BodyAwake® Yoga Class - with Dr. Sue Morter

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] margo [Music] oh [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh welcome namaste welcome to body awake yoga we're going to be doing a series of classes for you bringing this work to you around the world we have over a thousand people on this class today as we just put the word out and people are flooding in and i want to share with you a relative number of yoga mats from a class that i taught in the downtown city of indianapolis where we had thousands of yoga mats out on the street in the circle the monument circled downtown we have about two thirds as many of these yoga mats laid out on the floor today around the world and we hope to increase this even more so please share this with your friends and allow humanity to engage in a wonderful opportunity for embodiment it is the perfect opportunity for us to drop into our core and allow these times to serve us rather than frighten us we are powerful beyond belief and more powerful than we can believe in fact body awake yoga is about embodiment it is about awakening to the true self so it isn't just about becoming flexible and uh shucking off some energies that are no longer serving you it's also about you building pathways of communication through your system we're going to be working with the subtle invisible anatomy you'll see this image with a man standing and an invisible oval around him this represents the subtle anatomy what we're going to be doing is infusing this invisible energy this high frequency energy into the physical body during our yoga class anchoring the consciousness in the core of the body so you'll notice that there is something two feet above this person's head and four feet above their head and something two feet beneath where they stand we'll be utilizing these anchor points for your mind to land on while we're going through different yoga poses the asanas are designed to put the body into sacred geometries and we want you to be in those sacred geometries and also be breathing these high frequency energies specifically into your body for healing for relaxation for awakening to your true power i'd like to show you this image of how the energy flows through the body it flows from above you down into the earth it hits the earth and rises back up through what we call the physical body and it rises up and out the top of the head and around each side on the outside raining down around the outer body coming back in at the tip of the spine and rising up again through the body recycling and recycling constantly replenishing from overhead more energy dropping in tapping the earth and rising back up through you body awake yoga is designed to allow you to maintain the connection from above your head and from underneath where you stand or sit all the time so that you're constantly receiving the supportive energies from the divine from the heavens and also constantly receiving and perceiving the supportive energies from mother earth for we are the bridge between these worlds and it is time for us to engage in building the circuitry for this to flow so let us begin i want to welcome all of you that are experiencing body awake yoga for the first time today and please recognize that if i say things that you don't follow you're not really clear on don't worry about it the infusion is happening with the intention being set just constantly be aware that when i say breathe in from above your head that you make it up and you just draw this energy into your core from somewhere overhead and when i say exhale to two feet beneath where you stand know that i'm speaking about dropping this energy into the earth and letting the earth ground you so that you then allow that to breathe up through your body and you can feel and sense a sense of belonging a sense of okayness and when we establish that sense of okayness even in amidst these times we've got this we can handle anything so yoga is originally coming to us from thousands of years ago for the purpose of putting the body into sacred geometries positions that allow the energy to flow automatically in the ways that we are enhancing it when we bring our consciousness onto that purpose it magnifies it even more so you'll be building circuits for personal power circuits for your immune system circuitry for maintaining your sanity in a different set of circumstances than you planned on finding yourself in we'll be building circuitry ideally for your creativity that you not hold this time of stress in our lives as something to survive but rather something to utilize so that you can build the circuitry for being able to manage life under any set of circumstances that is my desire for you so i'd like to say this yoga is a sacred practice it isn't just like going to the gym and getting flexible or getting stronger or going for a run and learning to breathe and accessing your cardiovascular system it is about all of that and more it is a sacred practice and so what i always do in my yoga practice is i have a shawl i have some malas i have things that allow me to absorb the energy of my intentions and i usually set them just on the end of my mat and i'll be doing that at a point so if you don't have that with you today that's totally fine but i do want to invite you to bring something to the mat with you that will allow you to anchor in your awareness and to absorb the energies of your intentions coming home to yourself allowing this to be for you because there's a lot going on in the world right now and the most responsible thing that we can do is anchor ourselves in the certainty the truth of who we are and so these things will allow you to recall that when you're off the map and allow this to be a glorious ongoing practice all day long i'm going to try to keep the classes to 45 minutes and so within the talk and the class happening the whole thing should happen within an hour and i may invite you to some longer classes throughout our time uh together in these changing times of our life if you would like to join