Boneworks newgame+ speedrun tutorial

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hey just thought I'd make a tutorial for New Game Plus in bone work speedr running um yeah so I'll get straight into it so for the options generally you'll want your height slightly smaller than what your real life height is um I'm 183 i' usually just keep it at the default 176 or if I go a bit smaller it can make something easier like jumping and stuff like that with real life movements um but bear in mind that the smaller you make it you know the faster you can move in game by like moving your head but also the Weir of the game that get gets for example your arms they can only stretch out so far in the game if you have your height set really small you'll be able to stretch your real life arms way further so it'll feel like you know like you're a T-Rex and you've only got tiny little arms so it's weird to play the game like that but yeah you want it a little bit smaller than real life maybe 10 cm um for floor Offset you also want that I'd say about 10 to 15 cm um different so I'll see right there that 15 is my real life height um like just pressing autog guess and I'm standing up fully right now you can see on the the um in the corner it shows my headset the blue dot is my standing height in real life so yeah 15 cm but I set it to about 15 cm um higher which means that you're kind of if you look down um and you pully standing up for will be on his tippy toes um you can tell the sort of place you want to set it because when you go up you can see that you're raising in the game but then at a certain point it just stops so about where it stops which is around here you know but close enough um yeah so setting this will make jumping super jumping a lot easier which is the main reason why you want to do that in terms of other options um things like gunfly require a high frame rate so depending on your computer you'll probably want to turn these down um audio doesn't matter you can turn the music down if you want controls these also don't matter heaps for example for me I actually don't use turn mode at all because I play wirelessly on the quest um so I just turn around in real life and I never use the virtual turn on the stick um but you know it's perfectly fine to use snap turn or smooth turn um snap turn 45 will let you do one type of gun gun flying which you know you don't need it but it can be um helpful in certain situations and also you can do that type of gun flying without it but yeah I'll talk about that later turn rate 10 obviously why would you want to turn slow and a speedrun for Locomotion curve HS is the default and it's what a lot of people use it's fine um it means that you can't strafe sideways as fast though actually let me just check that I don't know maybe you can strap sideways as fast but it's just um what it does is if your stick is pointing up or down then if you move it slightly side to side it doesn't really um move the move forward side to side much doesn't strafe um very much until you go all the way to the side and then yeah then you can strafe um poles is useful if you want to um you know like if you have to stand on a narrow ledge for example um it's a lot easier to run without a small movement of the joystick throwing you off but I usually play on linear anyway so whatever you prefer the other settings don't matter spectate you probably want to keep that disabled just for the frame rate okay so that's it um the other thing is you'll probably want to get the 100% save from so that you know when you're messing around you have the um you can use the nimus gun and stuff and also you can um you have all the ammo so that you can buy guns for gun flying which is very important in New Game Plus so to get started with first level break room uh well before break room you have this cut scene you just press skip but if you press it too quickly then it'll soft lock um so it's like on the live split timer the fastest you can get is about 1.6 seconds um if you do any faster it'll soft lock and then you have to leave this door and then jump down there and there's the trigger to go to the next level um so I said 1.6 is the fastest that you can get that's at um my refresh rate of 120 HZ at different refresh rates it's a different amount slower refresh rates the fastest you can get is like 2 point something seconds so um yeah you probably want to set your refresh rate as high as possible as well for the phone wax that's another important setup um yeah 120 will is good if you have like a quest or something 144 you know slightly better but yeah 120 is enough to do all the tricks that you see in the world record speedrun um okay so for break room you just push your hands down like that run forwards and then also Crouch at the same time to get over pretty easy I don't know if I even need to explain that so this level's pretty basic you know you just run to the end it's pretty obvious um but one thing that I will explain is be hopping um because this is the first trick um that you'll need I'll explain each trick as we come across them so for be hopping what you do is um first of all um if you look in the bottom left corner of the video there that's showing my speed right now so four m/ second is forwards running speed um and the first thing you do you can do for be hopping is just jump even if you don't do anything special if you jump every now and then you can see it goes faster but to go even faster for be hopping you want to be crouching slightly in real life life not with virtual Crouch cuz virtual Crouch will make you move slower but in real life you crouch till your head is about level with this green laser in museum and now if I run and jump you can see that my speed is getting up to 6 m/ second um yeah so the next thing after that that you want to do is get the right timing this part takes a little bit of practice but it's fine cuz you can just you know practice it while you do runs cuz there's no negative penalty to getting be hopping wrong it just means you won't go as fast as you could but you'll always be faster than not be hopping so you should just always do it really um so first of all slow be hopping so the way that I time this once again I'm C crouching same high as before and you're holding down jump the whole time except for when you need to jump again then you very quickly release and tap it again like that and the way I'm timing it is just jump and then right as I hit the ground I release and tap again so this it's slow be hopping cuz um the amount of jumps I'm doing is slow not because it's a slow movement Tech um for fast be hopping it's the same thing but you just do more jumps and maybe Crouch slightly lower and you go about the same speed maybe a little bit faster than the slow be hopping but it's like barely different so you don't really need to worry about that at all um either one should be basically fine to do and now the next thing is Big be hopping which is doing real big jumps so you need to as you do it be help you do a kind of jump in real life the bigger your real life jump the better obviously but you know it's really tiring to do that so when I'm doing this I usually just do a like fake jump like in real life if I crouch down and then quickly rise up but my toes never leave the ground I just yeah um it's kind of tiring but that is the one of the fastest ways to move around um and the reason why it's faster by the way is because when you jump in the game um like the jumping mechanic push pushes you forward a little bit and when you crouch down it pushes you forwards even more this is like the optimal most amount of push that you get so that's why B hopping makes you faster but the reason why doing big jumps makes you faster is because Ford has like his