Blues Shuffle Explained | Blues Guitar Workshop

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[Music] adding that flat seven took a long time with these little fingers stretch I always get people that go can't I use my middle finger and I'm like well you can but if your hands are bigger than my hands you could learn to do it with your third finger and I'm 99.9% sure your hands are bigger than my hands that's so hilarious alrighty then guys hey thanks for being here for another live blues guitar workshop session we really appreciate you showing up and being with Steve and I my name is Dan Dan Lee I'm the founder of guitar zoom comm and this is my good friend Steve Stein how are you sir I'm good how are you Dan I'm doing great man always pleasure to be with you guys it's a awesome privilege for you guys to be here hanging out with us today we're gonna hopefully do something that's gonna be fun for you and maybe a little informative and today is gonna be on blues shuffle rhythm which is like absolutely critical to understand if you're gonna play anything blues and if you want to learn the blues shuffle rhythm keep watching and keep listening wherever you're doing that if you want to learn it even faster go to guitar zoom calm and to check out Steve's new blues guitar course it's called blues guitar by Steve Stein and it's available now a guitar Xun calm all right so guys by the way please tell us where you're from in the old chat box in the comment box wherever you have to be watching this this thing goes live across lots of different places so Instagram YouTube Facebook Twitter I don't even know it goes in a lot of places so wherever you're watching this just know where you're from that'd be super cool also if you're interested in making sure you don't miss any upcoming workshop series that we do for you we've this happens to be the blues guitar when we've done them on blues licks we've done them on acoustic guitar we've done them on soloing creative soloing which I do a lot of these for you if you want to make sure you don't miss those and then subscribe to the channel wherever you are and click the notification button and that way you'll get a little notice also if you've missed neither previous sessions you'd like to see them we're gonna save all of these live recordings for you in a nice tidy playlist that'll be available for you on the guitar zoom channel so yeah there you go so let's get started what do you think sure so right basically what we were doing was in an earlier session we were talking about the twelve bar blues and what the twelve bar blues is and how we can use power chords or bar chords seventh chords things like that to make our twelve bar blues well there's another way of playing blues that's actually quite fun and and very useful and that's doing what we're referring to as a shuffle I don't know that it's the perfect name for it but that's really what what people often refer to it as so what we're doing here is we're gonna take the I'm still gonna be in the key of a I'll just be in the same key I've been in for quite some time here on these so I'm using the a and the D and the e which is the one four five and I'm gonna play them as a power chord so instead of playing them as a full bar chord the reason I want to play them as a power chord is because I need my fingers free to do other things so I'm just gonna play the fifth fret and the seventh fret the top two strings is a power chord and what that does is it enables my pinky now to be free to do this this little shuffle thing and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take my pinky and I'm going to place it two frets higher on the same string that my third finger is on no matter what chord I go to I'm always going to add my pinky two frets higher on the same string that my third or my ring finger is on so right now my third finger is on the seventh fret so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to reach up to the ninth fret and I'm gonna I'm gonna press down on the fifth string on the ninth fret there so if I was playing a shuffle style rhythm or a swing rhythm what I want to do is I want to take that pinky now and I want to add it on one and two and three and four and one and two and three and four now there's lots of different ways and again there's there's no one little box that everything fits and there's a million ways that you could do this but to start it's nice to be able to get used to going one and two so on beat number two I'm pressing down and then I'm gonna take my finger off again and three and four and one and two and three and four now you could press down and go one and two and three and notice how now it's it's even I'm playing one and two and three and four and right so I'm holding it down for two this time or the first time I was doing it this way and either way is fine either way is valid you could you could mix and match up you see now do I have to play the swing rhythm no I could play this straight when you play it straight like that it almost sounds a little bit better just to tap down on the one beat instead of doing two that sounds weird to me but anyway so so that's what we're doing is we're adding on this note now the note that we're adding on is technically called a sixth or a major sixth is what we're adding into this this little riff here now it doesn't matter if you know what it's called or not but that that's what it is so what what's kind of fun here is if you can you can add in a note above that okay which is what we refer to as the seventh or the the minor seventh and what all it really is is I've got to go yet another fret higher than where my pinkie is now so remember the rule is is that wherever my third finger is I'm going to frets higher with my pinkie on that same string okay and the reason I'm saying that is if I went to the four chord I'd move everybody down a string which means now my third finger is on the fourth string when all I'm gonna tap on the fourth string that you see so as it moves around I'm gonna that the pinky obviously moves with it so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna I'm gonna add on a note that's one fret yet higher now the rhythm I'm giving it is one and two and three and four and one and two and three and four and so I'm just tapping down or pushing down for one beat one and two and three and four and notice how I'm going back and forth and again there's a million ways you can do this stuff [Music] you see and that's the fun of it is you can make a bunch of different variations of that and notice how sometimes I'm strumming all of them and sometimes I'm making variation there so it just sounds a little more interesting now if I went to the four chord I would just move everybody down now am i obligated to use