BOOMERS, Who are the "OLD PEOPLE" of your Generation? - Reddit Podcast

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older Generations who are the I don't use computers people of your time my grandparents are very old-fashioned even for their generation if it counts my grandfather worked as a grocery manager for years he finally quit when his small M and pup store buckled down on bar scans and electronic cash registers he was convinced that barcodes were going to be the mark of the beast from Revelations and that if people use computers to access adult content then all computerized items must be banned so there's that when remote control TVs came out I suggested that my father buy one and he said it will be a cold day in hell when I'm too lazy to tell one of you boys to get up and change the channel for me it was such an amazing sentence that I committed it to memory and I still remember it word for word 50 years later from his point of view he already had a remote control TV why should he pay extra to have it automated exactly he would have had us act out Game of Thrones before getting a subscription to HBO my mom was just telling me about when answering machines were new and how people were so fearful of them and refused to leave a message she got promoted at a job because she didn't mind calling clients and leaving messages I bought my grandmother an answering machine in 2005 she refused to get one before that despite several of her children begging her to invest in one I got her a $10 one from Walmart I told her that I'd set it up for her and she asked me where it was she was under the impression that answering machines were about the size of a toaster oven after some questions I also learned that she objected to getting one for so long because she was concerned about how much counter space she thought it would take up but she also used the same bath order for a week at the time and kept her hearing aid batteries all of them not just the ones she wasn't currently using in the freezer so they would last longer so who knows some of the older alkaline batteries would slowly discharge over time you could slow them down by by storing the ones you weren't using in the freezer it didn't make them last a lot longer but it did give a slightly longer shelf life however my grandmother would keep all of her batteries in the freezer and not have any batteries in her hearing aids at all as you can guess that didn't improve her hearing no matter how long the batteries were lasting in the freezer I mean I might be wrong that sounds like it might stray from being technologically illiterate and just not caring that much about functioning in life in general the battery freezer thing might be an incredible case of being a cheap skate some still had outdoor toilets and were laughing at those who'd installed them inside because they're crapping in their own houses I lived on a homestead a little while I had an outdoor pit privy toilet I handcarved the toilet seat myself sometimes I miss watching the sunset while taking a dump it was way better than being stuck in a small room reading Reddit on my phone unless it was raining wiping while holding an umbrella is trickier than it looks when I was a kid late 50s and early 60s seat belts in the cars were an option lots of people thought they were unnecessary and refused to pay extra for them heaters and windshield defoggers were likewise optional my parents bought a new 1964 Plymouth Valiant and didn't get the option I think all it takes is one snowfall in the winter when you're struggling with a windshield that constantly fogs up and frosts over absolute misery pulling over and scraping the inside of your windshield my dad once told me a story about his grandmother refusing to fly in Planes because she didn't want to get her hair all messed up from the wind I'm picturing her flying with Red Baron Snoopy as the pilot honey I promise your hair won't get messed up from the wind plops leather bomber hat on her head my 89-year-old mom pays for cable but insists on watching only PBS and occasionally NBC CBS or ABC the other channels are too much technology to find on the remote she also buys multiple boxes or cans of food dates them in Sharpie marker records The Price Less coupon or sale special and has a rack for all her finds she will never eat all the oatmeal or beans in our Collective lifetimes but she was a depressione a child so I get why the urge to stock up on food is strong my grandmother is 89 when she was a kid she had an uncle who hated cars he called them machines and refused to drive one it could have been job security though her whole family worked for the railroad in all fairness cars are machines then again so are trains fun fact the Russian word for car is mackina my dad is 65 he remembers old folks complaining about the Ford pass in football but it did completely change the game My Granda still believes that 15 is the age of adulthood that schooling isn't necessary beyond that point she grew up in a time when literacy wasn't a given with a bachelor's degree and a very mediocre Spanish I would have killed it in 1920 for all of about 8 years well now I'm greatly depressed my grandmother mother drinks only hot decaf coffee breakfast Hot decaf coffee dinner hot decaf coffee feeling parched after a day of hard work hot decaf coffee 100° July day with lung clogging humidity hot decaf coffee when I was growing