Bob the Builder | Always Help Your Friends |⭐New Episodes | Compilation ⭐Kids Movies

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foreign [Music] hi Bob I've had the best day I got to take Rex to school and show everyone how well behaved he is look sit Rex wow what a clever dog good boy Rex and paw oh it's Rex Paul well done school he likes you oh thanks guys we better go scoop we've got a build at the zoo first thing tomorrow we've got a school trip to the zoo tomorrow afternoon I might see you there sit sit good girl now cool and stay pilchard huh oh I meant stay there you ready to go scoop no problem sorry pilchard you're gonna have to get down I've got to go to work now oh no all right you can come with me then I know you'll be good now that I've trained you up come on let's go driver two times hello Jenny hi Jenny hello hi everyone oh Bob everything will be finished before we reopen this afternoon won't it yes don't worry Leo and the machines will build the Bear's new climbing frame while I repaint the washroom and fix the plumbing oh and could you take a look at the sign over the penguin enclosure too it looks a bit wobbly of course let's do that now it's your build Leo you call it thanks Bob well team can we build it yes we can [Music] we're all together [Music] [Music] [Music] disaster Bob I just tried to make a cup of tea but there's no water I know I switched it off so I can do the plumbing oh yeah oh yes I'll switch it back on so you can make some tea [Music] what's she doing here she wanted to come to work with me she really shouldn't be here scoop but I've trained her well like Steffy trained her dog Rex she'll behave herself I know she will you want to tell Bob will you Leo lofty no okay then I suppose not but you have to look after her at all times scoop I will promise go on poach it you stay away from the build so you're safe does everything I say [Music] how's it going hello Bob you okay scoob oh [Music] thanks no problems right oh yes this is all looking great thanks Bob I'll get on with the painting then call me if you need anything of course right away pilchard [Music] foreign she could have been hurt if lofty had picked up one of those posts without knowing I only took my eye off her for a second and she wandered it off she shouldn't be here at all scoop I think we should tell Bob oh no please don't lofty kid should be fine then [Music] well okay just so long as she is safe Bob can we put the Bears back in the enclosure it's their feeding time and they're really hungry yes I think they're nearly finished I'll go and check here you go go that's it you get nice and comfy hmm [Music] watch it you're supposed to be in your safe area go back in and sit what's wrong pilchit isn't doing anything I tell her now but she was before scoop I don't think you can train cats maybe it just looked like pilchard was doing what you told her because she was doing those things anyway oh right yeah I feel a bit silly now don't worry we can all take it in turns to watch her can't we lofty yeah ah hi Bob how's the painting going really well apart from all the extra jobs Jenny keeps finding for me anyway she wants to bring the Bears back now so you need to finish up as soon as you can okay no problem then I might need some help myself uh-huh [Music] M excuse me right hmm okay [Music] phew huh oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what's she doing here oh no oh it's all my fault Bob what happened tell me later scoop right now we need to get her out of there but how we can't go in while the Bears are there it's not safe maybe I could lift my bucket over the fence that way she could climb in they'll charge it [Music] oh think scoop what does pilchard like [Music] good idea scoop I just got some ready for the Penguins lunch [Music] [Applause] [Music] please don't hurt pilchard lower your bucket scoop [Music] fishing fishing nice fish for you oh I forgot Bears love fish too come on yes [Music] oh you silly cat pilchard I thought that bear was gonna hurt you sorry Bob I should have known a building site wasn't a safe place for a pet especially not a sightful of wild animal scoop but I'm just so relieved she's safe I brought her to work because Safi said she took her dog to school and hi Sophie's class is coming to the zoo this afternoon we need to work extra fast to clear up yes please I really need to open the zoo now pilchard safe okay let's go team [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's wonderful Bob thank you all so much oh Pooch is going to need a bath Bob she really smells a fish pilchard hmm no I don't think so thought so it's you scoop you're the fishy one oh no oh yucky it's so gross [Music] what are we doing at the marina Bob are we building a boat no muck we're going to replace both of the old wooden Jetties but Bob where's the water where are all the boats have they all have no scoop there's no plug hole all the water was let out of the marina through the lock Gates When the tide went out oh some boats are in their sheds and some are out at the until we finished ah Curtis has taken the day off to go fishing in his boat see over there oh [Music] if we finish this job by the next high tide we can open the lock and refill the marina now Wendy let's take a look at the Jetties okay Bob let's do it wow this is going to be great getting up the actual Steven who knows what sea stuff we might find down there I bet there's pirate treasure I don't think so muck just lots of rocks and slimy seaweed if you ask me look Wendy this wood is split all the way down and these rings are very Rusty we'll need to replace everything yes and it's a bigger job than I thought careful Wendy it's really slippery shall I start digging Bob shut up no not yet scoop in fact yes I think it's too slippery for your wheels stretch will have to dig out the uprights he can grip the ground better with his caterpillar tracks but I love singing and it's not like I get to dig on the seabed every day please Bob please let me dig please sorry scoop you'll have to sit out the digging this time oh but will you give me a lift back to the yard so I can collect stretch okay back already Bob is there a problem yes there's a change of plan two ton I need stretch right away [Music] everything all right scoop oh hi shifter no not really Bob says I can't dig on the seabed cause my wheels will slip that sounds very sensible yes but I'm a digger sister if I can't dig when there's digging to be done then what good am I I don't know I'm ready to work Bob anytime anywhere any place just show me the spot that's great stretch oh but don't say anything to make scoop feel left out will you he's very disappointed that he can't dig today oh okay of course oh here comes Bob I better get back to work see you scoob see ya shifter so I suppose I'll have to stay here at the yard then Bob no no scoop I'm sure there's something you can do for a start you can give me a lift back and pick up stretch's tile driver [Music] all together [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] could I do a tiny little bit of digging just a smidge I'm not sure that's a good idea scoop it'll save us time and I'll be very little I promise K scoop there might be somewhere safe for you to work yes you can dig out the line of uprights nearest the slipway there's not so much seaweed there but you must still be very careful oh I will Bob promise fantastic people [Music] oh that was lucky it's sitting time at last Bob was right this is really slippy oh slipping sipping oh glad you could join in scoop thanks [Music] there one Jetty finished one more to go oh no stretch is almost finished I have to