Bo Jackson Complete

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[Applause] Oh Jackson what's it been inside the Alabama 15 other bands at the time 15 [Music] Valon in otherwise they would have never caught it in laughs page number six he just rolled up the corner back the freshman necklace giving of it watch the call of your screen what Jack King rolled up wilcoxon strong safety and then Jackson made the free safety missing his blue big gain and another opportunity from the Kentucky for barber knocking on the door [Music] go Justin cuts out over 4 yard run bo Jackson scores his fifth touchdown of the 1983 season and Auburn has drawn first blood well it's a double lead play both backs leading in front and a great job by bo Jackson you see his great athletic ability right there he flipped on the grass turf first intended for the Tigers they can simply blow this game wide open to the touchdown here Bo Jackson inside the pens still going touchdown what a run by bo Jackson 16 yard he just kept breaking tackle we're going right down on brenell level here now you watch him hit these players bounced off bang one two three comes out of a vs. grass four ducks all scary beard five that's why he gets all the alkaloids he good it's back to both Jackson he has hit immediately but placed his way into the end zone Stan Jacob Scott Roeder with a moon who hit him that Charlie it didn't stop it not at all it looked like to me there was a problem home to snap that time robbed it looked like a Campbell crumble the football or someone had him by the foot something happened he did not get the ball to Bo Jackson like he should go got hit quick and course with his strength and power he just stuck it on in the end zone it's first battle Campbell high in the air what a great play by Randy count Campbell option he's gonna pitch it out as he is being grabbed by the Georgia Playa the pullback not their full-back toll pepper make the commitment now watch this pick screen Jackson turn it on 18 Dean misses him and he outruns a couple of Georgia Bulldogs and finally hold but working for Coach Bryant to us was a had to be a great importance to me and my coaching career because I learned a great deal of football in front of I was I was waiting for nine football seasons eight and a half years and we became very close friends needless to say I had tremendous respect for him there's no question in my mind people that have been closed to him well Jackson as his coach was talkin improvises goes upside and what's go Texan with man 5-speed gets outside it see later he goes 69 yards and over and picks the lead in the ballgame a big block for it this would hit the police safety Freddy Robinson took him out of the play and Bo was gone the people in albans say the coaches that bo Jackson doesn't know how good he can be he may be one before he graduates want a fair break players skirting at 7-nothing info Jackson now with five carries 109 yards he has now moved over a thousand yards at a thousand and sixty six from the endzone watch this spectacular place Jackson is only being hit at the line of scrimmage there's absolutely nothing there but every great football team has a fact that can make something happen on his own he can defeat these defensive n101 he can improvise he can earn a badge way into a good play now watch would number one watch number one makes it he thought he has tremendous speed Jessica st. out of speed is Jackson and he comes over and makes the very last block to the right of your screen and I hope we can see it yeah it's right there he knocks Pham Freddy Robinson number 21 we've got to see that again just a sensational play by one man simple nothing there Alabama defense plays it perfectly but here's wood the alertness of woods knowing wouldn't feed that Jackson has to take the proper angle and a knock Bob between st. the man down allowing Jackson to go in for the touch 69 yards and overand jumps out to the 7th of nothing lead and we'll kick off now and the Cambodia's to Bo Jackson Jackson's on his way your face Oh Jackson [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bo Jackson has now run for 246 yards in this ball game two touchdowns this career 57 yards Jackson answers with a 71 yarder if I've missed the play I was looking I was actually looking to see about the scoreboard and when I looked up here is Jackson right now this is the first time I've seen it but the block by Asia was the key and watch the speed how he accelerates and dodges Robinson number 21 just enough to pick up his feet an old wedding drill than we used to do every day when we didn't have facts like bo Jackson they've been through it naturally wide receivers always have to know how to block on what in football team to thicken that Chris would started and made one great block that sprung tackle to the touchdown watch him here see what he does on Kane number 28 gay is a senior and he gets just enough of the leg right there just a beautiful an effort by Chris woods who was on the opposite side of the run and he slow gave out enough that he couldn't make the play good team ever I