up we never had ice that was a luxury cold drinks aren't good for your stomach my parents are from former Soviet country and also refuse to drink anything cold saying it will make you sick my dad doesn't even drink beer cold room temperature at most any beer drink an alcoholic will tell you you can drink a lot more beers if your beers are room temperature instead of cold this is actually a very common thing in Asia in China they only drink hot water according to Chinese medicine cold water and cold things in general are very bad for your stomach they won't eat refrigerated fruit I lived in China for a few years and my roommate thought I was insane for refrigerating my watermelon I found that was the safest way to store it because none of them would touch it in Germany they don't put ice in their water I've I've never liked ice in my water so living in both Germany and China at different points in my life worked for me the US is actually pretty unique in that everyone wants their beverages ice cold I had a Chinese roommate in college who kept a gallon of Sunny D out at room temperature for weeks while drinking it weirded me out my grandparents laughed at the idea of a mobile phone or sending messages through the phone line when fax machines were a thing my grandparents didn't like computers and they still had a typewriter or wrote by hand I was given a typewriter as a kid but then I was using Windows 95 OG hipster right there I'll be honest as a 30s something year old I have no idea what a fact actually is the gosh darn answer would be one Google search away but I'm going to live on in ignorance for a few more minutes so you lot can judge whether this is normal or whether I'm exceptionally ignorant back in the 80s I knew an old lady who used one of those really old toasters that could only toast one side of the bread at a time as a present we went out and bought her a modern pop-up toaster but she wouldn't use it she preferred to use her old one I could see if she had one of those rad Sunbeam radiant toasters which in many ways are superior to any toaster on the market today but this is just a fire waiting to happen I see you've also watched that technology connections video I'm the web designer for a local organization their treasure refuses to accept card payment via their website people have to print out forms fill them out and post them with a check I also get paid by check with a handwritten note they would be a much more pop and successful business if they just modernized a little my lore firm still uses checks we're also on QuickBooks desktop 2008 and our timekeeping software is from 2011 we don't use word we use word perfect and our forms are still set up to double space after periods nightmarish my grandmother didn't like to use the remote control for her television because she was afraid it would break somehow and function as a laser dangerous enough to set things on fire my grandmother complained about remote controls for TVs because it would promote people being lazy because apparently watching TV in the first place is a rigorous activity modern day I've had people tell me using a voice activated light system in my house is lazy because there's something to be said for getting up and turning on a light like what it builds character to flip a switch I'll take my space house thanks my depression ear parents refused to ever have AC because it seemed frivolous and unnecessary and my dad chose seat belts as the symbol of government overreach and refused to ever wear one in 1980 we took a family trip from Virginia to St Louis and back with four kids in the bed of a pickup truck I remember my grandma telling stories of when AC was a new feature in cars people would keep their windows rolled up in summer so that people in other cars would think they had AC my parents didn't have AC I begged for it constantly and every time my mom would send me outside for a few minutes instead that way it would seem cooler Inside by comparison if it didn't she'd tell me that I could go up into the attic and come back down they bought an AC unit the year after I graduated and moved out they just didn't want me to be comfortable I guess being miserable builds character or something my senior year of high school I had a series of newspaper articles in the local paper explaining how the web wasn't a fed and wasn't going away nobody but one guy at the paper believed it it was 1995 my high school I graduated in 2000 was like this we didn't have computers in high school and although there was pressure to buy them the administration claimed computers were a dying fad and spent the money that was to go for a computer lab on new football equipment Instead This was rural Pennsylvania and I assure you I'm not making this up others did bring up a good point and stated this is a tactic for administration to spend how they want versus what the school needs also according to people who still live there whose kids now go to school there the school did a 180 on technology in the early 2000s and kids now have computer classes you can submit your own stories to to be featured here on the channel the story submission link is in the description below and if you want to listen to some viby music in the background check out easy mode also linked below and subscribe I had a professor in college that taught Building Systems he was like 80 years old knew all of the new ways to build a structure