BN@10: Rob Hersov ‘reserves a special place in Hell’ for appeasing SA business execs

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first up is Rob herself Rob's a extraordinary South African as people who are prepared to put their heads above the parapet today or even now they're finding that there's a little bit of flag when Rob did that at bnc2 our second best news conference for the first time he didn't just draw Fleck he drew howitzers and the consequence of that though I truly believe has been a change in the conversation in South Africa it was up to that point it was almost like nobody wanted to open their mouths well there are quite a few people who are opening their mouths now and part of the reason is Rob herself who knew exactly what he was doing Rob knows he comes from a background of privilege he knows that his parents his father and his grandfather were Pioneers here in South Africa they established angler ball at one of our our great companies and he knew when he opened his mouth he was going to get attacked but he could do it because he's a Harvard MBA and he's created serious businesses internationally so like he made his money offshore and then decided to come back to South Africa robs always worn his heart on the sleeve and we look forward to welcoming him as our opening speaker today thank you thank you Alec thank you everyone Alex said I mustn't as is natural for me wander around while I'm speaking because the cameras are fixed and the audio will go off if I Wander over there so I'm going to try and stay still which is not easy so I just sort of quickly say congratulations to Biz news on their 10th year anniversary What actors go is amazing and I am so proud to have business based in hermanus now do even better the segregation has happened with a great business like Alex I'm also very proud of my oldest son Alex here who's based in Los Angeles and he's here sitting in the front row very proud to have him here I have thousands of children but he's my oldest and my oldest son um Alec asked me to be positive to try and give a positive View today which I think is a good thing because there are a lot of positives about South Africa even today under this ANC Miss rule but I struggled I had really struggled to think about positives and before I begin my presentation for which I haven't really prepared because I'm as surprised as you about what comes out of my mouth and I and I always listen to my speeches afterwards because I can never remember what I said and I think wow that was pretty good or how did I come up with that who knows what's going to happen okay the two great compliments that I've had since I began my unexpected and unwanted role as a as an activist a capitalist activist a uh not really a political activist but a but an activist for the good of the country the two great compliments I've had one from my father who said he's never been more proud of me for saying and doing what other people can't afford to say and do but the second great compliment came from guedemantashe that old madala who should have been retired 20 years ago who's completely useless who said to me why doesn't Rob hersov behave like other business people and to me that's a great compliment because even though there is no end to my anger and distaste for the ANC and how they are breaking and stealing this beautiful country to death I reserve a special place in hell for those Business Leaders in this country who are not standing up and speaking truth to power and I do name names here I do name names and there's been a an initiative recently an initiative recently led by that Pisa that Marshall patan that MacMillan called Martin Kingston if whenever I see his name I don't trust whatever's happening he's so far up the anc's you know what that you know in Churchill's words his description of an appisa is the person who feeds the crocodile hoping he will be eaten last and that is Martin Kingston major appeaser he has formed this initiative or LED this initiative of great Business Leaders and this Sasol Standard Bank Grim grow and many others in it who will be working with government to try and fix this country so the ANC government breaks Steals and destroys and business is going to help them fix the problem okay so Irene this and I go this doesn't make sense to me why solve the problems these people are creating and give them credit for it isn't that propping up the ANC in the next election but then amongst those Business Leaders Business Leaders cowards colluders I saw a name of a man I respect greatly Neil throneman and I went and I went I'm missing something Neil's in there this must be something good about this initiative so I asked if he'd call me called me yesterday and I said Neil what am I missing here you know I can understand the other big businesses joining this initiative to try and pretend to all of you they're doing a good job see we're trying to work to fix things you know Sasol rimro Standard Bank yeah right but Neil's in there and I know Neil's the real deal and he called me and said Rob the reason I've joined this is we actually we've got to a point where this country is in such a mess we have to do something even if we even if we have a year or eight months to the election we actually have to do something we have to make an effort but the conditions that I'm putting in there I Neil fronterman are inserting into this work with government those conditions are going to continue beyond the next government so this is an initiative that's going to go for the long term I still don't trust the fact Martin Kingston's leading it so let me get on to my positive speech for the 10th year anniversary of this news you might recognize the beginning it's not quite the same I couldn't find many positive things to say about the country right now but I had a dream I had a dream and in my dream we were in 2025 2020 I couldn't quite work out where it was in the dream but the ANC were not in charge they were not running