Bodycam Footage Shows Chris Watts Lying To Police During House Search | FULL FOOTAGE | Oxygen

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yes sir here I'm officers games fredrik PD what's your name let's meet you so we're just waiting for so I didn't come over and we'd like to go through your house are you okay we searching through your house okay we'll have you sign a consent form we just want to see if you left a note or anything you inconspicuous something like that all right so if you're good with that we'll have you sign a consent form allowing us to search your house and we'll wait for our sergeant get here but we'll grab that you don't plan on going anywhere right now I was just going to walk around the neighborhood just turn my head which company of you work for and doctor and it are going to put edia farm operator so you work like seven days a week five and two ninety five doing eight and six next month so today is Monday yeah alright let's let us grab that form and then we'll wait for a supervisor and then you can either stay here you can go walk the neighborhood whatever you like why we look through all right let's go grab that phone we'll be right back with you okay yeah that's like I think so [Music] thank you [Music] so close with your house you can go inside with us if you like or you could stay out here it doesn't matter to us doesn't I mean three rains whatever you got to do okay like I can show on the back some stuff some okay alright whatever you'd like how long you guys been married so depending on the right years marriage six this year okay and this is very unusual behavior okay is on the counter okay so when you guys come home do you usually use the front door the garage door honey guys I usually open the garage door come in okay she's trying to rush to kind of pens okay is that a ring out there all that look no the doorbell is that a ring your bell like when it when you got a visitor it does and but I don't make the speaker is on where you hear it like bye okay my gosh I guess my question for you is what it show her leaving with the kids did you have any alert if she came out here yes like did you have any alerts today with that just when her friends were here does that only record when the doorbell rings or anytime someone here like breakfast you know okay and they pay out any anything on that today yes her friends and what time with that 12:10 and about two minutes after noon okay but nothing between the time when she got here not long he got here - I went this morning yeah - took two o'clock this morning today 148 on here and the only thing that was weird was that the garage door said his left open after I left and it might have been the sensor but like my phone doesn't show when at went through your alarm yeah it doesn't show if it shuts neurons are a vivid okay but the Nicki's her friend that was that came here about 12:10 she's at the garage door shut you got her okay I was only thing those weird right where you going to hang out out there you want to come in here okay where's the person on the camera I'm still recording so whose phone is that I mean itís is bomb over todos [Music] [Music] is that a diary or what is that the work I believe housing is possibly our events talking about like motivation stuff but I'll just say the kids were very neat for him to look it [Music] who's got asthma I don't know kids need medication - and apparently they didn't she didn't take their medication either Celeste this is all the medication I just left the kid mmm let's stop beuter all for a nebulizer for inhaler [Applause] 20 we already honor muffin in the car [Applause] [Music] dispatch Fredrik 988 can you walk 5 to 8 zebra John Victor [Music] well [Music] they are really organized people but everything's like super organized [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] okay I think it's gone into kids blankets like the binky's and so they won't go anywhere without them so they are gone yep car seats are in the car keys are an igniter on the center console of the car super cache / IDE everything's still your phones here [Music] see that one's [ __ ] lunch [Music] yeah press that thing and see how long it takes [Music] so she doesn't have any family or anyone around here came out here to visit some friends during Thanksgiving don't know place got here a few months later she have any friends around here just from friends yeah yeah she's got friends and Frederick Erie Aurora that party area Broomfield Parker I just tried to contact him here like we've exhausted every option I'm just one thing I'm going to do with hospitals put them in hotels I mean there's so many but and no one's heard from her today have you checked your bank accounts that's what nothing else gonna do cuz I don't have access through here let's go check those and see if she pulled any cash out or if there's any strange charges or anything can you log I can't log in because she she she does all the finances okay so I know her password I was gonna have her you ready not sure what she would have used that way no you're fine who do you guys bank through USA and chase can you call him see if you're swimming activity any withdrawals or anything and then suitcases that she came home this morning with which ones were those was it was it the one woman that's it right there not the one in the bedroom that was from the last trip we talked when we just got back two days ago from North Carolina she went to Arizona I like today later so we're just gonna put back down in the basement you guys don't have any stock piles of cash or anything in the house that she would have if she needed cash you need to go to the bank to get it there is I would not do that I mean if there was it you know how much cash usually carries with her it usually not made like a hundred their country goes on dispatch burgers 980 you're our queen Frank Tom 682 this Petrak you always right yeah you can go in the house yeah oh there's no computer raining so I don't know how the GPS is if it's computer yeah there was a tactic Aventine first on the 12 LM chase like 50 bucks very kind of a taxicab limousine sir we have a passport kids have passports know the old enough cover a four and three oh they're not a traveling where other countries you know you have passport control okay so that takes get service to do it use anything like that [Music] and if you look through here and see if all of our cards are here he doesn't know how no man she hasn't shifted from one to me across credit cards go I think we have the same debit cards the same accolade that is your these are Dockers it'll do the back same account your kids have like a favorite pair of trees the hooker shoes yeah and have all your shoes in the closet I ate peanuts ones they normally wear like whatever you want to wear they think I say pick your shoes and go through fellas on this side to sit on my side your kids take any medication tcj singulair and microphone all of them singulair every night for allergies omeprazole for the kind of food like the acid reflux it's one of a lot inhalers they haven't done it since they got back I think we might have ran out because the last time I saw had zero on and so we hadn't rebuild ugly from the North Carolina yet and when do you guys get back I think it was so be I went back to work on eight so we got back on seven and then she left her on Friday and got back last night and she had the kids with her last night get her you have a lot of kids like all weekend okay they went to a birthday party yesterday over it country and then it's someone sleeping on the bass part I did it three times the separation thing I just how were you so much probably about two nights ago