Blue Lily Flower Power: The Sacred Medicine? | Real Stories Full-Length Documentary

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[Music] [Music] in 1922 when the tomb of Tutankhamen was opened the Pharaohs body was found covered in a mass of flowers they were the three thousand-year-old remains of a now rare planet for decades Egyptologists have said that these flowers were purely symbolic but a startling new theory has now emerged that the blue lily is in fact a drug plant in our society hallucinogenic plants are largely treated with suspicion but in many vanished cultures they were regarded as sacred a means of communicating with hidden divine parts of the universe as an archaeologist and anthropologist I have been engaged in a journey into the Forgotten Realms of these mind-altering plants now my investigation was to go back towards the very beginnings of human civilization over the next three days the very first scientific experiment would take place to investigate if the blue water lily of Egypt does indeed possess psychoactive properties a team of specialists would gather at Hanna wood Park a country house in East Sussex two volunteers Marie McCartney and Robert Barnes had agreed to drink on the second day of the investigation a dose of the lily while being observed for any effects if the blue Lily turned out to be psychoactive our image of ancient Egypt could be radically chained for what does it say about a culture if its supreme ruler is buried wearing a garland of drugs and the blue lily does not just appear around Tutankhamun whose neck it was the ancient Egyptians most sacred plant it's even depicted on the walls of the spectacular temple at Karnak we already know that week-long festivals involving vast quantities of wine took place there so could the blue lily have been part of the mix taking any hallucinogenic plant is potentially risky and the volunteers could be answering perilous territory the lily might contain of dangerously toxic compounds or it could very well turn out but it has no effect whatsoever but could it just be that a lost drug would be rediscovered in the next few days and might this open up an entirely new understanding of life in ancient Egypt [Music] late on the first afternoon the investigations team of specialists arrived Michael Carmichael had participated in a previous investigation and we welcomed him back to hammer wood a highly respected ethno botanist with considerable expertise in Egyptology Michael was ideally suited to the task ahead sir Alan Lloyd a chairman of the Egypt exploration society is a distinguished Egyptologist Queens is still there I always think this is Gordon child's College well why not a very great man dr. Susan duty is a pharmacologist at King's College London her expertise would enable us to discover what if any the plants action was on the brains and bodies of our volunteers in the library I sketched out the story of the blue water lily the spectacular blue water lily nymph air Carol air would have been a common sight in ancient Egypt growing in shallow waters along the banks of the Nile throughout there three thousand year history the ancient Egyptians prized this mysterious flower above all others according to Egypt Thomas the lily was the symbol of creation itself the first object that emerged from watery chaos and out of it was born one of the chief gods of Egyptian religion the Sun God rah but why did they choose this flower above all others as their most sacred plant a clue might lie in the art of ancient Egypt in which blue lily flowers frequently appear they're easily recognized by their spiky blue shape here for example is someone smelling one of the open flowers in their depictions the lily is frequently shown in party scenes in this one two women danced naked before a group of onlookers who are holding the flowers the lily also appears in other scenes of downright debauchery it's this kind of evidence that has led one or two lone voices to suggest that the blue lily in fact contains a psychoactive substance that was widely used by the ancient Egyptians it's even been suggested that these l-shaped wooden beer drinking tubes could also have been used to suck up the concoctions of blue lily and wine here we see one of these tubes being used to drink from a jar of liquid they're CID like em would be perfect to prevent the petals being swallowed but ever since the first Victorian pioneers Egyptologists have ignored the theory that the blue lily was a drug used by the ancient Egyptians arguing but no evidence has been found to support it but this is perhaps not surprising since archaeologists generally haven't considered mind-altering drugs to be an important area of research later that evening the two people who might help settle the argument arrived our volunteers Murray McCartney a marketing executive and media researcher Robert Baum prior to the Korean Robert had never met so Murray we all know why we're interested in this subject but we all wondered why you might be fascination the plant has never been scientifically tested before and it's quite exciting to be part of that I think Robert what's your motivation for all it for me it was really why not as long as it wasn't physically or mentally damaging I'm quite into trying out new experiences and hopefully I should be able to be helpful in this experiment Robert and Marie would bring completely open minds to the experiment neither had heard of the blue Lily before and their knowledge of ancient Egypt generally was pretty scanty what kind of things come into your mind when people say Egypt first they're probably the Hollywood image of of Egypt and pyramids Pharaohs the experiments volunteers and specialists had now gathered only one thing was now missing the blue lilies themselves and as my guests continue their discussions