Book of Revelation Explained 47: Summary of Revelation 1-14 | Allen Nolan

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[Music] [Music] tonight I kind of want to cover everything that or review everything that we've covered up to this point you know I want to make sure that as we're going so in-depth in the book of Revelation that we don't lose sight of the big picture and I think sometimes we have the tendency to do that especially when we go verse by verse so we're going to just kind of do a review up to where we've already covered now believe it or not the book of Revelation is really not that difficult to understand I know people think that it is but it's not in fact I've broken it all down into what I consider to be a very simple chart now my chart is a modification of Clarence Larkins chart so tonight what I'm going to do is I'm going to review by going through this chart and showing you the chronological order of each event up to the last part of chapter 14 because that's where we stopped last week and then when we finished the seven vials in a few months it's going to take it back a couple of months to get through that we're going to do this process again and the reason I want to do this is because I want you to be able to pull out your chart and I want you to actually go through the book of Revelation and understand the big picture so hopefully you brought your chart did you bring your chart people said no I don't do that anymore what you really need to do that especially as we're going through it because what I really want you to do is I want you to take notes on the chart to help you understand all of these events and how it fits into God's timeline now I know some of you don't like writing on your chart because you're afraid then that it's not going to look pretty well we sell new charts you can buy a new chart for $1 in the bookstore so go ahead and just write all over your chart take all the notes that you need to so that you can actually flip to this chart when you're studying or going through the book of Revelation and understand what's going on and how each event fits into God's time line now in chapter 1 verse number 19 John was instructed to write the things which thou has seen and the things which are and the things which shall be Hereafter now this is the base take outline of the book of Revelation you see the book of Revelation is divided into three sections the things which thou has seen the things which are and the things which shall be Hereafter in other words past present and future the things thou has seen refers to the vision that John had of Jesus in chapter 1 you see John had a revelation of Jesus as he is now in heaven not as he was when he walked upon the earth you see John was one of Jesus disciples so he knew Jesus he had this revelation of who Jesus was but when he had a vision of Jesus in heaven he was totally different than what he was familiar with and that revelation of Jesus is recorded in chapter 1 so chapter 1 is a record of the things that John has seen the things which are refers to the church age chapters 2 & 3 each church that's mentioned in chapters 2 & 3 represent a period of church history the Church of Ephesus represents the Apostolic period it went from 30 to 100 AD the Church of Smyrna represents the persecuted period now let me just make a few comments here if I were you I would ride over run one I would ride over Ephesus the apostolic period I would ride over Smyrna the persecuted period so in a year or two you don't forget what each church represents when it comes to church history the Church of Pergamus represents the church state period that's when Constantine legalized Christianity and he allowed the church or I should say Christianity to become the official religion of the state the Roman Empire the Church of Thyatira represents the papacy period in other words the establishment of the post Pope so what we have here in a sense is the advent or the origin of the Catholic Church and that run ran from 590 to 1517 AD the Church of Sardis represents the Reformation period that began in 1517 and went to 1798 the Church of Philadelphia represents the revival period and what do I mean the revival period this is also known as the Great Awakening this is when you had these great evangelists and they went all over and thousands of people would come to outdoor meetings and they would almost all get saved there was a great revival that took place and as a result of this great revival that was also a lot of missionaries that were sent out so sometimes scholars refer to this as the missionary period and then you have the Church of Laodicea it represents the apostasy period that's from 1900 to the present around 1900 we started to see this liberal movement move actually go through the church in fact if you go to the majority of the seminaries today they are liberal seminaries they don't believe that Jesus was truly resurrected they believe in what is called neo Orthodox theology where Jesus is resurrected in your heart they don't believe in the miraculous things that took place in fact what they try to do is they try to explain all of these miracles from a scientific perception or viewpoint and that's what we have today now whenever a new church period began it doesn't mean that the churches from the previous period ceased to exist let me give you a couple of examples to