in on a longer class uh i'll make that available to you sometime along the way but first i want to instill the principles here and the practices of body awake yoga for you so let's take a deep breath in just exhale add a deep breath in again breathe in your belly not in your chest and exhale and a deep belly breath in again and exhale and i want to invite you to chant and om with me three times for the om gathers all of the energies of high frequency vibration and draws them into the center of your brain the center of your heart and deep in your wisdom core we want to activate these areas of our system so let's take a deep breath in and when you own uh open your jaw open your shoulders open your hips breath [Music] in [Music] on the m let it land in your body second one come to the heart deep breath in [Music] and a deep breath again this time reach out on the o and land in your deep wisdom core on the m breath in [Music] allow deep loving presence to fall into the body for it is only the mind that holds that away let it fall into the body and take a moment breathing in from above your head right down through the body into the earth exhale inhale up from the earth into your belly into your heart and exhale out the top of your head as you bring your hands to your heart space tuck your chin stretch your primitive brain press your thumbs into your chest and your chest pressing out into your thumbs squeeze the muscles in the base of your pelvic bowl as if you were going to the bathroom and you had to stop the stream instantly just squeeze those muscles for just a moment lean back against your spine to open up the channel and just allow your body to sit and perhaps you feel an intention rising from inside of you in this moment you feel this intention rising for this practice perhaps a devotion of this practice to myself to my sanity to my own wobbling presence my unwavering reality that lies underneath the circumstances of my life just find it in your body how it feels for you to allow that to be true come home to yourself let love land inside your body again let your mind go for a ride here being served by something greater than itself take a deep belly breath in and exhale into the earth beneath where you sit i'm going to invite you to sit over on your right sits bone and then on your left and then on your right and then on your left and then on your right make sure that you're not towering your body and leading this with your shoulders but rather you're moving at the waist differently than at the shoulders as you sit down on one side and sit down on the other it starts to create this serpentine action in your spine and as that serpentine action is happening in the spine allow your shoulders to get involved in it and then allow your neck to get involved in it and just allow this movement to come up through the body in the way that it can and is trying to all the time there's an evolutionary impulse that's trying to rise up through your body constantly and consistently and when we soften the mind we can start to sense and feel now i'm going to invite you to press into one thigh muscle and then the other right where the hip joint comes together where the femur head comes into the acetabulum just press on that and press on the other press on the other and press and squeeze your thighs all the way down towards your knees and begin to squeeze and hug in your knees because the knees have a real tendency to be compromised when you are in an uncertain moment when you are in an unfamiliar set of circumstances your knees your ankles your hips become more vulnerable so we want to bring our power right into them basically saying to the body we've got this we've got this the high frequency versions of me are coming into the body and i'm going to massage and make sure that i can sense and feel myself coming all the way down into the body now pick up your right foot and start to massage the base of your right foot massage the outer blade of your foot and start to move the foot around and squeeze the muscles in your hip at the same time while you're doing this it's starting to activate all kinds of circuits for grounding you all day long massage into the bottom of your foot slide the the joints of each toe at the base of the toe on top of each other just slide them back and forth and then pop the energy off the end of each toe and start to wake it up in here there is an entire chakra system involved in your feet that allows you to translate universal intelligence into your own personal intelligence as we stay connected to the earth so massage it and twist the foot and uh roll it in your hands roll your foot in your hands massage up the achilles heel around the heel up the achilles tendon up into the lower calf muscles and then you're going to give it a little shake and you have to do this with this because it's a tradition inside of body weight yoga you have to say shimmy shimmy you just have to say shimmy shimmy this comes from a sweet little yogi uh in mexico who was working with us at our surf camp one year so give it a little love pack right in there just give it a little love pat now let's take a hold of that big toe with your right piece fingers and see if you can straighten that leg out just give it a give it a an opportunity to roll around there and reach it out to the side as far as you can go maybe it's just right here and maybe it looks something like this and that's totally okay right here just open that take a deep breath in and exhale out the top of your head take a deep breath in from overhead right into your core and exhale right out through that leg just make it up just press it right out the bottom of that foot and then bring that foot back down and let's just massage back again sitting on one sits bone and then the other not towering your body you want it to get the benefits of all this action and start pressing on the thighs again and come down across these knees and basically in the spirit of we've got this this is no big deal it is lots of things right it's an interruption in our schedule it's an