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a water by G so I've been alone ain't that splash date I bought this thing here it's prob breakout box but already hard one but I'm gonna show you it what the difference is [Music] this breakout box here by park oh it's exactly same as the Blue Point one a lot of guys use these and they're very quick Harley lates up and this one here gives you the voltages in each pen so that's a big advantage hood and goes through install character scar or whatever it is you're using this one here does the same thing you may think and mmm that has lates on it for all the parents as well and you can purchase the probes in it which is what I thought was a good advantage of them someone we can't do that with them but I have noticed that this does have a wee bit of a limitation it's just this is just for gangs that have one of these things and that's just to show you what the crackdown is here so it probably can't make it up in camera there but the pins aren't that big and they're not that deep in there and believe it or not and this sort of Chinese one here the Pens are a bit deeper a bit thicker if I show you this is a we will be the extension and then what brown darkness but it's actually it's actually not bad it seems to be fairly well me it and again just begged effect pins and not on the go quite deep just trying it your foot was smart so yeah big thick pens in the go quite deep if you look at this one again there not as thick and they don't go as they're not as long depends wouldn't be as long that's quite hard leaders reason that we lay don't their EP to be populate their get you in so this is what a phone in this car here let's this seat that you can see here this is a septum c3 the pursue set on PSA Veals it is the one that the DLC connector can be a bit ropey attempts and that's because the pen ID and the DLC has offset pens so will maybe try and show you that I'll try to get you in here and the whole arsenal can write or note the don't wear this so this I'll actually showed up but not pen there is some gun further and I got one there as well that one's forward not one's forward what's forward that one's forward so that's sunk away and not some grand see you tend to feign down on these these Persian sector vales that that's that's what you get and then you may think oh this is a rupee connector you have here but I've seen this I've seen this before and what a counter as well as I can only on the auto teller and I feel there's Kantos kan can ban the specially these metal pens here actually bans them because the the top pen maybe raids over the top of it and goes under there instead ended here so with it with these type of fields it's a good idea to use an extension cable so far plug our new breakout box and this section will just get colony flashing and if we gave the DLC here a bit of a way all about that's you can see it's a very pure connection there so there's chassis going dominate there and all that so plug out in the extension cable there's our con high on con low throws up a warning here because it sees voltage and pen one but as far as you know that's that's normal on these pages you can person seconds yeah you'll get that so just ignore the one so if later sweetie breaker box is you can scroll through serve pen ones food all day to nut and three four ten there's your can't signal there so yeah a lot of people like these highly recommended but I'm person Persia with septums you need to use an extension cable otherwise you get false readings so we'll just do a comparison with that if I plug that into the that's cheap cheaper one that's cheaper version con high and low lights aren't flashing with that so it's easy shot see growing signal ground under voltage and naathan and pen one and it's not reading there at all if a plugger we we sample scar and the pass through here for the for the cheap breakout box that comes up okay and car fast witnesses it will respond so let's find the car line so it's reading okay through the three dot breakout box but it's not showing the con singles there oh no on the Wii dates through that see em experiment on the on this breakout box and we'll plug the the Wii U's counter Louise do we read here here then to the far end of it there so she comes up okay let's go all three all the protocols because it's not connected properly in the DLC so it's not gonna it's not gonna find anything there so it's good it's gonna scroll through all the protocols and it's it's gonna come up with a link in there so quite simply the we plug on the breakout box just depends aren't big enough and stuff a god see on perceptions this is what I found a lot cause of the cause of it was all sat tens so you just need to watch and you don't just plug that in there purchase section then you think I'm messing the current segment here or account link or something so it's just to be quick video anyway just to show you need to know limitations you need to know your tools you need to know the the function are they off them and what they can show what's normal what isn't normal all our search as so if I can get that in this shot that if I can keep that for once it'll eventually go to Lincoln alright there we go okay that's it we quick video thanks very much for watching old bastard bye-bye
Channel: dave sterl
Views: 1,516
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Id: c0OnqOiwNVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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