Bob Kramer Stone Kit

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hey there guys welcome back Ricky here alright so today I've got a very exciting unboxing and demo for you guys it is the sharpening kit by Bob Kramer and the official title is the Kramer by Zwilling sharpening kit and this here it's got a number of stones it's got a bridge and an auger all included I also have the 3000 grit supplementary stone by the same company now the reason I actually asked for the 2000 is because this apparently is made by chose Sarah and so I'm actually very very curious as to how it compares to the actual choicerish stone the 3000 grit stone and a lot of you guys I'm wondering what this is like versus the shaft and glass stone so as you guys may know I have the entire collection of shot and glass so once I have this in box and over the next few weeks few days I will actually be doing side-by-side comparisons with these stones versus true Sarah's and the shaft and glass stones so very exciting time I'll open this as well but first I'm gonna open the actual kit and then we'll take a look at that alright so here is the kit we have okay so whatever look at the specs too much there's obviously some information on the back of the box but we're gonna actually I'll take a look at it really quickly here so the kit includes a 400 1000 and 5000 grit stone and then we have a sync bridge just made of bamboo and a cleaning stone which is the dressing stone or the none of Naga wear stone it's a very good stone and then a DVD I don't know why there's a DVD here because I guess some people still use DVDs I haven't seen a DVD in my home and in a few years and and then an instruction video I guess would be included there alright so you know there's really no not a whole lot to read about let's just open this thing up and take a look okay so this is our DVD which we will not use okay and all right so this is our cleaning stone let's just put this out first open it later and our stones and our bridge okay so I will show you guys my current setup of my sharpening station and then I will swap it out and actually do a demo for you guys and see how this thing sets up see all right so we will open each one of these items I can't open a box today oh here we go okay so here is the bridge it's pretty nice it's actually very very nicely put together the quality of this bridge is actually surprisingly nice I have always been kind of skeptical of this kit not because it was made by or designed by Bob Kramer but because of the bamboo bases I've never been a huge fan of bamboo bases I am I've ordered a few of them on Amazon and I've never really liked them the quality was never very good typically the bamboo is very very dry and the finishing on the bamboo of some of the bases that I bought weren't very good this actually has a decent base it's a very it's a scent finish so it's nice there and the corners and the edges are actually all fairly well polished or well sanded I should say and this here see so this extension this so it's basically two of the same platforms that are just stacked and you're able to move them to different areas and different lengths which actually will be pretty handy so I'll put it on to my sharpening brute sink my sink my bin and see how it actually holds up so that's the base and you just tighten it with these screws here hopefully this is stainless or these are stainless because these do get wet quite often and a number of my other bridges have gotten a lot of rust on them because just using non-standard parts and so this here will you can use this without a base so I've been using so with my setup here I've been using with a with the rubber base which actually works really well because it gives you extra height so not only do you have better grip for your stones you have extra clearance this shouldn't really be a problem because the stones are approved flat and this area is also to hold the stops here actually are very low as well but overall decent looking design now for the stones this is what I'm excited about alright so we will open one stone at a time this here is the 400 stone Oh luckily I grab the coarse stone first okay so great packaging here oh that feels really nice Wow okay so this is a very nice stone I mean it is actually a little thicker than the shuttle glass stones I believe by maybe a couple of millimeter or two but very very nice stone it's 400 grit and the coolest thing I have in shot and glass of things is 320 grit so I will have a sharpening session with this versus the 320 and and also the 500 shopton glass stone but very nice feeling stone definitely very very smooth a very high quality feeling stone and something that I'm not surprised because being that it's a glass stone you they and because it is so thin they really have to up the quality and the hardness of these IV stones so very nice so far we have next the 1000 grit stone now one thing I forgot to mention there is a 10,000 supplemental stone which I really wish they would include it into the kit it would be a lot easier to have the four hundred one thousand you know four thousand five three thousand five thousand and the ten thousand great stone because you're paying so much money for the kit anyways it would have been nice to have that included to have the three thousand and the ten thousand stone included in the kit but I can see why they left them out because some people may not want to go ten thousand grit sharpening and some people want us may want to skip the three thousand grit so I understand the logic I just I would've been better to include the three thousand and ten thousand grit stones alright so this is the one thousand which stone very nice very nice very smooth definitely very flat and yeah this is a really I mean you can see the polish even like polish on the edges our Shepherd on the glass part which is actually very very surprising so all the corners are shepherd mmm very nice ok so this is the five thousand grit stone whoa look at that that's really nice very very smooth nice great tone there again it just it's a very high high quality feeling stone set and something you expect that would cost this much money so this is the five thousand