interruption in our financial circumstances it's an interruption in our uh home life and what's happening and everyone's getting frustrated and and maybe they're just getting creative and maybe that's energy that's trying to rise up out of them let's pick up the left foot and massage in the sole of your left foot and massage out the outer blade that left foot and move that foot around and squeeze the muscles in your left hip while you're doing this so that you can activate the whole set of rooting circuits that are are what are going to keep you stable in the midst of all this and so massage the base of each toe and slide those joints on each other and it creates this piezoelectric effect it starts to activate the photons and it starts to activate the neurons and it starts to activate the electrons and all of your arms are turning on okay and so pop the energy off the end of each toe we've got this pop it off there wake it up in there and then twist the foot twist it and roll it around it's like um we need to be awake in these areas and then roll it in your hands massage the achilles tendon up the lower calf take a hold of your foot up above the ankle and give it a little love shake and say shimmy shimmy you gotta say this with me then give the love pat here wake it up in there waking it up in there and now let's take a hold of that left toe with our piece fingers on the left and roll that foot out to the side maybe we roll it out to the side maybe it looks like this maybe it comes to here doesn't matter just press it out as far as you can to stretch open these adductor muscles the adductor muscles clamp down so big when you get afraid when you get concerned and when you're consumed in the news about what's going on just in this moment take a deep breath in from overhead and squeeze those muscles at the base of the pelvic bowl and press your legs apart just allow these these muscles to stretch open and lift your heart tuck your chin take a deep breath in from in the earth exhale at the top of your head take a deep breath in from overhead right into your core all the way down to your core and then exhale press it right out the bottom of that left foot that's in the air and move it around and recognize we're okay we're okay we're gonna be fine there's a beginning a middle and an end to the circumstances that we are in all the time in our lives and this is a perfect opportunity for us to awaken to this fact now i'm gonna just invite you if you haven't already to take a shawl or whatever may be happening for you and place it near your mat place it near your mat and i'm also going to take my molars off which i keep with me and work with all the time because it reminds me that we are more than just a five sensory being we are a multi-dimensional being and i've had great awakenings in other dimensions and work in those other dimensions as well and when i bring some sacred symbol here present to me in this realm it allows me to constantly be drawing from above my head and allowing those energies to fall into my body so that they don't get so caught up in the dramas that can generate in the story of our lives so you can just stay long ways on your mat and what we're going to do is take a deep breath in and exhale and just keep exhaling and tuck your chin on your chest and your chest on your belly and curl down roll down and completely empty your thinking mind so we're emptying and emptying and emptying and bringing our head down to the earth as close as we can now maybe that looks like this for you maybe it looks like this maybe it's all the way down here it doesn't matter what matters is that you stretch open the backside body as much as you possibly can right now and recognize that those points that are above your head that we were talking about now they're in the earth so they are grounding you in a most magnificent way and so right here we want to stay in that position and breath of fire so it's about exhale exhale exhale exhale just exhale exhale exhale don't focus on the inhale it's like pranayama it's it is this ujjai breathing pranayama breath of fire so it's take a deep breath in and exhale stay curled down as far as you can and exhale the tone of ma ma [Music] now pay attention to two feet beneath where you sit inside that energy center two feet beneath where you sit is your destiny it is your ability to awaken and to know that you've got this so draw some certainty up into your body one smidgen at a time contract the front side body and allow your body to roll up as you breathe in one segment at a time rolling up press the low back toward the back of your mat press the mid back toward the back of your mat press in the upper back keep your chin tucked roll your shoulders up and back and down contract your jaw backwards just draw it back and then create resistance inside your spine create resistance inside the deep core body as you roll your eyes up roll your nose up lift your heart squeeze your shoulder blades lean back against your spine take a deep breath in and open your mouth and exhale [Music] maw take a deep breath in from overhead through your open mouth and exhale bring your nose to neutral on the next inhale we're going to reach our arms up slowly there is a thickness in that space around your body if you allow your mind to settle down enough to settle down enough you'll be able to sense and feel as if you're moving through thick water and on the next exhale take your right hand behind your spine and your left hand onto your right knee and rotate your chin over the right shoulder into a spinal twist to the right exhale and pull your navel back to your spine tuck your chin lift your crown roll your eyes to the right now let's take a deep breath in from overhead right into the body and exhale into the earth and exhale into the earth on the next inhale breathe up from the earth into the core of your body and on the next exhale reach your right arm up and over the top of you and lean your left shoulder down towards your left knee use your left hand on your right knee to rotate your heart open to the sky as