I reflected on the difficulties we had had in getting hold of the plants there was a little information about the blue water lily to go on certainly none of the lilies we commonly see in this country a psychoactive the plant is now extremely rare in the wild and it was only after months of investigations that we eventually tracked down a handful of specimens to our botanical gardens in Cairo these were then flown over to scatter water gardens in Cheshire but our problems didn't end there it was the fresh open flowers that were needed for it was these that were always shown in the Egyptian paintings what the lilies recover from their journey and flower and when they did would it be in time for the planned date of our investigation for the blue lily flowers only once a year and each flower head opens for just three days our luck was in however and we eventually managed to harvest 19 flowers but how did the ancient Egyptians consume them in party scenes the lilies are often associated with wine here actually wrapped around a wine jar the lilies were therefore prepared by soaking them in wine we knew from botanical studies that the blue lily contained a compound Lucifer II that is soluble in alcohol but other chemicals of the same group are not known to be psychoactive however based on its molecular structure Susan duty thought it possible that it could have psychoactive effects if so these might operate in two quite different directions if we try and consider how the blue lily is going to affect behaviour we have to consider that on the one hand it may cause sedation but on the other hand it may cause arousal and excitement that evening the entire consignment of blue lily flowers harvested over the last few days had been packed and sent off to hammer wood but there were disagreements as to whether they would have any effects Michael Carmichael was convinced the blue lily was indeed a drug the evidence is abundant and it is clear that the ancient Egyptians were aware of the psychoactive properties of the plant this is because it is frequently depicted directly in context with other known powerful psychoactive plants in fact these depictions are elaborate and prolific particularly in the tomb of Tutankhamun but as an Egyptologist Allen was reluctant to accept Michaels position and preferred to demand written evidence that the ancient Egyptians knew about the psychoactive effects of the blue lily which she claimed had not so far been discovered there's no proof in the papyri or indeed in any other ecological source that the ancient Egyptians were aware of any psychoactive properties that the blue lily may possess if the lily is not understood to be psychoactive in Egypt Allen which is your position I think it would be I think you're walking in very dangerous territory there the evidence should speak for itself I does I hope you're not painting yourself into a very tight corner I think this is an area where we all rather these are several areas where we're going to have to disagree to disagree late that night a consignment of blue lily flowers finally arrived tomorrow Robert and Marie would eat and drink its contents but what do the flasks really contain nothing even remotely psychoactive or just possibly a forgotten drug that might reveal an entirely new picture of how the ancient Egyptians lived how they parted and what their religion was really like [Music] the following morning the precious harvest of blue lily flowers was unpacked and work began on the task of preparing them for the day's experiment [Music] we had gathered to investigate an ancient mystery is the blue water lily a lost drugged plant once beloved by the ancient Egyptians could it be that today our two volunteers might step through a doorway and see the world as it might once have been seen in the time of the Pharaoh this would be the very first controlled scientific test of the blue lily so no one could tell us with any certainty what effects it might have very possibly none at all but equally possibly dangerous even so before our experiment could begin our volunteers were given a basic medical examination in the garden Robert and Marie looked forward to the day ahead with mixed feelings woke up this morning first thing I did was call my father he obviously thinks I'm completely mad and after that the realization hit me that yes we were actually coming out here today and we were going to be am taking this plant I think if if one line of argument is that the Egyptians there's a great party animals and this was used as part of that then you got to presume it's got to be a good feeling if it happens we don't know exactly how you make this this special concoction so a lot could go wrong a lot could have gone wrong but I'm skeptical anyway so we'll see it could be like yeah munching daffodils yeah not I've done that [Music] there were several steps to take before the experiment could begin first the lily flowers had to be removed from the wine in theory if there were active chemicals and the flowers these should have been extracted by the alcohol the plan was that Robert and Marie would drink this wine once the flowers had been removed only 19 flowers had been harvested there was no way of telling whether this would be enough to produce an effect so we proceeded with the utmost care collecting every last drop of extract as we worked we were acutely aware of the flowers rarity but the last time the blue lily had been prepared in this way could very possibly have been a thousand years before the Roman Empire preliminary tests had also - they made so that we could measure any changes Robert and Marie might experience to measure any changes in alertness Robert was shown a red dot which flickered with varying speeds if his alertness increased having taken the lily Robert would be able to detect higher