work faster oh but it's too slippery to dig properly ah three rows all done great work stretch one roll left would you like me to help you scoop no no no thanks stretch I can finish it no problem okay you got it Bob I'm ready for a mobile driver oh uh scoop aren't you digging a bit too wide and a bit too deep no it's the phone my thinking is not so sure yeah there you go stretch oh thanks Bob great now I'm ready to pound in those uprights oh those are deep hole scoop it really was no they are not muck they're just fine see all done foreign [Music] yes perfect and wanna scoops oh that can't be right maybe the Pole's bent but try another one of mine stretch [Music] foreign [Music] oh dear that is not good they're all done [Music] scoop what's the problem [Music] oh what happened here scoop if stretch tries to drive those in the tops will be right underwater at high tide I know I've done today Bob but how did Stretch manage to get it right he works so quickly wait dude it's too slippery for you over there [Music] I'm stuck I'm coming scoop oh why did I listen and just let's stretch do all the work because you love digging but you can't grip slippery rocks like stretch can you've each got different skills oh but what if the Rocks weren't so slippery [Music] anymore I'm gripping [Music] whoa that's really clever scoop I'd never thought of that yes good thinking scoop now what if I can make a path of gravel then I can help fix things can I move can I get up we need to work fast if we're going to refill the marina at high tide so team can we finish yes we can [Music] [Music] is everything okay scoop yes Bob we are ready to let the watering great okay Wendy hi Curtis good fishing yes thank you Bob I caught a lovely fish for my supper these new Jetties are very smart much better than the old ones next time I work on the seabed I'll spread gravel to stop me slipping before I start work or you could just leave it to stretch after all he is built especially for that kind of job oh yeah maybe that's better scoop did I just hear you agree with me no well maybe no probably not now team we're here at the Spring City film studios today to build an exciting new fun ride the dash lightning experience it's so people can ride through scenes from Dash Lightning's most famous movies and I can't wait how exciting I love Dash lighting and Dash is sending us some props to use from the actual movies two dinosaurs a space rocket a robot and a shark oh I want to see those when will they get here as soon as I fetch their container from Roland's distribution center but I've got lots of deliveries today so it might take some time I could fetch the props container for you too ton good idea muck lofty can help you I can Bob that'll save me a job thank you come on then lofty let's go Dash lightning Dash lightning oh look I bet Dash's movie props are in one of those containers lofty whoa they are enormous a late parcel I'm so sorry to hear that sir which container is the one for the film studios uh the one on the end mark yes yes of course I'll deliver it personally it's this one on the end lofty are you sure it's this and muck oh yes Roland said so okay as long as you're sure definitely oh ouch it doesn't fit just a moment [Music] that doesn't sound good whoa steady on there what are you two doing I'm trying to carry this container too ton but it won't fit never mind give it to me lofty okay coming over [Music] looks like I'll have to make this delivery after all oh hello two-ton back already this was a bit too much for these youngsters to handle Bob but thank you muck it was a kind thought to try to help me that's all right now I really must get going lots more to do thanks Newton bye can we look inside Bob can we hang on a second muck we need to sort out these bits of scenery first I'll go ahead Bob we're nearly finished here I know you want to see inside too Wendy okay let's take a look oh no oh no there's Furniture in here what sofas tables rugs and far too many bright cushions oh no I should have picked the container from the other end well I did say this is supposed to be the dash lightning experience not the dash lightning Furniture display this furniture must be for somebody else so somebody else will have our Dash Lightning movie props but we need to start building the ride if we're gonna finish in time so muck do you think you can find two ton and sort out whose container is whose who um yes you can all right then [Music] we're working on [Music] it the best of friends [Music] oh no two times taking the other containers already rolling rolling can't stop muck I promise to deliver this parcel by hand but please roll in where did two-ton go I think he said he was going to the museum okay thanks Museum here I come hi Alish I'm looking for dash Lightning's moving props are they in that container by any chance I'm afraid not muck I was expecting a delivery of ancient Egyptian statues but this seems to be full of sporty stuff like soccer balls and hockey sticks oh I must find two ton did he say where he was going next no he didn't sorry muck oh okay see ya bye muck oh this is awesome this ride's gonna be the coolest thing we've ever built what's taking muck so long he and two-ton should be back by now oh hello muck we're off to the sports Stadium Skye's got a big surprise for us oh that's exciting I'm looking for two times but I can't find him anywhere have you seen him we passed him at the Town Hall not long ago it looked like he was dropping off a big delivery thank you so much Betsy see ya oh be careful now oh dear me no hello Mr Bentley I'm looking for dash Lightning's movie props are they in that container please uh no just dozens of old statues packed in crates of straw oh thank you Mr Bentley hi I was expecting new furniture for the town hall a sofa for the mayor's office some lovely colorful cushions I'm never gonna find two ton in time now I'll have to tell Bob the bad news it's looking great we're getting there Wendy but we still need to install those props Bob and soon ah there you are muck any luck oh Bob I'm so sorry I've been looking everywhere but I still can't find two ton but without that container of props we can't finish the ride I did see one container at the Museum and another at the Town Hall but they didn't have our props nah but what was inside the muck uh let's see to Bentley had statues but he wanted sofas Anish hit soccer balls and sporty stuff but he wanted statues well we've got Mr Bentley's sofas that's right Leo so where would all the sporty stuff need to go Stadium Oh Betsy in the Spring City Rockets were going to the sports Stadium Safi said something about a big surprise that could be it a surprise container of sports equipment come on muck let's go and find out [Music] the prize two-ton not quite the one I was expecting no that shouldn't have happened ah hi Skye probably guessed there's been a big mix up your sports equipment is at the Museum how did I make such a mistake Bob it's my fault too ton I picked out the wrong container at Roland's so now we know where everything's meant to be these movie props go to the film studio the furniture to the town hall the statues to the museum and the sports equipment comes here got it Bob now let's pack up that shark and get rolling all right [Music] [Music] great work team this is so cool Dash lightning Dash lightning my own ride is it ready Bob tell me it's ready yes Dash it's all ready we're waiting for you to try it out first and let's roll Wendy you can sit right here hey Bob come on this Carriage has my face on it that's super I'm so excited I can't wait to see what I've done everyone ready someone press