on ground movement Max Speed 4 m/ second but when he's in the air you can use the left thumb stick to move around in the air and your aerial movement speed can go way faster than your on ground speed so yeah when you're in the air um you can continue accelerating past your running speed which if you watch that again see while I'm in the air it's just going faster and faster um but that's still not the fastest way to move um if you actually do a lunge slightly forward as you jump off the ground then you'll you know you go a bit further so there's that and then you can even combine it with slowmo obvously you lose a little bit of time because you're activating slowmo but you gain that back with how fast you go cuz when you let go of slowmo you're moving pretty fast if you look at the top speed in the parenthesis there so you got to 8.3 just then so you move a lot faster than normal be hopping and you can way of traveling that is that we know of uh one thing also is that from the rules in you're not allowed to abuse your play Space otherwise people with like huge warehouses to do the speedruns will have an unfair Advantage so you want to stay in the same spot in real life which is why every time I do one of these lunges I just come back while I'm in the air to the spot than a map um yeah so that's basically it I'd recommend just starting with like you know the normal be hopping like this or the fast one and then yeah if you want you can do this by the way this is the same thing as the slow be hopping just jump and hold the jump down again and then the moment you hit the ground you do another jump um yeah so that's pretty much everything you need to know about um be hopping except actually there is one more technique which we need to talk about where there's your the um the Crouch stick be hop which is where you don't jump at all you don't use the um in-game jump button but you just Crouch to the same be hopping height the laser over there and then you do a quick Crouch and then uncrouch and does a little jump and you can see that um I get to around 4.8 speed uh the reason is because at the start of break room the game doesn't let you jump you can't use the jump button so this is the only way you can be hop um once again it's just crouching and then UNC crouching causes you to do a tiny little jump and the timing for that is you want to go like d d d d that's down up down up down up down up and resetting to the middle um in between and you want it to be a quick movement you you never you don't want to slow slowly move down then up you want it to flick the stick down up down up down up so something like that and now to bring these tricks back into break room to show you how it's done with them this what it looks like get over this and then down up down up until you get to there open that crouch on that down up down up down up down up H my snap turns on obviously um I'm used to having that off so I'm just going to turn that off quick and now once you press that button there you can be hop so I'm doing the normal be hop the slow variation of ehhop and you do it um right here you don't need to jump in real life but just an uncrouch in real life will give you a bit more height and that'll let you clear that so to show that again it's just normal be hopping here and then uncrouch and jump at the same time to do that so that brings us on to the next level Museum so Museum's just a lot of running you know just be hop in the normal way do that or whatever all the way to um later up ahead there is another trick you can do here to fling to the end so instead of running and just going around that corner you run over here and you want to line up so that you're on this little um cross here maybe slightly in front but about here like in this corner of the square really and then in real life or you can virtually do this as well but using the stick it's hard to precisely Aim so I just do it in real life so I jump over here and crouch in real life and you want your hand to be like a fingers length away and holding like this um because you can actually grip the thing from here and see how it slides your hand forwards that's all you want to abuse because the game slides it forwards really fast and if you slow down time to three times slowmo it still moves just as fast see that click of the end where just boom so you want to slow down three times Crouch so that your eye level with the thing and you're in the corner of this square and then grip it and that um I probably don't need to spawn a nimus gun because I'm only going to show this one more time I think but um yeah so once you feel it pull your body or like pull your body fast it might pull your body a little bit as your hand comes over but then later on it'll do a really fast fling then you need to let go if you let go too early then you know you're not going to do the full jump um yeah so is there anything else I need to say about this I don't know if there is higher refresh rate will make you go further so it's another benefit to higher refresh rates you generally just want your refresh rate high all the time um yeah I don't think there's anything else I need to say there I might just grab the nimus gun though so this is all just you know be hopping through here cutting the corners as close as possible obviously once you get to here um because it's a ramp upwards you'll get more height when you jump so generally I just jump and do one jump off this and another jump there to get over this weird little yeah it's pretty annoying if you don't jump in the right spot you'll get stuck a little bit but um yeah also whenever I do a big jump I just go forwards a little bit like in real life I move my head forwards just to get a tiny bit more speed cuz why not over here jumping forwards again and now jump onto here and that was a really bad example but you want to jump onto this and then do a big jump up to and you'll just clear that so like you know with practice you'll find the right spot but it's right about there in the middle of this thing this like Square on the side that I'm looking at like that and now from here um I mean like you can just go the normal way M through Museum that way but this is one trick you'll probably or like almost certainly want to do because this will just be so much faster than doing it the other way but Val fly when you um come over here grab the valve it doesn't really matter which way you grab it you can fly both ways I tend to just like it's sitting like that and I just grab it there and do this um and you want your hands like you know two two rungs between them so not like this cuz it's really hard to fly like that but like this and to fly all you do is just put this bit right in front of my eyes right now under the chin and pull up but see how it's pushing me backwards you'll probably want to look down a little bit and that'll let you go forwards um you it takes a bit of practice to get the feel of it um but yeah that's all you do and you don't want to push too hard in any direction if you push P forwards too hard with your arms then it'll just come out of your head from under your head and if you push backwards too hard then it'll get stuck on your neck like right now it is and I can't get it out which that's pretty annoying obviously and you don't want that to happen um yeah so that's basically it and crouching slightly will make it a little bit easier to hook onto your head as well so usually when I'm in the air I'll Crouch um yeah so you just fly over to this button if you're good you can land right on it then here you just stand on it for a few seconds and that'll give you enough time to just be hop under the door obviously the length of time depends on how fast your be hopping is but if you're really fast I'll wait for