Bob Seger Reveals How The Silver Bullet Band Got Its Name | Letterman

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our next guest is a Grammy award winner  and a member of the Rock and Roll Hall   of Fame this guy has sold over 52  million albums worldwide 52 million albums and he's not done remember when this  guy was all about uh Chevy trucks oh yeah   like a rock for God's sake like a damn Rock  remember that fantastic yeah woo um his new   album is entitled right out and he's currently on  a North American tour uh ladies and gentlemen the   great Bob Seager I have a thank you I have so  many questions for you uh I have enjoyed your   music as long as you've been making music and when  you started uh what a daunting time and daunting   place for a kid to begin a musical career in  an around Detroit who were the same who were   who were the guys the men and women in your your  class of who are your well Stevie Wonder Marvin   Gay The Temptations the Miracles uh yeah had  the whole mtown bunch and uh Mitch Ryder was   before me and he did really well he came to New  York here and and had his records produced did   you get to interact with these other musicians  oh yeah oh yeah uh there was a a Canadian um uh   television station and I remember one New Year's  Eve it was really a thrill uh I was in a room   with Stevie Wonder The Four Tops uh Diana Ross  and The PRS and they're all practicing and you   know singing and Stevie was playing harmonica  and it was just was pretty he pretty is this   uh out of like Windsor Ontario yes yeah uh uh  and how old were you then if you don't mind 21   21 oh my god did you ever uh work on any Motown  records did you no I never did no no I I signed   with capital actually they offered me a deal but  I I signed with capital and uh uh did you know   Barry Gordy never met him no but I I met some  of the writers down through the years uh and   uh Holland oer Holland and some of those people  they were I've heard PA talk about those people   before Oh the greatest what a what a run but talk  about a run Bob Seager yeah what about Bob Seager   in the last herd that was just before the silver  bowet yeah yeah he was a teenager and he had a   head record that's right yeah what was the song  you're talking about a rambling Gambling Man oh   that's right that's exactly right right and that  was not the silver bullet B no they weren't they   weren't quite there yet now next year uh listen  to this uh two days ago I was with some friends   and we were talking about you and the Silver  Bullet Band and a friend of mine said do you   know how the name of the Silver Bullet Band came  to be and I said I don't know and then he told us   this story if you will tell us the story and  then I'll know if my friend is lying well we   were we were he's probably not lying we were all  arguing about what our band name should be and and   I was kind of letting the band pick it themselves  and and uh and they just kept arguing and arguing   went on and on and on and finally my manager  sent us our paychecks with Bob Seager and the   Silver Bullet Band on it he got tired of waiting  for us so he made it up himself really yeah yeah   that's where it came my friend's version of  this was okay that to go to gigs you guys had   a stretch limousine that was painted silver  and it was nicknamed the Silver Bullet no no sorry give me an idea the quality of friends I get good  information these days now when when you uh your   music is to me well of course I you know this is  right in my wheelhouse uh but when you play live   on this concert tour is it going to be guys like  me or is it going to be all kind of all-aged kids   old you know it depends on the city and it just  but we get all ages yeah yeah we really do and   um and uh it's really a joy to play with my band  I've been with him now basically since the same   exact cast of character since about 1980 886 right  in there and and we've been uh doing it together   forever and it's just like a family I used to  play that Ramblin Gamblin man when I worked   at a college radio station and and within 100  million how much did you make from Chevy honest   to God I mean well we gave some to the workers  fund you know oh yeah yeah there you go that's fantastic selling those trucks weren't  we oh boy did you you must have got a   free truck every month no I had to buy them  I I swear I did I bought them yep honest to God h
Channel: Letterman
Views: 188,525
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Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: n2tzKwA92Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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