a button let's go boom lightning strikes twice wow this is from Cretaceous Park mcadino attack [Music] space robots three I recognize this it's from shark tooth the return of Bruce [Music] they must be really scared they're cute all of you that was the greatest fun ride ever oh I wish I could have a turn on the ride ah you're too big to fit muck but you don't need to take a fun ride to me you are a fun ride you take me for a spin oh I'd love to Dash with a zoom boom looks coming make room here we are team Spring City Racecourse we're here to replace the old fence panels and put in a new Gateway what's that noise it sounds like a bee a really big [Music] what's up Mr B or whatever you are it's not a bailoff day it's an um it's my remote control camera drone Wendy oh call isn't it marvelous I can make it go anywhere if I push the joystick left the Drone goes left push the joystick to the right and the Drone goes that thing is amazing what is really amazing is the shots I can get with it I'm using it to make a film oh wow finally a film all about me actually it's all about the racecourse and today's big horse race the Spring City Gold Cup oh not me then you might get a big moment in the film scoop because I I want to film all of you guys at work yeah you're going to film us yes and I want Bob to talk me through everything you're doing on camera I'm not sure I haven't done anything like that before oh come on Bob you know everything about building you'll be great uh well okay great start by saying your thing my thing yes that thing you always say before you start a job oh that thing okay then uh can we build it yes we can marvelous and then I thought we'd go straight montage [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] oh no I don't like being filmed hey what no nay stop that are you having a problem lifting the fence lofty yeah no Bob no problem at all um here we go phew it's gone at last [Music] good job lofty thanks Bob your gateway Design's great Wendy it really does look like a big horseshoe I can't wait to see it all lit up I hope people like it whoa nearly lost the plans there getting a bit windy oh smile Bob you're on camera hey there Bob can you tell the camera what you're doing okay this is the uh horseshoe or I mean a new Gateway which is in the shape well uh horseshoe uh the Gateway will be made from five sections that fit together there's the last piece for the Gateway Bob oh hello there uh my name is cat oh Wendy you were marvelous and uh Bob you were uh I don't know what to say Bob [Music] oh tell us what you're doing lofty oh no not again I don't like being filmed really gotta go but but you're a natural on camera thank you for noticing I'm ready for my big moment now um not now scoop oh maybe later ha it's very windy lofty so make sure your boom is low is look line short okay Bob will do [Music] Cole's coming no not again now I'm going to film you guys putting in the new gate already are we [Music] good action go lofty we're being filmed I'll stay out of the way scoop I think it's time for your big move ment yes yes okay lofty swing your boom towards me and Wendy very slowly can you back up a bit I need a shot of lofty love day oh all right then oh okay now Bob and Wendy your time be where you are scoop [Music] and action keep swinging it around lofty marvelous okay and now back to lofty again scoob could you reverse all the way back please you're still in lofty's way you're still in the shot oh okay then oh no go away leave me alone oh hello look out whoa the wind's blowing the Horseshoe lucky you need to shorten the Hoist line oh troll it Bob [Music] oh no I can't hold it here comes the messages [Music] well done scoop that was your big moment well done my camera drone oh no did you get any of that oh no I am so sorry I ruined everything don't worry lofty we can get a replacement panel for the fence from the yard and this section of the Gateway is cracked just here we'll need to replace it okay scoop and I can pick up a new one of those too my drone is broken but the camera's okay thank goodness hooray the camera still works why did you lift with such a long hoist in this wind lofty I was trying to get away from the Drone I don't like being filmed I'm just a bit shy I suppose I'm sorry lofty I'll keep you out of shot from now on and Bob I won't need you to do any more talking really I'm afraid so you're um not really a natural on camera that's a relief what the truth is lofty I don't like being on camera either especially talking on camera well hey I'm not the only one so who is going to be on camera explaining what's going on hey oh actually scoop I think I know who'd make a great replacement at last [Music] for my big mouth what do you think Wendy can I film you yes you can yes you can [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so there it is Spring City racecourse's new Gateway all finished and packed well done everyone Wendy you are great you're much better on camera than me nor me thanks it was fun and we finished just in time too oh the horses will be arriving soon to take part in the Spring City Gold Cup oh no how am I going to film The Race without my camera drone I'll never get all the shots I need um I think I know how you can film it hello [Music] this is great you might not like being on camera lofty but you're great at holding one well done lofty thanks Bob [Music] the best scoop I can see him he's standing by the finish line [Music] he's finally getting his big moment [Music] there you go thanks all aboard the Curtis Water Taxi thanks for the lift Dad no problem it's not every day I can take you out to work come on Bob get in um actually I think I'll just go the long way around with lofty hey what's the matter Bob don't you like boats boat doesn't have any sea legs do you Bob well I just prefer the solid foundations of land you're a land lover Bob I guess I am I'll see you at the dogs bye see you later landlubber all right that is amazing it certainly is that's the ship we're restoring today lofty it was once sailed by Horatio the famous explorer who sailed the seven seas Ahoy there Sailors uh Ahoy there Mr Bentley that's Captain Bentley to you Bob oh okay uh ahoider Captain Bentley that's the spirit sailor mayor Madison appointed him the shit's tour guide it seems to have gone to his head now crew we need to get this ship um Ship Shape before I take her out for her sea trials this afternoon that's right Captain Bentley she needs an engine Rudder and wheel and to be made completely watertight so team can we fix it yes we can yes we can what yes we can Captain Bentley what all together [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I'm using them to build a ship's Rudder you use the ship's wheel to move the rudder and steer the ship you know a lot about ships for a land lover what are you doing there sailor I'm varnishing the hull to help it stay waterproof ah yes of course we wouldn't want the old girl sinking she's been through a lot fascinating perhaps you'd like some help from your captain well you missed the spot you're just there oh and another one over there and just above your head I think that perhaps lofty could use a hand lifting the anchor hmm excellent idea steady there sailor your Captain's coming to help thanks Mr Captain Bentley sir now the anchor should go on the starboard side of the bow the left side of the witch nautical terms lofty it to do with ships the starboard side is the right side of the ship and the bow is the front of the ship what got that now off we go no I haven't got it at all where am I supposed [Music] sorry Bob what happened I think I got my front and back and