Bono: Who Is Jesus?

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I look to the scriptures for poetic truth as well as the sort of historical stuff I'm interested in and of course there was a hist it's hysterical Jesus no I'm talking about God oh right and do I see I'm the person Christ is my way to understand God do you pray yes to whom or what do you present right way to Christ yeah and and what do you pray for I prayed to get to know the will of God because then the prayers of more chance of coming true I mean that's the thing of a prayer isn't it I mean we don't do it in a very lofty way in our family it's just a bunch of us on the bed usually we're very big bed in her house and all are we've prayed with all our kids we you know we just we read the scriptures we pray it's not even regular sometimes if we go to church on a Sunday we go when the church has ended we'll just go in on our own as a family for peace and quiet for peace and quiet and we'll pray usually about people that we know who are struggling with something illness or so then what or who was Jesus as far as you're concerned I think it's that it's a defining question for a Christian is who was Christ and and I don't think you're led off easily by saying a great thinker or a great philosopher or you know because actually he went round saying he was the Messiah that's why I was crucified crucified because he said he was the son of God so he either in Matthew who was the son of God or he was not no no not not again rock and roll messianic complexes this is like I mean Charlie Manson type delirium and I find it hard to accept that all the millions and millions of lives half the earth for 2,000 years have been touched felt their lives touched and inspired by some not her I just I don't believe it I so therefore it follows that you believe he was divine yes and therefore it follows that you believe that he rose physically from the dead yes yeah I mean I'm no problem with miracles living random I am one so so when you pray then you pray to Jesus yes the Risen Jesus yes and you believe that he made promises which will come true yes I do
Channel: God Inspirations
Views: 2,391,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bono (Celebrity), Bono, U2, Who is Jesus, The real God, Is God Real?, Is Jesus Real?, Bono and Jesus, Bono talks about Jesus, Bono talking about Jesus, Bono speaking about Jesus, Bono Christianity, Bono Christian, Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, Is Bono a Christian, Are U2 Christians, Is U2 a Christian Band, What is the meaning of life, Who was Jesus
Id: kOQClgNRoPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 25 2014
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