illustrate what I'm talking about the Catholic Church still exists today but in 1517 the Reformation period began and Protestant churches came into being in fact the word Protestant actually comes from the word protest these were people who were protesting the practices of the Catholic Church and the reason it's called the Reformation movement is because they originally wanted to reform the Catholic Church they did not want to separate but when the Catholic Church refused to reform then they actually left the church they protested and they went out and they began Protestant denominations now these Protestant churches are in existence today but that doesn't mean that the Catholic Church has ever ceased to exist and that's my point even though the Reformation period was a new period in church history it doesn't mean that church is from the previous period or periods ceased to exist let me give you another example in 313 ad Constantine legalized Christianity as I said and it became the official religion of the state and as a result the persecutions of Christians it actually ceased in the Roman Empire but that doesn't mean that Christian churches or Christian people aren't being martyred today aren't being persecuted you can go to many nations in the world today and the church is being persecuted so as I said whenever a new church period begins it doesn't mean that churches from the previous period or periods ceased to exist does that make sense good so which period are we in now we're in the last period the Laodicean period now let me ask you this is there going to be another church period before Jesus Christ returns no the last period is now we are the last period before Jesus Christ returns that should tell you how close it is now the things which shall be Hereafter see the titles I have at the top the things I've seen the things which are the things which shall be Hereafter that refers to the future events that are going to occur when the church age ends and when does the church age end when the rapture occurs in chapter 4 verses 1 & 2 John was raptured in other words he was taken to heaven and his rapture represents the rapture of the church so chapter 4 is a vision of heaven with the church around God's throne now chapter 5 gets the ball rolling Jesus takes the scroll that sealed with seven seals from God's right hand the scroll is the title deed to earth and in chapter 6 Jesus begins to open the seals one by one when the first seal is opened a rider on a white horse appears this the Antichrist he's riding a white horse because when he first comes on the sown scene he negotiates a seven-year peace treaty with Israel white represents peace so if I were you right above the white Horseman I would actually say this is the Antichrist he's going to negotiate a seven-year peace treaty when the second seal is opened a rider on the red horse appears this rider ushers in World War three Ezekiel's chapter 38 and 39 detail the events of this war in fact it's kind of interesting but a lot of people actually try to make the battle that's described in Ezekiel 38 and 39 to be the Battle of Armageddon but it can't be because basically it says that Israel is dwelling safely in its land well when is that going to occur that's going to occur shortly after the seven-year peace treaty the Israelites are going to take such stock and what the Antichrist does when he first comes on the scene they're gonna let their guard down and that's when this battle is going to occur when the third seal is opened a rider on a black horse appears this rider brings famine upon the world now famine is an after effect of World War 3 when the fourth seal is broken the last Horseman is unleashed upon the world this Pale Rider brings death with him and a quarter of the Earth's population dies now if you do some quick figuring you'll come up with about 1.4 billion people that's how many people are going to die and you're just in the first few months maybe the first year of the tribulation these four horsemen bring deceit destruction and devastation upon the world you might say that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse actually kick off the tribulation they get it all started in fact when you see the first horseman come upon the scene the tribulation has begun and by the time the fourth Horseman comes on the scene the tribulation is in full swing nothing can stop it now it's already been set in motion and let me just go ahead let go a little bit further say nothing can stop it anyway God said this is the way it's going to be in the since the way it's gonna be now when the fifth seal is opened you see some of the first martyrs in heaven you don't see a lot you just see a few we're gonna see that escalate as we come to the middle of the tribulation and then it's going to hit his peak right after the middle of the tribulation after that second half begins now when the sixth seal is opened a polar axis shift occurs in fact this is kind of interesting and you really don't understand it unless you actually translate it from the original Greek John's describes it in this manner he says that the heavens split like a scroll and what he's describing is a split scroll not one that's just one but it's actually two and then he says this and the heavens rolled now let me explain in fact let me just turn this around if you don't mind to look like this this is a split