Bone Marrow Compound Butter | EP. 002

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i got a question for you have you ever  had butter from another part of the cow   hey i'm andrew and today we're going to REKA  bmcb some of you might be asking what's a bmcb   well i'm glad you asked bmcb is bone marrow  compound butter one of the favorite things   that you've just discovered or maybe you  already knew about that goes straight on   top of your fresh cooked favorite kind of steak so  here's what you're going to need to follow along   if you'd like to cook this too i have a couple  of different size skillets a large and a small   i have a fresh sprig of rosemary  from the backyard have some olive   oil some pink salt some large flake salt a  little mortar and pestle some fresh garlic i have a cup of butter and the main star  of this event today is the bone marrow now you'll see that i've actually cut it into  two different styles i've cut these sections   into little two inch cross cuts and then this  section here to show a variation because you can   do it either style this is actually cut 90 degrees  through the bone exposing all the marrow you can   see that these rings here represent this kind of  like a yellowy or a lighter creamy color there's a   very creamy product the marrow is the middle part  of the bone and it's where this is the butter this   is right this here is where we're going to get all  the magic today we're going to get a whole lot of   flavor blowing up in your mouth as you put it all  over your steak so this is what we're going to be   doing watch and follow along let's get started  let's make some magic happen in the kitchen   okay so one of the first things that you want to  do once you have all of your ingredients and your   utensils assembled is to make sure that your oven  is on 500 degrees convection broil if you have   that availability if you're in other countries  that may have different style ovens it'll be a   convection grill if you don't have convection  just use grill but that will work so let's take   on the star of the show let's bring our bone  marrow center stage here we're going to add   the bone marrow to the main skillet the  oven is on it's coming up to temperature   and we are going to add these pretty pieces of  artwork into our skillet now what i want to do   not everyone does this but i like to just take  things up a notch i want maximum return roi on   flavor i want some flavor roi okay so we're gonna  start to throw some olive oil here and we're gonna   get this lathered not too crazy because there's  actually going to be a lot of oils coming out   of the bone marrow and so what i'm going to do is  i just want to make sure every part of the bone   and you can see the marrow that's getting soft  now i don't take all of the sections of meat   that are still on the outside of the bone off some  people do and here's why i like to keep mine on um   i like as this begins to cook and roast in the  oven i want all of the flavor of that meat coming   out and caramelizing and flavoring the marrow so  we get undertones and hints of all of that steaky   meaty beefy goodness so once we're there i'm just  going to remove this little skillet out the road   and we're going to take some of this  fresh rosemary and i'm going to remove   the little leaves off the rosemary sprig because  i don't want to be chewing on bits of twig and   one of the ways you can do is you just go  against the grain with your fingers i don't   want a whole bunch right now so i'm just going to  take the small amount of rosemary that i have here and i'm going to cut it i'm going to  cut it and i'm going to cross cut it   because i want this relatively fine  you can see it's already relatively dry i don't need a lot i'm going to use some of this  rosemary a little bit later when we start to   see i'm just start look at that oh look  at that look at that color that beautiful   contrast of that green starting to grease its  presence over the top of that bone and marrow   this is going to be roasting in a little bit  and as it does the aromatic flavors and scents   of that rosemary is going to start to permeate  through the bone what we're going to do right now   is we're adding some himalayan pink salt  i personally like to get a lot of salt on   because it just adds salt has this amazing ability  to bring flavor out and make it look real good it   just finds all the flavors in the product that  you're working with in this case uh beef bone   marrow and it's going to bring those flavors  out and help them find center stage so that   they find themselves in your mouth i'm just  going to add a little bit of flaky salt as well now if you want to take a look at that this  is going to be going straight into the oven   at 500 degrees fahrenheit and it's going to  be caramelized it's going to start to express   itself all of this bone marrow is going to start  to melt now there's still going to be chunks in   there but let's take a look and see what it looks  like when it comes out we'll be back in a second okay now we come to the second part while the bone  marrow is roasting for the next 30 to 40 minutes   depending on the size of the bone and the cut you  have we're going to start with the base for the   compound uh right here so we want to take some  rosemary we're going to take some garlic we're   going to take a little bit of our butter that's  come up to room temperature it's nice and soft   a little bit of olive oil and some of our  salts again so we're gonna begin to remove   again like we did in the first part a  little bit of rosemary we don't need a ton   just enough to get those aromatic  flavors moving around in the skillet   and we're going