frequencies of flicker Susan's next test would detect any changes in activity in the visual centers of the brain now what you've got to do here is to actually read not the word in this instance but to the color that the word is written in right so they're words although this says red I want you to say green and to click on the appropriate colored box at the same time hey green green red blue green yellow red yellow green yellow red green blue for her final test Susan had decided to track any emotional changes that Murray might experience okay so what I want you to do then he started to go along these one at a time and simply circle where you feel the most appropriate level of that particular emotion is so let's start with interest at how interested do for you at the moment I think you'd have to give that an extremely interested okay good what about distressed a little the next one is your state of upset don't think I'm upset Marie answered with care but how would her response has changed having taken the lily by mid-afternoon everything was at last ready for the experiment our preliminary tests were complete and the flowers had been removed from the wine which was now ready to be drunk because no one's done it before does give you a bit of I am bit of a Star Trek thing you know to go but no man has gone before so fair enough but something along those lines I think yeah a slight temptation making history just after 5:00 we gathered for the experiment outside it had started to rain heavily with a few minutes to go before drinking the lily extract Robert and Marie were feeling understandably apprehensive how are you feeling quite nervous quite nervous I'm not feeling nervous anymore actually I think I'm just completely numb while we had no reason to believe that the lily would have dangerous side effects we had to remember that we were about to step into unknown territory unknown at least to modern science throughout that afternoon therefore our two volunteers would be under constant medical supervision at 5:25 Robert and Marie drank vanilla extract he's my only Egyptian knowledge of in Quebec in cash at first things looked far from promising perhaps the whole experiment would come to nothing how does the taste it's quite bitter almost like a cider but not calm inside it more my father used to prove some size and I still feel nervous with it and usually wine relaxes me yeah and it hasn't done that yet but it's quite soon I don't feel anything yet then after 15 minutes some first mild effects of the flower began [Music] don't feel as if I'm standing on ceremony as much now and I can I'm a more relaxed like that sort of whatever happens down cool see my vocabularies change society doesn't matter no I feel I feel good I'm very I feel quite excited then Marie how do you feel I feel fine um yeah the only thing I feel is that I'm slightly flushed but I'm just a lot more relaxed at the moment intriguingly the flower seemed to be having subtly different effects on our two volunteers Marie seemed to have been relaxed while Robert had grown more attentive but they feel a bit giggly but I don't you know it could be nervous excitement but I'm actually starting to feel a bit more chatty now Robert how how are you feeling now I feel good I feel well I feel them I feel very happy I feel very laid-back makes you happy how do you feel emotionally that's our wines Marie have you ever felt like this before no felt like this before absolutely no nothing like I've felt before then a new effect took hold Maria and Robert drew Restless no answers feel quite jolly feel chilly I feel quite jolly don't like go again Doosan stuff yeah I wouldn't mind doing some in there see what would you like to do walk ephra bulk yeah yeah do you fancy walk how do you fancy what can I think you'll enjoy Michael like the rest of us stayed indoors however if we were to observe any emotional effects the flower might have it was very important but our volunteers had some time to themselves but we were not entirely unhappy with this arranged since outside it was pouring with rain but despite the bad weather Robert and Marie insisted on escaping into the garden you've got no no you've got to film these others so she said loads of them but no no no it's gonna make them look like I had visions no it's mr. Carmichael Robert now seemed entirely uninhibited about his TV appearance allows this to worry you I am feeling cheeky that's all yeah I was quite relaxed on the couch but you just feel like I'm like with tethered salute to the safe for a bit and you can't go out and do stuff if it wasn't raining I'd be lying down I think just yeah no I wouldn't want to drive no I'd be I'd be at 20 miles an hour and I'd be pissing people off behind me and I'd sort of let everyone in that's when I went to be couldn't get anywhere [Music] sow thoroughly soaked Robert and Marie decided to retreat to the front porch of the house from inside the house the team were managing to make some discreet observations the president is in very good human yeah I'm not well yeah I prepare jetty we're quite chatty and aliens yeah he says research do its mother on national television yeah [Music] Robert and Marie now appeared to be well into the first stage of the blue lilies effects after some initial worries my guests had quickly been caught up in what was taking place when they started sipping away at it I couldn't help feeling that things could go a little bit wrong and I was very pleased when in the end they they'd finished the whole thing and they seemed to be in pretty good shape I think once I got over the this fear that I had the same issue actually about what's actually going to happen here it did actually get rather exciting especially when the giggling face set in and I almost felt like I wanted to join them and get on the front of