Bomberman Hero - Nitro Rad

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[Music] hydro rad Bomberman it's one of those series that I feel like most people have played it at least once there's so many versions spanning across so many consoles from early home computers to Nintendo and PlayStation and defense Sega whatever it was you played games on it was very likely that some iteration of Bomberman was available for it the first one I ever played was the NES version but I never really played a whole lot of it because it didn't actually have what most people were playing these games for multiplayer believe it or not the version that I actually grew up mostly with was atomic bomberman for pc you remember that one random American offshoot one that had like the raunchy er humor or whatever I don't know it was really weird there ki posing on the inside always I was wondering why that's the thing I'm sure this definitely isn't what comes to mind when a lot of people think of Bomberman the only real reason people remember this one is because of all that unused profanity people found on the disc eat my dust and lick my crack break it in head with a ratchet why they recorded all of this is beyond me yet maybe Billy West didn't realize it was a kids game and did some cruder improv or something I don't know eventually my friends and I all kind of got a little sick of huddling around the same tiny computer screen just to play Bomberman so my friend Dylan then got bomb around 93 in the Wiis Virtual Console and that would be the version we play from then on I'm not like the world's biggest Bomberman fan or anything but I have played my fair share of it in the past and I've always had a soft spot for bomber man's adorable character design I mean I kind of doubt even the biggest Obama rant fans I've really played every single game because it's always been one of those series where they they don't really experiment much there's over 40 titles in the series and the grand majority of them play pretty much the same it's more like a series of updated versions rather than brand new games that explore new territory with each and every title I guess it's comparable to something like worms or early versions of pac-man it's just kind of hard to do more over that sort of thing at least without changing it completely but hey pac-man did exactly that and that worked out pretty great so why not also give Bomberman the platformer treatment as well when Bomberman went 3d it was hesitant to change Bomberman 60 for feared slightly towards new direction being more of an adventure game instead of confining you to a maze like before but it still played fairly like the previous games bomberman hero would come next and this is where things really start to get different instead of doing the same old thing again keeping it safe Hudson soft ride something totally new they reinvented Bomberman has a 3d platformer I've never actually played much of this before but I am all for the idea I think a Bomberman platformer could work really well but seeing as this is kind of their first attempt at doing something like this I'm not expecting it to be like super well done so why don't we see how it turned out okay we start with a real-time intro showing off bomber man's gear and gadgets we've got a jet pack a snowboard a propeller and a helicopter it's pretty fun bomber Anne's plopped into some silly situations the expressions are pretty great alright and there's the title screen I love how in every one of these poses it kinda looks like he wants a hug I'd hug Bomberman the dude's adorable I always felt that bomber man's design walked a really good line between cool and cute usually design goes for like one or the other but it's really easy to like Bomberman it's designed for either or whichever you prefer it's really easy to look at them and go I like this guy so right out of the gate you'll probably notice that the music is extremely good that's like the one thing everybody knows this game for that soundtrack oh my god it's so good you've probably heard me use the soundtrack and a lot of my videos it's just really unintrusive and easy on the ears kind of like a cooler version of elevator music so it makes really good background noise makes no wonder why so many people use it I know aunt do does a lot too yeah that's right man I'm ripping you off I'm doing the same thing you did night rat I swear you already uploaded a video about Glover and chameleon twist oh dude I don't remember that everybody video is really that similar speaking of music you got the classic theme at the file select screen I thought that was a really good spot for it alright so why don't we start a new file yeah the story starts up with this Death Star lookin thing called the Gera den launching an attack on this alien planet the planets princess and her robot companion make their escape but then the princess gets kidnapped so she tells the robot to escape and then tell Bomberman about the garrotte an empire so he can put a stop to them this is Star Wars this is just Star Wars weirdly enough despite being a spin-off of sorts bomberman hero actually shares the same continuity as the super Bomberman games the villain that was defeated in the third one comes back in hero even weirder is that super Bomberman 3 never came out in North America so anybody playing hero over here would have no idea it's a continuation and even weirder is that they started a brand new continuity with Bomberman 64 but then they went back to continue the old one with hero that's so weird it's not too long before we can jump right on into it and yeah it's definitely different than your average Bomberman game the most obvious thing here being the ability to jump it's actually really weird there's not very much weight to it it feels really low gravity like you're on the moon or something it took a lot of getting used to at least the ledge grab is really responsive so you don't have to worry about missing the edges too much the B button will have bomberman not drop but throw a bomb instead of putting them down and then waiting for them to explode like in the previous games you now throw them directly at your enemies with the bombs exploding on impact this does seem a little bit more fitting for a platformer game so I think it was a good change on that note you can still drop them with the Z button sometimes you have to do this to activate platforms while you're standing on them you can also kick them after you drop them which does have a