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so here it is my blackmagic pocket cinema camera 6k rig that's always a mouthful to say but after about a year and a half of using this since it came out i decided to actually take that plunge make it work for me instead of me kind of working around some of the negatives of this camera and i'm loving this thing [Music] 2020 wasn't a great year for a lot of things but it was a great year for new cameras there were so many different options and options that i had been waiting for in a lot of ways i picked up the 6k as kind of a holdover for whatever came next but those cameras came i tried them i tried the r5 i tried the a7s iii i even had a stormtrooper komodo on pre-order but i cancelled it last minute and that's because i you know i took a step back and thought about what i really needed from a camera and realized the 6k does pretty much all of it and things that it didn't do when i needed to fix i could easily rig it out and save a lot of money now the elephant in the room here is of course blackmagic just released the blackmagic pocket cinema camera 6k pro adding on to that already long name and i have it here so if you want to see more videos on this maybe a direct comparison or something like that be sure to subscribe and let me know down below in the comments the 6k pro does fix some of the issues that i added here to this rig but even still you're probably going to want to rig out your pro or your 6k or even your 4k to give you the most out of the camera all right so let's go over what i have actually done and there's really like two ways you can go about this you have to start with a cage so you can mount all this other stuff to it you can either go the small rig route or you can go the tilto route i had the small red cage on my 4k and the 6k before i upgraded everything else but i decided to try out the tilta just because honestly kind of like the way it looks and there's a few more accessories with it and a few more mounting points that i think just better suit this camera but honestly once you pick which cage you want the rest of the accessories are very similar so if you look at other people's rigs like a lot of stuff here is very much the same but there's a few little touches here that i've done to you know work for what i need so the first thing i'll talk about is right up front the matte box this is the polarpro basecamp you may have heard of it before they just released the updated version to this they were nice enough to send this out for me to check out and i'm loving it so far i think on first glance for most people a mapbox is really just something that looks cool which definitely does and it makes your camera look a little bit more professional but that alone does not make the price of a map box worth it you actually need some functionality here and this provides it the name of the game with this particular map box is the weight it's extremely lightweight so you don't really feel it once it's on your camera and it still gives you all the other functionality that you want so you have a little flag here at the front so you can not only protect your lens but also cover the camera you also have these drop in filters and you can choose which ones you want i have a two to five stop nd right here and polar pro has just released a few different versions of their filters so they have a mist which i'm a big fan of they also have a blue morphic which gives you these light streaks almost like an anamorphic lens it's a really cool effect and with the updated base camp you can actually stack filters to get multiple effects it's a great little system here it's a little bit of an investment up front and probably if i'm being honest wouldn't be the first thing i buy from my whole camera but once you have it the utility is definitely real behind that is the lens and this pretty much lives here i rarely take it off i shoot almost everything on it it's the canon 24 to 105 i love this lens because it's just a great range from 24 all the way to 105 you can cover almost everything now the only downside with it is it is an f4 so if you get into low light that doesn't work very well another big reason i love this lens is the stabilization is excellent so if i'm going handheld i don't have to worry about shakes quite as much and then actually making the camera bigger means the stabilization in combination with the weight this provides for a really smooth operating experience but the actual quality of the image is great and you get a ton of coverage so that pretty much lives here although of course depending on the shots i will switch it out for like the 1835 or 70 to 200 or something like that just depending on what i'm shooting but this by far is my favorite lens for this camera now this whole thing is sitting on a rod system from tilta and it's using 12-inch rods from small regular for the carbon version one thing i was not happy with before i created this is my rig was going tall so i have the battery on the bottom and had the camera on top a monitor on top of that and suddenly i have a really tall camera system and i just didn't like that the ergonomics weren't great it was a little top-heavy so i wanted to make the camera long so that's what these rods let me do and everything that is attached here that needs power which is pretty much everything is running off a v-mount battery so with this one single v-mount battery i can power the camera i can power my monitor i can power my wireless transmitter and my follow focus all with this one battery and it runs for a few hours so i have a nice all-in-one rig where i can just swap this one battery and not have to touch anything else which i really like the v-mount plate is from indy pro and the only reason i got this one is because it swivels so i can access the touchscreen now in reality i rarely use the screen on