the safer rather than being circumstances is very infectious but what was the precise nature of the stranger gyptian trip that Robert and Marie appeared to be going through I feel pretty happy to be happy maybe a bit more coherent inside we debated whether to begin retesting our volunteers to do so might mean interrupting the very mood that we were trying to investigate there's always the trade-off between making the measurements that you want to to establish the precise points of physiological change and the need to allow social as soon as seemed appropriate Susan began retesting no I just your systolic pressure is slightly up and your pulse is slightly down so but while the Lily's effects were still evident to Marie Robert had began to feel that the experience was starting to wear off so Susan rapidly went ahead with the flicker test you'll see the the mean value here of your critical flicker fusion yes hold yep thirty five point six Hertz and you mean before was thirty five point three Hertz that means that the two are not at all different so at this stage more than two hours now since you had the extract there's absolutely no difference in the threshold for your critical flicker fusion so it doesn't look like at this stage your cortical arousal is any different than it was before we have possibly waited too long before testing Robert again but outside Marie continued to report unusual effect you do pick out things quite clearly to listen to and I do keep going from I'm sorry I'm not being rude but I do just keep going from staring at things yes it's quite I think it's quite introverted if that makes any sense it's not it's quite social because I can't chat to you but it is quite nice just to let your mind to do it it like someone Garifuna stare at things for a while I've not had a feeling like this before it's almost you know and you're very very tired and you can't really take in everything you only take in certain things it's almost like that but I don't feel tired I feel quite alert what's affricate recommend it however this was not to be the end of Robertson Murray's encounter with the effects of the blue lily we now knew that the lily was safe but also that its effects seemed to be short-lived so to make the most of our precious specimen Robert and Murray decided to try and eat the flowers themselves might they be able to generate further or different effects the flowers looked far from appetizing but Robert and Marie devoured them with an unnatural speed we observed the odd scene from indoors hmm counsel I'm just came here to know if it was in the Marks & Spencer salad although we're certainly getting down as if they are artichokes I think they're very similar to artichokes there's my delusional yes they smell like yes in in vinegar I certainly not pulling any faces as if they taste disgusting or anything no don't they look like seaweed now I know if it's cuz I've been soaking all day we're nearly finished yes the one thing we be quite sure of is that at present there very clearly enjoying themselves they are actually yes I think and this idea about party and everything I mean we have heard on the first day how the blue leader was associated with partying and frivolity they certainly look like yeah enjoy a party at the moment that's right then the flowers effects appeared to return it's really going all over the place I mean I don't know five minutes ago I thought well just over probably because I've been tonie's he sorts [ __ ] up again but it's gonna be quiet cuz I'm gonna see this tomorrow so I think was I did while the blue Lily was still clearly active Susan decided to try the emotional state test once again on Murray okay well we've got this one to do first you want to know how are you feeling um I'm sure you've got lots to tell us I'm sure it's gonna be very different to before how have the lily affected Murray's emotional state so interested he's still interested in all of this well yeah but in a different way I'm not interested in what it's gonna do to me because I've done no no I'm interested I'm asked yet in contrast to her painstaking approach earlier on in the day Murray was now completely unconcerned and seemed more interested in having a chat than in doing the test complete circle you're an idiot okay so what about distressed huh excited meanwhile Maikel also tried to get to the bottom of the emotional changes Robert and Marie had been going through I think she's she's she's a lot more talkative now I think it's maybe affecting here quite a bit okay so the last one last time you were feeling completely non sensual I remember that touched as over from the rest of us oh do it as if I was feeling sensual I'd feel attached to all of you attached to all of you so give it there quite a bit no that's no no I feel like chatting to people and so that counts essential then yes it's a alters your perception for the better you you know you can notice more things but I think she's slightly fuzzy room how she's sort of coping with things she's drifting alphabet as the day drew to a close Susan performed her final test on Murray you know who was now reporting that she was feeling unnaturally time yellow green blue I've had a chance to mull over the data now comparing the results that we obtained with Murray before taking the extract and the results that we've just obtained after she's taken the extract and the biggest change really has been that it's taken her longer to complete the task this time which suggests that she may be slightly sedated this was certainly in line with Susan's predictions as the second day of the investigation came to an end both Marie and Robert were now showing strong signs of sedation although its effects had been mild we had for the first time in history scientifically observed the psychoactive properties of the blue