sides confused here lower the anchor to me and I'll attach it to its chain of D let's practice those nautical terms shall we Captain deadly I uh I think Leo might need your help ah yes and that reminds me I have something for Leo oh thank goodness for that Ahoy there Leo huh here's something to make this vessel look just like she did back in the old days the flag of Captain Horatio victim I hand stitched it myself climb up to the Crow's Nest and fix it to the main Mast will you I'm not sure I'm supposed to go up there Captain's orders okay aye aye Captain [Music] whoa Man Overboard [Music] what were you doing up there Mr Bentley wanted me to fly a flag from the Mast I see you're a bundle of ideas today aren't you Captain Bentley just doing my job Bob glad my expertise can be of help perhaps we could use your um expertise to check the weather forecast for the sea trial Splendid idea where can I find the ship's barometer we don't have one perhaps you could use my tablet to search the internet oh not exactly what Horatio fix him would have used but I suppose it will have to do okay Leo we'll fix the Crow's Nest later come and help me attach the rudder oh oh dear not good at all there's a strong Westerly wind on the way and the tides going out we need to make sure the ship is tied safely to the dock ball get a minute Captain Bentley never mind this is a job for the captain I shall re-tie the ropes myself just to be sure pull it tight make a bow and it's tied right there all secured ready for the sea trials Bob not yet Captain Bentley ah I do wish they'd hurry up I can't wait to get out of the Open Sea huh what's happening no oh that's not good whoa the ship and Captain Bentley I haven't connected the engine yet he's going to drift out to sea back up lofty quick as you can yes Bob oh oh no oh no off we go lucky follow that ship Mr Bentley drop the anchor I I don't know how huh missed I can't reach what I can't reach what oh double deer we're heading for the Open Sea what do we do Gull oh no Bob quick get in I can catch her up it's time to find your sea legs jump Inland it's all a dream a terrible dream help me Horatio Mr Bentley drop the anchor oh thank goodness for that a rescue party Ahoy there city as she goes here I am Bob [Applause] hold on thank goodness you're here how do we drop the anchor like this there let's hope it holds on the riverbed you did it Bob well done not bad for a land lover I'm sorry I interfered with your work when it comes to building you're the captain thank you Mr Bentley I might keep the Hat though can we go back now the sooner the better [Music] land ahoy yay now team we've got a ship to make ship shape so can we fix it yes we can thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just imagine Captain Horatio victim sailing forth to explore the Seven Seas yes it is rather wonderful Mr Bentley what do you think Bob well maybe boats aren't so bad after all and that's Captain Bob to you Wendy aye aye captain [Music] and so you see nothing up my sleeves now watch Chris who [Music] madame this [Music] oh thank you Silva my favorite flowers but I think your hat might fly away what hey pedestal whoa oh how did that get there it definitely wasn't there when I put it on this morning I must go and get ready for my big show tonight Excuse me while I disappear [Music] wow that is awesome but but where is he gone it's magic Muk he's a magician remember amazing oh I'd love to be a magician and do magic tricks like that but now scoop we have to finish building Chef taddy's new restaurant sylvan's doing a magic show here at the open air Theater tonight we have to have everything ready so his audience can have dinner before they watch it so team can we build it dude [Music] [Music] how's it going Bob will everything be ready for tonight it certainly will Chef we're just about to install the conveyor belt oh I can't wait to see that in action dishes of food sailing past the customers on a conveyor belt so they can choose what they'd like to eat now I must get started on tonight's menu Tatty Licious sushi rolls sushi rolls that's right Bob made from rice and chock full of tasty ingredients like raw fish and scrumptious seaweed tattoos scrumptious seaweed okay Wendy let's get this conveyor belt fixed up [Music] Sylvan and wow everyone with amazing tricks [Music] hey maybe I can that's everything Bob okay thanks Luffy ladies ladies Little Machines huh it's the amazing they're incredible they totally magical that's laser what why is he waving a dream pipe around I have absolutely no idea this is my magic wand now watch carefully nothing in my pocket Africa diggers um the showers watch me make magic with some music [Music] whoa how did he do that easy he just scooped up Wendy's flowers from behind that palette how fairy Dare You lofty no I didn't I oh all right then this next trick will definitely wow you I'll believe it when I see it [Music] come on then scoop amaze me abracadiga alakazir now close your eyes all right wait hold on scoop magic tricks don't work like that this one does this is the worst magic show I've ever seen and now I'm going to disappear can we open our eyes yet just a moment [Music] uh scoop we can see you you're behind that tree no you can't you yes come on muck let's go and ask Bob if we can see some proper magic oh Mario magic tricks so hard to do Bob can we go and watch Sylvan practice his show sure guys have a break for a few minutes you're going without me I've had enough magic for one day and conveyor belts radiation brilliant Wendy let's give it a test drive conveyor belt what's that for it's to move the food around the restaurant scoop Ready Steady lunchtime Builders oh wow that's so cool fabulous Chef Tatty this is my favorite kind of dining last chance for lunch Bob Bon Appetit okay I'll try this hmm what do you think Bob taffylicious hey [Laughter] well scoop what do you think of the conveyor belt I think it's magical hmm I can't believe silden pulled a rabbit out of his hand now that's proper magic that is huh that's not magic this is Magic oh the color changing balls of this study green red blue and purple all sitting on the table Allah [Music] um come on hmm make the balls change their color [Music] pink white yellow orange whoa that actually is quite a good trick scoop oh yes it's awesome do it again scoop yeah go on scoop do it again um okay then [Music] whoa not so fast Slow Down slow down no no no no no oh don't go oh scoop what have you done oh I am so sorry oh I was just trying to wow muck and lofty with a magic trick magic tricks take a lot of practice scoop and preferably not using building materials or lunch oh this is a disaster you'll never finish before tonight's audience arrives if we work hard I think we can build it in time so team let's get to work [Music] thank you [Music] it's already Chef taddy but I'm afraid we can't fix the conveyor belt without ordering new parts but how am I going to move the food around to my dinos uh Chef Tatty I think I could help [Music] great work scoop you make a marvelous waiter nearly as good as my conveyor belt thanks Chef Tati at a scoop I'm glad I can help Chef tati but I didn't get to wow my friends with a magic trick like you did I see a budding a magician are you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] finale May I have a volunteer you me oh and one more magical helper you yes repeat after me hey peresto [Music] [Applause] [Music] awesome well what'd you think of that trick it was great Bob Bob wait how did he do that that really is Magic [Music] now team today we're going to be building an exercise Trail we'll be building five places where