Blurry Snow Animation - Adobe After Effects Tutorial. No Plugins.

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hello with this channel layer ace and today I will be showing how to make as no animation in Adobe After Effects it will be a 4k simple animation very easy to make and ok let's begin create new composition you can make any resolution you want I will make 4k 60 frames per second ok ok now create new solid background let's add gradient to our background for color gradient in the effects & presets panel let's make all four points in one color a little bit blue something like this and just copy this first color in all four points now let's make one a little bit darker maybe okay doesn't matter this will be good for our background let's lock it down okay again great new solid this will be snow layer get you know effects and presets search for political world and drag it on top on snow layer okay like this now let's go to producer and let's change the radius our emitter like this now let's change position like this should we at the top of a background and it isn't visible okay also let's change is it reduce so it increases deaf okay now go to particle and select particle type faded sphere now go to build color choose white deaf color choose black and also in transparency mode select color dodge like this okay now also in a particle tap let's change particle size it will be 0.1 0.1 okay moving too fast now go to also change bit rate for and longevity linearity 5 now go to physics change to jet sideways velocity 0.1 gravity 0.05 okay still moving too fast change gravity 0.015 for example a little bit slower to startle but it speeds up maybe too much particles let's decrease a little bit free maybe you can increase longevity we can also add a gravity vector so it moves a little bit too right as it would be you know a windy day also can go to producer and increase the radius even more also can increase wire radius like this okay it looks quite good I think that's it was quick Adobe After Effects tutorial and thanks for watching and goodbye
Channel: LayerAce
Views: 111,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, tutorial, short, quick, design, cs, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cc, adobe, effect, tip, easy, begginer, learn, effective, tips, abstract, draw, details, artistic, technique, simple, complex, look, create, snow, snowflakes, blur, animation, video, footage, sell, snowy, bokeh, particles, flow, gravity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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