Bob the Builder ⭐ Haunted Town Hall 🛠️ New Episodes | Cartoons For Kids

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[Music] goodness how busy you all are hello mr bentley stacked all the new glass for the skylights on the roof bob thanks lofty ready to put in that burglar alarm wendy yes bob all set good i want to be sure that all the mayor's important documents are safe while she's away on holiday that's a simple job mr bentley we'll get it finished today excellent well things to do pencils to sharpen i'll see you all later right team can we build it yeah [Music] the best of friends [Music] this could let rainwater in i'd better seal it up [Music] ah mr bentley just in time to help me could you walk along the hall please [Music] great that movement sensor up there saw you so anyone walking around inside the building after it's locked will trigger the alarm now all you have to do is enter your four number alarm code when it beeps you have 30 seconds to close the front door all finished mr bentley thank you the mayor will be delighted okay mr bentley oh [Music] oh good oh good night and thank you night mr berlin nighty night [Music] is that the town hall alarm wendy i'm afraid so i'll call bob then come over with you hi wendy hi wendy everything all right sorry to bother you bob but the town hall alarm's going off all right don't worry i'll be there in five minutes what's going on that light shows the alarm was set off in the mayor's office right we better investigate shall i come with you oh please stay with me mr bentley we do really like the dark of course i will old chap i can't find anything wrong at all me neither right everything seems okay oh i'm sure it won't happen again mr bentley i'm sure it won't uh thank you all for coming out good night [Music] [Music] hello oh no not again is that morning already no sorry lofty we need to go to the town hall again again can i come go back to sleep dizzy it's just a little problem with the alarm actually bob i'd really like dizzy to come to okay then everything's fine here well it's very strange mr bentley we still can't find any reason for the alarm to be going off well in that case there's only one explanation it was a ghost a ghost come on you two there are no such things as ghosts mr bentley said that was the only explanation oh i'm sorry lofty that was just a joke we'll have to leave the alarm off and stay here to see if we can find out what can be triggering it i'd be happy to patrol the rear of the town hall bob thank you mr bentley wendy and i will stay inside lofty you and dizzy watch the front of the building okay team yes sir bob sir don't worry lofty if we do see any ghosts i'll keep you safe um okay then there's definitely no problem with the wiring on these sensors we'd better check the rest of the building then look what was that is that a goose no that's just an owl lofty phew that's okay then hmm at least i think it was i better check the side of the building i'll only be a minute [Music] okay there's no such thing as ghosts there's no such thing as hurry up dizzy [Music] she'll be back in a minute that's only 60 seconds 59 58 57 hmm [Music] um thirteen twenty nine twenty it's me oh i'm dizzy sorry i didn't mean to scare you are you okay [Music] hmm [Music] see how lofty and dizzy are getting on that's it just breathe slowly in and out oh it's just you mr bentley oh are you okay lofty well we've checked the rest of the building so the answer must be in mayor madison's office [Music] we found our ghosts wendy they're bats [Music] dizzy lofty mr bentley we've solved the mystery it's bats where are they um over here [Music] um [Music] it's okay lofty look at the bats aren't they glorious oh yeah they are amazing i wonder who bats got inside the town hall bats only come out at night so they must have been sleeping somewhere inside during the day they flew out of the fireplace so maybe they were in the chimney yes good thinking we'll go up and check in the morning you were right wendy i found this hole yesterday and sealed it up if that's how the bats were getting inside the chimney they wouldn't be able to get out again afterwards the bats were sleeping in the chimney i accidentally blocked up their way out so all you have to do is make another way out for them it isn't that simple lofty it's okay for bats to sleep there when it's summer but they'd be hurt if anyone lit a fire when it's cold oh no you've got to find a way to keep the bats safe bob don't worry dizzy we'll build the bats a new house and put it by the chimney where they used to sleep [Music] i'm sure the bats will feel at home in their splendid new bat house now i need to work out how to tell the mayor about her new neighbors good luck with that mr bentley oh dear i knew all along that the town hall wasn't really haunted course you did [Music] lofty a big hole how did that happen bob it was the huge storm we had last night muck big waves crashed against the wall and damaged it good morning bob i do hope you can fix this today hello mr bentley yes i'm sure we can thank goodness we can't have our sea wall turning to rubble tomorrow's the start of the spring holidays people will be coming here to have fun who'd want to spend time on a beach covered with rubbish oh oh dear me you're right lofty that's not good and there's flotsam and jetsam everywhere flo what mr bentley a flotsam and jetsam it's what we call things that float in the sea and eventually get washed up onto beaches like this lot so it's all rubbish well mostly but