Bob Newhart Carson Tonight Show 1984

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we are back alright my first guest is a good friend he's had an amazing record of successes on television the early years of CBS he was on CBS then he had the show with Suzanne Suzanne Pleshette and he's in the third year of the Bob Newhart show busy busy busy it premieres modena premiers Monday over the season premiere premiers Monday October 17 at 9:30 p.m. is that on this network no not on this net will well it's on one of the others yeah this coming Saturday he'll be a period of benefit for Seattle University would you welcome Bob Newhart [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] was there any show I didn't plug I went back the early days on CBS uh yeah the I did a you won an Emmy the first season here on CBS right remember we shared I was a co-host out here and you were the you were the co-host in New York and I got a I got a Peabody an Emmy and a pink slip from NBC all I mean that is absolutely true in fact that your every show that was nominee that one had been canceled Dick Van Dyke had been canceled there's something strange in the business because that happened I think last year Cheers one Buffalo Bill was up for Emmys and all of a sudden the shows are off the air how do you explain that well I don't John I got a winner now and I'm excited we've done I'm very excited about this you we've yeah we've done 11 shows and they're all good it's fine when it's when it's when it works it's fun yeah well you're good you know you hang around you learn a few things you don't take compliments well do you know I don't we've got each other and if I say something to him he begs auspice well you know pretty lucky and drawl it's it works it were right you're right I'm good I'm sorry that's all you're really good did I not only good I saw you in a movie the other way you know when you turn down a compliment it's really like getting another one you know when someone says oh no then you say yeah yeah yeah you really get two compliments instead of yeah it's a sneaky thing to do and that's why would you would you give so many compliment they should accept it well if you ever say to your wife no women are good at this you say you look really nice and I Jenny what do they normally say or I like your hair um not really or well I'm still a mess or something I'll say that yeah like that I like the dress and she'll say huh I've only worn this about 12 times as young no good deed goes unpunished I saw you in a movie this is the first wife in my case [Applause] not only good but the streak of cruelness underneath underneath the goodness we're all made up of two different people write that down I don't come up with a real pissy statement too often Kevin are you trying to tell me something we have to do a commercial then we'll come back and good you can hurt me again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're back we're talking with Bob Newhart I think some jokes early in the monologue about the strike at Disneyland which is really getting kind of rough those people are gonna walk out you've worked at the Disney studio I did a I did have animated a voice Bernard the mouse and the rescuers would they I never saw that yeah you you played a cartoon character you come in it's really interesting you come in and you do like five pages and and then you come back a year later because it takes them that long to do the five pages you didn't and you have these conferences you know which I really wasn't used to but they take very seriously like say okay let's see okay landed in New Orleans and you you and Ava flown on the back of the albatross from New York to New Orleans so you'd be you'd be kind of tired I guess so yeah yeah I guess you fly from New York to New Orleans on the back of Mel trust you're gonna be a little and then you rode the alligator up through the swamps so maybe get a little fear in your voice Bob fine whatever you want this we had some actors on a few years ago we wanted to show what it was like when they dubbed the voices on cartoons and I think we invited English I know there's you in for a or you know a lot of example who doing Paul fries and her and the we had a screen here and they set with the dialogue now it's the strangest sight to see distinguished people he said his gentleness white-haired gentleman sitting around as he's looking up there and there's a beaver on the screen you know and he is now doing the voice she's never seen a course this distinguished man sitting there saying yeah I think I'll go over there and chop down the wood you know and then then he gets up and goes home says thank you very much that's what they do right and it's a it's a it's a unique art what kind of voice did you have for right you can if you can recall i Jimmy the fear and tired what was it out there beyond it was I hate to put you on the spot like this and for a performance but for this kind of money of course that's gonna do him a voice is not fair oh gee Bianca that was about it Disney hired you for that now did you get you never seen in the picture no but you just read it you get credits my daughter I have a six year old and she loves she thought that was probably my finest I was you were the same thing occurred to me during the Disney strike cuz I pictured all the favorite cartoon people on the you know voting on the strike you know and kids we've grown cartoon characters that night sit around negotiations I mean well it's they're gonna call for the strike footage so okay we're gonna go out on strike now uh anyone have anything to say before we go out over there they can take this job and shove it dad I just know why [Laughter] all those all those in favor say raise your right hand your right hand dopey okay go for you have a question we do but you forgot what it is okay Tinkerbell you want to say something oh let's just get on with a strike [Music] [Applause] ago she ate I say last week I said something about one of the problems was they had a Pinocchio and their negotiating team a little tough female idea sometimes you spell it out and we do diagrams or the jokes get a birthday this