it to reach the bottom if you're really fast you just stand on for like a second and then you can go um that wasn't even that fast but yeah so you continue going through here and then you want to fly up and you want to be on this ledge right here okay so um also obviously you know you could do it any way you want but the way I usually fly is is when I come around the corner I let myself touch on the ground here and then from here fly forwards um cuz that way it's you know I do the same thing every time so it's more controlled and instead of just like randomly flying all around so I just land on the ground and then I can easily fly forwards and in that direction and I do a jump to get my feet off the ground this thing can be pretty annoying play right then and it got stuck in the um fluorescent bulb that's a thing which can happen it's you know there's not much you can do about it once it happens though you're kind of stuck cuz I don't think there's a way to get this out of there um so yeah that's pretty annoying I guess I have to restart the level it doesn't happen that often though um when I'm doing actual attempts so I'll just real quick get back there again and show the I'll show the um whole flying sequence so land on that button go under there down here land then jump and go up to and then turn around and into here so once you're in here we want to clip out of bounds and then fly directly to the level end trigger the way you clip out a bounds here keep holding this the whole time valve just walk forwards into here turn sideways and then Crouch also Sprint forwards while you're doing this to make it easier to jump out and your body will be out see like it's really easy to get your body out but usually the valves get stuck in let go of the valve with one hand to make it you know like get your hand out which will make it more likely for the valve to come out this takes is taking more time than normal but I'm sprinting sideways right now and just looking in this direction and now I'm out and then once you're out you need to pull up a little bit on your head not too hard cuz remember it'll just pull the valve off your head and fly towards the level end trigger with which is at the bottom of this pipe just over there so yeah look down Pull forwards and you'll go in go forwards but again don't pull too hard just pull like slightly further than you so for streets um if you're facing forwards then you're actually going to be looking at the side of this pipe you want to turn 90° to the left before you start the level um turn in real life that is and then hold down walking forwards so that um by the time the level actually loads in you're actually over here and falling down there cuz you have like a second or two before the level starts where you can actually control forward before yeah you get your vision so you start like P down here and then in the air Sprint sideways so you land out here so this way is for the gunfly which is the consistent but harder and slightly slower route or um there is also the boss claw which is this way I think my refresh rate I'll just check it real quick but yeah so right now my refresh rate is 120 HZ um if you're above 90 HZ you cannot do the boss claw so that's another reason why um speedr runners go that way these days but at 90 HZ you can go this way where it's pretty like chance it's like a quarter maybe a third chance of getting a good run but the rest you know you could take literally forever if you're really unlucky um yeah so because my refresh rate is at 120 I can't show you that one for the moment but this way as you fall you sprint this way so you land here and then you want to run this way I usually jump over this container but you can go around or whatever so go this way jump over this you can go here and do a super jump over there so I haven't explained super jumps yet but basically um like when I was talking about B hopping if you uncrouch in real life or do a little jump in real life at the same time as you do a jump in the game you go higher than if you just jump in the game um and if you hold down the slow motion button at the same time then you will go even higher um what it just showed was a really bad super jump but yeah and then if you go two times slowmo that's about the highest you can jump with two times um so the timing you want to like start your I'm crouching real life right now and then while I'm UNC crouching um like halfway through my you know my jump in my real life jump while I'm on crouching I release the button and when doing it with slow-mo um I'll hold down slowmo the whole time and then halfway through release jump and then after I've release jump I'll release slow-mo basically for the maximum height you want to release slow-mo at the height of your real life jump so like that um the higher you jump in real life the higher you go in the game obviously um yeah that's pretty much it but with like your height faked a little bit so my height is um you know when I set at the start my in-game height to lower than my real life height just doing an uncrouch is to the game it appears like a little jump so a lot of the time you can get away with not actually jumping in real life just doing a thing like that where I you know my toes never leave the ground so that's how you can get over this with one times um but you that is kind of high jump you probably do need to jump in real life to get over that like that um and even if you don't make it all the way you can just pull yourself with your arms over so yeah um you can get used to that with practice so you can go around there or I usually jump onto this and then jump over and you don't even need slowmo if you do it that way and then do a one time slow and jump up here and now I want to buy this gun to gunfly so I you know open my inventory walk over so the inventory is in here and then you just Spam the triggers your index fingers and that'll put the money in close that open that pull the gun out and yeah now I need to explain gun flying so to um first you want to glitch the magazine of the gun to do that you put it in and then you want to pull the magazine out and then like a split second later like literally a frame later you want to let go of the gun so it's going to be very fast like oh wait actually sorry this one's holding the gun like um yeah you you can do it without slowmo but it's pretty inconsistent um you know three times slowmo is obviously easiest but um once you get some practice with it you can do it consistently with one time slowmo but it's just like like that since I'm not using slowmo right now it's not going to happen consistently but there I just got it um usually you just do the same thing but with slowmo um so now the Magazine's glitch glitched and what this means is that the game doesn't recognize that there's a magazine in here even though there is one attached to the gun right now and because it doesn't recognize the magazines in there when you put stuff in your inventory it's physically on you in the game like right now the gun is on my back and the reason it's I'm just getting pushed forward like this is because it makes the gun turns off Collision for the gun while it's on your back but not the magazine because it doesn't think the Magazine's in the gun so the Magazine's on your back pushing my chest collider forwards um yeah so that's basically the premise to why gun flying works but controlling it is the next thing which takes a little bit of practice there's a couple of ways you can do it like you know just having it in your back will just push you if you look to the right you'll gain a little bit of height oh sorry so if you put on your right shoulder then looking to your right will give you hype um if you put on your left shoulder then looking