could say get it off again just in time there's the pitch he's a complete he's gone Bo Jackson has gone for the score bo Jackson finally broken they contained him all night the back like that yeah hammering hammering hammering and don't ever let him get turned up field don't let it turn that corner and get turned up field because you are going to lose at the footrace number 34 both Jackson contain him all day and here it is he gets to the outside the block is there a tackle is missed you can't grab him with your arm or hand expect to bring him down but he's got that tremendous speed into the end zone for the touchdown he scored two touchdowns tonight his figures they look decent now after that 39 yard run Chris Knapp is going to try the point one official way that incomplete I guess no the back of the receiver was going [Music] mouse-over for the school [Applause] 22 pounds of him he's a pretty good guy to get the football to and you see they pitch it to him they want the ball in his hands right away so that he can he can take off and move any way that he wants to the ball is to him right away this is not an option here hit the ball to Bo Jackson and you can see the strength of this young man carrying a man into the end zone Robert again there's a little bit of motion again you'll see that a lot today [Music] watch this off barber line get out in front which Wilson Jeff parks with a great clock and now it's just go Jackson fighting for the end zone six big ones for Robert out of the I formation for the first time in the regime bo Jackson two touchdowns in six minutes [Music] 47 yards on that run Oh Jackson he's on a 47 and the 42 105 yards already on five carries of two touchdowns [Music] god with 900 this could be like Custer's last stand for the raging Cajuns this is Turner network television [Music] here's the touchdown drug to parametrize to Philip can't get there in time Banten caught up in the line of scrimmage Blenheim takes a poor angle of pursuit gotta anticipate that speed by Jackson and he's in the end zone now watch Scott Bolton coming down the field he's working on Patric Taylor now Larry Blakeney is the receiver coach has to be happy with that effort as a defensive back you have to get rid of those wide receivers and get yourself to the football here against the University of Miami though Bobby Ross brings those Rascals back it's still early in it you cut that right 76 yards three touchdowns 181 yards with 59 seconds to go in the first quarter mine [Music] good job by Ron Middleton AG seals the inside cuts off two linebackers fling again a little he's shy on the angle of pursuit he's got to cut a little bit deep though when you're playing against a guy like Bo Jackson you're off the erases a good job of coming up and supporting by Elton Slater wipe the linebackers get cut off in the action Jacobs gets bang there by that's coward nice block by coward Agee sealing the inside well coached football cutting off that pursuit and now it's just singe in the grass on the way to the end zone USL may have to start digging trenches in the field out here to try to stop this is a heavyweight fight they might be considering calling it Auburn just clobbering the usl 21 to nothing in the first quarter bo Jackson hit behind the line [Applause] fifty-three for both Jackson yes before on the day and for the point after number two Chris and with less than two minutes going on in the ball first blood [Applause] that was bro Jackson 35th career CD tying him with joke crib for the best in Auburn history we'll be back in just a moment this is trigger network television here's the 53-yard touchdown run again you saw Middleton just clear your screen to the right he's double teaming with parks up on top good block by Wallace and Agee and now the rest is Bo Jackson defensive back coming over here Mayhew what you have to think is grab a piece of the Jersey you're not going to get him on the ground slow them up long enough so you can get some help from Jackson's in the open field though he's got the power to run over you the quickness to avoid you it's a tough play [Applause] touchdowns on the season with 126 yards behind that great offensive line of Steve Wallace Jeff lot been Tamburello and coward and Stacy Cheryl Jackson he floats he'll never get Jackson 76 yards and get about 20,000 Auburn's pay all burn fans here today and they are all on their feet for Bo Jackson who has gone over the 200 yard mark in rushing with that 76 yard scamper [Applause] is on for the point after and as this one turned around copper has taken a 17-14 lead over Georgia Tech Stevens which he kept saying well I really felt like that if Aldrin can get outside the Georgia Tech did not have the ability the speed to contain Bo Jackson or anything to offer back he really he backed up one tackler and then it's a track meet they do not have the ability to play a lateral type game with you they've got to be able to you just can't just he's gonna outrun every dime and fold gets the picks breaks a couple of tackles two-twenty and he'll go all the way touchdown catch him he must have