never used CAD all of his details and plans were handrawn I've taught a couple of classes on how to use more advanced functions in CAD none of my students had ever even seen a French curve before I was purposely taught how to handd draft in high school 2007 before I learned CAD my grandfather used to yell about you lazy kids and your zippers my father worked at a car dealership up until 2018 was a manager and had a computer on his desk someone filed a claim that he had harassed them saying he sent lewd emails it came to his desk and logged onto his computer not only had he never sent an email he had never read one either he had more than 60k unread emails his boss asked him how he knew about meetings if he never checked his email it's not hard you see everyone get up and walking into a location you follow needless to say he was cleared and the person making false claims was fired color TV when they became common in the mid-60s a lot of older people believed they emitted harmful Rays when Mom finally got one in Circa 1972 it was kept in her bedroom and we were ushered in to watch it only on special occasions and we had to sit at least 10 ft away given how small and low resolution even a big TV was in 1972 I can't help but laugh at the crowded family squinting to work out what was happening from across the room my grandmother is 97 and told me about people who would refuse to get air conditioning or drink sodas because they're the devil's work she grew up on a farm in a two room house with 11 family members living in that house she always had sodas and the AC rocking and rolling all summer my grand grandar is 79 and refuses to turn on her AC for religious and it's going to make mold grow everywhere reasons I swear she's going to die of heat stroke One Summer but wellp she's into some kind of Hardcore Sub Christian or Catholic cult it's not Amish Mormon or the Jehovah's Witnesses too minor so I forgot the name Tech is not forbidden per se in their thing but it's not liked At All by their thing it's like everything bad that's happening to Canada comes from soulless new tech and immigrants the whole thing is weird and doesn't make sense to atheist software engineering students like me so I'd have trouble explaining more my mother refuses to get a smartphone she does however have a tablet with a data plan she takes with her everywhere in addition to her dumb phone when I point out that tablets are just big smartphones she scoffs what can you do I don't read novels my grandfather thought they were a plot by the elites to both ruin our eyesight and keep us locked away in a fantasy world how old are you that the tech technological advancement your grandfather didn't trust was books Socrates has joined the chat Scrolls were good enough for my parents and their parents before them Socrates didn't even really like Scrolls either since your writings don't update as you learn more or change your mind he thought that they would just spread misinformation and it was better to rely on talking love you Socrates But Rising is the invention that allows for a large Society to function what Socrates needed was GitHub to be honest I said at one time I would never buy CDs I liked albums and tapes too much I never got rid of the albums and tapes but now I have many CDs also when they first became available I honestly felt that both CDs and DVDs were just an industry conspiracy to stop people from recording their own music or movies with cassettes or VHS DVDs were originally marketed as uncrackable or uncopyable so you're not entirely wrong I remember it being a huge deal when that guy found out how to do it and shared that info to the world my grandpa used to tell me that he was basically set for life because he learned to read and write Mass illiteracy wasn't as long ago as we like to think touchtone dialing my mom refused to pay the $1 and change a month to have it she finally caved in around 2002 since several have asked touchtone was a keypad much like what almost every phone is now before that it was a rotary dial phone when my dad was in his 80s and losing some of his marbles I started taking over some of his household chores and errands discovered that he was still using a rotary phone because he wasn't paying for touchtone he was however still paying a rental fee for his telephone he had been renting it for 50 years we went to the phone store and got him a touch tone and they waved the fee so that his bill pretty much remained the same with the new phone I also got him ACC cordless but he hated using it he'd forget how to answer it press talk poke it was sad to watch a formerly bright person former High School teacher totally able to cope with simple household items I still miss him digital clocks are lazy my school has to hold an assembly for the fifth graders every year who can't read analog clocks cuz they can't afford to replace all the clocks in the middle and high school buildings as silly as this is I think that analog clocks will always be around as a nearsighted person I can often read an analog when my eyes can't see a digital one grandfather thought graduating high school was a big deal he graduated in 1941 and was the first in his family family we had a great aunt who hated using the washing machine and claimed it never cleaned the sheets properly at least in Costa Rica where I live at that time it was all you needed once you ended High School you were