Boat Builder's Incredible 20ft Shipping Container Home

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when people talk about moving home particularly overseas they often refer to the struggle of trying to fit their whole lives into a shipping container but what if that shipping container was your home and what if that home was actually designed in such a way that it was still capable of travel by sea that's exactly the concept of this next place that we're about to visit I think you'll really like this one good heavens hello mate how you doing good mate now looking at this container here I would never guess that there's actually a house on the inside no it's like the TARDIS but you're a boat builder by trade and you travel all over the world actually building yachts there's a real strategy behind this though isn't the whole idea of actually constructing a home in a shipping container but not putting any penetrations on the outside because as soon as you start putting the holes and then as soon as you start cutting doors and windows and all of a sudden they actually stop being useful as a shipping container exactly you can ship them on it on a truck but you can't ship them country to country whereas if you keep them as a viable shipping container you can go anywhere in the world that you can land a shipping container well I'm really anxious to have a look at what you've done okay already this entranceway is just packed with character isn't it yeah absolutely love it and then I'm guessing through there as into the main part of the house and into the lift bathroom bathrooms in there you see well let's take a look inside okay wow this is a surprise I have to say standing in here I would never guess that this is a 20 foot shipping container you have managed to pack so many features into such a tight space yep and it will ultimately be twice the width it will be 2 metres wider so though you can you could live in it now will actually be much more spacious well my wife died four and a half years ago and I bought this container to store our stuff because I intended to go overseas and just get away she'd she'd suffered for four and a half years and it was time to go and I had in the back of my mind that maybe I could do something with this container but I which is why I bought this particular format then when I came back here I emptied this which had all our stuff in and went on through the process of filling this one up tell me a little bit about what your thought process was when you were designing this space what were you trying to get in here oh well the the object was to create an individual unique space within a small within a 20-foot container specialized 20-foot container space I mean that was that was all I wanted to do and I basically made it up as I went along I knew conceptually what I wanted but as it's come together it's it's almost organically grown you know just knew roughly what I wanted so you've got the bit up here mm-hmm that used to be omitted as I say these a lot of this stuff is memorabilia from rose you know this was a queen-size bed but I cut it down and yeah that's my bed and how lovely that you're able to kind of honor those memories by taking things that we're in your home together yeah and still incorporating them into your your new future home absolutely yeah so you're able to move move on with your life but also yeah we don't get and get retain the memories and it was special yeah I mean even this though I've redone it was was a coffee table that we had it's just since then I've incorporated the fossils etc yeah but wonderful that was our coffee dome so lounge area down here which is a double bed you this is a double bed as well yep excellent so in here you can actually sleep three people yes comfortably Wow yeah I mean they're comfortable beds you've got a really nice custom ladder to access the bed yeah but also storage room yeah hanka tubes and socks and stuff like that this one's a drawer and these ones just all fold out brilliant yeah and again this actually really reminds me of marine design yeah it really is I absolutely love what you've done with this kitchen you've got to be a bit of a cook to build a kitchen like this I love cooking it yeah I really enjoy cooking and and yeah this that triangle of space is one of the things that's supposed to work really well with kitchens where you got you your fridge your cooking area in your preparation area and you sink all sort of we can get from behind this is my water tanks is a stainless steel water tank which will be very thoroughly filtered for drinking water underneath that there'll be 160 litres of washing water they'll all be lifted 600 millon behind there underneath that will be the pressure pump and the batteries for the 12-volt system so that's all behind this here fantastic so almost all of your utilities are hidden behind the fridge yes and my boys my electric boys will be behind here I have to say the woodwork in here just makes it feel so welcoming yeah I like it and this is actually just cooler floorboards exterior floorboards right and this is a solid acacia timber and I haven't these are oils they're not banished and so you have to keep the oiling and up waxing it and there's still the bathroom to have a look at and so my intention with the bathroom was not to have a small sized bathroom everything is is normal size though it's a macro a toilet as you can see it looks like a normal toilet the vanity their shower bar all normal size and then I put the graphics on because it was quite sterile and like the rest of it I wanted to make an individual and you know what this is exactly what a home is supposed to do