heard us talking about the - that's how you win the heisman like that gold must have hurt his talk third down you pitch the ball to Bo Jackson back over there now watch as each reverses and you see some of that four to speed he picks up a block from Prague anus a key block in the secondary and then he just coasts into the end zone go [Applause] Christensen for the extra point [Applause] Gobert and the kick is good yeah the backers are back in it when bo Jackson gets his shoulder [Music] screaming watch out because that means he can go right all left or straight ahead and he hasn't touchdown 13 to 7 ball game now gayness punt return gave Albarn its best field position for the start of a possession the pass Washington to Wigan and now watch determination personified although Alban offensive line just knocked them out that blew him out opened a hole that Jackson went right through when he saw that fader there was no denying his hope for him was lower than burnin Wilkinson back in motion they like to run checks and straight ahead and he squeezes on in for the touchdown bo Jackson has [Applause] [Music] Johnson to a [Applause] gives up Auburn's seven Texas A&M [Applause] take a look here inside watch Jackson quest into the end zone here [Music] gets the touchdown a great start for Auburn the way to say them what's Tambor Lilla number 55 the Center for Auburn he moves over and helps out as they double-team the nose bo Jackson then cut back to his Dale I squeezed into the end zone the bumble set up the touchdown and only three plays 21 yards Auburn leaves back blitz find glass they took it off the Pope Jackson 35 40 45 there he comes 40 catch him forget it Bo Jackson for the touchdown [Applause] you have just seen why these number on you have just seen why you won the Heisman Trophy and you have just seen why NFL scouts are drooling all across the land 73 yards [Applause] slap shot [Applause] carrying the ball there are a you and I spoke about the operant attack all week long he said the one thing they should do is drop the pass to Bo Jackson he's such a great receiver a great baseball player exactly what they do here is fifth resumption of the year and he goes 73 yards with it once he gets into the open there's no one go Jackson 22 we can see no one in sight great play that's a friend you pointed out is why he is the Heisman Trophy winner professional football he will also play face Yankees and later by the count [Music] baseball will have to wait however the NFL scouts are after [Applause] here comes bo bo Jackson we've been a lot of jokes about Bo but believe me when I tell you he can play football one of the greatest players ever to come out of college football in the opinion of every sophisticated Scouting Combine report some people had him right this is the greatest running back that ever came into the game dick Steinberg the player personnel director of the New England Patriots said he's never time to anybody faster in the 40-yard dash and he's time to most of them at Auburn they clocked him in 4.19 I don't think he could do that on a motorcycle but they claim the fo'get and Steinberg backs it up Jackson's the eye Beckett here's Bo Jackson with his first NFL carry bo hasn't lost the whole Jackson takes it out across the 25-yard line his first carry of the National Football League is good for 12 yards go last week members of the press asked him about didn't he have anything to say after the game and he said well I don't want to say anything you did like do something great speed that'll surprise the New England Patriots how you have him in your sights and all of a sudden these two strides down the field that's led 10 three at that point eventually it becomes 10 to 6 here is Jackson's first NFL carry it's good for 12 yards he toted five times in the first half for 31 yards the Raiders trail of Patriots 10 to 6 if you were with us on the pregame show you saw the first part of our interview with Bo Jackson Heisman trophy-winning running back who spurned the Tampa Bay Buccaneers said he wanted to play baseball instead the scouts said he had the ability of a Willie Mays or a Mickey Mantle and in fact he has done some awesome things on the baseball field but he has also struggled he was hitting only around 250 at midseason though he had hit 17 18 home runs then when he announced that he would also play football this year calling it his hobby the criticism began and whether coincidence or not in the second half of the year bo Jackson hit only four home runs and batted under 200 on the eve of his debut with the Raiders against the Patriots I spoke with him up in Foxborough yesterday if I set up and worried this about what people think about though or what people say about Bo I would be letting them get the best of me and I'd go out and live my life for Bo and I don't let things like that bother me I used to when I was younger but I've grown past that stage now I've learned to accept criticism and let it be at that what criticism that you've heard do you think is valid and what do they say about you that you just know isn't true everything anything