people can stop and do keep fit exercises at different areas around this park so we're going to start huh hi Skye hi I'm saying Bob everyone revved up and ready to build the exercise Trail that's the sporting Spirit but how will people know what exercises to do Skye are signs like this will show people what to do see this shows someone walking along a balanced beam like this one ah but why are we building them in different places and not all together in the same place so people can run from one exercise to the next dizzy it really gets you puffing and panting and your muscles working wow and people can do all this of course people can do anything if they try you should always push yourself to the limits and never be scared to try something new wow I would love to try something new do something I've never done before anyway I'm running to Riverdale and back today and after that I can try out the exercise Trail I can't wait see you later [Music] well team you heard Skye she'll be back later and we've got an exercise Trail to build and I have to find something to do that I've never done before can we build it yes we can [Music] all together [Music] [Music] [Music] I've grilled all the holes and the other sites ready for the rest of the build Bob great thanks Coop have you finished that chin up bar Leo yes Bob I'm just gonna give it a quick test [Music] that's the sporting Spirit okay [Music] so we've got the push-ups and the monkey bars to do next and then we'll finish off with the parallel bars scoop since you've finished the holes Leo can help you put your rear bucket back on now will do no problem what do you think dizzy I've never done this before rolling your eyes you're always doing that and scoop huh Bob wants you oh sorry Bob yes once you've got your bucket on I need you to bring back the monkey bars and dizzy you're going to need some more concrete okay Wendy come on guys let's go [Music] you do a chin up Bob of course [Music] very impressive we can all do these Wendy we're Builders we used our muscles all the time but if we want to start puffing and panting and really using our muscles we could do things the old-fashioned way what do you mean we need to cut the wood down to size to make the push-up beams so let's use hand saws instead of power saws great idea you're on okay then so it's time for Bob's building workout there you go scoop remember to bring the monkey bars but first I've got to find something I've never done before why don't you just pick up the monkey bars like you're supposed to but then I won't have done something I've never done before wait a minute Safi does that thing called a handstand you mean that thing where she stands upside down on her hands instead of her feet I've never done that before maybe that's because you don't have any hands but I have got a bucket the thing I'm going to try that I have never done before is a bucket stand but how are you going to get all the way up on your bucket well to start with I just need to lift my back end up a bit [Music] oh maybe you just can't do a bucket stand scoop no maybe not one more push-up being to go me too [Music] well done Wendy now we need to mix up the cement don't tell me Bob the old-fashioned way you got it [Music] no good dizzy I'm not getting anywhere with my bucket stand hmm when sappy does handstands she usually does them against a tree and she takes a run up to it that's that's it you're it's dizzy huh I can do my bucket stand against the tree and do a great big driver there's a tree um scoop no what'd I say worry dizzy Hmm this is it can't look Here Comes spring cities first ever stand [Music] ow oh I wish I hadn't looked my will uh it's just puts a bit wobbly yes that's it it's a wobbly wheel oh no oh what happened here scoop um what I was trying to do something I'd never done before well you've definitely made a mess like this before uh these parallel bars look a bit bent a little bit more than bent and we need those to finish the exercise Trail and it's all my fault I know if I race to the yard and pick up some new bars maybe we can still finish on time well he won't have long Sky will be back soon you have to be really fast scoop that's it if I can get to the yard and back that quickly that really will be something I've never done before yes all right you can go fast but carefully scoop yes okay team we've still got lots of parts that aren't banned and the monkey bars are okay but without scoop we'll have to do all the digging ourselves hmm [Music] the old-fashioned way oh no so let's build what we can as fast as we can can we build it yes we can [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign we did it just in time the exercise Trail looks fantastic all ready to go certainly is Skye so far do you guys want to join me uh no it's okay Skye I think we've done enough puffing and panting for one day okay [Music] huh time for a peaceful cup of tea and a sit down I think I'm really happy I got the new supplies in record time Bob but I still wish I'd managed to do a bucket stand well you might do it one day scoop but usually if you're going to do something new it takes a bit of practice that's it [Music] come on team let's get packed up carefully scoop my top up I think that was a better one practice makes perfect I think scoop's perfect this might take quite a lot of practice oh yes come on let's go yes yes [Music] hey cool wow that's amazing scoop I've never ever seen a machine do that before I know I'll do a full forward I think that's a good idea scoop oh [Music] [Music] okay gather round team so today we're gonna finish building the new Adventure Center here at the campsite uh what exactly is an Adventure Center it's an office where campers check in when they arrive here oh it's also where campers can get the things they need for their Outdoor Adventures oh what sorts of things Wendy things like maps for a hike books about the animals they'll see torches to see in the dark you know scoop camping is a lot of fun really nothing you blow the great out to fires have Camp sing songs oh wow what else I think that's enough questions for now scoop The Adventure Center has to be ready this evening for the summer opening so team can we build it [Music] [Music] some jokes are happy [Music] [Music] come on scoop [Music] you need to smooth out the gravel after I've dropped it onto the New Path scoop we're going camping as soon as the campsite reopens Uncle Phil's been teaching us all sorts of outdoor skills like what with the help of a grown-up we can build a campfire from falling branches and later we're going for a hike in the woods to spot different animals and Phil told us if we get lost we can use this signal it's called an SOS it means help an SOS oh let me try wow scoop you're a quick learner yeah we are the hiking and Captain trip but scoob there's a lot more you need to know [Music] careful scoop I'm getting ready to go hiking and camping wanna come hang on a moment we just have to place this long yeah I know I'll look for things that we need for our adventure you can help when you're finished do you even know how to go camping yep Spring City Rockets showed me some outdoor skills I know everything about camping damn a perfect pile of logs what was that scoop look at my logs they're all over the place now oops aren't you supposed to be helping muck oh yeah look on hiking and camping because wow [Music] so campers have to follow these Trail signs and then they won't get lost on their walk that's right so I put the first Trail sign at the start of the trail here and then put the rest along this path through the woods here you better take the map to help you you