Boney M. - Rivers of Babylon (Sopot Festival 1979) (VOD)
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Channel: undefined
Views: 103,721,488
Rating: 4.7188988 out of 5
Keywords: 70s, 70sdisco, disco, seventies, siebziger music, funky, funk, funky music, liz Mitchell, liss, liz Mitchel, black music, farina, frank farina, dance, dance music, party, party music, retro music, klassiker, daddy cool, Rasputin, ma baker, Babylon, rivers of Babylon, sunny, crazy dance, zdf, zdf disco, boni m, boney, Frank Farian, Frank, 1970, 70er, Daddy, Cool, Platin, 1978, Musiksendung, Musikladen, Euro Disco, Drafi Deutscher, Fred Jay
Id: l3QxT-w3WMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 15sec (255 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2015
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Originally released in 1970 by the Jamaican reggae group The Melodians 🇯🇲