Bonelab│How to Find ALL Melee Weapons

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hello people of YouTube today I have brought you another bone Lab video today we're looking at how to find all melee weapons in bone lab I hope you guys find this useful and with that let's hop straight into the first weapon for the first six here you're going to want to head down to the campaign that will descend as this is where they resign first off here we have the spiked club so get to the point where you put in a key but don't put in the key right next to the key in the desk you'll see a capsule this is your spiked club enjoy next we have the double ax so get to the lava gate and turn left if you look up you'll see a shelf all you got to do is get there and there you go have fun with your new double ax now right after the double x the hatchet is right through the big wooden doors look to your left and in the orange Locker you'll find the hatchet now for the Crowbar after you jump down into the trash place and kill the crablet you'll see a door it might already be open it might not to the right of it is a little box just in case is the crowbar and swiftly after that get to the train area and narrowly avoid the boys just set the tracks you'll find a viking Shield right after the fussing zero degree escalator through these doors and on your left is the shovel now you can finally leave descent and head over to long run there is only one melee quote-unquote weapon in this level the trash can lid so once you get to the two turrets and shooty boys quickly take him out and go up where the turrets were now on this ledge you'll see the capsule skipping mindive into big anomaly similar to Long Run big anomaly has only one weapon delete the Omni project fluffs and hop down these stairs pass these boxes and in this bucket you'll find the electric guitar not exactly the best weapon but to each their own onward to Street puncher so there's three weapons here first we'll cover the longest and hardest the lead pipe so basically just get to the staircase and I'll shut up so you can just follow me okay so it's a little weird but I'm correcting my own commentary I know I can just change it this is more fun so what you actually want to do because I was completely wrong in all of this because this was from an order update what you want to do is go up that staircase and get a key card that's on top of this ledge now in this moment I didn't exactly have all the avatars unlocked I reset my games like I get all these capsules like okay so this is now me talking over me talking on me messing up so what I was talking or referring to when I was saying I didn't have all the capsules to restart my game whatever just for the ledge thing avatars whatever it's because you need to have the tall Avatar to get up on that ledge or you're just probably another way it's like a vending machine over there or something you can probably bring over be hard but you could um yeah just just saying you need the tall Avatar to get up there to get the key card yeah and go back to other video so get that key card and then go back in the level to this spiral staircase hopefully you know what I mean and then go along here climb up this pipe fall down onto the white one go over to here to the key card reader put the card in and I'm 90 sure that the pipe's in there there might even be another melee weapon I don't remember I'm sorry but I am not going to check right now it is it's it's 11 p.m I I don't want to I uh yeah I just figured I'd mention that because I'm stupid go back to other Meetup now what you want to do is get to this staircase and go into the garage right here right here you can find the Baton for the final weapon here we have the katana yo mama get to this hallway and at the end there's a trash can it's in here running away to Sprint Bridge see what I did there Sprint Bridge has possibly the best weapon in the whole game the noodle dog get to this area and go behind that building here you'll find yourself face to face with a capsule this isn't the noodle dog just kidding next all we have here is magma gate with the Bastard Sword and Morningstar for the Morning Star just get rid of this God awful radio and there you go now the Bastard Sword is a little more difficult to get it you must Ascend up onto the backrate tower have fun pillar climb is next here you'll want to First head up to here and over this wall is the chef's knife the other capsule is the cleaver so what you want to do for the cleaver is get as high as you possibly can in the map and on top of this Barrel is a key card go back down to where the chef's knife was put the key card in and then hit this button with your arm through the bars over here you'll find the cleaver in Ascent we have the sledgehammer and the guitar once you get past the ball areas jump up onto here climb over and there's your guitar after that we have the sledgehammer once you're at the top of the spiral staircase go through this door and on the Shelf to your right is a sledgehammer with a capsule now on to the sandbox Maps first off we have the big bone bowling map with the Warhammer so go to the end of the bowling alley and on the gravity pin sign your capsule resides for the drop hit map complete the first room and get to here next climb up to this vent and crawl to this vent fall through and the stall here has your plunger next is dungeon Warrior if you haven't played this map I highly recommend it's very fun to make the first jump then jump right turn right again in the kunai capsule is right there further on try to jump down to these rocks and follow them to this cave this is the Norse ax so in museum basement grab the battery in the castle and opened the door behind spawn make your way through here until you find a field room on the desk is where you'll find the golf club now for the hand hammer head on over to the tunneltippers map and right where you go out of the garage door turn around and the hammer is right on top not a very good weapon but still adds to the collection in fantasy Arena we have the half sword and the claim Claymore very good English don't even worry about it so just through the unopenable gate is the Claymore which you'll have to force grab to get now begin a match and make your way up onto there here you'll find yourself the half sword next is the classical Almighty frying pan in Tuscany behind the house there's two tables with weapons of All Sorts on the right tables where the frying pan capsule is on to the next map in rooftops first turn left out of the starting room and left at this intersection kill this inconvenient man and at the end of the hall is your pipe wrench lastly we have the combat knife get on top of the roofs avoid this green boy and jump on over to the second building now just before you go to the third building hook a right and you'll see a dumpster and a ladder all you got to do is hop down and there you go this is a very cool knife final level is container yard first of the three capsules we'll grab is the horror ax right here in that blue container is where you can find this not good ax now from Spawn go out here turn right turn left here left again and on this roof is the barbed baseball bat my favorite weapon finally we have the machete from Spawn Cabot here and over by the void leak you'll see a small orange container get up there and grab your brand new machete okay that was a lot and this video took longer than most so if you enjoyed this video and maybe found it helpful I hope you did please consider subscribing my dream is to hit a thousand subscribers and since I started these one of my videos that dream may just actually come true I do also have plans for other games for my videos so stay tuned if you want to see that in the near future anyways that's about it for now guys bye [Music]
Channel: ZeroMatic
Views: 37,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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