Boonie Bears [ New Episode ] 🐻🐻 The Banished Cat 🌲🌲 Funny Cartoon 🌲 Best cartoon BEAR 🐻

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foreign [Music] [Music] a cat like me should be living the high life but instead I'm out here homeless [Music] disgusting I'm so cold I need to find shelter oh [Music] I'm so weak it's so cold foreign Debian wake up Fabian hello where am I oh thank goodness you finally woke up did you rescue me why were you all alone in the forest shouldn't you be warm and cozy in fixed place it's a long story work in this weather what am I gonna do I don't know there's a blizzard out there what does he expect from me huh I do so cold oh back to bed [Music] I guess it's leftovers again [Music] what do you want huh this food is all for me go away this is pretty good oh my grandpa's ceramic Bowl oh my this has been passed down through all the generations it's an antique I've been a component for a buck or two then I could buy all the food that I wanted oh now where's that magnifying glass of mine thank you [Music] like more baby on me [Applause] I am such a klutz Vic banished me I have nowhere to go and so I've just been wandering around aimlessly oh poor me um hey bro I feel sorry for him can he come and live with us well [Applause] you are both so kind thank you [Music] why do I suddenly feel so cold what happened [Music] [Music] what happened to Armstrong the door [Music] oh oh come down gentlemen I just used some of the straw to make myself hey what what's in your teeth um nothing it's our food [Music] and now I'm really hungry what will I eat ramble calm down I just had a few nibbles that's all relax plenty more food to be found in the forest good go find it um I have such a headache must have been the cold wind I encountered I feel so fainted so faint this is ridiculous come on we'll go get some food oh [Music] Baby Anne what do you think you're doing hi I was just helping you guys to finish up the leftovers besides don't you want to Branch out a bit fruit every day must be a bit well maybe you should try some new types of food such as ice cream and cake perhaps I'm tired nap time come here we can't go out like this that cat needs to go he's eating us out of the house at home it's all my fault I should have asked him to live with us stop listen what's important now is how to deal with him hey I've got it we should help Vic and Fabian become friends again Fabian see I guess you're not impressed with our choice of Cuisine here I was thinking uh maybe it's better if you go back to living with virk in this place what do you think if I could go back to vix I'd be able to eat popcorn for breakfast again and catch up on all the latest celebrity gossip but I was banished so how on Earth can I just return I've got a plan you who do do do no one inside whoa look at that it's so beautiful [Music] I better hurry I might even get this month's quota who's there hey huh you'll never give up where are you you're a sticky bear so we meet again I don't want to have to hurt you too but I'm starving and I want food that's right please please stay away from me working like a treat the magical moment when the bears go in for the kill that's when I will jump out and become a hero get away somebody help me Rebel can you see Fabian that was the cat's cute what should we do oh the moment has arrived it's my time to shine [Music] oh [Music] what on Earth do you think you're doing fabians you're gonna pay for this baby explain to Vic that it's a mistake oh Master you misunderstand take them get back here Bramble I must Dash well you're all mine now [Applause] thank you where did those two bears get I'm tired and totally starving I'll go away first then come back for those two [Music] [Applause] [Music] am I [Music] is my house over there over there ah how could I have gotten lost I'm so cold and I'm lonely I wanna go home show me the way [Music] the holy baby and we're here even though he's a good for nothing lazy cat he's pretty good with directions the plan was a fail what should I do now you lazy little feline why have you been hiding Where Have You Been hey [Music] I'm just so starving I need something to eat [Applause] [Music] oh thank you [Music] oh Fabian what have you done oh no not my TV Fabian no one won't say it again [Applause] mysterious monster what was that [Music] [Music] huh man I'm hungry so what's wrong with you wait a sec if it worked on Fabian maybe it'll work on those Bears I'll be able to scare me to leave me alone for good how oh it's so cold oh this is gonna be great Brian come on bro teach me how to whistle come on teach me please I've showed you a thousand times before you just can't seem to one more time watch my mouth are you sure that's a whistle sound that's not a whistle that's a scream come on what happened here who is screaming I don't like it will you look down there what the oh [Music] whatever it is it's even bigger than the Bears maybe it's got rid of clothes Warren did you see this thing did you oh no but I did hear his voice [Music] all right Bramble and guys like us baby get out of here guys help me no stinky Bears this time I'm ready what you doing you're just nutsy right it's annoying well get used to it [Applause] laughs lost him it's getting pretty dark too [Music] stay back why is he grounded like that maybe he saw the monster and