month our last month the 55 list September 5th fine why didn't it hold you know I'm not ashamed of it you look very good thank you five that's usually that's why I said it you know Jimmy my wife taught me that she said you should always tell you correct age because if you lie about it people are gonna say oh boy she looks terrible yeah a few years ago and then people said gee you don't really know what's now you you're not the same sign I don't even know my mother go is that good well I think it's good I didn't I didn't have a hell of a lot to say about it but I'm a typical Virgo what do you mean by that very logical very logical patient very patient married to a Sagittarius who's there very the marriage shouldn't last according to astrology but you're not its last 22 years shouldn't shouldn'ta lasted a day because well Sinatra's a Sagittarius that gives you an example yes very direct people whatever is on their mind they say it yeah and 22 years I've had oh and they don't mean to hurt they they're just saying the best example remember the Folgers coffee commercial where the wife serves the guy the coffee in the morning and he saw worst coffee ever had in my life right and she cries and she goes to mrs. Olson but her Brides him and she says how do you make great coffee it's very easy Tereus the wife were Sagittarius the guy would get the hot coffee right in the crotch okay thank you know check in with mrs. Olsen and then ask how's the coffee today great coffee yeah I'm one of those people I don't put much credence in astrology to be honest with you but I'm what they say on the cusp whatever that means very uncomfortable you know libra Scorpio October 23rd well leap libras and and I'll get letters on this cuz it you know this to give me the good stuff I don't care about the badge that well there is that much good stuff no libras can't make up their mind but that's not you leave is this cool Scorpio is very secretive there's here yeah keep secrets well I mean you see it's not an attractive animal if you've ever seen it Scorpio younglings you know it's true kind of carries things narrow hands kind of carries you're not getting this from me so you think I have more of those traits no I'm not saying you own the building I mean that's what you're in sin you get away a few things over [Applause] [Music] I guess that's true I don't but when I see those things I say yeah that's true I am kind of secretly there are right but I don't run my life I mean I don't stay in bed if I have a bad you know bad report that they go in there RP they've been actresses who have done that they won't go to work they won't drive they won't take in the fire yeah because their chart or whatever it is but there there's enough instances of I mean I can see it myself and I can see it in friends that are very goes another Sagittarius yeah but don't you think those are the things you quality you can also have in any other side you pick out the ones that seem to fit you and reject the others well right Rickles is a is Taurus the Bull all right that's some more less choices love to stay home hate to travel they'd love and Don's like that Don hates to go on the road right so there is something to oh come on now you really believe that I that night said you know I don't run my life by it but it's I've just seen too many instances of a bit being correct well there's no scientific basis for it though is there no I suppose no turn on me I didn't you know didn't you read that above you - no no Scorpios also turn on on people when they don't believe them hee ha now if you were too secretive yeah see you you wouldn't have said that if you were true Scorpio you would have waited and then when the show is over you would have turned to Freddy and said I'm gonna get him the fact I did it openly like that must be some nice quality and oh the know there are a lot of lovely quality well I haven't heard any of them did that feel natural very sleek that way at night well that could be other things too loneliness is one of them yes Scorpios also have a tendency to be lonely lonely yes sleep like this open there's something we'll just show up anyway what is it into this into this conversation gotta put this do want to put this night near diary later on we can uh you keep a diary by the way no I can't do that either and I have a terrible memory I just have an awful memory somebody's gonna come to you someday and say hey Bob would like a book and they've done that and I said oh my god I haven't written things down yeah I file them away and I can remember things that people say do you remember the time that we were for example if you said to me remember the time we reach your house at a party or playing drums with so-and-so it flashes back very vividly yeah you remember the night I'm talking about I remember with yeah it's funny with comedians if you sit around and talk eventually comedians singers talk about how crowded it was and how great they sang dancers today there was a best sleep I ever made eventually comedians if you talk long enough will tell you about the time they died absolutely the worst death of of any show that you've ever done I don't it's something about the comedian's will we remember I don't remember the greatness I remember the really bad nights yeah and they say that people have a tendency to remember the more pleasurable moments in their life but you're right comedians don't they'll say oh I did a show and so forth in 1952 at the American Legion Hall and really died and why is that so punishing you think I guess so yeah yeah insecure you insecure now they say oh Scorpios are also insecure I read that today I never heard that but that's what they say insecure no they're very Scorpios are very good friends the best thing best kind of friend you can have is no now we're good as you can tell him anything and he will he will not divulge it of course because we're secretive yeah let's take a break here okay okay whatever you want [Applause]
Channel: Archy L
Views: 160,424
Rating: 4.7588873 out of 5
Id: U4JbilfMwls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2017
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