got all that Leo yeah I've got an amazing memory I won't forget a single thing he forgot the map yeah remember everything [Music] we can collect wood for a campfire explore the woods go for a hike oh whoa uh do you really know how to do all that of course I go so come on let's go oh wait for me first we can look for animals oh animals where should I look then later I'll see her cancer School wait I thought we were looking for animals huh muck I said hi I said hey let's go camping for the day school are you sure you know how to go camping that's the floorboards finished the trail signs are finished too great time to finish the roof lofty are the logs ready yes already Bob scoop knocked the pile over and it's taken ages to build it back again oh oh no no bad luck lofty never mind what do you think isn't this the perfect spot for camping we're right in the middle of the woods here oh that sounds like it's a long way from Bob yeah but it's way better for exploring I don't think I like it scoop but Mark what about camping I don't like it let's go back and finish the path of course we can go back no problem follow me uh uh I mean follow me this way what's wrong scoop you do know the way back don't you um well uh no that means we're lost don't worry I'm barely a dead outdoor skills let me think um when you're lost you um you don't know what to do do you yes I do um when you're lost you uh you oh you send out an SOS like this huh what's that it sounds like scoop sending an SOS but I thought he was working on the path with mock scoop and muck aren't here right lofty come on let's go and find him yes Bob foreign now we just have to wait [Music] um care for a sing song not really no let's go where are you [Music] you [Music] what happened I wanted to go on a hiking and camping Adventure Bob I thought I could just go I didn't know there was so much to learn well yes a camping trip needs to be prepared and you must always tell someone where you're going scoop knew the signal for help Bob yes you're right he did well done scoop thank you now come on the campsite is due to reopen soon we need to get back [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] The Adventure Center is wonderful thank you all so much hi Uncle Phil ah my first summer campers I now declare the campsite open now follow me Rockets first you have to check in you know building the Adventure Center makes me want to go camping I'm not so sure huh there's so much to learn you have to know how to spot animals follow arrows in the woods maybe we should just have a sleepover in the yard you could build a fire bub yeah right okay team let's head into the dino Park and get building can't wait to see my new dinosaur bone yard hello Anish yes we're just about to start work on it what exactly is a dinosaur bone yard you know how the dino park has models of dinosaurs so that visitors can learn all about them well the dinosaur Boneyard is going to be a new attraction in the park and it will be like a giant sand pit with pretend dinosaur bones hidden in the sand is that where they used to live it is to teach visitors how archaeologists like me dig and find dinosaur bones uh guys we have to finish the Boneyard by this evening so can we build it [Music] together [Music] possible [Music] [Music] right you need to pour sanding up to this line here so that the Pit's half full uh guys there's something wrong the wind is making scary noises yes and the dino Park seems scary without visitors oh I don't like it you're just imagining things there's nothing to be scared of uh are you sure Bob yes Wendy and I thought weird things were happening here once we were working when the park was closed when suddenly we heard a strange sound Bob thought a crate appeared from nowhere but Wendy had put it there then I thought one of the model dinosaurs was moving but Wendy had just imagined it be scared guys because I'm not oh scoop you are brave yep that's me I am says scoop scoop the brave brave scoop okay we have some things to do in the car park see you later oh will you be long see ya [Music] that's the first side of the entrance done well done lofty what was that um just the wind that does not sound like the wind no it's all snuffly scoop go and see what it is me what what because you're the brave one yeah joke because I'm praying [Music] I'm not scared I'm not scared guys I think the snuggling thing is behind this tree huh [Music] hey guys it was just a little hedgehog oh thank goodness a scary little hedgehog you mean everything's scary here what would you like me to do next Bob you need to go to Spring City Museum and pick up this model of the T-rex skeleton two ton it's going to stand next to the Boneyard so that visitors know what bones they're digging for sounds good Bob I'm on my way [Music] you're still here yes I'm practicing what I'm going to tell the Boneyard visitors just practicing my pterodactyl right that's enough to make it half full and perfect look where'd that great come from it's like in Bob's story yes but Bob said it wasn't scary because Wendy had moved it so has Wendy moved this great then scoop ah no there's no one else here so we're alone and the crate just got there all by itself quick scoop do something Brave get the crane out of here of course sure yeah yeah I can do that what are you doing oh look Wendy is here she must have moved the crate you did move it didn't you Wendy please say you moved it please yes I left it on the path whilst lofty was finishing the entrance sorry I didn't mean to scare you all oh you didn't scare scoop he's way too brave red scoop that's right I wasn't scared at all not one bit oh so they're the pretend dinosaur bones to hide in the sand pit yes and there were three more crates can one of you collect them whilst I check things here scoop will do it huh thanks scoop sure I'll go no problem [Music] he is so brave Really Really Brave I'm not scared I'm thinking happy thoughts about digging in places that aren't scary like like this one okay right to go so I'm gonna go I'm going now [Music] hello anyone there [Music] it's okay scoop it's just the wind again there's nothing scary here there's nothing scary at all scoop oh scoop what's wrong [Music] oh this is the scariest job ever are you all right what happened this way scoop slowly does it now tell us what happened Bob it was staring right at me oh scoop no you saw the model T-rex skeleton that's all two-ton just delivered it I really scared me actually Bob I've been scared all day to be honest but I didn't want to say anything because I wanted my friends to think I was Brave scoop it's okay to be scared I still think you're brave ah thanks guys now do you see things are never really scary like the Hedgehog and the wind we just imagined that they were scary exactly now come on visitors will be arriving soon and we've got a Boneyard to finish [Music] [Music] oh [Music] this way everyone it's time to dig for dinosaur bones the T-Rex had about 200 bones that's amazing awesome well done team the Boneyard is gonna be lots of fun what was that a dinosaur nobody move why what is it now I don't like it this is very scary just a little hedgehog again that is literally the loudest Hedgehog I've ever heard oh where did I put it it must be here somewhere it could have just disappeared a mess ah Wendy have you seen my phone this office Bob no wonder you keep a workplace needs to be kept tidy you know that hmm hang on [Music] oh [Music] aha thanks Wendy see I didn't need to clean up after all uh have you seen my tape measure that's it you may be the best builder in Spring City but you're also the messiest today your job is to stay here