very very smooth and I will be sharpening this against the shattered glass five thousand as well or this is a six thousand I know that's a four thousand six thousand I had to verify if I have the five thousand glass and this is the three thousand this is so I'm very excited about because I am a huge fan of show Sarah stones and in the video where Bob Cranmer actually does a shopping session with this knife and actually shows kind of you that shows you the process he says that these were made by Joe Sarah so either he had a slip-up which I don't think happened or we just didn't know that Joe Sarah was a separate not just a separate division of Naniwa but it suffered some company manufacturing plant as well so if that's the case then I will be very excited and very curious to see how these compared to the actual true Sarah / professional stones if they're made by the same company I'm guessing the they're actually very different formulas because I know that that one thousand grit stone doesn't feel like this so but still I'm actually very curious to see how it compares in terms of overall performance to the chore Sarah stones okay so here's the 3000 grit stone you know it from a initial standpoint if I were to you know maybe sand down or flatten the 3000 chore Sarah they probably do feel relatively similar and I wouldn't be surprised if this is just a slightly hardened version of each or Sarah because the trasero stones are actually very very hard the trasero 5000 not so hard and so I'm guessing this is not the same formula definitely doesn't feel the same so we have here the 400 1000 3000 and 5000 and also just as a side note there is a ten thousand grit stone as well I couldn't get the 10,000 here at this at the time of this unboxing because the ten thousands were out of stock they are all back in stock now with cutlery more so I'm gonna have them send me a ten thousand great stone so I will have the complete collection of stones and this is the air cleaning stone which I will open yeah so you know this is the exact same dressing stone as the stones that you get with any choice era stones so so this definitely is a chore Sara set up definitely a is a made by either Naniwa or chor Sara I have to research that some more and really find out for you guys but I'm really excited about that so I'll do a quick session with you guys show you guys how these stones work see how they feel and then I will do a side-by-side comparison with different grade levels but today will be just a initial sharpening with this setup here and tell you guys my initial impressions of the actual quality of the stones that are included so what I'm using now is here just here just a little bit I've got a water bin and a sink bridge by Naniwa and then my rubber base and today these are splash and goes so I'm gonna just replace I'm going to replace the sharpening bridge and I'll put this bridge here see does it fit this way it may actually fit sideways which it doesn't yeah okay so I have to go this way so one of them will actually tighten the actual bridge and then the other one will be used for your whetstone setup yeah so this this is for your whetstone okay so some of your right around here I don't have to make it very tight either just got to make it where it's relatively snug where the stone won't slide too much but you'll still be taken out yeah yeah we're good so this is a five thousand so when throwing the 400 this is a 400 stone and look at this this is actually a I think these are classified as splashing ghosts but they are actually absorbing some water see here so this is the box and and you definitely want and if it is gonna suck some water I want to give it just a few minutes actually soak some water so the 400 stone and also these are brand-new that may be a reason that it's actually absorbing some water but it doesn't actually tell me let's open the instructional video DVD which I'm not going to do okay so this is the water absorption is definitely slowing down now so let's take a look at the at the 1000 grit stone so the 1,000 the same thing so you see the 1,000 is actually absorbing water as well the 400 it's slowing down and let's see what the 3000 does 3000 is also absorbing just a [Music] very minimal amount of water starts line them up here 3000 and this is the 5000 right here see what that does so the 5000 is also absorbing some water as well so a little bit of a surprise to me but these are absorbing very little water so they still will be classified as a splash and go or a splash and goes okay let's here now the 400 definitely is the most porous of all the stones so it absorbed the most water and so the 5000 is absorbing very very little water that I did absorb just a tiny bit of water so yeah I mean these are gonna be again these are gonna be splashing goes I don't recommend you soaking them for anything longer than maybe 10 seconds just to get some water into the surface and help lubricate the sharpening process yeah so these are yeah throw me some water so the 400 now is no longer absorbing any water you can see here that water is still sitting on the surface very beautiful stone look how flat it is so flat that there it creates almost like a reflection I mean not almost it does react it does create a reflection on the stone surface here's the 1000 see how it's not absorbing any more water and waters just be sitting on the surface there here's a 3000 again water has pretty much completely stopped absorbing into the stone and the 5000 was robbed just a hair of water he's actually still absorbing water right now so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let these stones sits on the side and just let them collect whatever water that they need so I'll start working on the 400 bit stone which should be good enough now there's a little bit of debris here that shouldn't be a problem I think it's beautiful yeah bubble or something yeah really quick flattening with the 600 side so this is the 600 is Homer miss is running through the surface here not needed really not necessary for a brand new stone especially as a glass quality stone there was just a little debris sticking up from the surface that annoyed me a little bit okay we're good