Bookkeeper DAY IN THE LIFE (bookkeeping job description)

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today I'm gonna do a day in the life of a bookkeeper so it's been a while since I've done this and my last video you guys seem to really enjoy it so I thought I'd do an updated version my name is Morgan from fine prints not business and I love to help you guys get organized and talk to you all about bookkeeping so thumbs up is a huge compliment it helps me out a ton as well as if you hit that subscribe button you can get a video from me every week about bookkeeping so I just turned on the camera to film a couple YouTube videos but I thought I'd let you know what I was up to this morning so I was working on QuickBooks Online all morning right here on my laptop and I was doing the yearly bookkeeping for one of my really small clients so she doesn't hire me every year to do her books but she didn't want me to do them this year in last year so it's a fairly typical setup she just has one bank account and one credit card and so I just had everything feeding and it was actually feeding in all year because I had it had it set up in the past so I was just categories and categorizing all of those expenses on both her bank account and her credit card and I did a little work in the chart of accounts too so I wanted to make it more clear she's the florist so she buys flowers so I kind of wanted to split out the flowers and that cost of goods from the vases and clippers and all of her tools so I've been that a little bit more clear in the chart of accounts as well as one of the stock chart of account categories they give you is called office supplies and software and I don't I just don't prefer that I prefer to split out the software from the office supplies because I think of office supplies like pencils and pens and then software just seems so different to me that's totally personal preference after I categorize all over her transactions I pulled up the profit and loss by year and then because it is a pretty small business I just clicked into each of the categories to make sure that everything made sense and there wasn't anything that was in the wrong category my next step is going to going to be to reconcile the bank account each month so I think I can just do I think I'll probably just do it at the beginning you're in the end of the year and then put in those totals for reconciling and then I don't know and then IM planning to meet with her next week and just help her get the app set up on her phone so that she's able to categorize this herself because the business is small enough that she's totally able to do that as a business owner and then I'm gonna show her how to use the online receipt capture as well because I think that'll be cool she's very technologically savvy I think she'll be interested to do that kind of thing so what I'm gonna be working on tomorrow is kind of a to-do list I'm going to show you guys my to-do list and then show you how a different client it kind of has their business set up and the tasks I do for them and as in my previous day in the life I'm gonna make this into a couple different days because the way that I do my work isn't just like a whole day I'm working so I fit in my work here and there as my kids schedules allow I do try to work on every Thursday from like 9:00 to 2:30 is a big chunk of time I work and then I was trying to do the similar thing on Friday and I had a little bit of a childcare hiccup on Fridays so I'm trying to work through that at the moment but that's usually work about like ten hours a week so right now just in my stage of life I'm just trying to fit in work as I can and that's kind of what my preference is alright so earlier I made my to-do list for my personal stuff and then this is for a YouTube project I'm working on and so now I'm gonna make a to-do list for just some work stuff that I need to get done it's mostly for client work so I thought you guys would enjoy taking a look at this alright so this is the work I'm trying to get done before picking up my kids in about two hours so the first three things are for a certain client so I need to input all their checks and then match them to what fed in from the bank and I'll show you kind of the process for that these are paper check stubs that I get from my client and so they're upside down obviously because I don't want to show you what it is but this was a paper check that was attached to it and then this is the check stub where they write it down before I connect it today foods I want to input all my checks first because that makes the process like a lot easier and this paper I told you I've told you guys before I try not to deal with much paper but this is what I get once a month there's probably about there's three checks per page and maybe there's 20 of these so like 60 checks a month so I do get these once a month I usually go to the office and pick them up or they'll drop them off for me and then so I can input these checks you put it in the check first in QuickBooks and then the bank feeds it in and then the to match so that's just a really good check to make sure that what you've written is correct and that type of things all right and then then the second thing I have to do is I have to input the income per person so the same client has this book that they have given me so they get income from clients but each of the employees they want to track how much each employee is making per client so they use this paper ledger to record like each person's name this person made three hundred dollars and it goes to this client so then on the profit and loss statement it's gonna look something like this it's gonna have an income and then it'll have each person and how much they made and then the total income for the company and then expenses are down below but that just helps the owner give visibility to kind of who is making what within the firm so after all the income feeds in from the bank I just go through this and match it up with the deposits to make sure that all the income is accounted for so once I do those two things then I just reconcile the bank get the statement from the bank website and then I'll send reports to the owner so send a profit and loss for this particular one usually I do the last three months so they can compare month to month and see how they're doing all right so that's all for a-1 client and then I also have to send an invoice to one of my clients that's something that is kind of hard to keep up on sometimes because you know I just get wrapped up in doing client work and then I'm like okay I actually have to get paid so that's definitely important and then I have to text Sarina who is another bookkeeper who was in my local area and she actually found me on YouTube she might be watching this heist I mean if your watch but we just like to get together every so often just to kind of like network and support each other she's a little bit newer too so sometimes she has questions but I just really like if possible to if there are certain people you connect with and can just get together in person when you're working from home then that is really helpful and then another client needs to send me a spreadsheet I had some questions for her and so I'm waiting for her to get back to me on that so I made just send her a quick reminder to see if that is ready then send an invite oh yeah so it's getting close to tax season so all of my clients I have been communicating with their accountants to make sure that they have everything they need so with QuickBooks Online Laurie is an accountant for one of my clients this was the first time that Laurie had used QuickBooks Online so I just added her in my QuickBooks account maybe I can put a screenshot here to show you guys how to do that as well but I just added her and then she is able to go in and pull any reports that she needs to do to prepare the client's taxes and then update my business license so with a new year I just need to make sure that I am current with my local business license and then set up a meeting I also need to meet with one of my clients I told her I just give her a little of a tutorial in QuickBooks because she's doing it a lot of it on her own and she's wanting to learn how to put her receipts in there so just I'm probably gonna meet with her in person because she's actually someone I know in real life so I will meet with her probably on an evening because we both have kids so it's easy for us to just get together in the evening this is pretty typical for my day some client work and then some odds and ends getting back to people and doing stuff for my own business
Channel: FinePoints
Views: 122,933
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Keywords: bookkeeper job description, day in the life of a bookkeeper, what does a bookkeeper do every day, bookkeeper job duties, DITL bookkeeper, bookkeeper job, daily bookkeeper, bookkeeper bootcamp, finepoints bookkeeping, finepoints, what does a bookkeeper do series, bookkeeper interview, what is a bookkeeper job description, bookkeeping job, bookkeeper, bookkeeping, what is a bookkeeper's job, what does a bookkeeper do for a small business, bookkeeper day in the life
Id: GKnb2nflRE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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