from A to Z you name it making accusations and so forth and so on just things off at the top of they had that I guess they're just saying that trying to tick me off or so forth or to them but I don't let that happen why do you think so many people seem to resent you jealousy prejudice I don't know do you think there's any sort of racial aspect to this at all no prejudice probably meaning the same thing it's jealousy simply because they can't do it or they want to and they don't have the ability or whatever that type of prejudice as you struggled at the plate was there ever a time when you felt embarrassed on a baseball field I've never been embarrassed on the baseball field because I know that there's millions of people that would like to be out there in my shoes well not only my shoes but just being on the baseball field period I saw my first year in the major leagues as a learning experience and to make a long story short I think I did well speaking for myself is as far as the little little amount of baseball that I've had in the past and coming in and hitting over 20 homers and 50 rabies I think I did great you were telling me earlier when you grow up people exhort you to do one thing then you become successful and all of a sudden the tables are turned yes it's like growing up in Alabama there isn't too much to do there people are always saying you need to get out and do something to make yourself better get a job don't sit around here and be a bum for the rest of your life get out meet your nice girl which I've done made to a beautiful doctor name's Landon I have a beautiful son he goes at the nickname spud and I've done that and now people they sit up and they criticize me well he is up there on top and he's doing good and now he don't have time for us it's not that my job and my family comes first and it'll always be that way for what it may be worth it seems to me that Jackson is genuinely popular among his Raider teammates yesterday several of them went out of their way to tell me that they regard him as a fine addition to the team and that they like him very much personally will continue with NFL live halftime activities in just a minute [Music] in motion Oh [Applause] look at those eyes his first NFL touchdown and look at him run over by cars beautiful block by Holloway 76 right here but there's the power we talked about that's one that Hartman won't forget for a long time who's the Bose in a hurry just to recount only the second touchdown in the first half by the grader regulars in the last six game seven games I had to play the Broncos in the sea on film a new one for this game and it pays off speed that play bo Jackson there's some emotion there's a little of that fire more than anything else what these graders have to rekindle at their back in the winning race is the kind of confidence that they used to exude when they walked onto the football field and said we're winners and look out we're going to take this game away from the punctuation mark on the touchdown added by far its 22:14 on a most important drive culminated by that man Bo Jackson from Auburn University instead of 27 now they're only down by less than a touchdown I asked Bo Jackson at practice the other day what he wanted to do during the rest of this season he said I just want to play well he can do that boy Tom Flores rarely animated I'm heat fighting from deep inside his soul for this one time Phyllis readers 22:14 and Merlin Olsen I know as you've made your hips on opposing backs during the years you had you had an evaluation process how did you judge the best backs I got one I think one of the most critical ways to judge a back is by how many yards they make after that first cut and what kind of grape you give this guy at this time look what kind of grade is 34 get on this one this is a career kind of hit watch the way Bo Jackson runs over number 31 Mike Hart I want to tell you that's about as embarrassing a thing as can happen to you as a defensive player it's something you never forget but it shows you how much power bo Jackson affects by how well I slept the night before the game second and seven at the 14 yard line Jackson goes in motion for the first time wolfson protected well Lord open his Jackson for the touchdown whoa in motion goes to the corner of the endzone bred young that time blixt he was picked up by Marcus Wilson that enabled mark by Marcus Allen and it enables Mark Wilson to hit Jackson for the touchdown full blown defense there's no question about it somebody should have come off the blitz to pick him up no one even near him because one of the Seahawks defenders fell down on the play we'll take a look at this from another angle with the guy who's supposed to be covering Bo Jackson on the play ends up on the ground let's see if we can spot it from this angle but when beau makes this break to the end zone and I don't think we're going to see it there one of the Seahawk defenders ends up on the ground and that's why number 34 is wide open 69 in front and only one man left [Applause] and nobody catches Bo he may not stop yet so coma he's