scrolling says this is what the heavens look like except it was rolled out and then it says that the heavens rolled now when you take a scroll like this in role of what you do is you roll one side out you roll the other side in and if you go the other way as you roll this out you roll this side in but what's interesting is what's behind this as its Road is now revealed and what's revealed is actually closed and John says this is actually what the sky or the heavens does when the sixth seal is open now the only thing that could cause that to occur is a polar axis shift and that's what occurs chapter 7 is an interlude in other words it interrupts the chronological flow of events in order to give you vital information that you need to know you see after the death of over 1.4 billion people in a short period of time in about a year and a half to two year period then you have this polar axis shift everyone thinks that it's the end of the world but it's not in fact we're not even to the midpoint of the tribulation we're not even close to getting there yet so the question is asked at the end of chapter 6 the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand in other words if this is the wrath of God and it's going to get worse before it's over who can survive it and people that's a pretty good question so the natural flow of events is actually interrupted in order to answer that particular question and that's what chapter 7 is all about in the first eight verses of chapter seven we find out that shortly after the rapture a hundred and forty-four thousand Jews were realize that Jesus was the Messiah and they will receive him as their Savior and Lord so when you get to chapter 7 it says a hundred and forty-four thousand sealed if I were you I'd make a little note there right after the rapture occurs that's when these a hundred and forty-four thousand are going to recognize that Jesus was the Messiah and they're going to become lean mean preaching machines now because they missed the rapture they're going to have to go through the tribulation which is a time when God's wrath is going to be poured out upon the earth so the 144,000 are going to be sealed on their foreheads with God's name in order to protect them from the wrath of God now let me give an example of that a little further on in the judgments in the trumpet judgments we're going to see demonic locusts loosed or released from the abyss they're going to have the ability to sting like a scorpion but here's what's interesting they sting everyone but those who have been sealed on their forehead so the 144,000 are gonna be sealed by God in order to protect them from the wrath of God but that does not mean that they're going to be protected from the Antichrist they're going to be protected from the supernatural but not from the natural so these 144,000 Jews are going to be martyred for Jesus Christ now let me ask you something why are they going to be protected from the wrath of God the reason they're going to be protected protected from the wrath of God is because of Jesus if you remember when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus said this prayer to God he said if it be possible let this cup pass for me that that cup refers to the wrath of God if you remember last week when we were studying the wrath of God what did he liking it - he likened it to a cup of wine and he said I'm gonna make the wicked drink it and what was that cup of wine that was his wrath now what Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane when he said if it be possible let this cup pass from me he was saying God if it be possible that your wrath pass from me I don't want to have to endure it I don't want to have to go to the cross I don't want to have to die on the cross I don't want to have to go to hell if there's any other way God then let that happen but there was no other way so jesus said nevertheless not my will but yours and so what Jesus did is he suffered the wrath of God and because he suffered the wrath of God for us we don't have to that's why the church is going to be raptured before the wrath of God occurs but those who get saved after the rapture they missed it and because they missed it they're gonna have to go through the tribulation so these 144,000 are going to be sealed because they believe in Jesus and the interesting thing is it says that when these demonic locusts come out they will sting everyone except those who have the seal the mark of God on their forehead now it doesn't say except 144,000 why because I believe that those who become saved during the tribulation are going to be sealed like the 144,000 he just brings up the 144,000 because they are an elite group of men who are going to preach the gospel all over the world now when the Seventh Seal is opened the seven trumpet judgments begin and it's kind of an interesting thing because this is 30 minute of silence and we kind of went through that and and we saw that the angel actually took the golden censer he went to the altar and he took the coals and the fire from it and he and he flung it to the earth and why did he do that because that symbolized that now God's wrath is going to be poured out upon the earth so when the first trumpet is blown hell and fire mingled with blood hits the earth and a third of the earth is burned up a third of the trees destroyed and all of the grasses burned so if I were