Bob Melvin believes the Giants' resiliency is part of the team's identity now | NBC Sports Bay Area

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talk to some about um sort of team wins and then different guys doing it on a different night wisely tonight what are your thoughts on yeah look I mean it's just kind of what we're doing right now and you know we talk about it every day is it's 27th out until then you know every bat means as as much in the first as it does the ninth and we seem to have a little flare for the dramatic here race recently it's not just The Comebacks but in these comebacks rallies of four runs five runs explain that at all yeah well you know a big hit can ignite you and Wade comes off the bench who isn't even going to play today um except for just hit and you know gets gets another just huge hit like he tends to do and then after that you know once we tied the game we had a really good feeling that we were going to win the game based on what's transpired the last few days we saw him going for second there on the hamstring yeah I wasn't comfortable with that but you can't you know once your instincts kick in he said he was fine so I think hopefully be good tomorrow wisy day overall yeah he's really done a nice job for us since he's gotten here you know and playing a little bit out of position at Short at times and very much out of position at first at the end of the game um but just the way our our bench you know was set up today we had to do some under Orthodox things and when you win Wild games like that sometimes guys are going to play out a position a little bit you guys were very aggressive against too was that kind of the plan yeah it was I mean he just fills up the zone so to get behind 01 all the time you know even though after that he was still filling up the Zone throwing his breaking ball for strikes I think once he kind of identified that we were trying to be aggressive on the fast ball early but he's just a really good pitcher and you got to try to take your best shot at him and that was to be more aggressive Jackson hasn't necessarily had some of the results he wanted recently for him to do that there especially with a little bit of trouble um what are your thoughts on yeah that that's that's a big game for him you know he's used to pitching at the back end of of a bullpen and being an important games you know we were talking to the bullpen the other day about you know there's some guys pitching in roles that they're not used to pitching in Taylor as well so you know they don't they don't complain about it they know kind of what it looks like now and that tends to flip around as the season goes along so when these guys get their footh hold again they'll be they'll be in more prominent roles again the ER Lucio a little bit of a tough one there given given the feed and how close they were how how did you look at that one yeah I my angle is not good at all from where I am in The Dugout Hicks kind of rebounding stranding the door there in the first pretty big in retrospect yeah he's been doing it all year really so you know again five innings pitch count a little short but you know we weren't given them much rest and you know it's like three minutes and he's back on on the mound again and he deals with a lot especially in Day games so he he was a little bit cooked there at the end but again he only gives up one run what's his the ra now it's pretty good yeah you guys have had so many comeback wins like that is there an element of building momentum like when you get to this point in the game down by a run or two do you feel like events of the previous few days can help you out today it's very contagious yeah and you know we've come back bigger you know numbers than than one so all it takes is you know is one big hit to get a run but it is it's it's you know the talk and The Dugout late in the games is here we go again seen a lot of those kind of games here this last week what's it like to be right in the middle of it oh it's fun I mean this team's so resilient no matter if we're down five down two down one we're going to battle every bat and I mean it's proven last what four games me last F five or five games we've been in the Extra Innings or ninth inning with the the game I mean on the line it's pretty exciting you guys weren't having a ton of success against sarino but but you were oh I mean his stuff was I his stuff was just so good it was electric today I I just thought about I try to be really really simple and I I mean I SW got a pitch out of the zone that probably shouldn't have swung at but luckily made contact with it and got over the third basement's head broke up the no hitter and I feel like that that kind of got the team going and kind of got some energy on the Dugout you've seen so much of Lamont you know here and there with him coming up in that situation what do you kind of oh Lamont's just such an incredible hitter I mean whether it's him drawing walks or him hitting balls really hard sometimes people sometimes not I mean I have I mean speaking for the team I feel like we have the most confidence in the in Lamont no matter what the situation is Lamont's going to come out and have a great bat you haven't been getting a ton of opportunities since You' been just how do you keep yourself prepared to contribute in any given just in the in the batting cage staying locked in doing a lot of mix BP doing a lot of machine doing a lot of just different things to kind of work on timing and when I get my shot out there I just try to just be on time for the heater and just try to be as short and as simple as I can be and it's it's helped out a lot doing