gone poor girl advice book in there go the Raiders into fine come on back guys oh he was flying tremendous black by Marcus Allen against Patrick utter as twice they have used Bo Jackson on that same play they did it on a second down and long awhile ago they got a first down they come back now and go third and about six and not only get the first down they get the touchdown and he is an awesome weapon and keep in mind that was a third down play from the 9 yard line third and six you'll see Dean morality the center pull out of there Steve Wright the right tackle but I mean it's over right there Kenny easily has the angle and it's like little kid chasing a grown man it's the longest run in Raynor history Kenny king 189 yards in 1980 and it's almost unfair close Jackson rushing and receiving tonight 185 and all of the Seahawks at 118 but he just got here [Applause] can't wait till he leaves here's Bo for the touchdown [Music] he advised worth one-on-one Jackson just jumped him into the end zone I suggested handicap of eighteen how about twenty pounds that's the matchup you like to see if you're a Seattle Bo Jackson with the ball Brian Bosworth here's Bo Jackson he's going to go here here's Brian Bosworth they're going to meet on the 2 yard line and end up in the end zone watch the Boz he plays it perfectly flows to the football meets Bo Jackson at the 2 sorry - 20 beats - 40 easily Jaxson split wide to the far side now as a receiver wilson looking for him touchdown Raiders bo Jackson whereas Monday night and he comes right back on the first offensive series on Sunday afternoon on a 14 yard reception for Park Wilson and many of the Raider fans up and applauding a newfound hero who has come from the world of baseball to play football once again [Music] [Applause] conversion attempt coming up Wilson 42 Jackson with a football he's got some room across midfield and he gets four more to the then a great block by Marcus Allen 16-yard pickup oh oh no no Marcus Allen gets to the man coming in the backfield tally in a hurry and that causes the soft corner 210po Jackson moving up the field has got the power but we saw that happen when before when Bennett got into the backfield in the box Fernandez with the touchdown grab and the Raiders now in the one-yard line get it to Bo Jackson and Jackson has the touchdown I said the touchdown grab out Fernandez he was to the one actually inside the 1 and Jackson puts the clincher on bo Jackson tosses it into the stands in Kansas City dane drive this is the 11th play of this Drive for the Los Angeles Raiders first down again at the 22 yard line of Kansas City no score in the first quarter on a perfect day in Southern California [Applause] rips it up the middle breaks two tackles and goes 22 yards for the first score of the game he sits real deep Marcus Allen the lead blocker Jackson shows all you need to have a running back a certain amount of elusiveness great power to break that first tackle watch this watch the move there's the move now he breaks the tackle of Duran cherry and then the acceleration if you were listing three characteristics of a running back if you'd won elusiveness power and speed go Jeff outside turns the corner and plans to play ronnie Lott took the hit from beau new game first one thing you don't want to allow to happen to your defense is to let bo Jackson get outside he has so much speed and strength to break tackles he can get the long gainer a touchdown here he gets outside and just runs into Ronnie Lott pretty good it up Dayna Ronnie Lott is a fine defensive back one of the hardest hitters in the league averaging four point six yards of carry bo Jackson all right Gayle we're in the midst of a nothing nothing game here in the second quarter opening minute of the second quarter the Raiders have just picked up another first down [Music] [Applause] the Bo Jackson look at him explode Jackson still on his food lately taken down at the 40 yard line of the 49ers it went for 16 yards before a lot and fuller in desperation got voted down to the turf Browns averaging twenty nine point seven yards or return next in the league he won't say this but if norm Johnson here arches a nice high kick to Tim Brown Chuck Knox may meet him at the 40-yard line with a forearm shiver well so much for that theory Browns going to get it on the hop at the two [Applause] sufen you better leave town norm with nor maybe you better leave [Applause] you got permission to kick away I don't think he intended that he wanted to power kick that football and it took a big head south and bounced right right to Tim Brown blue moon and their norm Johnson right now is looking for a trapdoor he's looking for someplace to go hide and what a play by Jim Brown he's talking about mr. clutch and he runs it the only way you can be a top kickoff return man is full-blown when you see a gap you kick it into the best gear you got Tim Brown puts on the speed Dickens is in pursuit he finally catches up with him but not until they get inside the 5-yard line go Jackson looking for the end zone flames all over the place and here in Los Angeles we