lily but did the ancient Egyptians rarely use it as a drug in the morning free of the flowers effects Robert and Marie might be able to throw some light on this mysterious question the next day the team gathered at breakfast for some initial reactions Robert and Marie had faint headaches evidence of yesterday's balloon Lily eating there's a bit in the middle of it that's quite sweet and you like a gloopy texture and that's quite nice but the rest of it is quite bitter in the line of duty determined to see it through to the bitter end for some reason I'm very curious about the time that you spent away from us yesterday and we'd very much like to hear more about your experiences then I'm very glad that we went out of here for an hour to a little bit dated buyers not irritated yeah no it's not irritated at all but it's quite a hard quite a hot awkward situation it's not I guess it's not really natural it's I don't think sort of take that plant in a room full of people watching you I mean it's obviously if it was used it was a social thing exactly house very true very true obviously you know our intrusions and debate were really not enhancing the effects of the the plant it didn't really contribute to the favorable set and setting atmosphere that obviously would have been available to earlier cultures like the Egyptians could you sort of go and curl up in a ball another nice sleeve I fell asleep right now after breakfast we watched clips of the previous day's experiments saying they need to run around or not very energetic just quite relaxed he says he says national yeah so exactly what of the experience being like I've not experienced anything like that before and my mind felt very alert and yet at the same time I was very physically relaxed but for me contentment relaxed ape relaxation feeling happiness cheekiness I felt a bit mysterious quite well and increased awareness how did you feel when he went outside much happier to be outside even though I have got a cold today because I didn't expect to feel that relaxed and talkative in in front of the camera outside in the rain good not unexpectedly Alan was more skeptical we have we all know something about the way drugs are supposed to operate could it be the case that what we have here is an element of auto suggestion and respond responding to the the situation you were in do almost resent the fact that Alan thinks oh I put it on for the cameras I kind of resent that yeah I've got absolutely no doubt in my mind that there is some degree of effect from this this pond and I would say that it was increased alertness but I felt more relaxed I felt more yes yes confident comfortable calm I just felt really you know happy a very positive feeling the whole time this experiment was being conducted both Robert and myself were trying to balance out our feelings I was saying I feel this going on but that could be through this and I did try and keep sort of quite well balanced throughout I mean I didn't think you saw me running around like an idiot or saying oh I'm gonna go and hug trees I didn't feel like that it gave you my honest feelings about how I felt and I would say that there is something more Michael thought with a stronger dose the effects could have been more power I think you know that another important factors that we did we are working with a very low dosage level here in fact a minimal dosage level apparently and that of course is by far the best policy at this stage and an unknown quantity and in the absence of a competent data to indicate the toxicity in the library we discussed our conclusions well we agreed that the blue lily was a drug well I think I saw the psychoactive effects of the blue lily I think we saw perhaps the sort of experience that was taking place in the 18th dynasty in the palaces Attica tartan and the Beeb's in the royal lineage in the palaces of Tutankhamun I think both of our subjects have expressed quite clearly and categorically that what they were feeling was very different euphoria with a state of tranquilization he's possibly the nearest description that I can give you at the moment about the effects of a lily yes even alland was now convinced that the blue Lily was psychoactive I felt as a non-medical person that we had enough on screen in front of us to be reasonably confident that we were confronted with a little more than the effects of a glass of wine so no one doubted that we had rediscovered a drug but what were the consequences of this I think the evidence is extremely clear we have abundant evidence to place the blue lily into its proper context as a powerful drug used by the Egyptian priesthood and by the Egyptian royalty it's depicted countless times in direct juxtaposition with other very powerful drug plants and clearly the psychoactive properties of the blue Lily Lily do solved the equation as to why it was in fact sacred in ancient Egypt Allen had agreed that the blue lily was a drug but he was still not prepared at this stage to accept that the egyptians used it the line I would have to take would be less positive than than Michels but at this stage Michael and you will be expecting that I would take the view that Egyptologists were want to consider carefully the implications of the fact that the blue lily has psychoactive properties but we haven't demonstrated anything about what was going in ancient Egypt we need other sorts of evidence to enable us to do that the Egyptians are by far an extremely wide margin the most elegant and most knowledgeable chemists of the ancient world their practice of mummification was the ultimate secret high technology of the ancient world it is difficult to imagine that they were not familiar with its psychoactive properties no I'm not saying that I'm saying that there is a possibility that the Egyptians were aware of the psychoactive