the country there was a coalition and I could see I couldn't quite see who the president was but it could well have been Hermann mashaba it might have been John steenhazen or was it musi my mind I couldn't quite see who was the president but it was a good person a pro-west capitalist libertarian believer in democracy believer in the rule of law someone who really believed in our country it could well have been Hermann and around that President were members of cabinet a much smaller cabinet-minded we didn't have a minister of electricity we didn't have these random ministers with people that do nothing and also don't know what they're doing or current cabinet and these people were experts you know I think the minister of Law and Order of Police was the end Cameron it looked like Yen that jaw that that Fearless that courage oh there he is over there and uh and and in every position where people with skills and competence and under them in the next level were people of skills and competence and the country was growing it was growing at eight percent a year Kenya's at five percent we were growing at eight percent a year so it couldn't have been too far in the future because this country will turn around very very quickly under the right government and under the right management and I saw foreign direct investment pouring in because there is today a wall of money wanting to come into this country in every sector but it's not coming in because they know the ANC is a socialist ineptocratic kleptocratic organization have put rules in place over-regulated from a socialist and leftist point of view making life impossible for investors to come into this country take Elon musk's starlink we can bring Wi-Fi to the rural settlements to the homeless areas today if it weren't for the bee regulation which I've said is theft and even Peng black pen who's in the room great friend of mine a great podcaster sitting here with his beautiful wife even pen said be has failed we know it's failed therefore why not get rid of it so there's a ton of foreign direct investment ready to come in in every single sector and it'll come in from India Australia Germany France America Canada it'll come in from South America from Israel from Poland ready to come in but not coming in today because of the ridiculous over-regulation the racial bias to all the laws the uh weakening of property rights with with ewc which is theft and all the incompetence and mismanagement and socialist ideology of the ANC but in my dream foreign investments pouring in we're growing at eight percent we've got employment booming our unemployment rate will is falling from wherever you believe it is forty to sixty percent I mean GG allcock will tell you it's lower than we think it is because of the kazanomics in the townships the extraordinary entrepreneurial activity in the in their townships the informal economy how how strong that is he'll tell you about that later but I believe that in my dream I could see unemployment coming down to in the low 20s Falling Towards 10 percent which in this country is probably full employment and most interesting of all of the million South Africans that have left this country and I reckon half the people in this room as children mine included live overseas and I applaud that why stay here if the ANC government's going to destroy this country we need to fix this country for them to return and of the million South Africans that have gone abroad who've been hugely successful hugely successful because they know they probably won't come back they have to succeed overseas and when people say why is South Africans so successful abroad Australians and new zealanders not as such and the simple reason is because when you leave you cut the cord you burn the boats so you can't return you have to succeed overseas and as I've always said there are 34-35 South African dollar billionaires living overseas and only five or six living in South Africa isn't that extraordinary the two richest people in Los Angeles were born in South Africa Elon Musk and Patrick soon shot number one and number two and City by City around the world you'll find the same thing but in my dream I see a hundred to two hundred thousand of these people mostly Young qualified trained with contacts and capital returning home to build our business or build our country and I see a country that is digitized where we have Starling without thirty percent be in it we have starlink in South Africa and we have people who haven't had access to education no matter where they live no matter whether they have access to a classroom or not having access to world-class education world-class education why sit in a room where you have a teacher that hasn't been given proper training isn't properly incentivized isn't property paid is treated as a second class citizen in a rough area teaching children when you can have the greatest Educators in the world online teaching our children one of the greatest greatest destroyers of the apartheid bearer was the education system at its worst Point white kids got 18 times more money from the education budget that black kids and the worst Legacy of apartheid is that that we have a whole generation which basically basically includes our cabinet which have not been educated or fundamentally stupid and believe socialism hasn't been tried properly and I had a chat at a drinks last night with a lovely journalist I won't mention her name who I suspect thinks socialism hasn't been tried properly and that's very very stupid I have to say we know communism doesn't work and we know socialism doesn't work so let's not pretend it does and in my dream I also saw because of the Positive Growth the Tilt towards the West in South Africa the rejection of Russia the rejection of China and their bribes and the country booming and then gogwa and Zimbabwe gets overturned collapses and Vincent Chamisa who's another hichilemma of Zambia and another um greatly afghanist name of Malawi