you on your chart when it comes and it talks about the first trumpet I would write down a third of the trees are destroyed and all of the grasses burned up when the second trumpet is blown a volcano erupts and the top of the volcano is thrown into the sea the Bible describes it as a burning Mountain cast into the sea and as a result of that a third of the oceans turn to blood and a third of the creatures or the sea creatures I should say die and a third of the ships sink now this is a natural disaster such as the world has never seen before when the third trumpet is blown as you a huge asteroid actually hits the earth and it contaminates 1/3 of the rivers and 1/3 of the springs so 1/3 of all the fresh water is contaminated now if I were you and you missed the rapture I would actually buy puts on these companies that owned these type of things or I would buy calls or do whatever in your stock and you can become a millionaire you're gonna have to suffer go ahead and make some money that'll help you a little bit but then we're gonna find out you're not gonna have spend it anyway so you might have some insight of what's going to happen but it's not going to matter now when the fourth trumpet blows the heavenly bodies are hit with the plague and this is very interesting because it says the 3rd of every heavenly body quits giving light and it doesn't mean that if you count all of the stars and the Sun and the moon 1/3 of them is going to be hit with the plate no no no it means that every star every planet the Sun the moon all the moons around the other planets they're all going to be hit with the plague and a third of them will quit giving light now a third part of each of the bodies will quit giving light and it's interesting because when you translate this from the original Greek what it's telling us is that 1/3 of the daylight period will actually be darkness and let me see if I can explain what this means let's suppose that the Sun comes six o'clock in the morning and it goes down at nine o'clock in the evening that's a period of 15 hours is that right so a third of fifteen hours is five hours so at a time when the earth should have 15 hours of daylight it only has ten and during five of its hours its pitch dark and then it's the same thing for at night where you usually have the moon shining and so if it's a full moon out there and maybe the full moon would be there for eight hours or if it's fifteen hours that would be nine hours but for a third of that three of the hours it's pitch dark for some reason the moon doesn't shine and you know that it has to be supernatural because there's really no way to explain this when the fifth trumpet blows supernatural locusts that are demon-possessed actually come out of the abyss and as I said they they possess the ability to sting like scorpions and for five months they sting everyone who does not have the seal of God on his forehead now they don't have the ability to kill but they have the ability to inflict excruciating pain upon people to the point that people want to die when the sixth trumpet is blown an army from the east actually invades the West if you notice it says two hundred million I believe it says two hundred million soldiers but anyways as we look at two hundred million soldiers the only one that could possibly do that in our time period is the Chinese army it says that this army is going to kill 1/3 of the population now if you don't mind let's try and figure out how many people are going to die as a result of this trumpet judgment the population of the world today is 6.7 billion and that of course was of October 2008 that's when I was kind of teaching on this didn't have time to get on Wikipedia and look for now so we'll just keep 6.7 billion people now let's suppose that a billion people are raptured I think that's been quite generous don't you that would leave 5.7 billion people on the world or I should say on the earth in order to face the tribulation now if you remember a fourth of the population is going to die during the first four seals of the Tribulation means that 1.4 billion people are going to die that leaves the world with a population of 4.3 billion and of course let's be honest more people are going to be killed during the first four trumpet judgments I mean think about that when that asteroid hits the earth and it contaminates 1/3 of the freshwater we talked about this you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't if you don't drink the water you're gonna die if you drink the water you're gonna die it's just gonna take longer to die because it's contaminated it's poisoned so we're gonna see a lot of people die over that when the volcano erupts and the burning mountain goes in the scene it turns it red and a third of the sea creatures die it also says a third of the ships sink when that takes place we know that people are going to die but let's not take any of that into consideration let's just say that the world now has a population of 4.3 billion all right one third of 4.3 billion people is 1.4 billion people now people we started off with 5.7 by the time the sixth trumpet judgment occurs almost half of the population has already died 2.8 billion people and we're not quite halfway through the tribulation we're not even at the middle yet we're almost there now between the sixth and the seventh trumpet we have another interlude this is more