that sound it's the snow monster it's a chainsaw it Bei it's freezing and still he won't give up chopping wood now we've got to finish this animals of the wood time to sort them out come on what do we need to you going come on wait for me huh [Applause] s look there it's a snow monster babo come on there's no snowy monster I be making it up it's true I saw it it's over there look guys hurry up already all right Boo Boo let's go or it's no monst get [Music] you wait for me H it's fle right hey Baboo huh where'd he go uh well he said he'd be throwing the snow Buster he'd be scared really right scared huh let's scare Vicki that's funny [Music] yeah do you see that look over there by that tree something just moved I am seeing nothing that's odd I saw something white maybe I imagined it snow monster help wow what happened where on Earth did Vicki get [Music] to what is that what kind of animal could do wow those are huge maybe there is a snow monster uh no way uh i' be making that story up [Music] okay yeah it's lunchtime boys and I'm coming for you please don't be eing me I got this stop it I thought you and I were buddies loger Vic it's you huh why do I always get caught huh oh those dinking Bears again I've got to come up with a plan to scare them away huh I got it [Music] help me it's a [Music] snowbuster well it's time to bring out the big guns oh yeah you have nowhere to run wait a second look there snow monster really there's nothing over there they trick me well that's the last time you ever trick on Vicky you're just so easy to fool do I look worried [Laughter] don't be worrying I'll be fighting out you let me go got to get that monkey that was close one I'd be so lucky what be that thing there I think dreaming bad dreaming snow monster the snow monster is real snow monster don't you dare oh please be helping me the snow moner is chasing me you kidding me [Music] uhoh it's true oh no local residents have reported catching a sighting of some kind of snow monster according to experts snow monsters are rarely seen it is said golly G that really is a snow monster I will help you don't eat me this is impossible stay cly now dy I think you made it worse come on eting me TIY I finally found you did you find something to eat I'm so hungry huh it's you Brier what happened to your feet well uh it's a long story Bramble why were you disguised as a snow monster snow monsteri we've got to finish this animals of the wood time to SW him out come on why do we need to go in come on wait for [Music] me oh my my foot where is everybody huh I think it's time for some food oh wait a second I bet they're out looking for food how dare they leave me behind interesting so the B oh it was you I'm so cold R where are you what where are you hiding I'm so [Music] hungry huh what just happened oh please stay back don't come you doing huh but B it's me grandall it is you out oh my foot Baboo just stay right here okay don't worry I'll go find Bri and get him to come help wait oh please hurry so you're the snow monster I saw you certainly fooled me you it's getting up we were totally freaked out oh yeah guys we still got to go help babo yeah we're on it bro that was close I can't believe it's really out there well anyway I'm safe now stay back a baby snow monster what's wrong with him huh a trip down B l oh yeah I'm full bro oh yeah life has been pretty good to us recently hey we haven't seen Vic lately oh that's right he used to ruin our lunch every day hey you think he's okay Bramble let's go go uy come on [Music] hit what you lost the photo the one that all of us took with Lola what happened you're so careless oh man that's the only group photo with Lola that we had left listen Vic we let you keep it because you promised to take good care of it and now you've lost it you broke your promise Vic what do you say to that Vic you're a grownup come on if you can't even look after a photo what are we supposed to do with you enough I didn't mean to lose it I'm so sorry how dare you talk to us like that hey hey take it easy Bramble all right it's okay please tell us what happened Victor well yeah last week I started feeling all sentimental you [Music] know Lola's such a cutie this one's my favorite oh where does the time go be careful little Lola be all Grown Up by now I bet that's my nagging old boss oh well that's it when I opened the photo album today I noticed that it was missing that's so weird uh I've looked everywhere for it but no luck at all well then could it be outside somewhere or what let's [Music] see possibly way it could be anywhere by now couldn't it I have an idea let's go ask the others we can all look for it good idea if you find it I'll bring you some premium honey from my home town premium honey huh there ain't no photo here [Music] hey s s I can't find the photo okay I help you [Music] yeah did you find it no oh they've been looking for a long time how come they haven't found found it yet ler V ler V we found it it's stop by the lightake I knew [Music] it oh heck yeah we're going to need some tools to get it out of there m Lola Lola come on there you are I'm so glad we found you this photo is one of my happiest memories [Music] what you ready wait a sec these look pretty familiar to me aren't these what are you doing step aside B time to Huga Chua don't you dare please don't do it Brier you might end up damaging the phone listen Vic we're the ones who went out and found it m we'll do what we want come on hey you stay there uh this isn't fair you can't do this get me down from here don't do that please [Music] no thank goodness here we [Music] go I'm exhausted rer we need to find the easier way Bramble I've got one one last idea H this should about do [Music] it stop [Music] it wow Brier you're an artist just look at that skill uh o but the photo's still inside so it is well you know it's a work in progress and uh you know um I've got another idea it'll work great oh [Music] yeah wow oh guys look the photo's okay damaged at all yeah that's because I waterproofed it yep I'm so smart Vic this doesn't belong to you anymore