he passed out yeah we don't know for sure come on forget the monster I'll be checking him out I ain't afraid waking up hitting me he's just annoying me that you are sleeping I said wake up so anything wrong oh no big deal he was being very tired and sleeping here everything is just great because I am the king JK turn around maybe it's Babu oh wow did you scare him away [Music] very well done Fabian my boy I reckon they'll believe in that monster without a shadow of a doubt and then he went and a huge body I almost got killed yeah don't stop frightening everyone in here we're safe I fired the door we'll all stay here together earlier but what about loggerville oh man we forgot about Victor you guys stay here I'll go get him okay okay but watch out for the monster bro do we do we really have to look for Vic maybe he's safe at home right now we'll go check after all it was us who left him out there right come on it's Taylor hmm [Music] prior he's not here [Music] oh no what if the monster Cooks him up for dinner oh stop wasting time let's just do it saving and kill monster Dickies right but the monster thing he's too he's just [Music] so we train begin s [Music] well my monster plane worked if I do say so myself no more pesky animals to deal with finally I can log in peace and quiet and not have to worry about anything life sure is looking up for this longer huh besides all Vic ever does is destroy our home the Bears are two kinds Francis and Kung Fu to save him no reason all I do is my job it's irritating yeah I'll show them who the enemy is but hell this is not all bad sometimes he does good leads too yeah that's true so look how just leave them you're absolutely right let's go drive that monster away and save Vic yeah [Music] [Laughter] this cloak disguise fits me perfectly Fabian let's go give those sticky Bears a scare all right we can scare more than them in fact we can scare the whole Forest [Music] oh [Music] there you are yeah well that's how it is [Music] hmm [Music] what happened what the heck was all that it was so close the monster must be close check over there you two that way I'm so dead oh man they'll find me here for sure come on oh [Music] ah Vick's Mega horn y oh my God he is totally outnumbered you're not going anywhere wait stop where you are that's loggerfic music this is [Music] [Applause] what you get for cutting down a tree [Music] Sleep Walker watch [Music] oh my God [Music] I'm trying to sleep [Music] what what do you want I'm trying to sleep here do you know how early it is oh hi boss listen if you don't deliver that one on time I sure do hate waking up early in winter time even my alarm clock can't wake me up having trouble getting out of bed in the morning well well introducing the brand spanking new Sleepwalker watch just slap on our easy to use watch set the dial to Sleepwalker mode then hop out of bed and work while you sleep you'll never be late for work again and it can be yours for eight simple payments of 888 20 off for American Express 30 off that's good let's see what it can do press the green button to begin the recording process when you finished your daily routine press the red button it's so easy let's do this recording photon yeah get up brush my teeth chop down the tree cook lunch okey dokey the recording is all done it's your turn tomorrow [Music] where's the quilt [Music] what's going on [Music] oh no stop snoring man wait a minute that's not snoring it's a chainsaw hey Bramble come on man you gotta get up come on Bramble wake up we gotta stop loggerfic all right ah hello [Music] yeah come on bro hurry up loggerfic is the most irritating thing I know he does this right in front of our noses Bramble we gotta such a big big Turf honey looks like I'm on my own again huh oh where did he go he was just right here I slept in again I'll be late for work this watch is useless [Music] oh boy I've cleaned the house too everything is so neat [Music] oh wow amazing oh wow unbelievable the boss will never ever yell at me again [Laughter] [Music] foreign ER I think you're imagining things hey you gotta step out of it come on now time to wake up Bramble wake up [Music] time to get up it's time to get up [Music] hey uh bummer I'll just go by myself huh what the all the trees are gone I should have been here earlier if only brambled woken up but longer fixed the laziest baffling it's a real poser how did he get up so early to come chop down trees huh I gotta figure out what's going on here [Music] foreign [Music] thank you of course I will you betcha so Bossa do you think I could get reimbursed for some of the money I spent on this watch the what do you think I'm a fool why don't I just let's get back to work you're not the only one who could yell Mister Chloe so it's the watch huh that's how he got up so early I'm Gonna Leave This at home I don't want to get lost or damaged while I'm out [Music] Bramble check it out it's pretty I want to have a look come on gravel this isn't a toy can I play with it what we have here is a sleepwalker watch Sleepwalker watch what is that well it's definitely a watch uh I'm not sure how to use it but somehow would help bloggervick get up super early really so you mean if I have this watch then I can get up early every day too yeah I guess so glad to hear you wanna oh then it's mine now what is it raining mostly