parenthetical information if you remember and this is kind of an interesting chapter in chapter 10 an archangel who's acting as a proxy for Jesus serves a judgement summons in other words Jesus is going to begin the eviction process of Satan and his followers so this angel actually comes to the earth and he places one foot on the earth and one foot on the ocean and then he raises his right hand and he actually takes an oath just like we do in a court of law and he swears by God that time is up in other words it is time to start the eviction process so Jesus can take possession of the earth it's time for the kingdoms of this world to now become the kingdom of our God and of our Lord now let me see if I can break this down and make it very simple the first half of the tribulation is actually where Jesus takes the title deed to earth and he Bregan begins to open up the seals and remember the seventh seal starts the seven judgments so or seven trumpet judgments so basically this is just where Jesus takes his intention he takes the title deed to earth and he says I am going to do it but the second half of the tribulation is the literal eviction process that's why everything escalates this is why Satan knows and we're I'm jumping ahead of myself when he gets kicked out of heaven he has only but a short time why because up until this time Jesus has the title deed to earth he's opening these things up and it's coming all the way up to here but he hasn't started the eviction process but once this angel comes down and places his foot on the earth and his foot on the ocean and he takes an oath and he says no more time in other words time is up what he means is it's now time to start the eviction process Satan and his followers must go and of course Satan is going to fight this the whole way so when the seventh angel blows his trumpet it means no more delays time is up the second half of the tribulation begins which means the eviction process has begun and then the angel does something strange he takes this book and he hands it to John and he tells him to eat it so John eats it and when he first eats it it's sweet but then after a while it becomes bitter in his belly now we need to remember that eat is a Hebrew idiom it means to consume knowledge by reading and studying and we use the same figure of speech today when a person is really interested in the subject what will he do well he'll read a lot about it and he'll actually start studying on the subject and many times you'll hear a person say well I just really ate that up I loved it so what this is saying is that when John first reads this book about what's gonna happen in the second half of the tribulation he thinks this is right it's sweet finally Satan and his followers are gonna be evicted from Earth and the kingdom of God is going to come to the earth and the the kingdom of heaven is going to be established and we're going to have this millennial reign this is great but then when he begins to understand the price that's going to be paid in order to do this it turns his stomach it becomes bitter because he realizes no matter how bad the first half of the tribulation was it's nothing compared to the second half of the tribulation now chapters 11 12 13 and 14 are also interludes they're parenthetical information because other things were happening we're going on as the first seals and the trumpets were happening and then things happen at the middle of the tribulation that you need to understand before we proceed on to the last half of the tribulation so he's going to give us all of this information in chapters 11 12 13 and 14 so in Chapter 11 we find out that the temple was built at the beginning of the tribulation now here's what's kind of interesting scholars have always taught that in order for the third temple to be built that the Dome of the rock would have to be destroyed and I can't tell you for the last 40 years how many preachers have preached that they don't know how but somehow that dome of the rock is going to be gone but what's kind of interesting is if you read verses 1 & 2 of chapter 11 it tells John not to measure the outer Court the court of the Gentiles and he tells him why he says for the Gentiles are going to trample it down a concession is going to be made in order for the Jews to be able to rebuild the temple and he tells us this in the first two verses of chapter 11 and the concession is this the Dome of the rock will be able to remain on the Temple Mount now scholars have always said they can't because the temple has to be built exactly where the Dome of the rock is but people that's not true in fact this last time that I was in Israel we actually went to the eastern gate also known as the golden gate that is the gate that the Messiah is going to come in on that the gate that Jesus is going to enter and it was kind of funny because the Jews are also looking because they don't accept Jesus Christ for another Messiah to come they're looking for the Messiah to come in because it says he's going to come through the eastern gate there are actually three Orthodox Jews that were there I was over to Israel during the feast of Pentecost and so you wouldn't believe how busy the old city was and and what was interesting is these three Jews and usually Orthodox Jews will not go up to the Temple Mount and most of the rabbis will tell them not to do that because you might