Bluemix Tool Chain Demo

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no welcome to this demo of two chains in bluemix yeah my name is Jana Dean and I work as a Technical Sales out of Sweden two chains are something part of bluemix and in this demo I will show you a set of tools integrations to support development deploy and operation so let's go directly into the demo this is bluemix dashboard ashame can be created from a template so going into DevOps and I select tool chains and from the plus sign in the right corner I can click and select to create from a couple of templates predefined like a simple Cloud Foundry tool chain simple container tool chain and a few others but I already created one tool chain that I would like to demo today this is my tool chain as you can see on this screen it shows the tool integrations so it's ranging from thinking face coding deliver managing and the culture and each of the phases can have multiple tools designed the thinking behind this is that the code can be in for example a git repository we will deliver this code through the different stages with a delivery pipeline we will follow up on the manage and operation side with some tool and adding to that we will have a culture among our development and operation stuff for example in this case a slack channel so let's see if we dive into one of the delivery pipelines I have created here you can see the actual stages from taking the code from build development and test and production stages so this pipeline is kicked off by a commit in the git repository it will build the code do some unit tests and if this succeeds it will going to the dev face deploy this application to the development environment to some functional tests and display the app and in this case this is the route for app dev catalog API tool chain demo and so on I can click on that to access the actual running app if this stage succeeds I can go into the test face this is an automatic transition into the test face and I will do the deployment in a test environment I will apply some source labs tests and if that succeeds I will have a test version of my application running in another space and organization perhaps if that is okay I can go into the production stage and deploy my my application without hurting the running application I can update it on the fly in production without loosing any connections so as you can see from this pipeline I added some tests so let's dive into one of the tests and see the result of this so this actual test face is based on the source labs test a mocker test in the in the bottom and you can always access the past test runs and see the log so if you scroll down in this log you can see at the bottom that we have the actual test run of this it's running on my Chrome web browser it has a catalog and it's a passing one tests without errors what I like to drill down into actual tests what happens I can go to the test tab and see that I'm I have one test that has something to do with have correct title so testing just one single piece in this case it will show all the artifacts used in the artifacts tab okay let's conclude this short time of the tool chain on bluemix so what we've seen today is how I can access my tool chain in the bluemix user interface through the devops section can set up any tool integration I like in any category I can run this as part of the bluemix deployment process and I can have the follow-up and test tools I'd like to have so that concludes this short demo thank you for listening
Channel: Johan Rodin
Views: 3,154
Rating: 4.1999998 out of 5
Keywords: bluemix toolchain demo
Id: wPQpivw1-sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2016
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