walking record recourse give it back come on okay if you want to get back come and get it Bramble get him get the words back to us [Music] my Sleepwalker watch is gone [Music] yeah bro come on you're already halfway up [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] all right oh my God right [Music] [Laughter] remember the next time [Music] how dare you take my watch my Watchers [Applause] oh ah that was a close one next time you won't be so lucky how could Tiki give it back to him we'll have to wake up super early tomorrow to stop him from cutting trees my dearest watch together we're gonna make a fortune good night [Music] um [Music] he's lost his mind what kind of dream was that huh [Music] what happened to my house I spices [Music] [Music] you're not getting away then you think you can just run away you mess with me it's time to pay he looks pretty serious a good idea [Laughter] here we go come on [Music] [Applause] no you don't do that cliff s yeah I think you're so smart huh yes it just won't quit right let's climb up that hill Bible I can't make it this nose to slip that's the point Bramble it'll be just as hard for him [Music] stop where you are and I'm gonna get you isn't he tired right now what is his problem relax he'll quit soon enough [Music] check it out bottoms away [Music] [Music] a boy [Music] [Applause] that way too heavy I'm done for no way the logger Never Dies anywhere but the woods never ever I have to think what do I have to do to get off of this ice oh yeah first I need to lose some weight the pan holy rotten guacamole that stinks I don't need this for that or any of this stuff cause I'm such an order bye-bye rubber ducky I'm sorry [Music] my beautiful chainsaw oh such beautiful memories I'm sorry I have to do this okay look time to go [Music] the ice is breaking up all around me what do I do what am I gonna do will anyone miss me [Applause] foreign let's get him out hey bro what should we do now let me see I guess we take him home Bravo little help me pick him up [Music] hold on a sec this is my room what's going on here all right I fell through the ice into the lake it was them those two that's it I'm Gonna Get You bears it's time for you to pay this cracked me direct is the perfect spot to fish tonight I'm gonna make grilled fish and honey oh there he is now to catch a little fish are you doing [Music] damn bear you want a fish come and get it huh what's that a fish what's this is that [Music] wow another fish this spot's not bad it's a gift from the lake hurry there's one more that's it another yeah hi there where did Bramble go he said he'd find some food but where Bramble players stay back okay Brian you're listening to me now as I say oh your brother stop right there hands up and move slowly this way you wouldn't want anything to happen to him would you I don't have a choice I have to do what he says but as soon as his guard's down I've gotta think of a way to say Bramble [Music] okay please go get my truck what that's ridiculous all free solid down there I can't do it alone your truck is too heavy if you free Bramble we'll do it together you're right Brian needs my help that's not happening you go down there alone huh okay okay just let me warm up a little bit first here are you okay oh that was that hurts [Music] hey where are you [Music] oh get up here quick [Music] what are we gonna do well we got three options here number one we swim all the way across there but we'd probably freeze along the way number two we paddle over there using our hands but we're still free is there some way we can avoid the freezing part bro yeah option three we stay here and wait to be rescued oh I don't want to stay here my whole life this is all your fault vlogger Rick what I don't like this either we've gotta share some of the bling do you feel a little warmer now try to stay awake bro what's that thing coming towards us get down coconut thought a rope ah I got it they've got the Rope time to him [Music] what be happening between you and the Vicky oh well my friends that's a long story a very fizzy plan when winter arrives the lake is iced over underneath the thick surface fish grow fat and strong in order to survive the freezing cold according to Forest collection whoever catches the biggest fish before the seventh day of the icy winter we'll have great Fortune for a whole year yeah you excited bro no I'm not I wish I was still at home lying in bed don't be upset the seventh day is nigh I don't care about that it's cold out here [Music] Bramble we do this every year we'll be home soon enough bro but first we need to catch ourselves a big one you shouldn't be all right maybe we should head home yeah okay listen here we'll go home after we catch a fish tonight we're eating roasted fish huh really seriously I love roasted face take it easy [Music] good grief this is just useless [Music] that's it I Quit take this [Music] all right get lost [Music] wow that hurt who throws the hammer like that huh I can't stand you huh you give that back right now oh you want this then come over here huh I almost got him hey put that down what are you thinking back off I'm warning you guys don't mess with me I'm the real deal thank you Paul I forgot my gun I'm just trying to catch some fish I'm starving I ain't looking for a fight look please just leave me alone I am begging