Boeing just teased its next 787. It's an A350 killer.

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this episode of kobe explains is brought to you by manscaped so a few weeks ago boeing's new ceo of commercial aircraft stand deal sat down for a conversation with the seattle times this was his first interview in his new role and it covered a range of subjects from the 737 max's return to the state of aviation during kovid but by far the most interesting topic that he covered was regarding the 787 program and no i'm not talking about the dreamliner's recent production delays and quality control issues i'm referring to the fact that boeing is seriously evaluating not one but two new 787 variants this might seem like odd timing for the 787 like i just alluded to the program's been kind of a mess recently so why then is boeing looking to develop new versions of the dreamliner and why are they choosing to do so now let me explain [Music] before hopping in youtube is still telling me fewer than 20 of the people watching this video are actually subscribed to the channel so make sure you hit that button and bell so we can build the absolute best community in aviation together now in the seattle times interview deal shed some light on boeing's plans to launch new high gross weight versions of the 787 but what exactly is a high gross weight plane well it's pretty much exactly like its name implies it's a jet that's been modified to carry more weight by reinforcing parts of the airframe in most cases this is done so a jet can carry more fuel and increase its range boeing's developed a number of high-gross weight planes in the past with the triple seven 300 er being its most successful and these new 787s are likely to retain that er naming convention which from a marketing perspective helps emphasize their ability to fly further the first 787 er the company plans to launch is the 787-10 er this plane is designed to supplant the existing 787-10 and better compete with the a350 now i've detailed the rivalry between the dash 10 and the a350 900 in a prior video and i'll be sure to link that video in the description but in brief both aircraft were built to replace the venerable triple seven 200 er but have done so with very different levels of success to date the a350 900 has outsold the dash 10 by a count of 4 to 1. part of that can be attributed to the a350s head start it first entered service in 2014 while the dash 10 was first delivered in 2018 but more importantly the a350 is just an all-around more capable aircraft largely due to the fact that it was explicitly designed to replace the triple 7 whereas the 787 wasn't the 787 was always meant to slot below the triple seven so that it could dominate as a mid-sized wide body it wasn't until the a350s started to steal away triple seven loyalists like cathay pacific asiana and delta that boeing decided to frankenstein the 787 and create a competitor and while this uber stretched version of the 787 has helped stem the tide to some degree it remains an inferior machine it has significantly shorter range than both the a350 900 and the triple seven 200 er that it hopes to replace now the idea of boeing taking another crack at the dash 10 has actually been simmering for quite a while now in 2019 air new zealand kicked off its efforts to replace its own triple seven two hundreds now its wide-body fleet already consists entirely of boeing aircraft so the airline's first move was to evaluate the dash 10. however it soon became clear the plane's range limitations would prevent it from operating critical routes to the us so to keep air new zealand from also defecting to airbus boeing promised they'd explore options to improve the dash 10 if they placed an order with them which they did so what is the 787-10 er actually going to look like well physically it will be almost indistinguishable from the dash 10 much like the triple 7 300 er looks nearly identical to the triple 7 300 but with bigger fuel tanks the plane will have about 1 000 nautical miles of additional range which still doesn't quite match either the a350 or the triple 7 but it does get much closer what's more the increased mto will allow the plane to carry more cargo which will also be an appealing selling point but let's shift gears for a second because the dash 10 er is not the only new 787 boeing wants to build lima news has exclusively reported that boeing is also looking to develop a 787-9 er at first i was a little bit puzzled by this the dash 9 is already a remarkably capable machine that's both saturated the market and beats its main competitor the a330 900 in pretty much every performance measure so if it's already the clear market leader why is boeing investing more resources to expand its range well this one's a little bit harder to decipher the business case isn't quite as clear but there is one possibility i find really interesting now as a caveat this is just speculation but speculation is fun so long as it actually makes sense so here's my theory this move could be a renewed play at project sunrise for those of you who don't recall project sunrise was a study commissioned by qantas assessing the feasibility of direct flights to cindy from both new york and london these two cities are massive economic centers that do a lot of business with australia yet no current commercial jet can connect them without a refueling stop so qantas pitted boeing against airbus to see who could develop a more compelling jet to carry out the 20 hour journey ultimately it was airbus and its a350 1000 ulr that beat out boeing and its triple 7-8 qantas signed an mou for a dozen of the type but critically they did not sign a firm order and with what's happened over the last few years qantas might want to re-evaluate the whole endeavor and reconsider which plane is actually best suited for the job you see project sunrise flights will be largely catered to business travel and its planes will be configured with more premium seats than normal however the recent decline in business travel coupled with the rise of remote work means demand for premium seating may never return to its pre-covered levels and since the a350 1000 is such a large plane qantas might have trouble filling it consistently enter the 787-9er the plane's smaller size seems better suited for our new reality and since qantas already operates a dozen 787s it would be easier to integrate into its fleet than the a350 plus other new york and london-based 787 operators including british airways united and virgin atlantic might also find value in the type encouraging them to open up australian-bound routes of their own again this is all speculation but even if qantas does stick with the a350 building the dash 9 er would still be savvy right now boeing's longest range jet the triple 7-8 is proving to be a commercial flop and it might get axed all together if it does no other boeing jet could compete with the a350 900 when it comes to range the dash 9 er could change that giving airlines another option for ultra long haul routes now unlike the dash 10 er boeing declined to specify the performance targets of this jet however an analysis by lehman news estimates the plane could end up with nearly 400 nautical miles more range than the a350 900 the only question that remains is timing when is boeing going to launch these planes this is probably the most fluid variable it could be in a few months or in a few years it kind of depends on how long the coveted pandemic lingers but with a strong product market fit especially for the dash 10 er i wouldn't be surprised if these jets are announced sooner rather than later so what do you guys think about these new 787s do you think boeing's smart to build them sound off in the comments down below and thank you again to manscaped for sponsoring today's video now i've personally been using manscape for quite some time now so you could imagine i was pumped when they sent me their new lawnmower 4.0 trimmer this new trimmer is super smart with a cordless charging system waterproofing and skin safe technology to reduce nicks and cuts to your sensitive areas i also use their products to manage my beard this is a picture of me before using their facial grooming line and here it is after i look a lot less disheveled manscaped has a wide array of high quality tools to help improve your grooming game from top to bottom and if you go to the link in the video description you'll get twenty percent off your first order alongside free shipping and two free gifts all you gotta do is use the code kobe at checkout thank you so much to my patrons for helping to make this video possible if you'd like to join the patreon community and help this channel to grow go ahead and check out this link right here and as always if you learned something new today leave a like and subscribe to keep learning and until i see you again don't forget to look up
Channel: Coby Explanes
Views: 1,000,800
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Id: nC51puqH8q8
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Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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