BOATS FOUND In Storage Unit! POLICE CALLED! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And Found A BOAT!

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welcome back attorney with Jesus guys and we got another story here that here in California stick around for the Sun cuz it's amazing $850 you are not going to believe what's in this story I didn't even believe it when they opened it either than any of the other bidders needed an advantage of it no one can't perceive anything like this we open this door it's going to blow your mind don't forget to like this video guys subscribe if you're new let's get into it guys you're not gonna believe it look at this [Music] guys so as you can see there's not one boat in here there are two separate boats one smaller one at the front and one massive one in the back the crazy thing is this won't start we have no idea what's inside the boat that one's loaded with stuff too not only do we have two boats we have two giant mystery boxes no idea what's in there so you're gonna have to wait to see that because got a lot more to go through first we'll get to it later let's start going oh I'm in the unit guys this car right here we got a that looks like a [ __ ] did you see it from here magical the everything is goof off that stuff is like having said I think anything of anything crazy stuff saw there's a handsaw it's a song we could have figured that out but a lot of people's packaged it out alive you can't always trust it so got a nice saw there get this out the way what would you say this it looks like what goes on the side and almost took my feet out those you see it try to attack me this thing try that don't do that again looks like a little rat probably too comes off the side of the boat read and follow our warnings before use the train I don't know how to read we got I'm impatient you impatient like a bunny on your wrapper I am sorry I guess fruit plate they're all different kind of fruits points I'd settle for the dish that one plate what kind of plate is that I found a gun a hot glue gun still a gun don't call me a click Vader even though my shirt said that it's still a gun don't don't say nothing two guns just dishware like this watches please blah blah blah blah I guess before get these couple boxes out the way and we can keep going to see what else we come across guys we just pull up the two little metal box these are extremely heavy there's a lot of weight in there [Music] [Music] [Music] anyway just bunch of screws wire some of you have a comment section act like three you ready it's a lot I just kind of know it's too long there's no sound one locker nut Locker nuts and water nut and up Locker this is very nice I'm not too funny for me go look at this though this all looks like a gun like it has a little a holster and a trigger on it for a saw that's pretty cool that's dangerous also this big one huge metal box and its head is extremely heavy and extremely loaded with stuff we have to go we didn't buy this unit this unit was bought by lockers we tried to split it with them they're just they're too nice they wouldn't even let us split it they just wanted us to come go through it so you guys could see it so make sure you give them a big thumbs up go check out their channel they're gonna be going through it over there they wouldn't even let me give them the money for it at 2's channel I'm hoping a locker no no they wanted to go through it so you guys could see it too so make sure you go over there tell them in the comments gb city yeah ride because they got some awesome stuff coming too so we've cleared out a lot over there now it's time to get on this side Oh I'm gonna go let's over this box this mystery box it's really white I need a knife baby what do you have fix in the box no it should put it in the comments try to skip forward and see it GT they're all funny if you do that I'm serious put in the comments first no apart you guys recognize that this look like one of those hats were actually seeing they go blue you played 60 they're already lost you know they have the little top hat they walk into the bar just kind of nice looking my people yeah shut it right here what's it say American Express cards think it's all a cash pocket first nothing my favorite next to people this was that dangerous narrow panes large panes there's a wire right here metal wire - that was good flashlight this looks like a bunch of stuff they probably carried on the boat with them club a lot probably casino piss off drivers space they're back for random Jesus probably was that something they carry on the bow nothing too - interesting also only other thing we have over here is we have a couple of it'll look cheap and I mean they go that's it smell like wood it's not rich this smell rich it smells like money yeah I see you don't like the make down here but no price important off of that the car battery down there you guys are two things a lot of scrap yards will pay you if scrap yards won't pay you what is this advanced auto you take an old car battery to advanced auto they give you a $10 gift card to the store so might as well get some air for a few days you know even if it's an idea it just so you versa they recycle it the right way and they don't throw the trash well you get kind of like get fired for that better than me with a super heavy piece of junk Sam Dave Armand I know this looks like a big bag or its heart maybe for the boat somebody said this is another covered thing this looks like like the landscaping thing that they put and like stuck burrows through it or something I don't know I think we're gonna have to ride this me me me me me me I think I should do they'll just do that guys he'll do that we'll be right back now it's time for the new Olympic sport coming that's not the game or do that random cartridge handle rowing paddle things ready weird veg goal [Music] guys we just found a third vote but that's over a locker that's channel if you want to see that one you gotta go check it out but it's time for the strongman competition what I figure I'd yeah I'm just getting it lately nothing well number one it may have took a little longer than I expected to but we got it out back I think we should maybe on tarp it and see what we got going on here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] seal on the bow so that's pretty awesome overall really good boat and I got it it's it that way mocking Arthur here's Niven I'm kind of scared so I don't go down but yeah pretty awesome alright yeah so don't worry starting with this on this side first things first check out the motor that's definitely we're thinking the motor to the little bit touched me with a bloody hand moving that zigzag I thought Zeek I can remake like yes they make shoes they're brand new yeah they're zigzag they're bring don't know it does go for thank you yeah I've never even heard of this brand maybe a few thousand dollars according to some people where you be resistant clear tough and then these are lights to lights in here so you that you act like this oh look at that hold your bicycle up in the garage or storage in this case no one here that light green on the side grata G box what are these wrong wonder they're like box look at that Volkswagens thank you think that take your they're like really remade this back here says 1996 finding the three dollars daughter's Ltd London made in Great Britain oh cool Britain this one is Michael visiting made in the USA and I do not see a date / - I think they're really profitable for newly got shirts shirts shirts clipboards notebooks but peak of you sexy paintings from the 30s and 60s I see their you to appropriate this one turned along like people can just say that yeah I'm not gonna want you to keep seeing this because you're gonna do you're good you're good you're good so yeah a couple of any of inappropriate