it's supposed to to make you walk into a room and laugh or smile or feel good you know what a cool idea so what about insulation in here because insulation is always a really big topic with shipping containers isn't it yes of course I mean it's it's a tin box so obviously if you don't insulate it you can't live in it this is insulated with 12 millimeters of melt Iike with 30 millimeters of high density poly styrene behind on them on the walls the ceiling is made by in one panel by a company that does the insulated truck bodies so it's fiberglass 40 mil of high-density insulation and then fiberglass and then I wrapped it in the the LEDs this as we can feel is comfortably warm and all that's keeping it warm is one of these one of these wall heaters which takes about as much as a light bulb so they say Wow so yeah really really simple space to hate yeah what about your power here so I know you meant that you've got a battery system which is being installed behind the fridge so how do you intend to power it will it be off-grid or is it designed to be crude connected the concept is going to go to me more and more and more off-grid or my lighting is 12-volt and I will have a 300 M per hour battery system solar charger but I also have an intelligent 2 for discharger basically this one can be plugged in as you would to mines but it will also have the provision to just run a just run a year generator so that when I want to run my my washing machine look at that that was hiding back there check it out you've got a full size washing machine and a dryer to Washington you heard that one well yeah right through it it's the utilization of space so that's exactly what you're doing about you utilize the space so it's exactly the same as looking at the space and utilizing it both for practical purposes and for best use of volume just as a ballpark figure of what do you estimate this project has cost you so far under 25 under 25 thousand different yeah that is a remarkable result for that and I suppose as well if you were adding the labor element on to that that the figure would obviously increase but with a material cost of $25,000 I still think that that is remarkably achievable for people isn't it even even paying labor on top of that for the yeah so you could live in this but if you see it as 2 meters wide or worth glass and with the panel's top and bottom you're probably talking when it's 22 square meters about 50 grand I reckon yeah and that you should be able to pay somebody at that price I mean you say it's depends what you want but as I explained with the the figures it's not like there are huge other than the 10 grand to buy it and these you know the panels and the windows of course you know they did what the cost yeah but the rest is not massive at all this is just a say it's probably less than building a room on your home circle where you open up this side of the container and get an idea for what the space will be like when it's all complete and and as I say it will be 22 square meters that's what the size will be plus it will have a glass side leading to a veranda but they'll be 22 men 22 square meters internal all opened up this space really starts to make even more sense than it does yeah you can't really see it and tell you until you see it like this so what's the concept of actually enclosing this space how does it work okay I have another panel similar to that that comes over the top it will have a roof over again but for a ceiling I'll have a panel similar to that a panel similar but with fiberglass on the bottom insulation and plywood on the top that will have matching flooring on the top and then from the 2 meter mark here this will be at right angles and it will be glass all the way long here glass on this corner roof over the top and a veranda when it's all folded out like this I think two things become really evident firstly how well the space actually functions just when it's a folded up twenty foot shipping container but also how well the space can be expanded even just being able to open up the container like this I mean you couldn't ask for better indoor/outdoor flow than what you've got right here right no and if the temporary window is in fact around slider you can just open it up any rate you know and so you'd have that without opening it just on a day-to-day basis but its own a nice day you can just open it up and have your garden there and your your living area here and they become one this design has really impressed me I think you have done an absolutely phenomenal job the concept is brilliant I love the fact that it's really transportable it's customized to you and most importantly I just think you have constructed a really beautiful home for your future thank you very much for showing it to me no worries this home is a true evolution of the shipping container concept I am incredibly impressed with its design evans skill as a boat builder shines through and is completely evident and all of the fittings and the functionality of this home also the fact that this whole it's been constructed in such a way that the integrity of the shipping container remains intact is a complete game-changer this home can still actually be shipped anywhere in the world you can't ask for better future proofing than that you
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 3,998,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shipping Container Home, Container Home, 20ft, Tiny House, Portable House, Small House, Living Big in a Tiny House, Bryce Langston, Boat Builder, c space
Id: sPgjndFqqwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2016
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