three Nicole when she was here so why not come over Thursday night Friday and then your kids do they sleep in their own beds relationship with us those two Jason rooms I connected that bathroom you're lucky I know I love you babe I know they uh so like when she BTI back in the airport last night usually like she just he just dumped it like most the time when she does that she'll want to wash sheets the next day to get the airport awesome since she was just came out the airport that's the only thing I can think of machines they were still on it oh yeah it shows yeah so here in that bed last night yeah that was up there cos to monitor and stuff was up there of waiting for her to get back home and then she works from home is that right yes direct sales okay so yeah she works from phone and anything the computer and then is that the office she is us for work she she can do anywhere in here some couch okay she doesn't highly competitive married area to go anywhere and you can't get think of anywhere if you'd want to go should go for walks around here no I go for runs she goes she doesn't really go for do anything as far as go for walks or anything you talk to all the friends you guys have around there and what was the conversation this morning ESF because about us on the house in separation and how'd she take that we were both pretty emotional still crying and then did you see her before you want to work did you say anything to her when she went back like well she told me she was gonna go to her friends out and be with the kid take the kids with her oh she told you she was taking a kid yeah princess didn't say hey though oh no now that she was still in bed when that happened this was a conversation yet does it seem like 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. I woke up about 4 o'clock in time she get home 1:48 did you guys sleep for a little while and then oh yeah I almost passed out what you know and then did you wake her up yeah when I got up and that's when you disgust me because I didn't want to do it like over a text or over phone call I wanted to be face to face how long did that conversation was I like 3045 minutes and then you went to work I went to I left about 5:15 5:30 pardon that timeframe and she says she was going to write oh so cute but she was still here when I left you went to a job site or you went to the main planner where'd you go I was location first by the Hudson dozen there was someone there that time when he got there no no I want the operators he had an issue there on Friday let's run over the weekend I went over there just to kind of verify what kind she was he with he was having see if I could fix it then we went to a pumping unit across the cross the ranch over there okay most of the day that's when I got the phone calls and text messages for you guys on my Tara 49 where you guys at all like you know like ramen is hip yeah who's our entry on cancer be okay I know where that's up so what kind of tools did you have to load up in the garage it was just maybe my got my water bottles on my water jug my computer book bag I'm a containers full of just the Myo rings all that stuff just putting it all the next I took it out a lot you loaded up everything all just like on the Monday like after I get all that stuff cuz I had an issue or somebody full of my tools out of my truck my pipe wrenches are gone socket sets gone my what else my wrench that's gone we had issue I parked my truck in front of the neighbor's house that for like a few days just to see if like I could see if anybody was breaking it trying to break into my truck it was my fault I left it unlocked so as far as the toolboxes on the back so that we can move down Road yourself and then on Monday you loaded up all that again you kind of get everything out of my truck cleaned out a little bit from the whole week cuz I get still hung you guys with here since 2012 our different house no like so 2012 we moved here lives in a friend's basement in Broomfield okay and we had we closed on this house it was built 2013 MA nothing moved in there okay does she have any other friends in this neighborhood nah I mean we hadn't many people around here honestly it's mostly an eerie and don't go eerie Broomfield Fredrik where and Gregor you know so we had they just lived up here in Frederick way that actually just moved on Thornton Nick and Amanda Thayer okay Nikki she lives up the windows here she lives in Frederick pulling the crop girl yep okay she lives like over that building that new stoplight out on bridge over there all right and I know the idea of what's friend so I were friends pretty much have kids the same age so it's hard to it's really hard I mean waiting's not I've exhausted every option I know of as far as friend goes like Nikki note knew more of them because I was a woman and I just as far as we could go as far as all the friends that we could think of all right so if you talk to some of her friends tell them that we're looking for and we just need to make sure that she's okay and she can call she doesn't have to call you but if that's what she's wearing it up you know you're trying to get a lover and she won't talk to you okay just so we whatever is going on between you guys that's between you guys and she doesn't want to talk to you that's fine we just don't want to waste resources looking for if she's actually okay so like if he can relay to the friends I understand she doesn't want to talk to us at least have a call to please so that they know she's okay okay type deal if that makes sense yeah that way that we know that she's okay and whatever was going on between you guys you guys can kind of hear that out okay time to you um you have any questions for us before we get out of here I mean call area hospitals call hotels that's doesn't I mean someone said she's diabetic she had her friend Cassie and Arizona she's a nurse and she know she had low blood sugar when she was down there that's why I brought that up oh okay she never had seizures or blackout it was just like that was a long long time ago private matter she had a horrific car accident it makes you might have blacked out or how to senior this couldn't really figure it out like she just had a car axis to a car can you have his contact info okay I think the detective did Andy okay and if you hear did you get a card or anything other detectives yes okay so there was a dispatch number on there okay if you hear anything from her call that number and let us now I know it's a script straight to our dispatch and then an officer will call you right back okay that way our my concerned to make sure she's okay and the kids back so if you hear a peep from her just call us and we'll call you of its contact number cruncher so we can talk to her okay mr. Dave all right all right 15 but what's that power five six planet huh 81 yes [Music] do all my card or anything okay I'll just underline that number let's call that number so I'll answer that phone 24/7 go see and then just leave your contact info in and officer thank you [Music]
Channel: Oxygen
Views: 4,999,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crime reporting, true crime, crime news, oxygen, very real, new network for crime, reporting, news, chris watts, shanann watts, chris watts interview, body cam, chris watts update, chris watts colorado, chris watts case, chris watts body camera, police body camera, body language proof chris watts murdered his two young daughters, chris watts security footage, watts family, body language, watch how police caught chris watts, chris watts lying, lifestyle
Id: -iJ3Pq4TW0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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