Booby Traps & More Kitties! | Ep. 19 | Minecraft One Life

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hopefully I don't die Wow I took a hut hey guys what's up LD Tyler D here and welcome back to another beautiful day in one life I'm surrounded by my adoring pets and we even have a gift that has been left here by the Cookie Monster it's a bunch of cookies could this day get any better well I guess we could pop down to the spa and regen some of these missing hearts before we go on our next will wind adventure hang on a second something's not quite right what's going on Oh what is this who has done this to my beautiful home let's get rid of this monstrosity this is ruined my day who did this we shall look for clues it probably wasn't the Cookie Monster although they to have left a painting oh I sure hope the Cookie Monster wasn't behind all this I would hate to have to murder the Cookie Monster nothing else looks out of place everything looks pretty normal oh hang on a second that wasn't there before surely it can't be cpk behind all of this only an idiot would leave a selfie at the scene of the crime what did you see kitties it's okay this is a safe place you can tell me what you saw okay then well that solves it let's get this photo taken in for evidence well clearly we have a very serious problem with intruders trespassing on my land only a dozen episodes ago I made a doorbell for people to use when they come and visit me but my hospitality has been abused for too long I've had my house graffiti'd with selfies chickens let loose on the grounds next thing you know there'll be somebody murdering me in my sleep so we have to take some preventative measures in the morning because it is getting way too dark to be outside right now so today is the day that we booby-trapped my mermaid Palace we just need to think of some ideas first I shall consider my options while bathing in the spa ah the sweet region effect it helps me clear my mind and think how do we deter wanted visitors of course before we start any construction on the booby traps we must put some signposts up so nobody wanders in and gets themselves hurt you'd think that the skull and crossbones would be enough to scare people away but apparently not know so I'm going to reuse these canvases and make some caution signs instead do not enter there we go so let's pop these out here by the road you'd have to be really stupid to ignore all these caution there now maybe we should also put some signs explaining why they shouldn't enter booby traps ahead trespassers may die this could be you if you enter dead now we can begin making this place unsafe which is the complete opposite of what I've been doing in this series so far so the first thing I'm going to create is this tracking dispenser it's basically like a normal dispenser where it will fire an arrow if you press a button or trigger a tripwire except it's basically like a heat-seeking missile and no matter way of stood that arrow will find you and it will hit you so a lot more effective than a normal dispenser so let's craft one of the years so here is the ordinary dispenser and now it's time to upgrade it to be super-powerful right so now we need to figure out where to put this but I'm gonna just place it right here so that it will be kind of hidden when you enter and now all we have to do is hook it up with a tripwire just inside this gate which is hooked up to the tracking dispenser so I'm gonna add some arrows in to test it and then try to exit my house without getting hurt okay I managed that but that was close and now I'm gonna test it out by train to enter my house without getting hurt okay what the heck this thing has terrible aim today whoa oh I'm only gives me some of the time and now every time somebody tries to sneak into my house to play a prank on me they will get hit but a an arrow but as you saw that doesn't really do a lot of damage to all of us in our obsidian armor but I know something that will so we have to pay a visit to Joel's house but when I say Joel's house I don't actually mean his house I mean my secret little staircase under that is somewhere around here here it is so down here is of course where my skeleton spawner is and I have been collecting a lot of things here including these nasty arrows which give stuff like with effect nausea effect blindness slowness and poison so hopefully down here we have managed to collect a lot of different arrows so let's take a bunch of these and test them out now I don't know how I feel about being the one to test this out hopefully I don't die Wow I took a hut I actually forgot about my own booby trap I was such an idiot well I hope it works on somebody else other than me in the future so let's take up the normal arrows and see what happens oh my gosh I got given wither for five seconds I could actually die and so could anybody that trespasses into my home wow this is pretty scary oh oh now I've got nausea for 13 seconds oh dear yep this is a very effective booby trap I think this is gonna keep people away so let's just make certain that people know what they're getting their self into when they come this way you are entering a booby-trapped zone beware now let's make sure we put this on the other entrances as well you know in case somebody sneaks around from the side warning this property is booby-trapped proceed with caution oh not at all and you don't want to die I am being super careful making sure that everyone knows this is a danger zone because I do not want to be responsible for somebody's accidental death I don't mind killing people if they're trespassing on my land as long as they know the risk you are risking your life by entering this land do not enter if you like living okay I think that's enough signposts for now nobody is wandering in here by accident so the next booby trap that I'm going to get actually requires me to go back to my shop where I have been selling at some of these death blooms now hopefully I haven't sold out nope we still have almost all of them left so I guess I'm gonna keep them well we here I'll check on my banners we have sold three Wow dude do I wonder who took each one that's so cool oh let's get back before it's dark I might not get a chance to kill anyone with my booby traps if I die first oh my goodness there's so many mobs on the way home I just get back to safety okay now remember to dodge the trap and close the gate oh we made it and now that we have the light of day we can start placing these deaf blooms around strategically in the hopes that somebody will accidentally walk into them and hopefully not me I'll just have to stick to the path Oh No oh my gosh that was a series of unfortunate events oh I've poisoned myself I've given myself slowness and wither I need to get to the spa oh well it's quite traumatizing seems like my trap works perfectly if that doesn't deter people from coming in here I don't know what will now this probably isn't the safest thing to do and I imagine this is how I die but at least we won't have any intruders okay this