to your left will do the same thing um because remember this magazine is on your back pushing into your chest collider here there's just a square on your chest and turning right the gun and things in your inventory lag behind your body a little bit um so when you turn it pushes your chest further into the magazine which causes the physics glitches more so yeah turning right if you have snap turn this is where you can snap to the right to do a quick turn to the right and give you height um yeah so this is you know a way to gunfly but it's you know it's not the best like you can control it pretty well every time you see that you start falling randomly you just do it again um to keep gaining height but there's a faster way of flying called melon fly which is where oh how's this still shut oh there's one on the top is it oh I'm this way that's embarrassing okay um yeah for melon fly you want to put the gun on your back the glitch gun like normal and then all you really need to do is just turn your head slightly to the right and at the same time go from fully UNC crouched to crouching and then you'll start flying backwards like this and this is the fastest and most controllable way to fly see you just sort of stay in the air and you can like turn pretty hard without it breaking as well turn too hard and it'll break though but it's you know pretty hard to fall out of Sky which is good assuming you have good FPS that's the real struggle with this um yeah so um you can see when I was on the ground just before it took me a couple attempt like two attempts to start the gunfly um like even just like crouching you know you can start a melon fly I didn't even turn my head but to do it consistently you want to turn your head um maybe 45° is what it takes to be consistent and also what helps is if you're um already gun flying like the normal way like this you can go into a melon fly very easily and also if you're sprinting in the direction that you want to be flying so for me to start melon fly usually I do this I'll be running forwards in a direction I put the gun on my back and then once the gun's on my back I in real life turn my head around that like do a 180 with my head at the same time keeping my um sprinting joystick facing the direction I want to go so as I I turn the joystick also does a 180 um and then while I'm in the middle of doing my 180 I crouch so like that and this is like basically 100% consistent um but yeah just remember you always need to be fully UNC crouched so that's something important to check before you start doing a melon fly um the other thing I mentioned before is you need good FPS um which kind of sucks because some levels in this game it is very hard to get good FPS if you have bad FPS it'll be harder to start the m f and it'll just fall out of the sky as soon as you do um yeah uh what else to talk about okay so another thing for melon fly um the way you control it obviously you fly backwards um and you can see I'm accelerating right now if you look at my speed um yeah if you find yourself like falling down just you know uncrouch and then Crouch while turning youread and you'll just start again um but yeah it goes backwards um all the time I'm sprinting in the direction to give me a little bit of extra speed in the direction I want to go but it has the top speed so I'll get this going so now if you look see I'm not getting much faster than 14.8 probably will Top out of 15 um and this top speed depends on whether you're looking up or down and where you're how crouched you are I guess um so for looking up and down if you look straight ahead you go faster but you drop faster as well if you look down up to 90° if you go further then the melon fly will just stop y but yeah look down 90° then you gain a lot of height but you don't go very fast see it's like struggling to get to 13 right now um yeah whereas when I did this you know easily blows past 13 if I switch to looking down now it slows down cuz looking down can't go that fast but the other thing I said is your Crouch height remember cuz we set our uh floor offset so that our just our full standing height in real life is actually for on his tippy toes um because we did that our head's we're not actually like fully crouched right now if you crouch to where your um you know as if floor off site was zero so you're at normal Ford's normal standing height then that's the fastest you can go with melon fly basically um so actually I just realized the better test is um I'm going to try and keep myself level so I'm not rising and I'm not lowering either I'm not falling and we'll see how fast I can get um flying like this so I want to stay about there so I'm going like 16 16 and A2 maybe all right now I'll do it in the opposite direction but I'm going to return my Flor offset to5 the normal one so my my actual real life Hye I'll try and keep that and you can see I'm already going 17 while keeping at the same height just about 18 so yeah if your height is oops if your height is um your floor UPS is faked I'll go back to that then you just need to crouch a bit in real life to the point don't Crouch too far or you'll um the melon fly will just stop but if you crouch the right amount then you'll go the same speed so if you crouch too far I'll just show that as well proba further than this and I'm going to fall oh wow I didn't okay H right there is where I fell I guess yeah see I think it just happens when you reach a certain speed um anyway that's how you fly with a gun so to continue with the speedrun once you've done the gun glitch over there another thing that I'll say is you can't do the gun glitch while you're moving for some reason um once you grab the gun you need to stop and do the gun glitch um if you're falling or jumping or running or doing anything you're just not going to be to activate the gun glitch um yeah so activate the gun glitch run out here then put it on your back and do a melon fly go upwards and then go against this wall this will take you straight up and then once go over here remember I'm crouching bit for maximum speed and then you want to fly to the Finish you bounce off that wall if you want looking straight ahead maximum speed and going downwards and then if you do it well you want to line up right with that door so you fly backwards and then just let go right here and you go in so that's how you do streets the gun glitch way okay so runoff and um yeah you just be hop over here press the button and now um from here you can do the you know the old slow way which is climbing up there I guess I'll show it real quick this is the easiest way to speedrun this level but you climb up here and then Bonk your head into this glass to break it and then carefully pull yourself over and yeah you just run down there and you can run around the side of the level all the way to the Finish um but I won't do that right now because I'll show the faster way there's actually two faster ways you can do it um so first is with um doing the wall you can also do it gunfly or you could do a combo of gun flying through the wall but yeah I'll just put this in my inventory for now now um cuz the first thing you want to do whether you grab the gun or not is to jump up there so you can do this with a really big super jump if you're good at it you can jump like that and then grab this ledge which will break the window you need to grab this ledge exactly you can't push your hand through the window so it's like right when your hand's here you grab um if you can't jump that High there are other ways to get there like you can jump off this and grab onto that but this is more precise you need to be pretty good with movement to do that um or even like you know do a jump onto here and jump up to that one there so you don't waste any time and