pretty much set up for Life some of my grunes married shortly after finishing it and are still happily married boy that's a different time to think it was normal for people about my age to have been married and stable for half their lives when a lot of my counterparts right now don't own houses is just kind of wild my grandparents were the first people to have a television in their neck of the woods rural North Carolina in the 1950s a big deal back then grandma told a story when riding on a bus back from work one day and a couple of her neighbors were on there too they were talking about how the Blake burners got one of them fancy TVs saying how it was an evil thing and would simply be bad of one of them to buy one and that they the neighbors were wise enough to never get one of course they knew my grandmother was on the bus with them as they said it really loud so she would hear them petty jealousy from them made my grandma run off the bus and tears Story Goes that Grandpa a mechanic who was doing well enough that they could buy a TV was so livid that he refused to work on those neighbors vehicles for decades he was the only mechanic around for almost 20 mil which back then was an hour drive from anywhere else an equitance of mine told me her grandmother doesn't own a refrigerator because refrigerators are harmful and for lazy people that don't want to cook fresh food I remember people's parents not having microwaves although by the time I was growing up that was pretty rare the convenience said one over almost everyone by then I've had a cooworker about 52 years old refused to use a computer because he caught his wife having an affair on a chat room on their computer so he destroyed it at that point if she wants to cheat she'll find another way yeah she was cheating the computer is how he found out right I still have a wall phone in my kitchen a young woman at my workplace asks me in all innocence if I sell my house will the new owners be forced to have a landline too my grand father refused to get a VCR but not because he was a l i VCRs were all made in Japan and had fought in the Pacific in World War II so he refused to buy anything Japanese interesting side fact this is why Nissan originally started selling cars as datson they figured there was going to be a lot of bitter vets who remembered Nissan making War materials did Volkswagen ever has the same problem they did for a bit the brand got passed around a bunch before they started production it was even going to be given to Ford for free and they declined it was offered to to a bunch of different English companies they all declined so it was given back to Germany under supervision it might have helped that they didn't actually make that many before all the factories started churning out War stuff seriously the very first assembly plant opened in 38 and the war started in 39 not a ton of time spent making bugs they only made 210 before shutting down civilian bugs only started happening in the late 40s and only boomed in popularity in the mid-60s is 20 years after the war ended and during an entirely different War so I imagine for some it was easy to ignore the German aspect rural areas are always fun for this in a grocery store I overheard an older couple back in 1989 discussing their high cholesterol levels they didn't trust doctors and said Downing a cup of really hot coffee every morning would clear the obstructions no need for fancy medicine I'm 65 back in the early 1980s I remember my grandmother asking my dad if they still made cars with the levers throttle and Spark advance up by the steering wheel the last car she had driven was a Model T Ford in about 1930 my grandma refused to get a TV in the early 1950s my dad always wanted to watch shows but he had to sneak to his friend's house cuz she didn't believe in getting a TV my grandfather was a menite but had moved to a city and was working in factories as an adult he even used to watch TV until John Wayne died then he got rid of their set he said it was evil to watch dead people moving around on a screen as if a live like watching ghosts he would tell us that TV was the devil's work as a kid I started drawing cartoon characters like animal characters and stuff one day he asked to see my drawings and he was outraged saying I was drawing the product of bestiality said it was evil all that said I loved him and as I got older he and I got really close he was a God-fearing man but he was also a very humble peaceful and funny guy he taught me woodworking gardening and the joy of just sitting quietly in nature he was just trying to save you from becoming a furry my grandpa had to fight a hard campaign to get his dad and Grandpa to switch from farming with horses to farming with tractors his grandpa continued to maintain the horses for his own garden until his death in the 1960s when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications put the playlist on in the background to finish listening to all the stories or if you want some viby music to put on in the background check out easy mode if you like am the genius give am I the jerk a shot everything Linked In the description
Channel: Am I the Genius?
Views: 20,504
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Id: 1FGf25mHVlM
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Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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