to take i'm going to put those  off to the side for a second we're going to take   some garlic i like getting my thumb right in  there we're going to extract two three cloves   so i'm simply going to take  my blade i like to crush them   because when you crush them you actually release a  lot of the flavor and juices that come out of the   garlic so then we're going to take the rosemary we  want to get these down to a relatively fine size so i'm just going to put that rosemary  in the pan we are now going to crush a second crushing or let go we want to get it nice and fine as  possible this is all the garlic we're going to use so then what we're going to do is we're  going to take a little bit of our olive oil   we're going to put just enough across the pan  where it's going to be given some room to move   we're going to take tablespoon that's  going to go into the pan and a little bit of each of my selected salts here   now i'm now going to put this over heat and  begin to caramelize the garlic so what we want   is we want this garlic to cook just  to take a little bit of the edge off and we only are going to keep it on this heat and  when we start seeing a very slight brown color   caramelizing releasing all the sugars you can see  there is actually brown starting to come through okay so you see how the color has now changed  that's all i want so i'm now taking it off i'm   going to take care of this that's now off  and that is exactly where i want this to be so i don't want it any more than that we're  just going to let that rest you don't want   it you don't want to ever see black if it  starts going black you've burnt it you're   going to start getting a bit of flavor coming  out of the garlic so we're going to let that   cool off and then all of this butter is going to  be added into that and then all the bone marrow   is going to be added in we're going to mix it  up and it's just going to be magical wonderland so we can see by all of this fatty buttery oil  that's all come out of the marrow inside these   bone sections and so that's part of our butter but  there's also still a whole bunch of buttery creamy   solids that are in all of these bones so what  we're going to do is we're going to let these cool   down and just come get a little closer to room  temperature you can see this is our caramelized   rosemary and garlic with some salt butter and  oil see how that just comes all the way through   all that buttery oil creamy i like to use  a chopstick it just seems to work this is   just going to remove itself straight from the  bone so you can see you've got a very creamy gelatinous buttery this is  why it got the name butter you see so we're going to keep all that we're   going to preserve that that's  going to go into our mixture so we're gonna bring our bowl in center stage  we're going to tip a little bit of that out   probably half of it it was a little red so i'm going to  just start to mix this in very slowly you can see that's starting to come together now and i'm going to bring this up so i need to  hold it such a way where everyone can see   that we are collecting all of that gelatinous bone so you want to watch it coming at the bottom see that see okay so you can sort of see that so i'm going to remove this from scene and i'm going to we want to just make sure that we are getting all of our little lumps nice and bolstered okay so now  we're going to bring this back into set get all that precious bone marrow oil then i'm going to okay we're just gonna assimilate that in you see all that creamy fatty texture just  starting to merge with all the standard butter and   it's slowly cooling down and starting to thicken  up look at all those chunks of garlicky rosemary goodness so what i'm looking to do  essentially is make like a   sausage of this butter and  make it into like a little roll this is perfect see what's happening here people  this is a perfect execution okay and there's your final product you see now  it's it's a lot harder it's actually you know got   some rigidity now that it's cold i'm gonna let  it cool completely overnight before we use it   but once it's ready you can unwrap all  of the cling wrap the plastic cling wrap   and you slice it into little medallions right  before you're ready to use it on a steak if   you like this video like subscribe and hit  the notifications button and you know what   how could you not want to see this butter  being used look at all the pieces of garlic   rosemary we know there's all the bone marrow in  there the salt and the garnishings everything   that's in there this is a flavor explosion getting  ready to happen next week we're dropping the video   where we put this on a hot steak fresh off the  grill with some crispy fried potatoes that were   fried in the bone marrow so you can't miss  this it's a double whammy bone marrow special   make sure you hit the notification button  we'll see you next week if you're watching   this down the track there'll be a link in the  description take care have a great week god bless
Channel: REKA Ventures
Views: 24,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bone marrow, compound butter, best steak, god butter, garlic butter, roasted garlic, rosemary butter, truffle butter, rosemary compound butter, steak recipe, steaks in the oven, compound butter for steak, compound butter recipes, bone marrow food, roasted bone marrow, roasted bone marrow recipe, garlic butter sauce, compound butter for turkey, butter recipe, alton brown, guga foods, Joshua weissman, Reka12345, sat bawl pro, pear qwerty horse, creator on the rise, trending
Id: GKaQEoaP4bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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