full of uses like getting it under gaps but I didn't use it a whole lot since I was able to get by just by throwing the most the time don't spam the throat too much because the bombs will hit the existing explosions until it leads back to you and then you got a face full of fire oh my god he sounds like he's 5 years old we must protect this child dropping the bombs is also really good for enemies that are actively chasing you since stopping to throw it would probably be pretty difficult without getting bumped into so you know he drop it down he runs into it you're like damn this guy's stupid as hell so there is a good variety in use for both methods of deploying bombs which is really good if you hold down the B button you can charge up a throw and that'll have bummer and throw a bunch of bombs at once it's kind of neat and it is good for covering a wider field of range especially when trying to take out moving enemies but overall I didn't really find myself using it that often mostly because you can't jump while using it and I do like jumping and throwing because that gives you a much longer range so yeah that's about it for what Bomberman can do in this game you just jump around toss some bombs the gameplay is pretty simple there's not much more here than just jumping on platforms hitting the occasional switch and then blowing up some enemies and of course power-ups are something that return in this game you've got the staples bomb up and flame up which will increase the amount of bombs you can throw in quick succession and increase the size of your blast these carry on between levels but one of them will decrease by one each time you die and you lose them all together if you get a game over we've also got a vest that protects you from your own blast this thing is super helpful we've got this thing I'll let you walk through certain walls to get collectibles and whatnot there's this bomb glove that lets you throw them way too far I found this one was way more hindering that it was useful because I'm just trying to throw the bombs at some guys and I'm throwing the way past them like can I just can I please just not throw them that far it's missing completely what this is not helpful at all we've also got these remote control bombs which are kind of neat you only get them like two times though the only one that's really helpful for getting through the stage is this bubble that I'll make bomberman float up for a short amount of time that one's more like a deliberate item that you have to use to get through this stage the other ones are only like supplementary and just aid you in getting through other than the very few times that it takes advantage of something like this the level design is extremely simple you just got to get to the end and it's a straight line getting there and maybe pick up some items the way for a better score if you care about that they're super linear having you go in a single direction for the entire duration of the course the camera will be facing the same way the whole time you can't really move it that much you can only rotate it very slightly and even then you can only do it when you're standing still so I don't really know what the point in that even was the Sun levels will try to change things up a little bit with certain stage gimmicks like this one that's super duper hot so bummer Rams health will slowly drain away you'll have to enter these recovery ponds over and over to keep charging your health up it's a lot more annoying than it is challenging it kind of reminds me of that annoying space level in gex 2 or you got to keep recharging your air meter but at least in that game it was separate from your health and you could also find air bubbles hidden in crates so you didn't actually have to keep going back to those air pods that and the air meter gave you way more time than bomber man's measly four hit points here getting hit poles from the same pool is what's being drained from the heat and since you only have those four hit points it becomes irritatingly easy to get killed unless you glue yourself to these pods some levels will have bomberman equip himself with one of his four vehicle body attachment things the first one is bomber marine a propeller that lets bomberman swim underwater it's just an on rail segment where you go forward and fire missiles at enemies and it's kind of a slog I didn't really care for it this one was so freakin frustrating these giant ice chunks fall from the ceiling and they always land on you because they freaking gravitate towards bomberman what am i a giant magnet what is this the only way to safely get through this stage is by sticking to the ceiling and then pedaling backwards every time you get one to fall it's so annoying there's also the bomber jet that you get for these jet pack stages these are more or less the same thing except you move a bit faster it's a little better but still not really something I enjoyed that much the mini bosses at the ends of these things take way too long to beat - next up we've got these snowboarding levels and OH oh my god this is bad this is really bad the controls are super clunky Sonic oh six had more responsive snowboarding controls than this you just stumble your way down the hill and it ends when you get to the bottom it's not very good and finally there's bomber copter which this one I actually kind of liked you've got a lot more freedom than the other you're not just moving forward and dropping bombs from above was actually pretty fun unfortunately though you don't get to use this one nearly as much as bomber jet or bomber marine at least there's only two snowboard levels the less of those ones the better I really didn't care for these stages but it's interesting because this was one of the earliest things I ever criticized platformers for back when I first started this channel and I was talking about ty the Tasmanian Tiger when they try to add really different types of gameplay for the sake of variety instead of building the variety within the context of the same gameplay a lot of my views on video games have kind of changed over the years since I started this channel but this is still something that I feel relatively the same about because if you end up doing something that's not very good people are more likely to hate it since it's so different from the main thing they signed up for you know like a vehicle segment or annoying minigame stuff like that and this is a pretty good example of that maybe I wouldn't mind it that much