that that pinky one fret further out every time no I mean you don't have to do it on every chord every time similar to when we were talking about soloing in one of the previous sessions just because it's available doesn't mean you have to use it all the time mmm actually kind of nice sometimes to avoid using it in that way when you do it sounds a little more colorful so I might because I spend if you think about the twelve bar blues structure I spend so much more time on the one chord it's easier to use it over the one chord where the four chord is it you know it's kind of brief the five chord most certainly is a little more brief so I might not want to use it every single time on those but again you know that's what musics all about is figuring out what works for you that's right it's awesome Steve guys you're talking about the blues shuffle and yeah I don't even want to open up the discussion about the whole shuffle rhythm thing but this thing that Steve showing you is called blue shuffle and I've heard people call it a blue sixth you know okay the sixth groove I've heard it called out I mean there's lots of different things and again if you've heard it something else called something else just leave it in the comments I mean there's lots of different things the point is is is again when you're doing this kind of rhythm you're not really able to do full bar chords anymore now that doesn't mean that you can't you know add it in and of course you can but it just tends to be a different kind of groove when you here again I always go back to the Jack by ac/dc because that was one of the first songs that I learned how to play that had this kind of rhythm in it this [Music] kind of thing and now we just love the sound of that but you know Angus isn't or Malcolm isn't trying to go you know it is just they're just going with the groove right just sometimes less is great you know so it kind of depends on on the approach that you're taking some songs have a lot of strumming and you know and it's that kind of thing and some songs are a little more mellow and some songs have this shuffle you know you had a little palm muting in there and it sounds pretty cool [Music] there's lots of different ways you can approach playing this stuff and I love it man as they're talking about the basic blues shuffle here and something you absolutely need to know to play blues if you're joining us a little late don't worry we'll save this video for you in a nice playlist on the You Tube channel on the guitar zoom Channel and a playlist called blues guitar workshop already a whole bunch of videos there for you you'd like to check those out on the channel if you'd like to go deep into this blues guitar stuff and learn it a twosie Steve has created a fantastic guide to all things blues guitar it's called blues guitar by Steve Stein it's a new course and it's available at guitar zoom not calm for you and I think you'll like it so you might want to check that out where else do you want to take this conversation my friend well just you know I'm just gonna show you a couple other things that you can add in although again just because they're available to you like I said before doesn't mean you want to use all these things but you know I think of like houses rocking by Stevie Ray Vaughan and how you know there are ways of using your pinky again for other things I might use I might come up here to the 8th fret of the sixth string and then the ninth fret and I get this [Music] you know so there's that kind of thing add in as well that sounds kind of cool they're just different options for things do you think you know you get those kind of sounds so so there's just different unique things that you can do and needless to say there's just so many different variations of things that you can do with rhythms and scales and it just goes on forever right but they're kind of fun so if you're not really you know if you've been playing Barre chords or you know whatever it is for your blue stuff for quite a while then you've never really done this sort of thing before it's kind of a nice change for playing blues absolutely all those Barre chord 12 bar blues he was just mentioning there or in the blues guitar course the minor blues which is super super cool we've already done a session on that I want to go back and watch that yeah I love the sound of the minor me too and you know we really haven't even we've done a session on of course a dominant 7th 12 bar blues who've just did the one on the shuffle we've done the minor one but we really didn't go into the one with a house like maybe minor nights or those you know but you can throw in like dominant like altered dominance at the very end like that Jimi Hendrix chord you know and there's all kinds of look this stuff goes on forever and then when you get into the whole discussion of like blues and rock and how they kind of go together and the true sides of the same coin in a lot of ways learning the blues guys were serve you well as a guitar player I mean just it just will in so many ways because it's just so influential and everything rock and roll and and after that so if you would like to check out our new sessions we're gonna be doing on the blues guitar picking my beard hairs out of this microphone yeah I think I freaked me I was like what that if you'd like to be notified guys over the next blues guitar session that we do for you blues workshop series just subscribe subscribe and hit the notification button if you'd like to check out Steve's new course it's called blues guitar it's available for you at guitar zoom dot-com and I think that you will like it very much if you're serious about blues guitar you definitely want to check that out thanks for being with us today guys you really appreciate you Steve thank you for your time and all your talents that you share with us it's always awesome awesome yeah thank you so much and thank you again like Dan said thanks for taking time out and hanging out with us and hopefully you learned a little something and keep practicing stay positive sounds good thanks Dave yeah thanks all of you bye guys
Channel: Steve Stine Guitar Lessons
Views: 3,563
Rating: 4.9735098 out of 5
Keywords: Blues Guitar, Steve Stine, GuitarZoom, guitar zoom, guitar, guitarist, guitar lesson, guitar tips, play guitar, learn guitar, how to play, Lessons, guitar lessons for beginners, steve stine guitar, guitar solo, Blues Solos, 12-bar blues, 12 bar blues, twelve bar blues, blues progression, hybrid blues scale, vibrato, bluesy vibrato, blues phrasing, blues riffs, guitar riffs, what is the blues scale, play the blues in any key, straight vs swing, blues rhythm, blues shuffle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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