you exhale out your crown and your fingertips now press that right sits bone back down onto the earth there's a stretch happening in your lumbar spine you want that stretch rotate your heart open to the sky take a deep breath in from your crown and your fingertips into your heart and exhale down into the earth your body melt on the next inhale reach up to the sky stretch open that right side body roll your eyes up and exhale roll your eyes to the right take that arm right back behind your spine into spinal twist again now in this twisted position release the leverage of your hands and start breath of fire deep breath in return your hands to the leverage exhale rotate even further notice how your body starts to melt on the next inhale both hands come back up overhead big neutral chalice drink in more of that high frequency from above your head lift your heart squeeze your blades lean back against your spine become a giant funnel that is catching all of this high frequency energy and exhale your right hand goes to your left knee and your left hand comes behind your spine and you rotate the chin over the left shoulder and a deep breath in up the spine and exhale out the crown of the head take a deep breath in from overhead and exhale down into the earth and on the next inhale breathe up into your body and on the exhale reach that left arm up and over the top bringing your right shoulder down to your right knee and allow your heart to be rotated open by using the leverage of your right hand on your left knee reach up stretch up open up open up your heart to the sky take a deep breath in press that left sits bones into the earth again as you exhale out your crown take a deep breath in from your crown and fingertips breathe it into your heart and exhale into the earth on the next inhale reach up stretch up stretch open that left side body and exhale bring your left hand behind your spine and rotate even further around the spine chin over the left shoulder release the leverage breath of fire again deep breath in and return to the leverage exhale and rotate even further and on the next inhale big opening to the grand central neutral chalice breathe in drink in more light lean back against your spine open up your heart let this all be for good everything i'm here to infuse myself bring your hands up to straight up overhead into this body now i want to invite you to experience something slowly slightly move your hands toward each other and apart from each other just like this slower slow slow slow there it is when you go slow like this you feel a magnetic draw a push and a pull between your hands there is a thickness of invisible energy between your hands that you can start to become awake to aware of start to trace that channel as it comes all the way down into the top of your head maybe you just moved ever so slightly and you start to feel as if your hands don't want to move apart and they can't really push together and trace it bend your arms and trace it down through the center of your brain trace it through the center of your throat maybe even slightly pointing your hands towards your chest that you can feel the thickness of the energy off the surface of your skin and between your hands as well down through the heart down through this mid torso in the solar plexus area down into your deep wisdom center what you're doing is training the mind to find the real you you're training the mind to find you and in this state what happens is the mind begins to be able to serve you the real you the one that is seated back behind the scenes so let's take a deep breath in and let's just dive our nose forward and inhale come up with a flat back and lift your nose to the sky inhale and exhale dive your nose forward and start the inhale on the rise and exhale dive your nose forward and inhale lifting it up fully holy lift your heart and exhale one more time and inhale reach it all the way up this motion is a descending and ascending motion up and down through the spine which allows us to begin to build circuits now let's dive our nose down and walk your hands out on the mat and begin to slide your nose forward now some of you might be able to do this all the way down like this some of you may be here doesn't matter what matters is that you elongate your spine as much as you can press your tailbone far away and now let's walk our hands off to one side and again press that opposite sits bones far away from your heart deep breath in and exhale out your crown and then walk your hands all the way to the other side and take a deep breath in press that sits bone down into the earth breathe up into your core and then exhale that right out the top of your head inhale through the crown and walk back to center now some of you might be able to roll over the tops of your knees and come right into tabletop some of you may need to swing around like oh my god how do i get over there from there totally fine let's just do that let's just meet up in tabletop and sit back down in child's pose sitting down in child's pose walk your fingers far away stretch open your shoulder joint walk them far away press your tailbone far away in the other direction take a deep breath in up the tailbone up the spine tuck your chin and exhale out your crown on the next inhale start to slide your nose forward stay long and low on the mat and drop your heart down low to the mat and press into the heels of your hands and come up through cow now cat and cow is a common yoga action and a common yoga flow and what we want to do is have an understanding of what it's really doing so now let's just go through the motion first tuck your pelvis lift your shoulder blades to the sky tuck your chin and sit back down into child's pose and then we're going to do the same thing again just slide the nose long and low and come up onto the heels of your hands and come up into cow and then tuck the pelvis and raise the shoulder blades and tuck your chin and come back through cat as you sit back down in child's pose now what's happening is we're descending the energy down the spine as