if these levels were better or less intrusive I mean like you do a lot of these stages and every single time it's like great another one of these now another way they try to add variety is by letting you ride Louie bomber man's what is he a kangaroo he jumps way higher than Bomberman so you get to play levels with more focus on verticality you can't throw bombs when riding him so you now beat enemies by jumping on top of them instead you can also jump off of walls which is something the game doesn't really do a good job of explaining it just says Louie can kick the wall that doesn't tell me anything you have to jump at a wall and tap the opposite direction just as you hit it and that's a little bit different than while jumping in most games I've played so it took me a little while to figure out how the heck to do it I actually like these segments quite a bit there's not too many of them and they add a spin to the gameplay without changing it completely I think that the bomber tier levels were closer to something like this they probably would have been a lot better so there's five worlds total each one is split into three acts and each act contains a good chunk of levels at the end of the second act you'll usually face off with bomber Anne's rival nitros good joke guys this guy shows up in the story a lot just to make things difficult for Bomberman I ate if that's how you gonna be Square up I had a pretty good time with these fights facing off against somebody similar to your own character is something I always find kind of neat the sonic adventure games do something similar but yeah it's got a great variety of attacks that are well telegraphed and are pretty fun to dodge when he does his wind-up you gotta pay attention to what tile he's standing on because that'll dictate what move he uses in fact I had a lot more fun with these than the actual boss fights which I found pretty mediocre you just kind of throw bombs at them until a game tells you to stop I didn't find them particularly interesting this boss was really annoying those homing missiles were a pain in the ass to avoid there's a handful of bosses that are kind of annoying but while they may seem hard at first with some practice they're not terribly difficult to beat between levels you'll get these little cutscenes and man they must have gone through like every trope in the book of kid shows he got kidnappings of a rival character getting knocked out and then waking up captured this character turned out to be this character in disguise it's really juvenile but while you're not really gonna find a great plot here it was still pretty entertaining but if there's one thing this game's presentation really flops at yeah man hits that framerate it is consistently garbo and I really don't know why either there's never too much happening on screen there's just there's not really much reason for the game to chug like this especially when the game's camera is at such a locked angle you'd think they'd be able to have full control over what needs to be shown and optimized that really well because they don't have to worry about the player turning the camera and putting whatever they want on screen right so so why does the framerate suck so bad another thing this game was widely criticized for when it came out was the lack of multiplayer you know because that's always been bomber man's big selling feature but that's only because it was pushed so hard as a party game and that they never really broke that mold into a single-player focus for that long personally I don't really think it's all that fair to list that as a negative when the game's going for something so different this time if you want to play multiplayer Bomberman on the n64 why don't you just play bomberman 64 it's as simple as that guys come on alright so once you're done the game there's actually still one more hidden world to unlock there's 24 of what's called these addict bombs a doc bombs I don't know how you say that these are hidden throughout the game and I initially thought you just had to collect them all and then refight the final boss to unlock it but it turns out there's a lot more to it than that no it is like some unlock Luigi and Mario 64 type stuff it is so out of the way in tedious that it sounds like something your friend would make up and tell you on the playground at recess okay so you have to collect every gold badge in the game to do that you have to get a perfect score in each level for that world and then you get that world's badge this means you have to get all of the points that you possibly can in that level that means you have to pick up every single collectible and defeat every single enemy in every single stage I mean I like that it gives you incentive to replay some stages and even unlock some side levels that you never played yet but man these levels must have been pretty freakin forgettable because I found myself not even remembering half of them okay so getting everything is not that hard for some stages but for others it's a pain in the ass you have to do it on one life - if you die you restart the stage without anything collected and some levels are so annoying to do this without making any mistakes and to add insult to injury in the original Japanese version you actually needed much less points to reach the goal each time I don't know why they decided to make it so much harder in the international version I spend a lot of time doing it in the first world and I was gonna do it for the rest the game too but then I realized oh no I'm not doing that forget this I'm not wasting my time with all of this okay gameshark take a bite out of that yeah that's what I like to see I don't normally cheat but this was just gonna be way too much man okay the super secret final level we start with a jet stage that it's about as good as a jet stage the second one you're in this curved area kind of watching them rolling rocks don't want them to knock you into another universe this level is okay but there's nothing really special about it that separates it from any normal stages it's just like yeah that sure another stage that's all there is four levels there's just the two of them all that remains is a secret boss and well he looks cool the fight itself isn't half bad either I'm sure if I were a kid I probably would have found this like the coolest thing ever I I remember when I found Galactica Knight and Super Star Ultra thought that was like the coolest thing in the world so uh yeah definitely a cool thing