Lazarus is that right close great leader like that Vincent Chamisa comes into power in Zimbabwe and of the two three four million zimbabweans here half of them go home they've loved being in South Africa they've been very grateful they've all done very well but they've decided to go home and Zimbabwe takes off and grows at 10 percent two great economies in the in the in southern Africa booming and this is my dream and it's not an Impossible Dream It's a dream that's an inch away it's eight to ten months away if we can get the ANC out of power if action essay the D.A in Carter VF plus and other parties including the Patriotic Alliance do come together in The moonshot Pact order it's called the Rainbow Coalition and defeat the ANC in the polls at the election but to do so we need some things to happen it's not just political parties going to win the day for us it's not just these people putting their egos aside and working together to remove the cancer of the ANC from this country its Civil Society too and sitting in this room and I've got to point him on is Michael Louis Michael put your hand up here six years ago at a drinks party in Constantia um I'm my wife and I were chatting to him and we knew him through um his in-laws my his in-laws um two Springbok rugby players in that family correct or is it three two um the pickards he said to me I'm going to change the Electoral act in this country and I said to my wife I think he's been drinking too much and if you've followed the progress of what he does he needs Eternal praise well he has done to unite all the Civil associations in this country to change the Electoral act in this country to ensure that independent candidates can run for election and are not disincentivized financially and in terms of the ratio of seats they can get hit the work he is doing is fundamental and Incredibly important so well done Michael so one political parties working together two civil society which is way stronger in this country than most people realize and organizations like afri Forum doing an incredible job every day day in and day out third is business and this is the one where I feel we've been let down terribly more and more business people are speaking out good Forbes some shabalala good for Kaz cavallia good for pullinger good for Gareth Ackerman recently you know numerous people have actually stood up and spoken out against what's going on but too many Business Leaders are the Silence of the Lambs they are not doing what they should be doing they're not standing up and making things happen and I call them out because when the change comes like during the second world war every Frenchman was part of the resistance remote remember that every single Frenchman fought for the resistance yeah right we will remember those business people that stood up took it on the chin like Neil froneman and those that didn't all those that were the appeases like Martin Kingston but we also need entertainers athletes podcasters we need all the influences in this country to come together and just tell the truth I'm not asking for anything more than tell it like it is speak truth to power like yandas like Ian does like Herman does like pandas tell the truth we know South Africa is going backwards we know things are falling apart the fact that Alec has moved to hermanus that semigration is in floods now it's very simple what's happening the ANC are incompetent and unable to run a sophisticated economy and they have broken every single state-owned Enterprise every single state-owned Enterprise and for those of you who still believe Cyril ramaphosa is a reformer for those of you who still believe that the greater fool you for those who believe he is not pushing forward with the NBR the national Democratic Revolution for those you believe he's not part of the ret the greater full you he is just a smoother silkier more evil way of pushing the Socialist agenda forward and it is happening he's he at best he should be reading the news on sabc which he did in the covert introductions that's all that man is good for he has never done anything in his life that he's truly deserved he was given his money as a bee tenderpreneur he has not earned his stripes and he is a sneaky spineless and useless human being pushing a socialist agenda on all of us wake up South Africa wake up the Martin Kingstons and stop kissing Cyril's ass he is the enemy so on that note how do we make this thing happen politics has got to come together Civil Society has got to come together athletes entertainers and influencers got to come together we need the business Community to stand up even further and we need people to register and vote and that's another matter that Michael and skullcierney were skulk skulk are working on very very diligently and that is your vote counts we need to tell the young people the 18 to 25 year olds who either have given up on politics are hurtful don't care or too lazy to actually get up in the morning and register and vote we need them to vote because 10 of that large registration and population base aren't voting and if we can get them to vote they will not vote for the ANC they were not born during apartheid and they can see clearly how useless the ANC are so I've got 54 seconds and I've and I read all these loads time I never looked at them and I've got some wonderful quotes in here and some lovely things to say and I have an idea that we can create a reconstruction bond which can fund this country's reformation and reconstruction and I'll put that idea to you maybe during the Q a but on that note I had a dream and I wish that dream could come true because I hate waking up to the nightmare of the ANC thank you [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you
Channel: BizNewsTv
Views: 217,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rational Perspective, Business, Money
Id: sq4phgjLqAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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