then you can drop down there and grab the gun and go back if you want to but yeah for me um I can do this jump so I just get to here super jump up there and then yeah once I'm up here I'll wait for the gun to come out you need to hang down because you need to you can't grab the gun from up here so hang down one arm grab the gun and then climb up with it and then there's a little right here there's a little invisible barrier which you need to jump over and now once you're on here there's two things you can do um you can run along here there's a small drop there but just stay on this otherwise you'll fall and then do a super jump over that to clear that distance and then then go down here and this is the RNG wall um yeah it's got weird Collision on here for some reason so like what was that but what you want to do is do a like just a like bigger than a you know normal game jump but not a huge super jump L I'm just slightly jumping and slightly un crouching in real life um with three times slowmo activated before you start put your hand out um I don't think it matters whether it's a fist or not and then jump up and then there's a certain spot on the wall where you hit it and you go flying towards the finish that was like perfect I didn't want to go in there though um because I'll show the other way actually I might just restart the level um yeah finding the spot on the wall there's like some little markings or something but yeah once you find it it's pretty easy so you just run through here once you get here grab the gun climb up and now oh so I'm getting load lag for some reason this never happens to me so I'm surprised is it going to do it I think it's okay okay cool oh yeah another thing I should say with the gun glitch is um you need to wait for the mag to fully come out and then become glitched before you grab the gun again which is why just then a couple of times I pulled it out but then I grabbed the gun again so it just went back um yeah so it's not lagging anymore so I'll show the route so Crouch real life get some speed by looking that way and then just keep my head level with this thing and on my machine at least that gives me just enough fps to stay in the air and now I'll start okay spoke too soon but once I un past that big wall I can lower slightly to get over this one and then continue lowering until here and then just pull the gun out fall down here and the place you want to land is right there like not on this room here but slightly to the side there is a floor just there um which is slightly lower and that'll trigger the end level um so like starting about here like pretty much to the end I guess but just to the side and you want to land it's about maybe that thick between my two hands um so yeah just land on that and you'll be good even if you just like you know Nick it with your head as you're going down or something but you don't want to miss it and go off the edge because you'll hit a level end trigger even if you graze the side it can start loading to the next level but then if you're if you if you don't stop your fall and you you're falling really fast you'll hit the reset trigger before the next level loads and it'll kill your whole run because the screen turns black and you need to restart the game but anyway okay so for sewers um once again gun glitch is what you want to do by buying this gun here um I mean there are other ways through the level but they're a lot slower um yeah I won't worry talking about them for New Game Plus so look up and then activate your inventory and this thing will be higher in the air so it's like the perfect hype for this so spam that grab this do the gun glitch oops so as for getting out of here there are a couple ways this way is the easiest it requires no thinking you just put the gun on your back and you go into this corner you want to be um looking at this wall but slightly to the left as well into the corner and that's basically it you just stand forwards hold your hands here close to you and you sprint forwards while the gun's trying to push you into the wall eventually it'll just clip you out but the higher your refresh rate the rarer it is so it's very luck dependent um I usually move my stick like slightly left so I'm looking towards like my movement is towards the corner as well um yeah that's pretty much all there is to it but it's so luck dependent oh so I'm out now and then you just do a melon fly to the Finish um yeah it's a bit hard to fly CU you can't see anything but you want to you can actually drop a fair bit so you can keep the top of the level in Your Vision but you don't want to go lower than that red door so start looking down that happens and keep your height there keep going back and right there's the Finish um so I'll just restart the level to show another way so again when you spawn into sewers you're facing this way so you want to be looking 90 or a bit more to your right in real life when you start and that way you'll start running towards here look up buy the gun do the glitch that took a few tries um so here's the another way you can do it um this way is way more consistent but it's um I'll just kill these guys so they don't interfere so this way is is way more consistent but also a lot harder to do than that um for me I can get like a subm minute time of sewers maybe 75% of the time but getting a good time which is sub 45 me between 30 and 45 seconds then that is maybe 25% of the time um yeah so to do this put the gun in your inventory so open your inventory up put it there so it's not pushing me around right now because it's not on my back it's over there um and then walk up to here put this hand into a fist because your hands being a fist makes it easier for them to clip out because when they're not a fist they're like this long but as a fist they're way shorter then grab the red light between these two um like this here in the middle of it is where you grab the red light and you want to be like you know standing up straight when you start this and then now you sprint forwards in this direction and you tap the um inventory button to close inventory so the gun goes on your back and it starts pushing you so all I'm doing right now is running forwards in this direction and I'm going to close my inventory now so now it pushes like this and you saw for a second there it took me outside the level right now I'm out well I'm actually in this thing actually but yeah that's what happens you go outside the level and then it pulls you back in pretty much straight away after but for that moment when you're outside the level that's when you want to let go of this red light and ideally stay outside the level once you let go of this you'll be outs most of your body will be outside the level except you know this hand maybe this one if it didn't get out and then you want to bring them back in So this hand should already be a fist you just um pull this hand into a fist after you've let go light and then you know wave your hands around or whatever to try and get them out all the while sprinting forwards that way um if you're if you're not sprinting forwards that way then you'll probably get pulled into this little area back inside the level um yeah so um I think there's some other things that I should talk about here so if you do get pulled back into this area you just want to like Crouch and you know Sprint backwards and that'll cause you to M fly out of there um is there anything else sometimes like if you uh whether you're looking up or down I usually look like down this way this does affect how high like the melon fly pushes if you look down it pushes you up you know you look up then it pushes you down so sometimes you'll be holding on to the red light and you'll be like down here crouched and melon fly can't