Bo Eason on why your story gives you control

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I often say this when people go well why is speaking so you know lucrative why is it so good and I say because it's the one thing that I'm in control of so today if you took uh all my money and you took my home and you took my cars and you took my wife and you take away my kids and you take away all my friends you take take away everything from me but you leave me one thing you leave me this this a platform and my story I'll get it all back in 90 days because I control my life I control my employment I control everything because I have a platform and I have a story I have something to say once you do that you employ yourself for the rest of your days you don't ever have to wait for the phone to ring again
Channel: Bo Eason
Views: 1,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8EHSykb4ROo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 12sec (72 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2016
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