Body Armor for Citizens?

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everybody here in town stage enables today on my drive up to Georgia optics I was on my phone I'm sit in traffic because vehicle wasn't moving so I was like hey let me take a put thing in check the news and I saw this article on CNN money about should civilians be allowed to own body honor why not this is something that comes up from time to time because there's people especially in our government who believe that citizens shouldn't have access or I should say and I wish I had bigger fingers to air-quote this civilians shouldn't have access to body on the reasoning given is that body armor can be used in crime it would make law enforcement or you know someone else it harder to stop the criminal so right now if you're watching this and you're kind of on the fence about the topic and you're probably not because I don't know how many people from the other side of the gun control body armor control today watch my videos but but if you are if you're on the fence a little bit what I want you to do right now is think to yourself when is the last time body armor was used by a crew go on all week and then if it cats are funny to really drive this point home if I was wearing to watch then I could dramatically so did you think of anything probably not now body armor has been used by criminals in crimes they have worn it its effectiveness probably the most prolific example would be the Hollywood shootout bank robbery that has been made into a couple really bad made-for-tv movies and often lauded and talked about from both sides of the argument but point is it has been used but it's doesn't even register as a percentage of how often it's used in crimes because body armor is cost prohibitive and generally not something someone who's untrained really considers they know it exists but they not might never sue it now when I was still patrol officer I remember being in my dispatch center because it was a weekend it was slow and I swung by the station and I was hanging out and my sergeant was up there shift sergeant and there was something on the TV that one of the dispatchers was watching because it was that slow and the body armor thing came up and I remember him doing the classic cop shirt and belt thing and being like I don't think civilian should be allowed to own body armor remember I asked him well we have above the armor is again we're cops so I'm like ok but why don't we wear it well because you know we go out there and we might deal with somebody who could shoot us and body armor is going to help save our lives and I was like that last part right there helped save our lives do you think that you have more of a right to self protection than a civilian does and he didn't honestly have an answer for that question I'm glad he didn't try to hit me with some hubris or something well it's different for us or something with that and hopefully I made him really think about this point of view and if I didn't well oh well you know I'm not here to change everybody's mind but my point to him was pretty much my point to anyone who's on the fence about this body armor thing civilians air quotes again citizens should have access to any means of self protection that is warranted does a citizen have the same right to self protection as a police officer yeah they do now some have said well they don't do the same thing cops - that's totally 100% correct cops sometimes drive to gunfights whereas the average citizen the risk isn't as high depending on how you look at it but the point is if they have a reasonable expectation to ever find themselves in a threatening situation they should have access to one Dion it's really not factually a big deal the complaint and the issue is well if you know civilians can buy body armor that's easier for criminals go hold it you know there there's a lot of processes we go through by firearms in this country and somehow criminals keep getting ahold of those too I honestly believe that this is more of an emotionally driven debate than it is a factually driven to be just like gun control is usually more emotionally driven that it is factually driven you get into a conversation with someone and they keep saying I feel I feel like I don't think because I feel they're bringing their own emotional bias into the conversation instead of actually looking at the situation and saying you know what I can't remember the last time body Allen was used by criminal does that necessarily mean anything different I think the general idea is if we keep if we make body armor illegal for citizens down then criminals can't get it well we already know that's not true but it could be an attempt at a generational so-called embargo on the possession of body armor just like I'd like to do with firearms they think that after so many years is something being illegal then no one will be able to get it they'll be able to prevent it proliferation of body armor being available so the criminals can't have it well if citizens can't have it criminals can't have that's that's my problem right there you're basically saying no one's allowed to have this because of the possibility that a bad person can use it there's a lot of things in this country that are illegal some of them rightly so and some of them it doesn't quite make sense but I am not willing as a citizen to give my government the right to deem how I can protect myself when they cannot readily say with all honesty I will always be there to protect you I don't mean at the large federal level I mean all the way down to the local municipalities can you talk to any cop any deputy in your jurisdiction and say hey man if I've ever problem you're going to be right there and you can be overprotective no comma is going to be able to honestly say yeah I'm totally going to be there for kids it's just impossible it's not the thing might not want to be there it's just that they physically cannot be there well what situation would you've ever need body armor for I am not in the business of predicting the future and people who are anti body armor anti-gun shouldn't be either but what they're trying to do is say well you know it doesn't happen every day so it's probably not going to happen to you and I'm not really big on betting my life on the law averages I can drive around for years and not have a vehicle accident but when I got on the highway I still put my seatbelt on and I'm still glad that my car has airbags and other safety features well you know the car things kind of tired car thing is kind of tired but the reason we use cars is an analogy to other things that you want to take away from us is because everyone can identify with a vehicle unless you've never driven one which is you know a small percentage never written one or never understand or don't understand the wisdom in the safety features of the vehicle provide so the vehicle is always going to be an analogy we use for gun control grant guns are a natural right recognized by the Constitution natural right self-defense cars are not recognized by the Constitution yet readily available and it's actually in some situations easier to get a vehicle than it is gun so the other part of this and I think really one of my motivating factors for for doing this quick little video is it was linked he said hey go over there and there's a pole it's on how you feel and I was like yeah see what's going on to CNN I like those polls and I went over there and there's so many pro Second Amendment people in there bashing the very idea of outline body armor rightfully so but then I thought to myself like I wish I could get these people this fired up over every single attempted encroachment on their rights it's easy to click a link and take 30 seconds to collect a yes or no or a maybe or and I don't know or I don't really know how to feel today one of them little bulbs multiple choice it's not as easy to call your Congressman write your Congressman it's not as easy to canvas for a politician it's not as easy to vote there's a lot of guys out there there any register to vote you know who you are it's not as easy to protect your rights when it costs you more of your time and I get it times valuable but we are not going to be able to stop the removal and the encroachment on the rights unless we put in more energy than it takes to go over CNN and vote on a freaking poll that which by the way has absolutely no legislative power we are becoming a minority in a lot of ways and this country was founded on the fact that the majority is not allowed to dictate what the minority is allowed to do that's how our system of government works it's worked out pretty well we obviously have have our issues and our issues you're becoming more prevalent now but this is just one more attempt or one more way that our ability to protect ourselves and our loved ones is being crushed upon so engage in the conversation we're going to win this by educating those around us so instead of calling somebody a lift hard or you know any kind of the pejorative a derogatory term actually be like you don't have a conversation and try to see their side of things get into a debate not an argument and come armed with facts because when they get emotional sometimes people on the pro-gun side get emotional - and that's usually when we get a bad name because somebody does something or says something or post something or create something that's why we can't have nice things I'm Mary Calvi sage dynamics debate the morning you
Channel: SageDynamics
Views: 46,406
Rating: 4.9647965 out of 5
Keywords: Sage Dynamics, Aaron Cowan, CNN
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2016
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