Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler (Video Original Version)
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Channel: BomfunkMCsVEVO
Views: 258,324,741
Rating: 4.8156943 out of 5
Keywords: Bombfunk MCs, BombfunkMCsvevo, vevo, official, video, music video, single, hq, album, original, version, In Stereo, Bomfunk MC's, Freestyler, Pop, Sony BMG Music Entertainment
Id: ymNFyxvIdaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2011
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This song makes me think of the movie "Haggard" every time I hear it.
"Yeah, I just listened to the new Gnarkill cd, and it FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!"
"Woo woo be doo, look at my long hair I'll be in there shaking it fast!!!"
Rakamaka Phone = rock the microphone
Ive always liked this tune because its basically drum and bass for kids.... sort of.
Better version.
Hip hop?
Takes me back to when I was a kid playing SSX Tricky.
Sony MDR-V700 headphones. I still use those to this day!
I had this shit on CD. Epic.