BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY Piano Performance at Rome Airport! Passengers are shocked ๐ฎ
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Channel: Costantino Carrara Music
Views: 1,332,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Airport piano performance, bohemian rhapsody piano, costantino carrara, piano cover, public piano, street piano, bohemian rhapsody, queen piano cover, queen bohemian rhapsody, bohemian rhapsody piano cover, bohemian rhapsody public, street piano bohemian rhapsody, public piano performance, public piano cover, public piano airport, kings cross piano, piano cover dance monkey, best airport piano performance, surprise piano performance airport, Bohemian rhapsody st pancras
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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Oh man this did it. Head to toe goosebumps.
Aah, the good old days without masks and with air travel...
I liked the people who just watched and took it in without recording it.
The big guy back there at the end is what did it for me.
I enjoyed this so much - Saving it so I can hear it whenever I want to!
this is such beautiful piano playing kind of ruined by terrible camera work. i dont give a fuck about the people watching.
Felt like Freddie Mercury was in the room with us. Tears and goosebumps beautiful.