B&O 頂級藍牙喇叭 M5/B17 哪個比較好?花 20000 元前該注意什麼?
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Channel: 陳寗 NingSelect
Views: 82,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 陳寗, B&O, Bang & Olufsen, B&O B17, Beolit 17, M5, B&O M5, VIFA, VIFA哥本哈根, VIFA 藍牙喇叭, 藍牙喇叭, Roon, 網路喇叭, 網路串流, DSP, 音場校正, 音場模擬, Soundbar, 聲霸, 攜帶喇叭, D類放大, 被動輻射式單體, 被動單體, 低頻, B17, 評測, 推, 不推, 實測, 開箱
Id: Khq7b3HyHb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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