push you out of bounds when you're crouched so you know just look up a bit and that'll uncrouch you oh sorry look down a bit that will make melon fly push you up and you'll uncrouch um oh yeah the other thing I forgot to mention is when you grab this like you don't want to grab it like this you want your hand to be flat against this uh brick here like that and grab it there um if you grab it like that then your hand will like be pulling your body more in in bounds so that'll pull you back in um is that I think that's it to talk about for this thing maybe um oh some other things can happen like sometimes you'll be like under the level your head will be under or both your hands are like stuck in there um once again you just hold them in a grip and you sprint backwards while um your right thumb stick is up to uncrouch and that should get you out of there consistently um I know there's a few other small things which I don't think really matter like there's a small Gap here with no Collision that you can pull your hand through but generally you don't really have control over precise control of your hands because of the gunfly pushing you um yeah so I'll try and demonstrate this right now um so I'm going to do the thing and then the moment I see my body go out out of bounds I'm going to let go of the light so let's go oh actually whoops um I didn't I want to go back in bounds um okay there we go um there was one one thing I forgot when you're here and you're grabbing the light you need your arm to be pointing backwards behind you like that um if you don't do that that will pull you back in bounds um yeah so I'm straight out behind you and you'll stay out of bounds so going this direction to my right look up and open the inventory buy the gun don't let that fling back up do the gun glitch put inventory put my hand here because you don't want to grab the ammo which always happens if your inventory is not open when you um form a fist grab that flat there um Sprint forwards close inventory hold my hand behind me looking this way go out let go and then pull your hands forwards and yeah like use your index finger to form the fist so it's easier for you out and then you can start your melon fly once you're out um I dropped for quite a bit then but normally I could look straight ahead and be able to see stuff behind me but I'm below the red door so I need to gain a bit of height so I'm sprinting forwards right now to slow my mly down which will give me more height because the faster your mfly is going the less High you get okay so once you see the thing um under you there's a couple of ways you can get into it what I normally do is I want to go to this side and then I do the sideways gunfly into the side of it because on this side if you heit your a head on that side um you'll hit the trigger to go to the next level it only works on like I think two of the sides for some reason um the other thing you can do is in the corners of this pipe here you can fall through if you um like do the uncrouch with the right thumb stick um and you'll fall through I don't yeah see right now I can see myself falling in um I wanted to demonstrate what I did cuz when I'm above it on the side I'll just stop the melon fly by UNC crouching so you can stop Mel and fly like dead in its tracks if you look down and uncrouch um like like straight down 90 deges un Crouch melon fly will just stop instantly and then I drop and once I am level with the finish I Sprint to the side towards the that little finish room and then just flick my head to the right just like like that and I'll fly into the Finish maybe I'll I'll um I will demonstrate that actually um so looking this way look up inventory by the gun open that grab it glitch put it in inventory fist grab with flap Sprint this way hand behind me let go um flick my fingers oh no it didn't work try again same thing inventory and behind me sprinting this way and now I'm out so there my both hands out turn around and Mel fly straight like this um going straight will give me faster acceleration so I'll get up speed quicker don't want to hit that death trigger there but yeah another thing you want to basically be lined up with that thing so you can see the start level the room where it started and the um I'll have to fly back cuz I'm already past the Finish but lining up the room where you start with that long drop um okay so fly back line them up above the red height so yeah do that and then to the side and my head hit the side of the thing for warehouse this is the direction you start um yeah so the normal way for a new game plus speedrun is to go this way be hopping do a 1x or yeah two 2x if you want I guess do a jump off that as well and then jump onto this and then jump over there as well but um if that's too tricky to do you can um instead jump onto this and just climb up here stand on this and then you can run over there another thing is cuz this is like a bit of a ramp you can jump while you're on it to do a really big really tall jump like that um but yeah the fastest way is to just jump onto the green Transformer thing and then jump over um you can pull yourself over that as well by the way um for jumping on this thing cuz it has a bit of a ramp this way if you try and jump off going in this direction while you're on this ramp um you'll barely get any height I want to sort of like be standing on the edge of this middle bit and jumping like facing this way I guess rather than facing the that way and yep um so this is probably the best way to jump over that um the slower you go the more likely you are to die um in this section but yeah you can go around the other way but this is the fastest and most likely to live way and then just like crouch in the corner once you're in here kill an enemy if he got in um yeah that's all there really is to this level stay low so that the enem is less likely to hit you um yeah there is a way you can do a fling glitch with the stairs up there but it's so inconsistent not going to worry about that the other way you can do this is with gunfly start the level facing to your right be up over here open inventory and buy this gun cost 2,000 so you need bam really quick and do the gun glitch with the SMG um yeah so you can do the gun glitch just like normal with this gun it's slightly different but it works basically the same um you need to because the magazine comes out further you need to wait for longer um to do the gun glitch to glitch the mag um but yeah once you've got it go this way you can run around there or bit FAS if you jump over there cuz you want to be behind here facing this way um or this is what I do at least we're going to clip out there by crouching here if you face this way and Crouch your body's like too deep in this direction to fit so you just pop out the other side there but normally if you try it here you might go up there which is why I face this direction and then Crouch here and once you're crouched um melon fly isn't going to push you when you're fully crouched so it's safe to put the gun on your back at this point but yeah once you fully Crouch put the gun on your back and turn this way and once I'm turning that way I'm going to be sprinting that way as well to pull myself out and once I go out um there is a death trigger pretty low I can show it right now I guess yeah good like that sprinting forwards uncrouch and then that's how high the death trigger is so you don't have long to start a melon fly once you're out there um so you need to be very confident starting melon fly to do that but yeah it's like 100% consistent if you know how to start a melon fly um all I'm going to do once I'm out there is right stick up to fully un Crouch and then my gun should already be on my back and then once I'm fully un Crouch I just