not okay so let's test out the e 400 well let's just test stop the the stones I have a knife here that I think it's fairly sharp okay so let's do okay so it's sharp it was from a polishing session I did a little while ago so I'm going to dull the knife on the brick do it this way okay okay I think that was 20 times just give or take a few and you're no longer cutting anything okay see so very very dull my fingers are still intact we are good to go so this gets let's get sharpening [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so that was kind of a weird shopping session where I didn't say anything I do that on purpose because I don't know why I just did it and I wanted to kind of just sharpen and do the polishing all in one row all in a row and then give my conclusion at the end um some people have asked me to not talk to my sharpening so I hopefully have made a few of you guys happy but let's do a conclusion let's talk about some of the stones and I've serve all the stones and kind of give you my take on them so I start here with the four thousand I'm sorry the four hundred so the four hundred stone is actually a very good stone I think that it's a very well cutting stone I actually really like it that it's not so hard where it doesn't really give off enough slur or enough materials during the sharpening process um the 400 stone is the stone that you really want to use once in a while it's not a stone that you want to use on a weekly basis I'm or even a monthly basis I would say that if you are sharpening your knives on a weekly basis or monthly basis the 400 grit or the 500 600 and below you really don't need to touch unless you have a really dull knife or every six months to one year because the the lower grade stones are worth less is called a coarse stone the core stones are meant to fix your knives and to take out chips and to kind of really take off a lot of material and so if you are shopping your knives you know regularly the 1000 is really where you want to start off at however this won't with stone here at you really like it because it does give off enough material as you're sharpening where you actually feel like you are actually allowing the knife to actually be sharpened on the shop did you know this versus the shaft and glass 3:20 I would say that this feels a little bit softer than 320 which I actually think is truer to a grit level than the 320 Chapman glass stone but we'll do an actual size side-by-side comparison with that stone soon overall the for each stone I think it's a very good stone it probably wears a little faster than what you would normally be - if you using glass stones so in terms of where this is very close to the chore Serra 400 it does give off some material it's actually a little bit harder than the trasero 400 but overall I think it's the feedback is pretty good I'm hand feel it's also pretty good as well being that is the core stone you definitely know what the stone is doing but you also don't feel like the stone is too rough that you are producing too much of a wire poor so overall bird development is actually very very nice very evenly wearing stone and decent decent hand feeling stone as well so that's the 400 stone moving up the ladder this is the 1,000 grit stone the 1,000 is actually a very very nice stone I find that the hand feel is excellent I find that it doesn't feel very very hard definitely you can tell different tell that it's a hard stone in terms of the comparison let's say to H or Sarah 1000 it definitely feels a little bit harder than a true Sarah 1000 in terms of hand feel I would say that it's closer to H or Sarah 800 so it definitely feels very nice very positive very good tactile feedback the hardness is definitely definitely something I would appreciate because the 1000 rich stone is your main sharpening stone that's what stone that you're gonna use most often so 1000 grit stones I prefer them to be thicker and harder than mostly the other stones that I use or mostly that the grit levels that I use it doesn't load up very well or very much you can see here that I didn't really clean the soil so loading up is gonna be great for those who don't want to have an auger to clean your stone mid sharpening because loading up of your stone will slow your stones performance down I'm by a hair not a whole lot unless it loads up completely like like a super stone then I know we're super stones which they load up quite a bit but in terms of speed your speed is going to be very very good you're not gonna have any sort of sharpening issues with a stone I definitely can tell you that this will be able to handle knives with Rockwell hardness well over 60 to 63 I'm probably definitely into the 66 and possibly even 67 I'm so definitely very nice stone it's it's a very good performance tone definitely a challenger to the shotgun glass 1000 and the trasero 800 and 1000 so I have I'll have that comparison very very soon for you guys so the next stone here is the 3000 now you can see the 3000 here doesn't really load up much and so you guys are probably wondering what is this 3000 light relative to the H or sera 3000 so let's start about the stone itself it actually feels a little bit softer than what I would expect from a $3 great stone I feel like this in terms of actual performance feels very close very very close to the Sarah 5,000 now if you guys have used at your sera 5000 it's still a very good performance tone with the polishing that someone is very very good it doesn't have the hardness of what you are used to on a trocero stone not to say that this is the soft stone at all it just feels a little bit softer than what I would expect from the 3000 grit stone mainly because my choice a or 3000 is one of my favorite stones so this I was hoping that this would be at least comparable in terms of overall performance to the trocero 3000 I feel like in terms of polish it probably is but it definitely is a little bit softer and because it is and because it is a little bit softer it feels a little bit stickier as well again not a huge problem it wasn't a problem at all I didn't feel like you know that these thickness was hindering my performance at all it just felt a little bit stickier