and fix the office oh okay huh can I fix it yes I can [Music] whoa shifter slow down steady sorry lofty snacking pellets is fun good morning lofty shifter hello Mr Bentley lovely day for doing a bit of building a [Music] only me oh Mr Bentley oh I forgot you were coming dear dear dear I don't know what mayor Madison would say if my office looked like this she'd probably say what Wendy said clean it up yes but she'd said a lot louder now I just popped in for that design you kindly Drew up for my new garden shed oh yes okay I'll just get it I know it's here somewhere I can't wait to get building I'm quite an expert with the old drill you know foreign I'm sure you are ah here you go you can pick up the materials you need from the yard they're all listed on the plant wonderful Bob many thanks and good luck with your cleaning up thanks I think I'll need it the shifter I need to collect all the bits I need for the new garden shed that I'm building okay Mr B what can I get you we'll start with all the lumber um according to this plan I'll need oh 30 pieces of 2x4 30 need a hand that's quite an order thanks lucky [Music] brackets screws hinges and 20 pieces of 2x6 20. wow that's a lot for a garden shed well that's what it says on Bob's plan and Bob knows best a lofty that's right shifter Bob does know best then there's 10 cinder blocks the plywood shooting I'm on it if you want it shifted slow down steady whoops nice and careful remember yeah yeah sorry lofty you know I think we're gonna need two ton to carry all of this ah I think it's a great idea lofty Museum M for Museum that goes under M uh vet V for vet so that goes under V this is thirsty work I think I need some tea no where did I leave my mug that's it I'm ready to roll splendid thanks shifter thanks lofty good luck building your shed bye Mr Bentley no yes I've seen some sheds in my time back in Moose Jaw Creek they made sheds out of ice what happens when the sun shines you've never been to Moosejaw Creek have you let me tell you all about it oh um um hey Bob ouch what are you doing oh hello Leo Wendy won't let me out of the office until it's all clean which means you'll be supervising today's build me oh wow so what's the job Bob it's a giraffe house at the zoo uh I have the plans here somewhere is awesome I can't wait to get started me in charge of a build ah yes here you are Leo just follow the plans and you won't go wrong oh thanks Bob oh wait till I tell Dad see you later anything I can do to help Leo Bob's put me in charge of building a giraffe house at the zoo a giraffe house can I help Leo can I oh of course lofty I expect it'll be a really tall building so I'll need your help come on the sooner we collect all the materials the sooner we can get started yay okay so I need six pieces of two by six six that's not very many huh that's what it says on the plan and knows best yes that's right he does [Music] and 20 pieces of 2x4 four cinder blocks plywood cheating rackets screws hinges no that's four by eight oops sorry oh [Music] not too much to carry we'll get tread to help us out did somebody mention my name no hi guys hi this is so exciting I've seen Bob's plans and they look awesome ah Bob's the best so one Giraffe House coming up can we build it yes we can all right [Music] the best of friends [Music] they're all done this is one clean office I think Wendy will be very impressed [Music] sorry Bob but I am sorting it out yes it does look a bit messy it's like I always say a workplace needs to be kept clean oh is that what you always say Bob hello Wendy I uh I was just um I finished the office yay I've just seen it good job thanks told you I'd fix it hello tread what's up I think you better come along to the zoo Bob we've got a little problem uh-oh [Music] I suppose it might just fit a baby giraffe but I designed it for a grown-up giraffe how why is it so small I just followed the plan you gave me Bob uh oh this is the plan for Mr Bentley's garden shed what let me see that but if I have the plan for Mr Bentley's garden shed then what does Mr Bentley have I only wanted somewhere to store my lawnmower I'm so sorry Mr Bentley this is all my fault I got a bit mixed up with the plans oh oh now what are we going to do I suppose we'll have to dismantle this and rebuild it at the zoo hmm maybe not [Music] foreign [Music] here you are Leo the plans for Mrs Johnson's new fish pond ah thanks Bob and for you Wendy the plans for spring City's first Olympic-sized swimming pool see you later bye [Music] or should that be the other way around Leo Wendy hang on oh [Music] scoop scoop guess what Whitney says it's going to be Bob's birthday soon oh wow say yay yes and she's getting him a present it's a surprise oh I wonder what it'll be I don't know Wendy Wendy what's the surprise wait what's the surprise Cup today no surprises today scoop it's a big day though is that because we have to finish putting in all the steel supports for the skyscraper Bob that's right Leo just like this we're finishing this part today these supports hold up the rest of the building and then after that we'll be able to build on upwards that is awesome yes it'll be the tallest building we've ever built now lofty you'll help me Wendy and Leo got it Bob not forgetting tiny of course hi there tiny ready for some Tower Power morning Bob everyone oh yes Tower power at the ready excellent excuse and muck you'll dig the trenches for the pipes to bring water to the skyscraper so team can we build it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] ha ha I think I know what Wendy's surprise present to Bob will be oh then what little baby oh yes Bob would love that back in the mall oh baby it'll be a new saxophone hi there scoop oh hello Roland Wendy asked me to deliver this why what is it I think it's something for Bob something for Bob oh I'll make sure Wendy gets it safely excellent thanks Coop say hi there for me we'll do Roland bye bye bye bye what's happening look at that because Jason just brought it it's something Wendy ordered and Roland thinks it's for Bob hadn't you better give it to him then no don't you see Wendy ordered it and it's for Bob so it must be her surprise present for him oh yeah I get it oh but it can't be a motorbike like you said it's much too small for that it might be a toy one anyway the point is we have to give the box to Wendy but not when Bob is around I'll just pop it over here okay remember Bob mustard see it okay okay oh got it [Music] steady that's it [Applause] okay it's in place thanks tiny you're welcome [Music] oh hey Wendy what's up Bob I think this power driver is gonna break down soon as the new and I ordered come yet no I asked Roland to pick it up and bring it over he should be here soon oh okay I'll go and take a look [Music] oh no it's Bob Bob's coming huh hey what are you doing muck it's Bob he mustn't see the Box don't know leave it where it is we can stand in the way or something oh I picked it up now what should I do take it away pretend you go to the spoil Heap hi guys hello Bob oh I'm just off to the spoil Heap again oh okay well done Mark everything all right scoop oh hi Bob yes fine thanks uh busy busy okay good now is anything come for me today any delivery a delivery for you Bob uh no but um if something does come I'll let you know of course straight away okay thanks goop see ya see you Bob [Music] oh no oh hello Bob everything all right sure the thing Bob okay see you later oh [Music] oh what oh I know lofty he'll know what to do [Music] look uh it's a box Mark yes I know I know but not any old box it's Wendy's birthday present to Bob oh and Bob mustn't see it scoop says and um more