while I'm doing the sprinting in the direction turn around and Crouch you know do a 180 in real life and that'll just start it every time jump over here Crouch and go down here put that on Sprint out the side and turn um some sometimes that happens but if it does just do it again uncrouch melon fly and then there's a couple of things over here which fence there and then another fence just here um so yeah watch out for them go over them or around them I went around them just then and then you want to get in this corner like pretty close but not too close otherwise you pop in like this and if you stay in the corner um you'll hit the level and Trigger it goes a little bit lower than here so you can be like directly under even um but not too low otherwise you'll miss the trigger if you do go too low just gain a little bit of height because it goes back like super far so just gain a bit of height and then you'll load into the next level so to show this again crouching on back out here uncrouch turn around and Crouch while sprinting the dress go start melon fly oh whoops I hit the side of the level there which is something you don't want to do but normally yeah just go here and I fly over them and then I look slightly up so I can lose some height cuz remember this makes you go faster and then just stay under here and you hit the level and Trigger cool so for Central um we've got another gunfly by this gun and now you want to go into this room and then clip out through this Gap here um yeah cuz the gun's on your back it'll push you out pretty easily if you um yeah once your gun's on your back it can push you into this corner and then you just sort of turn around and the gun fly gunfly will just push you through this wall here um and then you can start gun flying another way you can do it is to do a melon fly and just melon fly into that corner and like it consistently takes you out which is slightly faster if you don't lose any speed as you come out of the corner of the room um yeah and from there I'll show you where to go so I'll do the M fly and Crouch bit in real life turn your head slightly and now I'm out um so normally what you want to do is fly I guess up through this building this building doesn't have Collision um but what I do is fly up there and then let's see if I can okay that took me back in um I'll just do it again and show you what I do okay I'm out do the mfly so I go up here and then don't touch that room mobilizer load the enemies and your frame rate will drop and you'll fall out of the sky but go this way about this High because that way I'll clear this thing and you want to be roughly in line with that building over there and then once you clear this stop the fly and you know look down BMP sideways and you'll hit the side of that room which has the level trigger on it um there's a couple of other ways you can go like you can go around those big black boxes um those two big boxes like which separate the level um you can also that level trigger you can land on top of it and there's stairs there um which I guess are meant to be these stairs and you just fall down the middle into the area with the trigger okay so next up for Tower go through here jump onto like across there and then jump over this that's a little bit faster or a slightly faster way as well if you have good super jumps is to jump from just after this like glowing step about here and grab onto the orange rail up there which looks like a crazy height to jump and it is it is a pretty hard jump to do but the stairs ramping up does give you a little bit of extra height I'll try it now oh couldn't quite get it more so I hit my shoulder on those stairs just then I feel like that one probably would have made it which is sad There we go um so grab this and then Crouch and you can pull yourself through the middle of that so once you're here grab this gun gun glitch um yeah come out here and then about here is where you want to start the start flying um you don't want to fly any earlier because otherwise see that big thing up there you will just get hit that and get stuck but yeah I usually do a melon fly here and I'm sprinting forwards right now because I don't want distance I want height and now I've got plenty of height level triggers right behind me there so I went into it um obviously you know takes a bit of practice to know where you're going while you're not looking but it's pretty easy as long as your computer can handle the FPS um yeah if your FPS drops then you'll need to keep trying to do the melon fly and or keep stopping and you need to do it again which happens sometimes for me but most of the time it's fine anyway for time Tower there's a fling you can do there but I don't worry about it because it'll take me too fast sometimes or not far enough um so there's two ways you can do this level the first way and the slower way is to go up here slightly faster you can jump on this and you know jump over like that get out slightly quicker but grab it right down here as low as you can grab one of these balls with it and then jump on the ball and hold it up and it'll make you fly back a little bit to get the hang of it and then if you fall down here that's where the level Tri trigger is for the end of this level um I don't know if I click that fast enough but okay I didn't I'll show you the gunfly way next oh yeah so actually if you're doing that first way you can do the this thing here which is hard to get right right it's like your hand needs to be on top of this black thing I guess um but yeah crouching down pretty low as low as you can really while you're you know about here um fully extended if your arm's not fully extended by the way I forgot to say this with the last fling um then it's just going to like waste some distance it'll you know pull this far but that's not going to pull on your body so it's not going to make you fling anyway grab there three times slow and like that um the actually there was other one other thing I'll mention when for the fling when you grab it you want to pull your hand behind you um to give it a little more Force um but yeah that's for the original way for the gun Flyway don't do the fling go this way look up open your inventory and then you want to buy this gun [Music] here and what we're going to do is you want to step over the corner of this so the elevator starts Rising if you don't do that it doesn't rise so do that then while you're waiting for it do the gun glitch here and now we're going to go underneath there remember there's a death trigger just down there so we don't go too low otherwise we'll die but go under that and then there's another um Collision barrier um just behind that area there which will block us from going that way but once we're down there we want to go up and over that Collision barrier um yeah so if you're doing melon fly you just I'll just run off the edge as I'm falling down I put the gun on my back I keep like my legs out extended so that the Mel fly doesn't start um until I'm ready for it to and then once I'm like you know level with these pillars here I'll turn around do the mfly which it'll hit that barrier behind there which makes you go up so I'll show that now I did it too early but doing it again okay so you can see this is where the barrier starts and this is where it stops what I'm standing on right now maybe I'll try showing that again okay this gun's pretty cheap um put too much ammo into it right there and see that right there is the edge of the thing that I was in the um invisible barrier so once you cleared that you just you know pull the gun out so it don't stop you you can look down and um uncrouch fully to stop it from flying as well and now you have this once again you can't press it too early otherwise it'll soft lock so just