and softer than I would but then what I was I'm used to I should really shouldn't say what I would like because you know the problem with me was sharpening stones is I have so many of you so many that I'm always referencing another stone and you know comparing stones if you were to buy the stone on your own and you were to use it I think it still would be a very good 3000 grit stone but the problem with this stone is the 5000 grit stone which we are getting to next overall I think we where is actually very good in the snow it doesn't very very it doesn't wear very fast which is a good thing because the stone is very very thin as you can see overall tactile feel the tactile the tactile feel is actually very nice because it is very smooth very luxurious feeling tactile feedback it's a little bit soft again that's relative to what I'm used to comparing to the trasero 3000 but as stone by itself it'd still be a very very good stone so that's the 3000 grit stone here's the 5000 grit stone now the 5000 grit stone I within the first stroke I noticed that they you can see right here that the load-up is definitely something that stands out however the load-up doesn't slow the stone down at all at least not in this case the speed of this stone is actually very good because then as I'm sharpening it I'm really I can see that the the ability of the stone so I should give you a good edge is very good I think that this is actually a better stone than the 3000 so after using this kit just for one sharpening session I do think that it was a smart decision for us willing to not include the 3000 in the kit because you really don't need the 3000 because this actually is a very good performing 5000 rich stone the tactile feedback is very good I mean it is on par with what I would expect from a premium-grade 5000 grit stone the hand feel is actually better than the 3000 grit stone which is which is where I think this stone really stands out so that's why I say that 3000 is really not needed in this kit at all because the 5000 is a very good stone better than what I would expect so definitely a stone that caught my attention and come I caught me by surprise you know when I was using when I was going to sharpen on this kit I thought that the 3000 was going to blow the five thousand stone away that's not the case at all the five thousand definitely in this case is a better stone I will do a side-by-side comparison with them to give you a better understanding of them but in terms of my initial use of it I think the 5000 is a superior stone and so overall though I mean it's a really good stone set the base was actually very very sturdy and didn't give me any problems at all it never loosened up during the sharpening process as long as you set up properly you whether you're over a sink or on a bin the base is actually very sturdy and wide enough that your stones don't stick as long as you have enough grip with the stops here they actually will not slip at all and so the stones were able to come off pretty easily and reattach pretty easily overall I think it's a pretty good kit the dress in stone I never used it's a soaking dress in stone by the way so you can see here that it absorbs water very quickly see you right there we go and you see the bubbles too when you put the dressing stone in there was a whole lot of bubbles that came out the first time I put it in there but these are actually really nice them they are soft though so just keep in mind use them sparingly in terms of how many uses you can get out of them I think they'll last about twenty to thirty uses okay so maybe two to three dozen let's say three dozen uses which is average for a Nagaraj stone I think that and in terms of the quality of stone it's a really good quality stone I just don't like it that it doesn't last very long you know but if you were to buy H or Sarah stone by itself you get one so if you bought fortress air stones you get four of these stones however in this kid you buy one of these you get one or you buy one kit you get one stone and I think they're also for sale for like twenty twenty-five bucks which isn't a bad price but in my initial conclusion of using this stone set I think that it's actually a very good set if you were considering this set I think that you can definitely pull the trigger on one if you have the money to buy this set it's a great set I would say leave the three thousand out for now until I give you or at least in this setup you don't need a three thousand grit stone I will do more testing on it in my opinion may change and I may say go out you know go and buy the three thousand but in this scenario I think that the three thousand is not needed because the five thousand grit stone is a really fantastic stone just from my initial sharpening now this knife here the Dow strong Sjogren's axe this is a hard hard well rating of the Harville rockwell rating of 62 to 63 so a fairly hard knife this this setup here can definitely handle knives I think up to 66 like a pretty sure that maybe I'll just even 67 so yeah that is my conclusion hopefully you guys enjoyed this unboxing slash demo it's not something I do very often but I think a lot of folks have been asking for me I should demo products as I open them and so these in boxes maybe longer than usual but hopefully you guys appreciate it thank you for being here and if you guys want to see these stones versus any of my other stones please leave in the comments if you guys aren't aware of what I have I have the complete collection of Coursera's the complete collection of super stones Shatan pros shuttin glass co axe so here we'll share X and the Rica family stones so I have what is that five or six different collections of stones that I have complete sums of so if you guys want to see certain stones go head-to-head leave in the comments let me know and yeah and that'd be it for this video thank you guys for being here I'll catch you guys in the next video
Channel: Burrfection
Views: 248,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwilling sharpening whetstone review, kramer whetstones
Id: HkTZLrF5yi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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