BoB The Time Of Egg Thieves Has Started! New Patch! -Velociraptor Survival In Tigrinum Sof Realism-

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nicer and today I'm playing beasts of Bermuda and as you see there's something new here so you can set any time on the skin customization which is great so yeah there was a new bat during their weekend which is called the egg thief patch which means what else then there was a raptor so villosa can now steal eggs break them eat them and it also has a skin dart that you can now cast them aside so you can talk all the lighting on the skin screen do which ever you want let's go let's go through the bats notes later but there is some admin client/server changes players can now locally plug players if they don't wish to hear from them taken out however block admins on their own server you can read the rest on your own general added outer looking for locally hosted service putting two local controller as administrator ignoring rules and ranks this should allow not having to put your steam steam ID in the game's config says to host the local server there are some bug fixes eggs unopposed to set X now probably crow X can no longer be damaged by their parents which is great and your dinosaur fixed growth take the paste notifications such as inherited talents or prompts about spending toilet points now probably display da-da-dah let's go straight this Apatow fix it the Apatosaurus can now probably pick up bullets as an adult megalo serves ability no longer jams Fleurus errors no longer consumes water when it starts Acrocanthosaurus no longer gets stuck in the wrong animation after jumping in the water Accra roar and no longer can hit party members great Accra is no longer immune to about two damage when being hit on the tail para alarm call now functions properly Velociraptor now probably heals and recovers other stats more quickly while sitting or resting Velociraptor Cameron no longer lets's when running down slopes the latter up their aggressive call and now sounds proper Velociraptor no longer chance on a kress of call and fixed it steamed seems on velociraptors feathers and there's some other miscellaneous fixings map fixings some optimization for you know graphics and all that and make an exchange a--'s Palin's started it Velociraptor vocal animations realtor camera now can go fifty percent further away help enter venom and plead and now recover on 32nd takes up to five and fair take values have been adjusted occur Endora and as you know X can now be attacked it takes several hits of any kind to kill an egg the hill over time if not being attacked the egg thief challenge improves the rate at which you can attack and kill an egg when killed eggs now drop the same food value as the creature they had at 0.15 growth broken progress making an egg broken carcass actor with souls and making egg thief feather at scrapping and running off with eggs and making eggs give more food if you have a date active now does something now have a weight based on the egg type active now reduces the heaviness of eggs active now grants comfort while eating eggs and blob above and the rest you can read on your own but let's get into there bellows survival yes I know I have been playing velocity before but now I can actually be a very bright card fabulous I don't know if there's anybody nesting right now it's really really freaking late for me it's about 4 a.m. and before you ask what happened to Maya Potter Maya Pato died by tree I don't have recording of that because I was just deforesting with my herd mates that's kind of boring so I wasn't recording the invisible tree hit me and I launched it forward in the air about 30 feet I think and I crashed in the rocks and died immediately I was 1.3 a battle with ope inherits and I lost it all to a freaking tree bug am I gonna do you more apart oh yes when they fix that tree collision bug before that no apart or kemplay sorry guys I'm done with it because when you lose like that kind of progress that took you like five days to a freaking park yeah it can make you very very pissed off I have to admit it was hilarious AF poke nice inherence but yeah um it was hilarious I'm kind of sad I didn't record that you girl it was funny AF when I later thought about it it's just I still see that my beautiful apart-er just getting shoot forward through air and I was completely still during the flight the rocks anyways let's see what I can do with this okay I'm gonna put some points on active I don't know if I ever get to steal an egg there probably isn't anybody nesting right now people are kind of scattered around and the weather is horrible but look at my beautiful beautiful velocity isn't it cute I really love how the skin came out yeah there was a very strong wind and because I'm a small fellow seed that affects me very badly I don't have a pack either came into this cave I don't know if it's a good idea it's a there's like nothing here yeah this is a cave or a forum marine creatures so yeah I don't know I just have to get somewhere quickly because of the bad weather oh my god is high tide look at that oh I would have been dead soon there is still some strong wind going on not good not good at all I really need to get my health back up so I'm gonna get up and go to the cave up here in Montana Mountain Lake here there is okay with crystals so I'm gonna go in and eat few crystals and get my health back up and then I need to find food like seriously that's why I like to invest the first points in the survival because of events like this like the very strong wind can easily kill a small creature like Bella or Tara Tara gets really stressed very easily like well I have some Tara gameplay ready for you guys I'm gonna show it to you this week but now let me just get after the cave and