step on something too totally and you just can't do that but these three came up and I watched how they walked around they went to the eastern gate in his pad locked on the inside it's also rocked up but on the inside it's padlocked and what was interesting is they had a camera and they were acting like they were opening up and they were having people take pictures of them because they're looking for the Messiah but the interesting thing is we know that the temple actually was built perpendicular to the eastern gate but they thought that when the Turks came in and rebuilt the outer wall that they moved the gate over but archaeologists archaeologists are beginning to believe that that didn't happen because they've been able to go underneath and they found out that the foundation for the eastern gate is exactly where the eastern gate is now and if you go to the eastern gate and you look perpendicular there is plenty of room to build the third temple and I believe that's what's going to happen but we do know from chapter 11 verses 1 and 2 a temple is going to be built we're also told that God is going to send two prophets at the beginning of the tribulation he caused them the two witnesses they will prophesy for 1260 days in Jerusalem now when the 1260 days are up which will be at the middle of the tribulation they're going to be killed by the Antichrist they're going to lie in the street for three and a half days and it says that the eyes of the world will be watching them well with satellite TV the internet it's kind of interesting things were coming out of Iran that people couldn't believe out of Twitter YouTube cellphones the world's going to be able to see these two witnesses as they lie on the streets but at the end of the three 1/2 days they're gonna come back to life and they're going to be taken up to heaven in view of everyone the two prophets are none other than Moses and Elijah Moses represents the law Elijah represents the Prophet now here's what's interesting God refers to them as witnesses so the law and the prophets will bear witness that Jesus was and is the Messiah and if you remember who I was teaching on this I told you what they're gonna do we're gonna go to the third temple I guarantee every time the priest gets ready to make a sacrifice they're gonna be yelling and a loud voice what that represents and how Jesus Christ is symbolized in that sacrifice and offering and that they need to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and no one is able to kill these two witnesses for three and a half years but then they're going to die and they're going to be taken to heaven after the resurrected and we're now at the middle of the tribulation have you taken notes we'll get the DVD stop it take your notes on your chart get it going stop it again write it down I want you to be able to go through the book of Revelation and see the big picture so now we're at the middle of the tribulation the seventh trumpet blows at that point Daniel tells us that the Antichrist is going to enter into the temple that is known as the abomination of desolation when the Jews in Judea see the Antichrist going into the temple and he demands to be worshipped they are going to flee to the wilderness the place they're going to flee to that I believe is Petra Petra is not mentioned in the Bible but if you look at where it's located and the way that it's built when it says that they flee into the wilderness this is the only place that they would be protected and so they're actually all of the Jews in Judea are going to flee to the wilderness now in Chapter 12 we're told that a battle takes place in heaven this is a battle between Michael and his angels and Satan in his angels and of course we know the outcome Satan loses the battle and he's expelled from heaven and as a result of being fell from heaven he knows that his time is short and so now he's angry and who does he want to take his wrath out upon he wants to take his wrath out upon the woman why because the woman represents Israel and she's the one who brought forth Jesus and it's Jesus he's doing all of this and so now he wants to take his right that upon the woman or Israel but because the woman's fled to the wilderness he's unable to harm her so chapter 12 tells us that he turns his wrath upon her seed or in other words the remnant that's the hundred and forty-four thousand then we get to chapter thirteen in Chapter thirteen the Antichrist and the false prophet are actually introduced now you need to understand that the Antichrist first came on the scene at the very beginning of the tribulation remember I told you when the when the white Horseman or I should say the rider on the white horse appears that's the Antichrist but you also need to understand that the Antichrist does not receive his full power or authority until the middle of the tribulation see when he first comes on the scene there's going to be a group that recognizes him as this great statesman and he's going to rise to an elevated position but he does not receive all of his power and authority into the middle of the tribulation that's why Satan goes and he stands at the scene he pulls the system up it's called the Beast it's the Antichrist system he pulls this up from the nation's and all of this is given to the Antichrist does that make sense now I told you that I personally believe that the Antichrist is going