the back the only time is to change my frame rate from 24 to 60 and that i can pretty much do without it even moving this thing out of the way because it's up in the corner and i can use it with the buttons as well but for those off times it's nice to just be able to get this thing out of the way swivel out of the way and access the touchscreen also pro tip if you are covering the screen like this make sure you go into the camera and turn the brightness down on the screen so you're not wasting battery when mine is on you can actually barely tell it's on that's because i'm using the monitor up here for that speaking of monitor i'm using the ninja 5 right now excellent monitor although i probably wouldn't recommend it if you're looking to buy a new one specifically for a 6k only because it's a recorder and you don't necessarily need that with this camera but it's what i had it's excellent quality and i attached it here to the front of the handle so it's not again so tall i really want to avoid having this camera be tall so the wider i can get it the better now the monitor is getting the signal from the camera obviously but i also have it going out to the holy land mars 400 s this is a wireless transmitter so i can transmit what i'm seeing from the camera to a screen without having anything connected i've done a full video on the mars 400 and i love it once you start using one of these it's very hard to go back to actually plugging in like an hdmi cable but i've attached it here with velcro and it was a little hard to figure out how to actually get this here especially since occasionally i do want to take this off if either i'm not using it or if i'm going to use it with a different camera so my solution for that was to use an npf battery which is what it typically runs off of but use that as the mounting point so i stuck the mpf battery to the v-mount plate with velcro and i can easily detach the mars 400 from that battery as if i was plugging in the battery i think it's a pretty decent solution the battery doesn't really add any weight and you could hollow it out if you wanted to this is just a dead one that i had lying around so works for me and then like i said all of this is running off that v-mount so the wireless transmitter the ninja the follow focus is all plugged in over d-tap again getting powered by the v-mount now the last thing is the side handle slash follow focus the follow focus is the tilted nucleus nano which i think this is just the one that you should buy if you're looking for a starter follow focus it's performed exactly the way i needed it to i haven't figured out anything that it doesn't do so i'm really happy with that system and it is small and sits on the rail no problem out of the way but instead of controlling it with the dial that it comes with and you know i've seen people put those on these rigs i've never really figured out how you're supposed to focus the camera and hold the camera at the same time i've never liked that so instead i went for the tilt to side handle which has a focus controller built in so there's a little dial up front which you can tilt and it will adjust the camera so that way i can hold the camera with two hands and still focus the lens so it makes it much more ergonomic i get more stable footage with that and this side handle is definitely a must attelta makes a bunch of different side handles but this one in particular is great because you can put in a t5 drive here which is what i record everything to so all you have to do is slide in your drive and everything goes there nice and out of the way the only issue with the side handle is it makes the camera a little wide and there are some times where i just don't need the handle so for that i have attached a nato rail which lets me easily slide this handle on and off so if i'm not using the handle then i don't have to have it here but having this handle has really changed how i shoot with this camera so that's the entire rig but there's one more key point one thing i was really worried about when i did this is that now the camera's big so it's going to be heavy it comes in around 12 pounds which i was kind of of the assumption that you know 12 pounds kind of nothing you can pick up 12 pounds easily but then i went on a shoot with this camera and was holding it for a few hours and let me tell you it's not fun so you're going to want some sort of support system here and for me i'm using the easy rig mini max i only use this when i'm actually going to be using the camera for a long time i don't need to attach it every single time the camera's not that heavy but luckily easy rig has made this cheaper option for the price it actually is well worth it takes a load off your back and your arms so you can support the camera a lot more easily but yeah that is my blackmagic pocket cinema camera 6k rig and i have solved every issue that i had with the camera i can now focus easily i have a good monitor that tilts i have wireless transmitter i have battery life everything i need is here and honestly i'm not really looking to get another camera anytime soon this thing is performing exactly the way i need it to it's giving me stellar footage and i'm just really happy with it
Channel: Matt Gonzalez
Views: 233,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bmpcc 6k, bmpcc 4k, blackmagic pocket cinema camera 6k, blackmagic rig, bmpcc 6k rig, handheld filmmaking, wireless follow focus, tilta nucleus nano, v-mount battery, tilta cage bmpcc, tilta, polarpro mattebox, easyrig minimax, handheld rig, camera build, edwardleefilms, bmpcc rig, bmpcc 6k pro, 6k pro, bmpcc 6k footage, bmpcc6k, pocket 6k, komodo vs bmpcc 6k, bmpcc 6k vs red komodo, bmpcc 6k pro price, pocket 6k pro, bmpcc6k pro, bmpcc6k footage, 6k pro vs 6k, 6k review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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