get my health back up there it is oh look at my food now a moment too soon I'm so lucky little Bella see and the weather is getting better which is good I couldn't get enough crystals to get my health all the way up and I needed to leave the cave because I really needed to find food like really badly eat as much as you can there we go time to rest up to get that help back up point seven seven four I have two talent points sturdy hmm I don't know if I need those but I have long run our plus one and plus one two ability pool I could go this way and get the sharp teeth and this way to get more I'm gonna do that I'm gonna go in both trees speed and damage just a little bit I'm just a small little fellow so I don't need that months I kind of want to be more like a survival speed demon Oh God okay there we go I don't know what that what I am I'm just gonna eat until I'm well fit I want to be a fat fat fella see get a little snacky boon for later this should be some other bellows here I just don't know where hopefully I bump into some pillows that's that's probably the patio up there that's like alone a pattern I wonder where all the help it was are everybody's playing Velociraptor because because of the pads very unders understandable oh my god the Rex is gonna take on the pot Oh interesting oh my god you're so cute I think that a pattern knows how to fight yeah oh I can hear another will oh hello things oh my god I I love the billows friendly it's so cute it like crosses the bings oh look at that oh my god oh I got in my during a I have a Velo party oh ah the Rex is giving up I think the apart-er was do you powerful I'm gonna eat this because it's very annoying come on there we go I have a level of my scavengers so I can eat rotten flies covered meat without any problems I'm not gonna get food poisoning that's one of the things you should upgrade as a carnivore is Kevin scavenger it's very useful talent we're missing one below I think the Rex killed him yeah you guys went to close close full combat apart yeah you don't want to mess with full combat apart Oh No okay we got the guy back in the crew yeah I wouldn't mess with Rex as well don't go too near ah I kind of hope it to see a good fight I can understand you that he doesn't want to lose his Rex it's not easy to grow up very big Rex I don't think there's anything in the border I haven't seen any Moses here this is great I love it don't mind me I'm just messing around with this knife I think it's safe to drink for once a mountain lake without Moses I'm so happy ooh rancid meat my favorite just want to have all the flies all the flies that sound is too loud way too loud they need to tone it down a bit oh the mean is going away what and there is no mean what yet I can eat it okay I guess this is a thing guys the meat just disappears while you're carrying the meat and it's gone but you can still eat it all right very interesting no a part of died I didn't see it apparently two or three rip rip all the potatoes that are killed by the trees they should be eating like seriously please fix that that's so sad so freaking sad where do I get intimidation from what what is giving me intimidation strange very strange huh Oh another Bell Oh you can only see the meat go oh yeah that's sad but that thing that bug coalition bug is so horrible so horrible I need a treat don't mind my health got a little bit of fall damage oh my god oh it's 80s oh nice I haven't seen that many 80s around it's always nice to see them but I I'm still gonna keep my distance they do have food a lot of food so I don't think they're very interested in us but I still want to keep my distance after all the server is soft realism this by the way take crinum I forgot to tell him well it's in the title anyway so you know you're gonna know anyways I'm gonna go over there from here I really want to stick with my pack mates because of my own comfort I just love to run around that's scary so fast all right let's get up here this is a lot of meat I mean like lots and lots of meat I'm gonna rest a little bit I probably get intimidation from the ictus are they coming up here I don't know oh I can't see I'm gonna move a little bit some not too close this should be good yeah better oh I didn't even see that Tara Oh Tara probably guys do oh he's going near the Tara are you gonna do Oh friendlies okay oh my god Oh rip that door Tara oh God okay that's us happened I don't know how to feel about that because there's a lots and lots of meter down here but I'm gonna get this carcass there we go I think I can grab it fairly easily here you go guys are you sniffing it's good I promise oh my nose is getting blocked yeah yeah guys we hear you are they coming up move this the further away that's also cool this is our Reed now I'm gonna bring you here staying down there if you need the water go ahead oh that's probably one of the ictus oh no oh no oh god my nose stop stop it oh I just look at the time it's 5:20 a.m. I really need to go to sleep guys oh nice job so I end the video right here I hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like thanks for watching whoa see on the next one and my my you
Channel: Laacer
Views: 4,876
Rating: 4.8883719 out of 5
Keywords: beasts of bermuda, beasts of bermuda gameplay, laacer, BoB The Time Of Egg Thieves Has Started! New Patch! -Velociraptor Survival In Tigrinum Sof Realism-, beasts of bermuda new patch, beasts of bermuda velo, beasts of bermuda velociraptor, beasts of bermuda egg thief, beasts of bermuda egg, beasts of bermuda survival, beasts of bermuda life cycle, beasts of bermuda tigrinum, beasts of bermuda patch notes, beasts of bermuda news, dinosaurs, dinosaur survival game
Id: uNym3Jaxjgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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