huh they're for the most part they're okay so some of these clothes might be wear something through it in detail whoa speaking of Volkswagens check that sucker out let's see there to date oh that's what you don't want to say $17 Ross tag they got exciting anything fast yeah you could probably get something to buy it to don't pay for us these are good eBay right there it's a paul bag of printer ink right there so they'll sell really good even think there's a laptop in here yeah I hope so I have a feeling it's paperwork look even worse just blank CD's Joey that's exciting we got these guys to kind of heavy it was look like two birds begins or some mints yeah that's kind of interesting I guess but Brooks doctor I think I'm gonna get the box off the way here see what's in the book bag I think we should do that well you break that all right you ready yeah pull that back out latex gloves still not wearing it up let's see hey Matt Oakland estuary racing March did he raise boats it is a boat racer that'd be kind of cool actually yeah no that's it for that bag so let me move the bag out of the way and then maybe get to this box all right guys so we're gonna start pulling some more boxes out let's see what it right into we still haven't found the gold barges they gotta be in it first that's it can I help you have one I think I do Hey yeah yes that's my doing knives we don't bring gloves or just we do this the right way you know yet about it okay black and white sale sale if he rapes teams I wonder if like each team has different colors I'm also wonder if he's a racer you think that folks like modify that ended to modify it and even more expensive because we don't know but it's a pen of some sort I don't know if it goes on the boat are like clothes I don't know if that simple is either going fishing on a boat or ever owned a boat or knowing anyone knowing about there yes yeah fight spices let me see that least I mean probably pick and blacks places need your buck place yeah all right these are light right here and then I don't know what these are there's a lot of either bolts see this guy had money on both Porsches Volkswagen this all these both parts I'm thinking they're gonna selling really well on eBay all right so let's move these boxes all the way and keeping consistent some of these other boxes this one I like the other one yeah alright we got about halfway finish pulling it that is a big boom guy nothing is massive round two there's a wait there yeah the phallic football practice that is a big boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alright guys Jana's calling you hey I was on emergency number now to see if we can keep the boats in storage unit and Castro Valley and there is two boats in them and we were supposed to call you to come out and take a look at them because they told us they cannot remove him from the premises to be able to come out see if they thank you so much bye-bye the time an hour [Music] [Applause] [Music] horsie are there any other numbers out of anywhere in the license with so what your lights over the trailer yeah but check that to know did you buy the storage things sight unseen or can they let you look at it before you've been on it you have to just roll it up we can look for a few minutes or few seconds here to know this I can see just like the manager she says she has never well she probably just being overly cautious yeah this is the first time I've ever been called to do this was there right first time I've ever seen about me then along to y'all yeah this trailer for this just be like so alright guys right now he broke down all the numbers from the registration the license plate is boat license plate he went in the car he's gonna run every single on the numbers see if they're okay they're not stolen everything good and then he'll let us know so let's wait for him to do that and I can't I can't tell you how boats are panic okay but the registration on the bigger trailer is 20:22 but he's been paying their okay yeah I know you're good they've been stolen okay awesome yeah they're all good so you want me to tell the manager yeah that was great I'll stop my way out don't let her know that I checked all the numbers and everything okay great okay you have a good other good day oh yeah okay swear sir yeah today we're concerned they can we don't have okay okay all right so my boss do reply guessing it's probably until they laid it out all right guys so the recap on this units gonna be a little bit weird because they're still hot mystery right now so according to the police the boats are not stolen so legally I guess on their side they don't mind if we take them but unfortunately like on public storage inside they have to do all kinds of paperwork and it's still up in the air as to if the boats really aren't able to be kept it's a really confusing processing so when the officer left I tried to get some footage of the officer being in public storages office but the manager there that said that he was waiting for his boss to get approval from them so like he said there's a bunch of other approvals and paperwork and situations that need to be done within public storage before we know a front of her Center forgetting anything but we did talk to a couple of people there and they said if they get to keep the boats those boats have sold for its high $20,000 20,000 bucks and then that's insane anyway they're gonna make the money back easily just what's in the unit but if the bow gets to get kept I think that's it we're going for a ride never go for a ride the river we're gonna go magnet fishing California's crazy if that happens we're definitely reporting it for you guys oh yeah all right guys one last thing we want to mention is that locker nose has been a huge help since we've been here this locker we went to the auction that day or whatever and obviously we saw the buzz we're like we have to get it so we talked to him and he ended up getting it but of course we wanted part of it so we were like let me give you half and he was like no no no no no do you like we tried we split and then they want it it wouldn't let us pay yeah they you had to pay for the whole thing so you know what we gotta pay these guys back help us pay the map with YouTube we don't they won't take our money we'll give them you to love so everyone on what their comments just please if you got the time go over there blood their comment sections with Jesus said Jesus ever said you everywhere super-nice help about yes they're super passionate about this do so make sure just flood the comments actually want like five hundred comments to say all in a row TV there's you know something to do is have a 17 or 17 Buscemi that would be happy guys so make sure you do that anyway that's gonna be it for this one thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy it makes you leave it a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome Chargers videos all the time if you wanna fall so their social media links are gonna be one screen click the links down in the description make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time pizza [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 144,971
Rating: 4.8034124 out of 5
Keywords: boats found in storage unit, boat found in storage unit, storage unit, storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2019, storage unit finds 7.5 million, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds cash, storage unit finds money, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a boat, vehicle storage unit, found boat, found boat abandoned, boat found, real storage auction, real storage auction finds, real storage wars, lock nuts, police at auction, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: kjZbOgf1CZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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