steals please coming right up Leo so why not just give the box to Wendy we're going to but not when Bob's around because it's a surprise so I want you to hide it for me will do oh okay hold on where is it in your dumper oh okay [Music] hi look everything okay yep I just popped out to see a lot right so where's Bob's surprise oh no what do you mean oh no lofty put in my dumper and I forgot I'm sorry I can't see it oh no oh I'm sure it's in there somewhere it has to be it really is broken now I need that new one so I can keep going I'll ring Roland and find out where it is [Music] there it is coming hide it again stop it scoop I don't want it no yes no yes it's good oh yes Wendy come right over quick uh everything all right Wendy I'm not sure what happened to the parcel Roland brought earlier he's says he gave it to you oh you know oh oh oh you need Bob's surprise poops I wasn't supposed to say that was I what do you mean surprise present oh muck means the one Wendy's giving you for your birthday Bob the one Roland brought oh scoop that's not a present that's Bob's new power driver we can't finish the build without it oh and we've been trying to keep it out of his way all day I got that wrong didn't I yes scoop I'm afraid you did the question is where is it now in there sorry oh good well really hmm excellent now if we all work together we can still finish on time can we do that yes we can [Music] thank you [Music] great work team we did it yay nice one uh Wendy what are you giving Bob for his birthday it's supposed to be a surprise remember oh yeah I hope it's something really good like a new motorbike or a saxophone maybe well you'll just have to wait and see won't you Bob so this is where the bank safe is going team what's a bank safe a bank is a place that looks after people's money scoop and a bank safe is the special room where they keep all that money oh wow look I'll show you first we build the thick walls then we wrap it in really strong steel and finally we put on a huge door with a lock that will only open if you know the right numbers to press oh it's called the code and it has to be kept secret holds I make them up all the time we need to have the safe finish before we put the basement ceiling in at the end of the day so can we build it yes we can [Music] [Music] tell me who's there [Music] oh Leo look you left your toolbox open again whoops remember when you left it open last time it got knocked over and all your tools went everywhere yeah that was not cool try to remember to shut things when you're finished with them okay will do Bob is that the door for the same yes and it's huge one of the biggest doors I've ever seen and I've seen some big doors I can tell you this thing is gonna be so amazing I'll take that from you big fella thank you tiny type of sub Tower Power [Applause] ah [Music] I need to tell Bob the secret code for the door why don't you tell me instead I could just go and get Bob it's all right scoop I'm really good with codes you can tell me hmm well all right the code is three three one one two two four got it three one two four yeah got it three two one four no scoop it's three one two four that's right dizzy see you later okay I better go and tell Bob the code before I forget it three one two four three one two four three one two don't worry dizzy I can remember it backwards forwards and inside out three two four no uh two one fours six that's it Tony going lower bit lower there okay it's in place thanks tiny you're welcome Bob wow look at that it's so big are you guys give up two tons message dizzy yes in a minute first I want to take a closer look at this safe all done [Music] that's the electric switched on for the door lock Bob I'll install the lighting later okay thanks oh what's next Bob so next we need to weld the metal panels that go around the set the panels are already here Bob I will go and get them thanks Coop sounds like a good time to have a break are you coming dizzy yes coming I'll be with you in a moment the safe looks so cool maybe I could have a little look inside [Music] yeah this is cold who left the lid off the thermos sorry Wendy I left it open try to remember to close things Leo I will Wendy promise I've got the first panel Bob I'll take it down to dinner today okay scoop Wendy and I will get our welding gear I'll come down with you these walls are made of top Quality Concrete foreign suppose I should close that too with that big door shut nobody will be able to get in here unless they've got the code the code I need to tell it to Bob oh no hello oh I don't like being in here in the dark oh I don't like being here in the light either help another panel please Leo sure thing Bob where's dizzy she had something to tell you Bob don't worry scoop she won't be far away oh dear they don't even know I'm in here wow yuck a creepy crawl really sorry creepy crawly I'm not scared of you it's the dark really [Music] what's that noise that's strange it's coming from inside the safe someone must be in there well there's only one of us missing so it must be dizzy who shut the door ah that was me but it's locked and we don't have the code to open it I know the code two ton told me and dizzy excellent what is it then scoop it's it's uh there was a six in it it's uh six three um no I've forgotten oh I hope Daisy's all right it'll be dark inside without any lighting we need to get her out of there quick but only just I've got to remember the code it was uh three one two of four that's right three one two four but how am I going to tell Bob two ton won't be back here until the end of the day and Dizzy's the only other one who knows the code oh she's still tapping away she must be really worried hey her tapping has changed listen [Music] oh yes what does it mean oh oh I've got it maybe it's the code this is glitter codes yes that must be it Well Done scoop three taps One Tap two Taps I think she's tapping three one two four oh yes three one two four that's the car that's what I said here we go then three one two four oh it's oh it's for that [Music] yay hey dizzy I know you what was it like in there are you okay I'm fine now but it was really scary there was a huge creepy crawly in there really I'm so glad you understood my tapping oh that was very clever of you but it wasn't very clever of me to go inside the safe without telling anyone and I should have given Bob the cold when two ton told me it we're just happy to have you out but we'll have to work extra hard to get the safe finished in time can we build it yes we can [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] this safe is really solid it's nice and bright inside too and no creepy crawlies to be seen anywhere apart from the world on your back is it gone yes but you locked Bob and Wendy inside oops that's all right I can remember the code uh what was it again dizzy it's okay Leo I Know It uh six two oh scoops [Music]
Channel: Bob The Builder US
Views: 13,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bob the builder song, bob the builder theme, bob the builder remix, bob the builder intro, bob the builder toys, bob the builder us, bob the builder movie, bob the builder dvd, bob the builder uk, bob the builder, bob the builder abc, kids cartoons, bob the builder can we fix it, kids movies, bob the builder lyrics, bob the builder cartoon, bob the builder theme song, cartoons for kids, bob the builder full episodes, bob the builder full episodes english, full episodes
Id: hwzMHbldumg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 51sec (7311 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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