welcome those of you who have just seen the Bengals beat the San Diego Chargers 27 to 10 and that was Bo Jackson here's the replay the first score in the Coliseum as the Raiders take a 6 nothing lead the determined running of Bo Jensen two in a row for him he ran Jim Ryan dick just smashed over the top of Ryan and carried to other Denver tacklers into the end zone [Applause] by Bo well good blocking up the front Dino Hackett takes on Steve Smith who knocks Dino back into the endzone and Kevin Ross can not stop so Jackson for one yard or no games it's too strong fo Jackson hit that hole that was in Pittsburgh second down pitch it back Jackson [Music] anything [Music] LaMarcus Allen and changes just take them away Carrie and one of the fastest in the back Adam good vision backhoe Jackson here forgot estoppel a foot passage a few days of practice he's making some good decisions out there today this Friday bo Jackson breaks it big first down across midfield he's a block he's gone [Applause] thus online they almost expect now to win football games to do things right and we talked earlier in the game about Bo Jackson he had the fact that he had gone over a hundred yards and fourteen games and I told you that the Washington Redskins might little regret to mention after day Jeff Jagger for the extra point [Applause] five yards and a touchdown for bo Jackson bo Jackson got a great block out of Steve Smith is for battery [Music] knocks down Wilber March it out beau explodes now gets away from a couple of tacklers and now nobody's gonna catch him when he gets in the open you see Charles man down there he's trying to swat at him but forget it ro knows how to run that's what doesn't get it doesn't [Music] about the only thing he doesn't know is how to play hockey [Applause] say so long [Applause] scrimmage so both these bowels maybe all of [Applause] this case go Jackson around the corner [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] man has hit some long homeruns in baseball he's just hit the longest in radar history 92 yards [Music] [Applause] [Music] we had a clock on it and it took him 15 seconds football pads helmet and all with the bingo chasing him to go 92 yards from Bendis move just explodes down the sideline [Applause] a chance to watch it watch Steve Smith spent that motion right here is going to get a bump out on the defensive man coming over to try and contain and Jackson just dives inside of that block and watch him now as he outruns everyone Reggie Smith 57 couldn't get over there I think that fuller 33 he's not gonna catch Bo Phillips coming from the other side though he's away he's gone bad news for Cincinnati boomer in science [Music] may be replaced by Eric Oh football don't panic now No [Music] you don't know [Music] [Applause] I mean they don't have a whistle that's this loud he'll make it's third down [Applause] you can't hear anything you can't hear whistles you can't hear anything they say this is blown den well right here they're gonna blow it right there they say it's growing dead right there they think he's stopped [Applause] it's not there again that is a touchdown ball only has to break the plane depends on when they blow the West that's what I'm saying see the Seahawks can argue and say it was a touchdown but the Raiders can also argue and say it was a touchdown because the remember somebody got wrong the fans didn't like the decision having the touchdown taken away way too late took take a look at this one and see the ball breaking the plane of the end zone I don't even know if the replay man on the field is going to be able to hear the communication watch the ball all it has to do is break the plane there it is there's the ball it has broken the plane of the goal line it's a touching but if the whistle blew they can't review it absolutely so it sort of makes you order this out eventually so to make you wonder why they're standing around out there talk that's right it's a master man train robbers I'm second and five bo Jackson rehearsals music back inside and boat for a raider first down in a for a sketcher in his defensive quarters that I've talked to around the league have said he's one of if not the Jackson touchdown Raiders but I don't want to silver state the point here but I'm convinced that there very few people I think only that touchdown that play was designed to go off tackle and he comes to the outside they've got the angle he's there to be tackled and he just has that burst of speed this is one of the genetic gifts of bo Jackson right there he goes okay see if you can outrun me nobody can tuck cylinder is left on good stiff arm there on rowling tumbles his way into the end zone outstanding run so after an eight yard punt by John kid the Raiders able to move six plays 35 yards in bo Jackson on the payoff one of the other things you might want to mention here is the Rory graves has done it with an injury his replacement fits tackle six-foot-seven 335 pounds a pretty good job thus far Jackson touchdown Raiders and you see that we have mentioned the fact that Fitzpatrick and there's bull running right