you'll just end up losing it again no I won't it's mine it's m mine give it to [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] all right we had so much fun together my little Lola it's my fault maybe come on [Music] Vicki Lola she's so cute isn't she bro she is but now ler fix photos all torn up Bramble human beings really value photos of the people they love a what am I going to do now I guess I shouldn't have fought over it ah brainstorm ramble listen carefully I feel real sneaky all of a sudden I love surprising people y r huh bro hurry up coming what are they going to do with that big rock do you think it'll work we'll have to wait and see I bet they're planning to hit me with it I can't believe those two hey Bears huh what are you up to H hey Vic we were just coming for you don't hurt me hey what's with you oh I know what you're planning what H uh viig you misunderstood we made this for you huh like it Lola and me and everyone RAR and I made [Music] this it's for you now we can all be together forever oh thank [Music] youy nice really sweet guys oh yeah this is for you guys oh wow you made it bra for the photo Brier hold [Music] this a thank you Vicki so are we cool or what now look Dick's blush no I'm not dinosaur fossil part [Music] two ramble watch out oh sorry pictures are necessary since we're going to be famous better tweet it yeahuh yeah hey Vic I heard about the dinosaur fossil is it the real deal yes sir and it's pretty big I see I tell you what you send it to me and I'll give you three times your normal salary all right uh hey what do you want the old fossil for well nothing really I'll just donate it to a museum now get it to me quickly and I'll pay you X sh I'm going to be [Music] ready you okay dick what's up don't worry about it hey you know what I don't think this cold is very good for the fossil but I know a place where is it yeah tell us nailed [Music] it this must be the biggest animal I ever seen actually this Triceratops isn't the largest dinosaur you should see the Tyrannosaurus Rex ler Vic thanks for Lending your storage to us don't mention it little dinosaur I'll protect you are you guys sure it'll be safe here what if Tiki and babo find the place well he's right hey I've got an idea let's go home okay mhm yes so that's what it is bub hey [Music] [Music] ouch s something's on my ankle [Music] the monster is alive they won't be back for a while Sho that's a load off huh who's that now what are they doing here at this hour oh yeah you'll have that fossil tomorrow and about that reward dick how could you he's planning to steal it too I trust you 100% I better get the be's ASAP Mighty I'm going to eat you up R are you sure nobody's going to take the fossil away trust me bro my booby traps are totally unescapable got an emergency what's wrong her it's loger Vic he lied to me he's taking the bones away in a truck [Music] what time to earn my fortune yeah come on quick come on well Vick inside let's get these bones off the truck okay okay okay I'll be right there back in the [Music] truck oh yeah where's it going to take us bro I'm scared BR right calm down you got to control yourself bro I'm going to be so rich recently there have been several cases of illegal selling and smuggling of dinosaur fossils hereby the police department claims they will take a strong stance against this vile criminal act seriously well nothing really I'll just donate it to a museum now get it to me quickly and I'll pay you extra a greedy goat like my boss would never offer me a reward I really got to check this out what's Vic murmuring about shello boss Here's a thought I'll deliver that fossil to the museum for you you just stay home rest easy no no no you bring it to my house so that's it huh it's no trouble I'm on my way to the museum right now hey I've sent someone to meet you you stay on that road don't go anywhere else that's typical send the Heavies to get me we'll see about that huh I wonder what that was faster than expected but they're not getting these bones don't get me that off sure thing boss [Music] don't I'll prot [Applause] you okay are you trying to get me killed ler Vic what what's going on why are you here we're here to stop you from taking the fossil away H my boss swindled me he told me he was going to donate the bones but he was just after the reward listen up Vic wants you to cooperate or else that what the heck is this e it's sticky it's a sticky bomb back we got to go yes I'm trying shoot the tires are stuck fast we've got to get that fossil out of here somehow fire bro you got to do something not not do stop resisting logger Vic just hand over the F oh D they really are determined what are we going to hey [Music] guys hey down here booger [Music] gun you missed me missed again come on big fella ramble now's our chance quickly while herb distracts them I'm over here nice shot think you're smart huh no more tricks that far here we go chew on [Music] this oh yeah ramble hop in when you're done there all done Herbert come on huh okay you're not going anywhere say goodbye to the [Music] fossil what in the world J you got to do Brier what can I do think Brier think all right that's it oh what are we going to do what are we going to do oh Lord please don't let that bear get himself hurt huh huh what's that sound God the dinosaur is alive oh yeah ha we're all safe now really I can't believe it yay Brier safe Bri you're the best all set to go you are sure you're okay to do this alone no problem you have my words straight to the museum for me then I'll never see it again I'm I'm going to miss you Pony I understand but it might get stolen if it remains in the forest these are really bad men they'd be back for it think about it the best way of protecting it is to send it to the museum then it can be appreciated by everybody I guess you're right take care buddy I'll visit you sometime a local man named Victor Von finkenstein donated a dinosaur fossil to the provincial Museum we've given him this he poor well you did good good but don't forget Herbert found it that is true here that's