we come up through cow down the front side body and then we're going to let it come up the back side body and out the crown as we sit back and cap so energy is in my nose energy is in my throat energy is in my chest energy's in the solar plexus in the belly squeeze mulabanda squeeze those muscles in the base of your pelvic bowl if you can and then exhale and tuck the pelvis and now the energy is rising up from my sacrum through my lumbar spine through my thoracic spine through my cervical spine and out the crown of my head inhale energy nose into the throat into the chest into the heart into the solar plexus into the belly squeeze those muscles in the base of the pelvic bowl inhaling exhale energy in my sacrum energy up my low back energy in my thoracic spine between my blades and my heart and my neck out the crown of my head let's do one more energy drawing down the front side body exhale up the back side body inhale down the front side body exhale down up the back side body let's rest here in child's pose for a moment now we're going to reverse it we're just going to go the opposite way we're going to take a deep breath in and lift up through cap as we lift up through cat through the lumbar spine the thoracic spine between the shoulders contract your front side body make it tight underneath here tuck your chin and roll it all the way up one segment at a time roll your eyes up now drop your belly and exhale and allow the energy to move right down through the body right up through the body so here we go energy rising up the back side body and exhaling coming down the front side body energy coming up the back side rise up through cat drop down through cow let's reverse it again nose first come forward up in this fashion in through cow exhale down through cat and allow the energy to rush up your spine on the next uh inhale stay long and low and come all the way down onto the earth and just be held by the earth put your left chin on the mat your left cheek on the mat drop your left hand down by your side bring your right hand out and just lay it beside you in a 90 degree angle of your shoulder and your elbow and now move your lean over on your left pelvis just a little and bend your right hip and your right knee so that both the hip and the leg and the arm are at 90 degree angles and take a deep breath in and just exhale just feel the earth supporting you right now beheld beheld in this glorious status we're working with the pawns and the medulla right now we're working mostly with the pawns in a pre-verbal pre-mobile state right now we're going back to your beginnings here in this lifetime and we're allowing you to reframe it allow for a perfecting of my own perception allow a remembrance that i am the creator of my life experience right now in this unilateral exercise we're activating these parts of the central nervous system take a deep breath in and exhale that tone of ma that we worked with earlier breath in one of the next sounds vibrational frequencies that we started to move through our bodies on a regular basis was that sound of so you want to allow that ba allow it to move your whole body just loosen your body at the same time that you are allowing you to be a perfect emulation of divine light here in this body and exhale bring the leg back bring the arm down and turn your head to the opposite side by turning your head to the opposite side bend your left arm 90 degrees at the shoulder 90 degrees of the elbow roll onto your right thigh just a little so that you can move that left thigh out to a 90 degree motion and allow your left lower leg to come down off the mat as well right down there on the floor right cheek goes onto the mat deep breath in and exhale ma [Music] and that tone ba ba and then bring the leg back deep breath in exhale both hands under your shoulder blades press back into press back into child's pose and just rest for a moment when the body folds over on itself like this we begin to cultivate energies in a very different way we become self-aware on the next one we're going to slide the nose long and low and come up into this this table top position again now we're going to straighten the right leg out and anchor your right heel and roll your right arm all the way up roll your arm up and reach to the sky take a deep breath in and exhale uh bring it right back down onto all fours on the next inhale we're going to straighten the left leg ankle the left anchor the left heel deep breath in and exhale right back down to tabletop on the next inhale we're going to do the same thing again reach the right leg back but keep it in the air this time and we're going to move into working with the medulla another part of the brain that is contralateral exercise induces it activates it and starts to weave some things together for you to become a mobile verbal individual reach the left hand out in front of you in this way and reach it out with your thumb up so that you're reaching forward like you were going to shake someone's hand take a deep breath in and reach that up and exhale bring the elbow to the knee and tuck the chin and on the inhale reach up and on the exhale back down and on the inhale back up and on the exhale reaching underneath and on the inhale one more time lift them higher to the sky and then exhale right back down to tabletop on the next inhale reach that left leg back behind you and instead of anchoring it on the mat see if you can keep it up in the air and if you need to anchor it completely fine it's a contralateral exercise that we want to do meaning we're doing something on the upper body something on the lower body on the opposite side of the body take a deep breath in reach that forward reach your right hand forward lift them up and exhale underneath tap elbow to knee inhale reach it up and exhale elbow to knee reach it up and exhale elbow to knee reach it up again and exhale back to table top let's just take a moment come down to child's pose and rest again and i want to invite you to just gather yourself right now to just come into your heart come into your heart of hearts