to be what the Islamic believers term as a Malik that's who they're looking for when the Antichrist comes on the scene he's going to fulfill everything that Muslims are looking for in their Messiah and that's also when at the middle of the tribulation the false prophet comes on the scene his job is to get people to take the mark of the beast and to worship an image that he sets up of the beast and anyone who does not take the mark of the beast number one they can't buy or sell now if you can't buy or sell why would you work you won't be able to work you'll be out of a job you won't be able to buy anything you won't be able to sell anything and this is a way that they're able to put pressure and this system the Beast system is known also as Babylon and that's why he's so upset God is upset as we saw in chapter 14 with Babylon because it coerced people by putting them out of a job by not allowing them to buy or sell you have to take the mark and when you take the mark you need to also worship the image of the beast if you don't you're going to be put to death and that brings us to chapter 14 now in verses 1 through 5 in chapter 14 we saw the 144,000 in heaven singing a new song now why do we see them in heaven because they've been martyred see we're at the middle of the tribulation the mark of the beast is here now you have to worship the image of the beast the 144,000 are not going to be in fact it's kind of interesting we call it the Shema but it's the Israelites or the Jews exit prints the Shema they are always quoting the Lord our God our Lord is one God and what's kind of interesting about this as they continue on they get to a part where they say we will love him where we are to love him with all our heart soul and strength right but what's kind of interesting is during this time of persecution they're gonna do what Jews have done in the past when they would get to this part and they were going to be persecuted and martyred they would say with all our heart our strength and then they would say our so even when we give our so and that's what they would say right before they die we're gonna see that take place with 144,000 they're going to be martyred and the reason they did of course as a lot of I've already explained now after the vision of the 144,000 heaven John sees three angels that are flying across the sky one after another and they're all making dramatic and climactic announcements each announcement is a proleptic statement now remember what proleptic means proleptic means to acknowledge a future event as if it's already happened so in a sense a prolific statement is a preview of what's to come so verses 6 through 20 are a preview of what's to come in the next few chapters and I gave you examples and we need to see those again the first angel proclaims that the hour of God's judgment has finally come and sure enough in chapters 15 and 16 we see that through the seven vials each time one of the angels pulls that pulls pours out a vial that is the wrath of God and it comes upon the world the second angel proclaims that Babylon has fallen that doesn't happen until chapter 18 verse 2 that's when we see the fall of Babylon but it does fall and then the third angel proclaims that those who take the mark and worship the image of the Beast they are going to be eternally damned and we don't exceed that I'll be honest with you until we get to chapter 20 but it does take place and of course verses 14 into 14 through 20 which we're going to study next week actually is a preview of the Battle of Armageddon so we see in a sense in the 14th chapter an outline of the final three and a half years of the tribulation this is what's going to happen when right before Jesus appears and then when he appears but tonight all I wanted to do because we've gone so far in depth verse by verse is for you to see that actually in one short period I can go completely through the book of Revelation and that's what I want you to see with this chart so hopefully if you can't remember all of these things and write them down on your chart get the DVD stop the DVD start taking notes but here's what's interesting you'll literally be able to go through the book of Revelation and in about 15 minutes you can actually go through this look at this and go all the way through it and if you do that every once in a while you have mastered the book of Revelation so as I said after we finished the seven vials in two or three months I'm gonna do this again I'll try to announce it ahead of time for those of you who don't like reviews so you can stay home if you want but you really need to hear this over and over again for you to go I'm getting you're right this is not that difficult you
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship Allen Nolan
Views: 65,084
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Keywords: summary of revelation, summary of revelations, how the world ends book of revelation summary, summary of revelation chapter 1, the book of revelation explained, summary of revelations in the bible, summary of revelation chapter 2, summary of revelation chapter 4, summary of revelation chapter 5, summary of revelation chapter 6, revelation, bible, jesus, revelations, the book of revelation, book of revelation, new testament, end times, bible study, apocalypse, allen nolan
Id: yqdMfwQUXJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.