properties of the plant but at present I see no evidence to prove that this is relevant discussion slightly back down to the actual emotions of our two subjects if we're thinking about partying for example both of our subjects were very talkative they felt very relaxed and they were also very happy not to me they've seen the ideals the ideal conditions who want to go out and enjoy a party the effects of the blue moon appear in some ways to be similar to the effects of MDMA or ecstasy does this mean that the Egyptians use the lily as some kind of party drug it could well have been used in the party context that we have seen in the festive scenes where the ladies are wearing them as ornaments on their heads they might well have ended the evening by eating the lily with a companion but Michael thought partying was only the beginning of the story we probably seen really the minimal level of dosage so you know the typical dosage level may well have been considerably higher in ancient Egypt in fact it would appear to have been because of this it would have been used in order to facilitate deeper levels of shamanistic trance by the higher levels of the priestly caste I wouldn't wish to deny the possibility that the Egyptians possibility that the Egyptians were aware of the psychoactive dimensions of the plant that that to go further to your position where we are arguing that the the priesthood are using it as a device to enter a shamanistic state that I think goes considerably beyond the evidence we have what Michael's trying to describe is a sort of special knowledge cultivated by a priestly caste that was actually possibly even kept secret which is why there's so little explicit description of it so this is a rather fundamental new interpretation that you're putting forward of Egyptian religion isn't it Michael well yes I would say that it is a fundamental feature of Egyptian religion and this is why we I said that we would be standing on the threshold of a revolutionary breakthrough in fact we are transforming our understanding of Egyptian religion from that which is driven by a theory founded entirely on symbolism - one that is based upon a chemical or a scientific interpretation of the data I see no evidence despite our experiment Allen was still skeptical that the Egyptians held the blue lilly sacred because it was a drug I still get the feeling you're not taking the next obvious step is there some reason why traditional Egyptologists have been suspicious about this kind of explanation but there is not the kind of evidence available which an Egyptologist would regard as the closest you can get to proof positive in this kind of discourse that these these plants were being used psychoactive Li in the way that we're discussing but I have never denied the possibility that this was going on but even Allen admitted that our experiment would prompt further investigations clearly Egyptologists will have to consider the implications of the current debate they will go back to to their evidence to see if there are any signs that haven't been spotted of the the use of psychoactive substances undoubtedly the the hair has been started but I think I would have to take the line that there's a distinct possibility that the poor chap might get shot Susan thought that science would sit up and take notice I'm sure many scientists watching this program will be intrigued as to exactly how we're going to develop this these ideas that we've been discussing now we do need to bear in mind of course that these psychoactive properties have only been seen in two subjects so I would certainly love to see this happening in more people before we start to really make firm decisions about the psychoactive properties and the relevance it has in ancient Egypt and Michael was not one to play down a complication but the important thing is that we more or less agree from different viewpoints and differing rationales that we did see the effect of at least a psychoactive psycho dyslectic compound in action and that this is the basis for additional research and while it might seem like a small step to take for an Egyptologist I think it's a quantum leap forward for Egyptology it had been a historic weekend we had confirmed that the blue lily now an increasingly rare plant is in fact a drug possibly of major cultural importance if true michael's theories about the importance of the lily in parties and religious ceremonies could lead to a very different picture of life in ancient Egypt so 3,000 years into the past at the roots of human civilization my journey had come to an end over the course of my four investigations we had caught glimpses of strange worlds other realities that few will be privileged to see [Music] the bizarre visual distortions of the fly agaric mushroom the deeply felt laughter of salvia divinorum the aerial hallucinations of hen bay it had long been my belief that sacred drug plants largely ignored by modern science have played a vitally important role in human history now it appeared that at the heart of life in ancient Egypt the civilization that lies at the source of so much of our culture lay yet another of these extraordinary plants the blue water lily [Music] you
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 391,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Stories, ancient civilizations, documentary, documentary movies, ethnobotany studies, flower symbolism, hallucinogenic substances, healing powers, mind-altering substances, natural remedies, plane hijack, plane thief, plant consciousness, plant medicine, rare flower, sacred ceremonies, shamanic practices, spiritual journey, television footage, true crime story, unique perspectives
Id: -yeodYApPYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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