into this holy sacred place inside of you and breathe down low in your belly and feel your belly press against your knees find yourself in that belly space that's what is needed we have to anchor ourselves in the core of the body if we ever want to awaken as the true energy being that we are now let's press and tuck our toes underneath and we're going to press into our hands until you can lift your knees off the mat and then push forward on with your hands push into the heels of your hands and bring your belly to your thighs as you bring your belly to your thighs continue to breathe in that way that allows you to find yourself in the core of the body find yourself in the core tuck your chin take a deep breath in into the belly make it bigger make it anchor and squeeze those muscles in the base of the pelvic bowl come up onto your tiptoes straighten your legs and exhale lower your heels into this full downward dog as much as you can now maybe you drop deeply into downward dog maybe it's more like this doesn't matter what matters is that you are here and you are starting to move this energy now what we're going to do is breathe up your spine and exhale down your legs and inhale up your legs and exhale down the spine so let's take a breath up the spine exhale down your legs squeeze all the muscles in your arms and legs if you can and squeeze your heart together hug it on the inside and squeeze at the base of the pelvic bowl take a breath up the legs exhale down the spine deep breath in up the spine and exhale down the legs and then slowly start to walk up between your hands without bending your knees without bending your knees you're starting to put activity into the pelvis we want everything to happen from the rooted pelvic bowl from the hips from the thighs from the legs from the deep pelvis so here we are in this forward fold slightly bend your knees deep breath in and exhale right into two feet beneath where you stand into the earth just pierce your awareness into the earth there it is so now let's draw up from two feet beneath our feet breathe it up through the body as we start to press into the earth with your feet press into the earth with your feet and your body rises as a byproduct of that bring all of your attention to the earth to your feet touching the earth your feet digging into the earth allow all of this to be pressing in and a byproduct of it is your body rolls up now create resistance inside your body in your spine contract all those muscles roll your shoulders up and back and down let that energy roll down your arms tuck your chin roll your chin up one segment at a time in your in your neck into the primitive brain roll your eyes up keep pressing into the earth press down into the earth and your arms will rise up overhead press into the earth press into the earth roll your eyes up press into the earth and don't touch your hands at the top just allow a tiny channel of energy to be there for just a moment exhale out the top of your crown in your third eye straight up through that channel straight up through this line of energetic that is measurable it is real it's part of your own torque field take a deep breath in from overhead right into the center of the brain into the throat into the heart and exhale follow trace find that as you exhale down your legs and into the earth trace that energy that magnetic draw and push and pull between your hands all the way to your throat all the way to the solar plexus all the way to the pelvis and just trace it and let it drop all the way down your legs and then just bring your hands right back up to your heart space tuck your chin so we're going to move this energy up and down here we are standing for the first time standing in the central channel as the central channel and uh and take a breath in from overhead and exhale all the way down the body through the feet into the earth feel the warm embrace of mother earth feel it drawing you heavily take a deep breath in up through the body reach up stretch up open up the body exhale swan dive forward as you swan dive forward imagine the energy coming across the right hemisphere and left hemisphere because it is exhale forward fold inhale come halfway up and look down the road look out down the road above where you are look this way feel the tension behind your eyes that is your focal point and you want to exhale as you forward fold right into the center of your brain exhale forward fold step back with your right foot as you step back with your right foot start to press your hips forward and feel a stretch on these abductor muscles these abductor muscles are are are first to clamp down when you are um afraid the body locks down in the pelvis so we're gonna undo that because it doesn't belong there totally fully all the time okay so drop your knee untuck your foot and press your pelvis forward now you want to walk this left foot forward a little so that your you don't compromise your knee you don't want your knee to go out further than your foot but you want your pelvis to be able to stretch forward and drop now some of you might be able to drop really low like this and some of you might be just like struggling to even be here doesn't matter what matters is that you come to your edge and you take a breath up through that leg behind you right up into the core of your body try to squeeze those muscles that you would have to squeeze if you were stopping the stream of going to the bathroom in an instant and then squeeze your shoulder blades together and exhale right out the crown of your head take a deep breath in from the crown of your head down into the core of your body and exhale right out that extended right leg if you want a little bit more here just take your knee back off the earth take a breath up through that leg tuck your chin and exhale right at the top of your head on the next inhale whether your knee is down or up take your left hand and press it on your left knee and roll onto the outer blades of both feet and just look over your left shoulder when you look over your left shoulder you're stretching