wait till you hear the music or you know two seconds or whatever and press it the dungeon you'll start facing this way but you want to turn 180 in real life so that you're looking at this and then then Sprint at it and while you get here push forwards really quickly like that in on the side of the brick so that you know will pull it out like that from there um Crouch and lift your head in here spring forward still and you can fall down there b hop here onto this so easiest way to get through the gate just Chu three ammo Clips on and the gate will open you can just go under um slightly faster is to clip through the gate there's a couple of ways of doing it um you can grab up here Crouch and then turn your head that way and you want to stay like as far as you can into the corner you can you know do the the same thing but not holding it do a jump up here and then turn your head and Crouch um I'm not showing them right now cuz if I clip through there I'm not going to be able to get back um yeah or you can run through tilt your head slightly and then turn it like this while you're crouching here and rotate your body through there um but yeah they're not completely consistent maybe if you practice it they would be but yeah there it only saves like one second at most so yeah probably stick to that but that's how you do it um oh facing the wrong way um so for arena fastest way is to just do a super jump either there or there and just you know just jump two times maximum height and just you'll be able to jump onto that um if you don't quite make it you can grab one of these with your hands and pull yourself over or if you can't really super jump at all you can like you know I guess climb up this like climb it like that and get over I guess um you can even grab one of these crates be careful not to break it and that'll give you some extra height but yeah you probably don't want to worry about that just like you know get good at super jumping um another thing I'll mention if you have low ceiling so you can't really jump much in real life um once again setting your height lower in the settings will let you be able to you know make the game think you're jumping in real life when you're actually just UNC crouching and then when you if you actually do jump in real life you want to use slowmo so I jumped in real life now I'm on the ground in real life and then while I'm in the air in the game but on ground in real life after my jump put my hands up and grab the thing because your real life jump you know you'll jump and then land before you've landed in the game so you can now put my hands up like that but if you do a good two times slowmo super jump you should be able to get all the way onto this then from here either there or here jump over that thing and be careful not to fall down there because that's pretty annoying he'll be kind of stuck oh I use slowmo there you don't need to do that and then be hop to the f so throwing room um there a couple of ways you can do this you can climb up there up that pipe and over to get to the button or you can climb this way um this way is slightly faster um if you do this jump thing um so it's a little bit tricky it requires a little bit of movement skill but do a 1x jump onto this thing and then from here you jump and grab that do a 1x slowmo again jump and grab that square up there so I'll show it again if I can do it um I don't know why that super jump didn't work just then and I jumped too late um for jumping there it's actually a little bitno you need you do need to leave it to the very last second otherwise you'll hit that pole above you okay that was better but not great um I barely got any height for my second jump normally you'd land about here and then you just climb up here and for maximum climbing speed the way you should climb not like this but with two hands at once you can pull your body up very quick so you want to sort of be doing that so if I show it on the other wall with the alternate route two hands and like doing this not exactly C what I'm doing there I'm just trying to show the movement I am barely moving right now but that's basically what you want to do except pull all the way down and very quickly swing your hands up in real life to yeah grab um okay why is this happening okay that's that's what how it's meant to go and then you can grip this part here pull yourself on and to get up there you can do a jump onto this like that or I usually jump onto the second one it doesn't really make a difference either one's fine but obviously keep going push the button put your hands here I don't even jump here I just pull myself up like that while crouching to get over there and yeah push the doors open do be hops in between you've now for the king go to three times slowmo when you get here and try and grab just the crown if you're too close to him it'll grab his head but if you're just the right distance away it'll grab the crown too far you grab nothing obviously so too close head too far nothing but right about here where your tip of your fingers touch the crown you'll grab just the CR and it'll come off his head and kill him usually sometimes you need to do it a couple more times so go through here grab the battery this is pretty normal they found you in the old offices I mean the phal yeah I usually jump over this table doesn't from here you can grab that grab that throw that um wait till you're like you know about here cuz clicking this back then like nothing's going to happen to the button there's not really any point just wait till here then you can press it and once you pressed it start walking backwards and what you want to grab is like don't aim it at the bottom of this you want to aim it at the pipe on the side like see I grabbed the one on my right um but yeah that's what you're actually grabbing so that's what you want to aim at to to properly get it there put that in run back like so you're close enough around here do that and then you come down here now to fly with this when you're about here I'm holding the gun sideways grab it turn it around um and then jump on top of it there's oh I'm going to die if I stand here too much longer okay whatever I'll do it from here okay so there's two ways you can play on this a fast way and a slow way um from here you can aim it down like this grab it and fly off um you may want to crouch very slightly like this to make sure that you don't go over this lip and fall off so this is the easy and slow way to do it the faster way is to grab this orb on the back first so you want to keep the orb here if you pull it too far remember it's going to like do this thing where it launches things so grab the or and do the same thing crouching slightly grab it underneath you keep the orb in this area of the gun but don't like accidentally push the gun and then yeah take off so if I might need to fly to the start again I guess oh yeah also you need to keep watch out for those all right so this will start over here the poles right there I usually go to the left so that I can angle to the right when I get to the door grab it like that angle to the left go and I try and not fly too high because I want to be at an angle upwards when I get to the door so that when I hit that that was a bad angle that I did just then but I want yeah to be flying upwards and straight that way hit that thing and then I'll get launched all the way into this room where from here like around here you're able to hit the skip button with the gun and that's it um yeah hope that helps
Channel: jakzo
Views: 1,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C3nFKLvB4uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 18sec (5778 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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