place is successfully booby-trapped I may or may not accidentally kill myself on these traps they are so good so the next thing I want to do today is actually finish upgrading my ultimate fishing rod because we need to fish up a load of nametags for all the cats so I've been working on this ultimate rod which has mending and so far look of the c3 but we can upgrade it to look at the cs6 so we just need to finish crafting the upgrades and add them to the rod and that is why I built a bunny castle last episode so I could keep all my bunnies in one place so that I could breed them and then kill them for their rabbit feet and as you can see I have been very busy with these satanic fluff balls and now I have a lot of rabbit feet 23 in fact so that should bring me plenty of look when fishing so now we have all three of the basic upgrades we just need to surround them with emeralds and rabbit's feet and we will be the luckiest person on one life the only problem is I don't think I have any air olds oh no I only have three I can't even make one upgrade so I think we're gonna have to head towards spawn again and do some shopping I would what people want in exchange for emeralds I hope so Dee's selling emeralds probably for diamonds maybe gold maybe apples let's just take a bunch of stuff and see what we can get let's see Mario's emerald extravaganza welcome to Mario's emeral exchange if you use our services kindly pay one diamond so I guess if you trade with these guys you got to pay that price and unfortunately I do I'm aching to trade with them let's see if anyone's selling emeralds for diamonds whoa what is this shovels traveling thrift shop oh how cute doesn't sell any emerald so unfortunately Brits mob drop shop well no emeralds here how about Scott's super sapling store definitely no emeralds in there maybe Muriel's flower shop okay I already note that they aren't gonna be in there I've got a bakery a blacksmith oh no no where is selling emeralds wait hang on see the kaesong emeralds perfect okay that should be enough if I've done my maths correctly pleasure doing business with you say PK you can keep your stupid gold because I have the emeralds now who wants gold anyway I have definitely done the math wrong haven't I I bought too many emeralds whoops I guess we'll just have a few spares there today and now we just need to combine this with my rod and it really will be the ultimate rod look at the c4 look at the c5 and look at the c6 I don't think it goes any higher than that so we literally have the best rod we could possibly ever get so now all we have to do is go and fish up some name tags in my little pond here okay that catch wasn't so lucky but I'm sure the next one will be a name tag yep nothing but fish so far well at least the good news is that we can turn all these stupid fish into a normal fish so we can breed more cats however anything tags to name them okay this is a disaster I've only got one name tag so far to saddles and a bunch of fish so I'm gonna head over to the shops and see if Meghan is oh no not that with her again I'm gonna die one day from this I'm gonna see if Meghan is selling some name tag so I'm gonna take my golden apples and if she's not selling the name tags I might be able to use her AFK fish balm okay let's see how many name tags she has the sale first of all here they are name all your animals let's buy as many as we can Oh No there were only four well I guess we'll only be able to name five cats for today then so let's pop into the cat cafe and do some breeding or any of my cats still here I don't remember which ones are mine wait professor Sparkle but these are breeding yay now moonlight you can breathe - oh you could just do that is that some kind of a mating dance go on get your butt over there and do some breeding here we go we're gonna let a little black cat oh wait come back now let's make a quick - back to the house - name these name tags so that we may name our new feline friends this is probably a very dangerous idea doing this in the middle of the night but I live on the edge oh my gosh that ha scared me I don't like living on the edge oh thank goodness we are safe and sound let's get in here and rename these tags so the first cat name that caught my eye is of course Sherlock Holmes I thought I was really funny I also really like the name Pocky for a cat I think that's really cute and even though it's totally random the name Ronald Weasley for a ginger cat is perfect now this suggestion asked me to name a cat staff right and I'm pretty sure they met starlight like moonlight but the name staff right is really unique so we're going with staff right and my final nametag shall be named topaz since we found the cats in a jungle and that is where you get topaz I thought that was a cute name so let's sleep on the button bunk tonight my favorite bunk of all and now that it's light let's head off to the cat cafe wait I almost forgot we have to take blossom and oh you have no name awkward you shall be fair luck Holmes Claire we got to take these guys back to the cat cafe because they randomly teleported to me oh no no no no no no no no no what they're dying they're dying what who they've got the wither oh my gosh no they've died haven't they Oh get in the water get in the spirit water quick Oh they've they've definitely died haven't they oh they're fine oh thank goodness they're alive Oh huh that was so close I can't believe that almost happened you guys are not allowed and near my house ever again oh no we made a baby right here that was a complete accident this is all gone horribly wrong but at least now we have a cat to name staff right there now let's get to the safety of the cat cafe before anyone hurts themselves again I have no idea how or why all my pets keep dying but it just keeps happening to me there we go everybody in yes now we have three more name tags to use will of course name this little new baby ginger kitten that Ronald Weasley and where's the other one oh here you are I shall name you pokey there you go so let's try and breed professor Sparkle but with one of the Siamese and what do we get another ginger well you shall forever now be known as topaz perfect and I think that's enough cat breeding for one day so I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of one life if you did please people like on this video and let me know what you thought in the comments below and I will see you next time
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 3,599,544
Rating: 4.9426026 out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, one life, modded smp, minecraft mods, minecraft server, multiplayer server, modded server, one life season 2, one life s2, friends, smallishbeans, yammyxox, joeygraceffagames, shubble, seapeekay, skeleton horse, mr boney, house, base, nether, biomes o plenty, bunny, bunnies, ep 19, booby trap, minecraft trap, traps, tripwire, death trap, cats, ocelot, kittens
Id: sdY7lEnsEw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2017
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