up in that right side body take a deep breath in up that right extended leg and exhale out your crown take a deep breath in from the crown into your belly into your heart you might feel things really open up in your heart and solar plexus right now that's what we want don't collapse into this stay strong exhale out that extended right leg and then roll back to center and bring your left leg back drop your knees let's come down to child's pose and just rest bring your hands back to your feet and just massage your feet for a moment and then just relax just relax into nothing for just a moment gather yourself come into the core and then slide your hands back out here let's drop all the way uh or rise all the way up to tabletop bring your knees off of the floor and on the next inhale reach this right leg back and step it up between your hands and we're going to do the same thing on the opposite side so we want to press the pelvis forward maybe we drop the knee and untuck the toe and allow that to come forward again watch your knee that it doesn't come out further than your toes and really allow these abductor muscles to stretch open here the stretching open is extraordinarily beneficial for you to trigger to the nervous system all is well crisis is over okay and when we're constantly reminding ourselves of our okayness the body physiologically responds as if it's true regardless of what's going on in the outer world and it is in this way that we begin to become masterful of our life experience and so here we are maybe you on maybe you tuck the toes and come back into that for a little bit more maybe you stay right down here doesn't matter but bring your right hand up here take a deep breath in from that extended leg behind you exhale out your crown take a deep breath in from your crown into the core squeeze those muscles in the core of your body those four anchor points if you're familiar with the energy codes book look it up the anchor points are right there for you and i'll review them little by little in each class and exhale right out through that extended leg so maybe you come up off the knee maybe you stay on the knee but you're going to bring your right hand onto your right knee and rotate this around rotate around and look over your right shoulder try to maintain the integrity of your heel in the ground for just a moment and then roll onto the outer blade of both feet and create some spaciousness here between your belly your your knee your heart create spaciousness right in here lift your heart to the sky look over your right shoulder take a deep breath in from overhead exhale right out that extended left leg take a deep breath in up through that extended left leg and exhale up through the body and out the crown of your head then let's roll right back around to center bring that right foot back into plank now here's a real wonderful opportunity for you to exhale with breath of fire right out the crown of your head just exhale squeeze moulabanda squeeze those muscles in the base of the pelvic bowl deep breath in come up to downward dog as you come up to downward dog inhale up the legs exhale down the spine inhale up the spine exhale down the legs and start to walk up between your hands again you're starting to get a feel for what's happening with us moving the energy up and down to the full length of the body find two feet beneath where you stand press into the mat press into the mat press into the mat the more you press the more your body rises you're rising not because you're pulling your body up because you're pressing into the mat and it's causing the body to rise up segment by segment by segment now start to just roll around on your right foot your ankle and your knee your hip just get used to what's going on in there just inquire with what's going on in the left foot and the ankle the knee and the hip so i want to just take you through something that will cause us to activate these high brain centers for just a moment so we're going to step onto the left foot and bring the right foot back behind us and anchor in a warrior one position where your your foot is at a 45 degree angle in the back and it's straight forward in the front we're going to reach down into that space in the earth right underneath us we're going to draw that energy right up our legs right up in to the belly right into the core of your body and inhale right to there and and infuse it into your belly and exhale shoot your hands up overhead and take a deep breath in from overhead breathe down into the body right into the heart and open up into warrior two rotating that foot open a little bit more opening the pelvis this way and then seat yourself down in this warrior two position as we do we are bringing the energies from the pelvis right up into the heart space now we're going to anchor that and seat it in our hearts now drop your right hand down your right leg flip your left hand up and reach here now take a look at your fingertips and don't leave it with your eyes what's happening right now is the energy is rising up from your heart right into the center of your brain bring it all the way up look right at your fingertips bring your attention into the center of your brain squeeze your blades together squeeze those muscles in the base of the pelvic bowl exhale out your crown and third eye take a deep breath in from overhead breathe it down into your body and come back to warrior two and now we're going to do a powerful step to the top of the mat and bring our attention right to the center of the brain and to the heart bring your attention down through the core of the body and start to stabilize on your right leg your ankle your knee your hip and we're going to be able to then press that left leg back behind us slowly carefully consciously land it in a warrior one position where the back foot is at a 45 degree angle and we're going to reach into the earth beneath us and find the energy beneath where we stand it's your certainty it's your foundation it's your grounded mother divine energy let's breathe it up through the legs have