for kids but as an adult it's it's just like okay that's kind of neat I guess and to add to the weird continuity this guy was the villain of the third Gameboy Bomberman which for some reason came in a metal tin yeah Hudson actually did that with a bunch of gameboy games back then it's so weird and just like super Bomberman 3 that one never came out here so again this is a character nobody over here would even know who it is all right that's pretty much it for the main game but you can also unlock some extras in the options menu by getting those gold medals but one of which you need all six so you got to get perfect on those hidden levels as well but I guess we may as well take a look at these before we finish a slider race that's the first one you've gotta like us to challenge me kid am I supposed to be intimidated by this snowman with sunglasses it's just a snowboarding race the controls are still really terrible so it's not really good you don't even get anything for beating him he's just like not bad powder man you you beat me honestly what he says when you lose is way more entertaining okay what's next gold and Bomberman in this mode you're given a chip that turns Bomberman into gold he then replay a couple of those on Rails segments that you did with the jet and bomber marine I accept your on foot this time it's not really as exciting as it sounds since those levels weren't really made with this in mind it just becomes a really open wide empty space with enemies aimlessly scattered about the third level is kind of neat though it's a series of conveyor belts you got to get across without zipping off the sides it's definitely more interesting than the first two once you've finished all three get this cut scene of Bomberman running home and yeah that's it I think it would have been cooler if this option just lets you play his gold Bomberman in the main game instead of just throwing a handful of lame stages at you for it millions treasure-hunt okay this one's only for the most hardcore of collectathon fans 24 items are hidden throughout the entire game they can be in any level and you just got to go find them all it's like finding 24 needles and a gigantic haystack you just get another cutscene for doing it but I wasn't able to see it because that 100% code I used on gameshark it gave me a file where I already had them all so uh whoops I doubt I'm missing much though all right I guess that's all there is for the unlockables and the options other than like the sound test which actually has Bomberman playing in a band with his friends in the background that's pretty great but that's not actually it there still is a handful of more bonus levels believe it or not okay so see that stereo option at the bottom all right hear me out if you mash the Start button as fast as you can as the game boots up this option is replaced with bonus oh yeah believe me I know this also sounds like some playground BS you heard from Greg at recess but this is a real thing these levels are more maze like definitely more interesting than that hidden final world are those golden bomber and stages the third one is a little wide and empty though and I didn't really think much of it but yeah those first two were actually pretty decent and that should just about cover everything a lot of weird secrets in this one but yeah I'd say overall it's it's pretty average pretty mediocre you know it's not terrible but you can still do a lot better than this and then 64 um I guess had its worst users playing one of those jet or marine stages but at its best you're playing like an okay game with a low frame rate yeah it's pretty by the numbers a totally safe platformer game it was neat to see them bring back some power-ups to make them work in a brand new context but I really feel like this is only the first step if there's one thing this game does it demonstrates that a Bomberman platformer could work really well so if I had to think of a sequel I would make it a little bit more open-ended like Mario 64 or banjo and the power-ups would be like indefinite abilities you learn instead of temporary buffs like oh you got the flame shield so now you can access this part of the world a similar way to how the new abilities in banjo allow you to explore more of your environment like different types of bombs would allow you to solve different puzzles and explore different areas you'd expand your arsenal of moves and whittle your way through the game's world piece by piece Mario 64 rethought power-ups in a way that would totally change how you interacted with the world around you rather than something that just subtly affected your journey to the end of a stage I think something like this could have also been cool and with all that in mind it's a really big shame they never tried making a second one of these like they tried making a platformer the one I'm and just never tried again could you imagine a pac-man world with something like this like they just made one and never explored it further and that would have been terrible because pac-man world - that was the really good one it's usually your second try that you really get it they would go on to make more adventure games like Bomberman generation and that was a really fun game but they never took another shot at the platforming genre and when I see untapped potential I can't help but to wonder what could have been so instead of being a stepping stone on a pathway to something much bigger and better instead bomberman hero goes down in history as hey remember that one random time that a Bomberman was a platformer yeah weird right um is it worth playing I guess if you're a big fan of Bomberman and you really want to see that weird side of the series and you want to see the series experiment and blah blah blah then yeah for sure it's definitely worth checking out but otherwise I don't know I think you can do much better run than 64 so wait if you want I guess [Music]
Channel: Nitro Rad
Views: 409,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nitro rad, review, bomberman, bomberman hero, hero, platformer, snowboarding, snowman, louie, wall jump, louie can kick the wall, experiment, 3d, n64, nintendo, nintendo 64, hudson, secret levels, gold badge, gameshark, game shark, cheats, atomic bomberman, bomberman swears, bomberman swearing, swearing in bomberman, billy west, bombercopter, gold bomberman, golden bomberman
Id: T-cqPUkvsnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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