behind him a tremendous block on that [Applause] that's the exact same plan they had for the touchdown but this time boat didn't have to cut to the outside he runs right behind the tackle Jackson 7 yard for this door right here you see firing off you can see fitzpatrick cutting and there's Smith blocking out on Bayless he cuts right behind him look at Rawlings being pushed out there by number 88 ethan hoard and that enables a big hole for bo jackson to get inside and score the touchdown Raiders move 68 yards 1/8 [Applause] [Applause] did he steal all that defender he passed through people did you see the determination he had to get Matt in zone just wasn't any way to stop it a beautiful job of taking the ball and naturally Smith running from the front of him a key block the watch boat just breaking are those tackles with athletic ability that's what I used to do those that's young the victim just died 20 [Applause] tight for the Raiders just a one-point lead nine minutes 19 seconds to spend to stay with Kansas City in the AFC West seven of the 14 AFC teams play [Music] [Applause] stay with [Applause] [Music] you know this like Muhammad Ali or something so fast so sharp hits so quick that you stun the guys trying to tackle you see him starting right he looks like he's in trouble it looked how hard he he's just so quick look at that first banging in the people this explosion he's will be beating the defenders to the punch that's the greatness that this guy has his natural 16 [Music] he is a gifted athlete and a cultural phenom [Music] code accent we have marble of this amazing to sport athletes since the very beginning koume and he hasn't stopped since I like the contact I like to be hit at time and I like the level guys myself it happens so quick I got the ball three-step BAM this classic bow jackson touchdown enables the raiders to hang on a beat Denver last Sunday and now in the set drive to the playoff the Raiders will rely heavily on this remarkable athletes traded with a good read single coverage he picked up on it from the 45 on first down and Bowl there he goes one man to beat they beat them for the game knocked out I don't know what I'd do but I would have Bo Jackson in the game at all times he can turn absolutely nothing into an 80-yard touchdown we've seen him over and over to it I just mentioned the 62 yarder last week against Denver he just explode through there big man with that enormous but peed watch the blocking on the left side Wisniewski Rory grave Steve Smith I mean that's just outstanding blocking and then one of the wide receivers I missed who it was came in and made a crushing blow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] market down [Applause] and I think even following the bride what Joan [Music] he is going to be the infamous Ron Jones he will be the one that they want to tell his kids and his grandkids I caught Bo Jackson from behind what a run take a look at Jay straighter right here actually pumping out Jay Sherman throws a little bit of a block right there I joke now what Jones is in the trail position the entire way he's stumbling right there but now now they'll have he's at full speed he comes back to the inside he's starting to fade now you can see the big bear is getting on his back he's getting tired right there jump get to just before he gets into the end zone [Music] he can't believe it look at that looking back right there when you're running upright like that as he is as opposed to with the portly you know he's getting tired Rob Jones forevers can be able to brag to all his friends I'm the man that caught coach axon from behind at Birth we raise a hook on his bags on the big Vickers punch in fact I said track freight you should know that I know I love it though nice hurdle right there taking a page out of Willie gulfs book a former high hurdler now right there he's in full stride he's a top speed now watched as he starts to get more erect look at him start to Lambert look at his arms start to go he's starting to fade the headlong dive take a look at Jones I did it looking for I can't believe it how did he do that in fairness to Bo Jackson look at this oh my goodness it took it all but he got him DejaVu just about a year ago here see me into the field going what nighty that's determined not to be stopped or I refuse to be beat at anything [Music] that one play happened so fast that I don't know what happened BAM and I was gone the guy can flat-out fly I mean from the first 20 yards I don't know if there's anybody as as fast as he is I mean pure and simple explosion I kind of felt the guy breathing down my back floor I had to turn it up just or not just to make sure that I got in the end zone right well now when you get the ball I mean what are you thinking I mean where is it that you know this is gonna be a long one I know that it's gonna be a long run after I get past the arm pass the backers and as far as the defensive backs are concerned if I don't have to do all the crap I did this past Saturday for us cut back and jump over somebody and stumble I don't worry about getting caught period [Music] J knocked the guy out of the way if he felt like in front of me I leaped over him I lost my balance I stumble for about six yards and when I come up I just started running [Music] they were lucky that I didn't just fall down at the 20 because I was running on fumes what was it at about the 20 yard that they're very sort of got old you better bear the wife the offer to grab everybody it wasn't to make a deal to me to me is still with a 88 yard run and I let it almost we got into a touchdown you just have to look at it be shake your head you know I'm a man markets around the field and told getting ins on everything like that but when he came to the foul line we just looked at we just took I had because I mean I don't know if any other back in the league who could have made that run except Bo Jackson perhaps the greatest seventh round draft pick of all time both Jackson has now achieved all-star status in both football and baseball only having the best of both sporting world bo Jackson a very fortunate individual to be associate with the rate of Al Davis who knows how to use him get them for half a year you have a coach are chill who allows him to be a designated hitter in football we've never had that before and we have Marcus Allen who is a great player that's very accommodating a between six point two yards per carry this season Boas already been compared to the great bags and although he needs slightly over 20 carries the qualified he is on a pace to take the career leave the current leader is still not impressed don't ask me to compare myself to half a season guy and anyway that's insulting to all of us who had to play in the snow and who had to bleed out of our nose and who had to like have an average when we had to carry on third down and one and touchdowns when there's one yard to go when the defense was stacked to a GAD it comes in with the perfect circumstances I mean it's a new day comparisons aside beau is a modern day phenomenon and has achieved a unique athletic standard I see myself part human and part deer I love the way just like when I'm out hunting I love the way the deer runs when they interact when they're out in the woods they're quiet but they move so fast that it's unreal and that's the type of person that I take pride in trying to be [Music] able to leap tall buildings at a single bound no it's Super Bowl this strange visitor from another sport who came into this element with powers far beyond those of mortal men Super Bowl who can bend defenses with a single blast changed the course of a game with a single sprint Super Bowl who fights a never-ending battle against the nation's teams of Eagle enemy forces yes today another episode in the continuing NFL saga of this amazing man fighting for truth justice and the American Conference against all odds the drama continues is it a bird is it a plane it's Super Bowl [Music] they go cool poor [Music] right in the chest didn't see him coming of look to the poll wig we Kansas City had coached made that start once he didn't see one coming I did I cracked two ribs the Jackson line is Wiggin he was trying to get out of the way he was trying to figure Jackson out fortunately in the sense they didn't playing great football there's a lot of other people [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is just what the Bengals wanted to avoid and just what the Raiders were expecting sooner or later to happen some beautiful blocking at the line of scrimmage and Beau is so strong physically those lakes are so strong talking to Bulger before the game he said you can't tackle him in his legs if it Steve Smith dick his man out a great job by Montoya a beautiful job of pulling and blocking and washed these broken tackles so his legs and of course the blocking itself and Walker as he made the tackle had only the one leg to grab and apparently Bo Jackson shaken up a bit as not to gotten to his feet as yet that was a 34 yard run by Jackson not appear to be seriously injured and gets a big hand from this crowd player he may have pulled a muscle as he was trying to pull away from a tackle because he really wasn't hit on the name now watch Kevin Walker the final analyses been making all kinds of plays he's pulling on that leg and it could be that he just pulled a muscle that boded trying to pull away [Music] right at us [Music] right at this point is wearing most likely pulled a bus so Jackson who has really padded his statistics against Cincinnati last year had the longest run in the NFL in 92 yard touchdown this year an 88-yard run and was tackled at the one-yard line and he gets a big 34 yarder here on the opening series of the second half now the question will be will go return this week though Jay Simpson will try to do some eavesdropping and we'll get a report well fortunately you have a all [Music]
Channel: Mike Lindholm
Views: 84,277
Rating: 4.808219 out of 5
Keywords: Bo, Complete
Id: xHdOBF1y-yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 36sec (3816 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2012
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