that in the cage the top set the dug out a lot do you see morale part of oh yeah 100% I love I love playing with these guys love watching these guys I mean we have some of the best guys in the league in this team and I mean just watch them every day I try to learn something from them whether it's hitting whether it's Fielding whether I mean the pitchers I try to pick their brain and see how they throw to batters and I just like to learn about this game and with this team I feel like I learned a lot how comfortable did you feel at first base uh a little uncomfortable I mean I've played a little bit in the minor leagues but uh definitely a lot different up here the big big big level what what did you say when Bob said you know grab get out there he said uh Ry Rhino came up he was like grab your first basement I was like well I kind of don't have one so I went up to Wilmer and I asked him to Barrow his and he let me so that was good you fely a second right just how would you R your your comfort level at shorts St uh it's I feel like every day it's getting better just trying to learn something every day uh doing a lot of work over there and and Triple A working with wo down there too just kind of just working on footwork it's a lot different than second so just trying to keep up with they do a lot of ground balls and learn something there every day through lat games the way this team has been playing lately the whole team what what are your thoughts as kind of the one of the experts on winning games this way um that we never out the ball game you know um this offense nobody wants to give away at bats everybody's trying to move the line keep it going for the next guy behind him to do it for him so um no we're just a resilient team know that we're never out of the game um pitchers keep us in it and then you know as a hit is you know we're trying to keep get there back and the last week it's been pretty good how was your hamstring which one was it it's good which one is it the left left and going to Second didn't that wasn't a problem no anything in particular that kind of jumps out to you during this stretch um timely hitting the young guys have really been stepping up it's been really good um guys are taking good bats and you know starting pitches has been great first of all what do you think about what your team has been doing kind of all week but also including today all the comeback ones no I mean never out of it um it's been a really good thing obviously um it's not ideal to go down for um but it's pretty cool to make history coming back from those deficits so um I think we're in a great spot just keep it rolling keep swinging it keep pitching well and even if we it's I think it's good for the long term of the season because you go down early or something like that like you don't want to have that feeling dou that we're out of it so it's nice to know that we have some fight you know how were you feeling physically today after kind of not not feeling your best last time out yeah I mean I'd say this is probably the hottest Game of the Year for me personally um but overall shoulder felt great um felt like I had a little bit more energy and uh splitter was doing its thing so sinkro is really nice on the outer um glove side so um I like the outing besides the O2 hung slider it's probably going to be Haunting Me In My Dreams next couple days but I think we'll get over it by the next one B was saying you know you were back out there so quickly some of those Innings that you know maybe it could could take an little bit of an extra tool did it feel like that at all it did um I think that our game plan maybe was to get him early or something maybe he throws a lot of strikes early in the count and that was our game plan I don't really know but it did feel like those first two three innings were like sit down 2 minutes later I I felt like I was back on the mountain so um those games are like I kind of like them and I kind of don't cuz I fatigue a little faster but at the same time it's it's nice to just have your rhythm going and uh just not too much time not a long inning from from our side and just kind of just getting a rhythm yeah those late inning comebacks 1 team build momentum really you guys feel like on the bench in the seventh eth nth like we're down one two three four we got a real shot here even though it's nothing great at the moment yeah for me at least I feel like like I never lost hope I feel like the belief is there even I mean you're only down one in this game but like the previous ones the first one you come back from it's like okay we just did that and the second one so as you go it's like all right I guess this we're just going to fight back every single time we're down which is a good identity to have and uh it's just a good feeling to be winning so 19 swing misses today does that tell you anything about your most of the season is that the most okay um no I mean I felt like the splitter was really working today and then uh the Sinker off that really just establishing Sinker in the zone and then getting the splitter swing of Misses but had a couple four team swinging misses for strikeouts and then uh that pitch is really coming around and then just consistent consistency with all my pitches in the zone um feels like it's getting better every start so I you're going to have a few where you kind of falter but I think so far I so far so good and I just want to keep building
Channel: NBC Sports Bay Area & California
Views: 4,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o2TbPC0MWYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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