as a boy i used to go beach combing oh the hours i spent searching the sand for anything special or interesting however right now i need the beach to look perfect for our visitors well i can work on the wall while lofty muck and scoop clear the beach easy peasy no problem thanks bob i'll leave it to you see you later bye oh look he's curtis where's he going i think he's off to do a spot of fishing muck now then let's get to work who knows what treasures there might be among the blossom and jetson oh really if we're lucky we might find something really really special like that piece of driftwood that's not special it's no good for anything except the bin it's good for looking at scoop it's like a work of art that's beautiful beautiful just looks like a piece of old wood to me well to me it's beautiful and i'm going to look for more pieces of driftwood say yourself i'm going to do some clearing okay guys time to get this beach ready for some spring fun can we fix it yes we can [Music] the best of friends [Music] everybody [Music] oh great more rubbish [Music] no scoop that's much too interesting to do away what look at that lovely curly shape it's almost like the tail of a mermaid uh no can't say it lofty it's just useless driftwood you can't do anything useful with it i bet i can do something with it but i'm not sure what just yet why don't you put all the driftwood in one neat pile near the ramp lofty and then you can decide what to do with it later okay bob then would you come and help me put this stone back in the wall will do bob good work lofty thanks do you think i've got all the fix them and gypsum scoop flops um fix them and gypsum flotsam and gypsum yeah there have i got it all um oh hang on i can see one more piece there we go what's that scoop huh driftwood you could make something interesting out of that a garden decoration or a fence post or it's just more rubbish curtis hey mark thanks scoop i've got it all boob that's great muck would you take it to the recycling center please me way wow look at that driftwood it's so lovely i have to save it i just need to grab it back [Music] oh got it just hang on a second man hey what's going on thanks mac i just had to save this piece sorry i made a mess but i'll go and pick it all up now uh how are you gonna do that lofty look oh who knew what a disaster it's all drifting back out to sea excellent bob as good as new and the beach looks pristine perfect for tomorrow's holidaymakers lofty is something wrong it's my fault bob i had to rescue this driftwood but yes i sort of pulled out some of the flotsam and jetsam and it sort of fell into the river and now it's sort of uh heading this way oh no well at least it's not on the beach but the tide is coming in which means it soon will be oh no i'm really sorry if we have a messy beach the visitors won't stay and all my plans for carnivals regattas and fix some fun fun fun will be for nothing this will be a disaster [Music] see the disaster is happening already oh i wish we could collect it all before it reaches the beach if only yes that's it lofty that's exactly what we'll do huh there's more than enough uh did i suggest something clever you did lofty we can make floating booms out of your wood and use them all to catch the debris oh that does sound clever oh no curtis would you give us a hand to collect all that rubbish yes of course bob anything if it means i can catch fish instead of rotting boots excellent just one more thing [Music] bob hi wendy there's a bit of an emergency down at the beach please could you bring us a long rope okay no problem i'm on my way [Music] so [Music] okay lofty you and curtis are going to sweep along the shore and collect all the rubbish with the booms got it bob okay curtis let's go take it easy lofty yes you need to coordinate with curtis and work together right here co-ordinate royto curtis i'll stay here you bring the boom round towards the beach it's working [Music] guess that driftwood was good for something after all what's going on good timing muck we've got one last load of flotsam and jetson for you oh thank you bob you've saved fix and beach from disaster now our visitors will have a wonderful clean time when they arrive oh but aren't you getting rid of that too no we can't that wood is really special just look at all those beautiful shapes they do look interesting that's good beach combing lofty so what are you gonna do with them lofty i think they should be on display what about using them to decorate the path from the car park to the beach what a splendid idea oh you do let's do it [Applause] there all done happy lofty it looks really beautiful bob what do you think scoop i think that one looks like a unicorn that one just looks like a big stick that one looks like mr bentley on a scooter and that one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bob the Builder
Views: 624,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, B.O.B, Bob, Bob the Builder, Bob the Builder Birthday, Bob the Builder Can We Fix it?, Bob the Builder Cartoon, Bob the Builder English, Bob the Builder Full Episodes, Bob the Builder Mega Machines, Bob the Builder New, Bob the Builder game, Builder, CGI, Can We Fix It?, Cars, Cartoon, Cartoons for Kids, Cement Mixers, Curtis, Diggers, Dizzy, Fixham, Leo, Lofty, Machines, Muck, Roley, Scoop, Spring City, Team Bob, Team Work, Tools, Trucks, Vehicles, Wendy, WildBrain
Id: D7dfaZAwF9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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