you I'm just so hungry [Music] up you are fishing too crazy and stay out of each other's way what do you say hello damn Bears I'm not gonna leave you alone I'm taking whatever you get you're going down just wait and see stinking bears this is an old drink watch and learn I'm watching nothing happened to him oh I don't know now that was funny gum let me show you how real master knows about it foreign [Music] [Laughter] so what have you got to say about this one bears [Music] worked on you bad Bramble we've got to go back to work you and I right just check out what I've got here the greatest fishing lure ever basket is Glory oh I want a fishing Laurier too wow jacket I like those things yes you're gonna use a mushroom to catch fish you're such a loser let's just catch a fish and go back home so we can roast it and take a nap um [Music] I want fish I want this I want this I want this did you do better you should have called it fish by now [Music] why are you doing that just watch bro like that [Music] oh they're biting [Laughter] fish [Applause] they caught a really big fish like that not fair just not fair [Music] oh there's another one what seriously did anybody get the number of that fish why did I catch all the fish believe this is just not fair they're catching all of them I've got to do something but what something really unfair right oh what do we have here ah perfect I'll blow those fish out this Mom will take care of everything I'm gonna eat my fair share of fish tonight Breyer what's he gonna do with that thing well I think he's gonna Nukem oh that kill them all we have to stop him now where did I put that thing ah there you are alrighty I can already taste all those fishies huh what happened hey that one what the what's going on something weird I tell you I should have figured it was then this piece of junk is busted thanks a lot you useless piece of stupid junk battle holy smoke [Applause] I think a bomb was a bad idea [Music] we gotta save him oh yeah [Music] [Music] Forest protection plan hi Bramble come on come on you can catch us slow down [Music] hey guys so you know I didn't eat breakfast before going out I'm so tired I think I'll just sit here for a while hey Bramble how would you like a sweet juicy apple apple oh yeah quick [Music] it must have snapped from the weight um [Music] look there goes another one [Music] oh a poor train the snow is too loudly it gets caught in the noodles but the branches break [Music] I have an idea [Music] [Applause] not enough huh hey wait you're just wasting your energy well then what should we do huh oh I guess my plan did work huh takes too much time so much snow yeah good idea but there's so many trails yeah well we gotta think of something ugh water Vic the nurse Bramble let's go wait for me [Music] um [Music] you better not be cutting down trees what if I am um okay I'm done here anyway so tricky oh man that's too good um [Music] trees yeah okay I'm done here anyway [Applause] [Music] I've got a beauty [Music] remember [Music] looking good with these new tire chains fitted I won't have to worry about getting stuck out in the snow ever again I wonder how they'd look if I painted them let's find out hmm yeah now to pick the color let me see look this one should do the trick come on man [Music] oh what are you doing what is this what are you even doing in here [Music] come Catch Me If You Can hello I don't know again you're playing that but I don't like it oh hello Victor what are you doing get away [Music] get back here so it's warm [Music] huh now where are those bears at hey back we're over here [Applause] [Music] I'm right here [Music] hey come over here over here full speed [Music] I'm Gonna Get You oh it's working oh yeah the snow's falling off faster and faster right Mission completed time to go then there you are bye laughs [Music] [Music] to me I gotta be speedier my legs are starting to protest I'm out of gas bro come on pick it up do not stop now but I can't believe it's coming let's go get the light out hold on Bravo prior to the rescue [Music] [Applause] almost all the snow's falling off the trees huh no [Music] ah there's still a tree with snow on it hey get him to drive around that tree [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the snow's still up there nothing worn out brother I'm too tired this time you have nowhere to go [Applause] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha what is this I'm out of gas just great what do I do come on let's beat it okay [Music] yeah [Music] protect the floor yeah the forest can count on us [Music] I really hate no second bears
Channel: DreamToon Asia
Views: 190,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boonie bears, boonie bears movie, boonie bears english, DreamToon Asia, boonie bears english full episodes, boonie bears english episodes, boonie bears in english, boonie bears: the adventures, boonie bears cartoon, boonie bears adventure, bonnie bears, boonie bears the adventurers, boonie bears back to earth, boonie bears full movie, cartoon movies disney full movie, cartoons full movie, boonie bears full movie in english, boonie bear, vicks, SGGRW4B4VP4, The Banished Cat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 25sec (3625 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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