bluedot 2019 | New Order Interview - Stephen Morris

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[Music] hi I'm Steven from the bun new order and today I'm at so the Blue Dot Festival performing in front of the mighty Lovell telescope yeah I've been up into joggle bank quite a few times before I grew up just down the road from here and it's sort of loomed in the background of my childhood and the first time I came here I thought that's massive what's it made of and somebody told me it was made of bricks which confused me so I had a very confused opinion of George by him but I came here quite a lot and one time they'd like me have a go on one of the little telescopes which was I thought was fantastic look up at the sky at night it makes me feel very small whose cat hey now I live in the country and you can see all the stars and the more stars you can see the more there are small and miniscule you are in the universe so yeah it makes yeah it makes me feel kind of weird and insignificant though not in a bad way while we played here before a few years ago and it was absolutely fantastic it's like it's just a weird atmosphere it's a really interesting atmosphere that you get at Blue Dart whether it's to do with the telescope or where it's to do with the surrounding area who can tell probably a bit of both but it's always it's always a bit of a special event playing there Oh God I was I was mad on Apollo and they're like all the space things I originally wanted to be a pilot or or a spaceman but I wasn't I wasn't clever enough I remember Apollo 11 vividly because what I did what I borrowed a tape recorder and recorded all the things after dr. salia and stayed up watch there and we watched it at school yeah it was it was really incredible it had just find it baffling the way people could say that eisah fake and it never happened because I mean when you were there it was all incredibly real and yeah it was brilliant absolutely brilliant I loved it particularly relevant in this day and age when we're talking about going back to going back to the moon maybe going Samar's and you see the thing I remember about it is the excitement that that space travel generating it and the interest the young people had in science and and in you know everything to do with space that kind of wilted over the years and there's not that there's not been not been the same level of enthusiasm this festival does anything it is to kind of rekindle that interest in young people because it's a great you know it's the future there's locating that would be from its the future and you should really really pay attention this briefly this evening yes we've got another significant anniversary it's 40 years since Joe divisions Unknown Pleasures came out so we'll probably be playing I was definitely playing a couple of songs from that time that's one anniversary ten years after the moon landings and hopefully we'll have a part and it'll be if it's anything like last time it'll be absolutely spectacular I hope so anyway I'm hoping to catch younggren and Botcon because he's on over there I really like John this fantastic is really good a mist hot shape would have liked to see not but obviously craft work we were on the other night brilliant useful imperfect world Oh hmm there's a beautiful world I don't think I'll ever be a perfect world because weird not human beings are intrinsically not very good perfect what we're good at is messing things up which we do very well I mean as to Davis to be important things and we've got to sort of take care of the environment a bit more because that's in a bit of a bad way and also we've got to sort of white learn to live with one a bit better than we had doing it in a minute because if there's one thing from the 60s remembers there was a strange feeling of togetherness there was peace and love and the stars and all that lot and today there's not a lot of peace and love I'm afraid we could we could definitely do with a bit more of that yeah we really could me I'd send myself because of her height to go to space yeah so you know no books no music I'll just send myself it doesn't matter don't care I'd be great
Channel: bluedot festival
Views: 2,130
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: bluedot, festival, stephen morris, new order interview, new order, joy division, jodrell bank
Id: c6u9ITKiy_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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