yours thank you guys hey I help too oh yeah take care [Music] buddy my medling of H now I'll never be ajoy sorry s but don't worry I'm sure that there must be a lot more treasure in the forest oh you're writing again babo let's go and finding me one Dicky is coming dinosaur fossil part one well that ain't [Music] food huh it stops here not a problem for a marit huh what the heck is [Music] that what it's it's a monster help monster alert monster alert feeling that warm sunlight inhaling that freshing air what a beautiful day I making a PO make One S where'd you go s Bab be getting off of me I am the king who be putting a hole here so crazy what are you waiting for yes sir get me out of here you are not putting your back into it yes sir oh what are you doing go and put your back into it over that way okay what are you doing what are you doing oh are you trying to bury me alive must running for your life it's just a skeleton s look Jeepers a very bigly skeleton so where's the monster you found then it was here under the ground I swear but it's gone now somebody must have found it and taking it away I bet huh somebody dragged something from right here this here Trail you're right to [Music] it this decoration will look great than my place are you sure this monster really exists own eyes I must be the first one who discovered it but someone took off with it follow that trail I'm sure we'll find it should the babo they've been following us or they want to take the treasure from me we should hide it it's somewhere close by Herbert are you positive you saw this thing I'm so hungry this monster search iar I saw it it's just so strange Herbert in all these Woods we've never seen it I know what I saw Make Way s is coming hello what is going on here oh hey Tiki we're helping Herbert look for the uh what it's gone destroyed the evidence said what thing what evidence you are speaking nonsense you did this on purpose didn't you you stole it you stole give it back you're sure you cocky monkey you stole it and why would I do that I am the king all things in the forest belong to me so you ad still so we'll see you around Brier Bramble wait you got to trust me [Music] guys everybody thinks I'm crazy even if they don't trust me H it doesn't matter I'll show them H but I'm going to need a little help first uhuh yeah this one'll do okay let's do it uhoh it's longer Vic huh what the guys quick longer is coming he's calling the Bears for help stop get back here gotta oh my goodness what am I going to do now I just can't get a any work done those bears are always on my case Hello r could you keep this between you and me please maybe loger useful I could give you carrots oh man what am I going to do forget about the carrots uh hi there I need your help man say what hey what's with all this camouflage okay what are you trying to steal huh [Music] huh shh listen it's not stealing huh it was m first come now hurry it up yes I am they did steal the monster I just know it's a dinosaur fossil a what now how did you know they have a dinosaur fossil I told you I'm the one who discovered it but they stole it and hid it from me I asked the Bears to help but they think I made it all up what a huge surprise if I make that dinosaur fossil public I'll be famous there might even be a little reward that'll be great right great hey well herb I'm going to help you get that fossil back you would do that for me yes sir you know I despise the thought of stealing let's you and I teach them a lesson together oh you really are a good friend right next time we find you loggan I'm going to ask the Bears to give you one minute to escape we're going to need a plan right sh [Music] [Music] there sure [Music] yes okay Next Step there that should do it stealing from the King it's mine it belongs to me I'm the one who discovered it all things in this Forest belong to the king oh no they caught him oh SE him come on truck get back here we got you loic slow down I'm getting car sick that's Herbert Bramble come on you got to get up what's wrong come with me time for dinner hey I can't take stop the car what the heck is that hert needs us we got to save it I don't want to die with this dinosaur fossil I'll be rich and famous I bet it's worth millions help help I can't stop hold on har I'm coming [Applause] there's a cliff coming up you ramble you've got to get in front okay come on guys the cliff is close that was a close one nice one loger Vick are you in there what's loger Vick doing at are you all right ler Vick why were you in the forest I wasn't cutting Timber I asked her to help me mhm helping with that well Brier you see you know dinosaurs right they existed millions of years ago and after they died their bones were buried underground after a while the bones turned into fossils it's quite I found the fossil but tried to take it from me you guys didn't believe me before so I asked ler Vic to help me get it back sorry about that Vicky I'm sorry to you too Herbert we really should have trusted you wait a sec huh this here dinosaur fossil is just ahead uh where's the rest this is where Tiki dug out the head what about if we dig a little further but the ground's frozen we'll never get it out our PWS are tough let's do it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah right there that's a good spot keep digging
Channel: WOW Bear - Official Channel
Views: 21,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boonie bears english, boonie bears english full episodes, boonie bears movie, boonie bears, boonie bears full movie in hindi, bears cartoon, bear brothers, cartoon bear, bear in cartoon, bear in cartoon network, bear, boonie bears english episodes, boonie bears adventure, WOW Bear - Official Channel, bablu dablu, bablu dablu cartoon, hindi cartoon for kid, bablu dablu ki jodi, bablu dablu new episode, latest bablu dablu, bablu dablu lakkha, hANHWKxyqM8, Time Trouble_6
Id: hANHWKxyqM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 32sec (4832 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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