some of that in your own belly and then as we breathe it up the legs we're going to exhale and sit down into that warrior one position now on the inhale reach around grab that energy from your belly bring it up to your heart and open it up here and then we're going to seat down in the heart stretch and strengthen the legs and the arms and now we're going to take that energy from the heart bring it up into the center of the brain drop the left hand down the back flip your right hand up as that energy rises up from your heart to the center of your brain don't take your eyes off your fingertips there it is exhale out the third eye and crown exhale take a deep breath in from overhead and exhale back to warrior two and then we're going to take a powerful step to the top of the mat now just heel and toe your feet apart and drop into yogi's squat and here in yogi's squat we're going to press our elbows on the inside of our knees bring our thumbs to our heart tuck the chin lift the crown tuck the pelvis underneath as we allow all of this energy movement to infuse into the cells of our body when the body folds over on itself consciousness has an opportunity to find itself to anchor come on to subject meaning bring all of your energy come home to yourself right in your heart right in your belly this is for me and feel that now let's just walk back with our hands come into a comfortable seated position take a deep breath in reach up stretch up and exhale forward fold now maybe you come all the way down maybe you're right here i don't want you to think for a moment that one is more effective or less effective what matters is that i start to build circuits of flexibility this is not about curving down this way it's about pressing our heart toward the wall in front of us and it's about reaching forward and then we lay down over that press your heels away from your tailbone press your tailbone away from your heels now let's just roll up segment by segment by segment and then let's roll down segment by segment by segment as we roll down segment by segment i'm going to switch around this way you don't have to just roll down segment by segment by segment and allow your whole body to relax bring your heels out to the corner of your mat bring your right knee in and hug in here exhale roll it over roll it over your left thigh and take your chin to the right shoulder and let your right shoulder and your right knee melt into the mat just let them melt and then breath in and hug it in and then exhale switch your legs and roll the left knee over the right thigh and take your chin over your left shoulder you can even bring your left arm all the way out and let your chin melt over your left shoulder let the left shoulder and the left knee melt to the earth at the same time spinal twist memorizes things in the central nervous system it goes into conscious and subconscious memory every time we rotate and extend the spine so we want this memorization to be happening in the body all the time constantly updating our database to what is true take a breath in and hug that in hug both knees in and then exhale just lay them out in front of you and take a big morning stretch up overhead and allow that full big stretch and then exhale bring your hands down by your side elbows in close lift your heart up and then lay it down take your heels out to the corners of your mat again then lift your head and lay it down and we're going to just simply let go in this moment with everything that we've been working with first start with gratitude for your mind allowing you to carry your body to the mat today we joke inside of our alumni group that the hardest yoga pose of all is stepping onto the mat and so we did it we're here and now simply let go in gratitude of the thinking mind for there is a part of you that exists beyond listening and learning beyond gathering and talking and engaging let me give you just a moment to drop into that space probably just the truth of who you are let's go there together in silence for just a moment letting your eyes just drift to wherever they go allowing your belly to fall to the earth your shoulders to melt your back to melt the pelvis to melt the thigh muscles the leg muscles to become heavy melt and merge and disappear that the very last thing that lets go the pelvic bowl releases the heart opens nothing more to do take a deep breath in if you're able to stay here in savasana feel free to stay laying in the supine position otherwise you're gonna roll onto comfortable side position and allow your own breath and the tone of ma to just come through your body [Music] the tone of ma is the reflection of the om you arriving here and revealing yourself out into the world this tone carries that allow that tone of ma to carry you to a comfortable seated position once again coming into the mat and allowing what is holy fully true for you in your life to be holy fully true here and now and as we do we are able to engage in a way that encourages the freedom the truth of who we are to express out to the surface of life if you're able to stay in savasana please do otherwise take a deep breath in and exhale ma once [Music] more and reveal and then let's close our practice today with an om reach out from every direction and allow rejuvenating replenishing nourishing energies high above this physical plane of experience from the truth of who you are deep breath in um land in the body on the m breath in [Music] and anchor yourself in the truth of who you are it is an honor to share this practice with you today body awake yoga all around the world over a thousand people gathered here together today in our first body awake yoga class during this time it is my great pleasure to share this with you and i look forward to our next class just a few days from now blessings to you all namaste you
Channel: Dr Sue Morter
Views: 4,803
Rating: 4.9463086 out of 5
Id: 9_AJ9P9B098
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 17sec (3677 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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